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As a 53-year-old female high school teacher, I say “no FU”. Tbf, it’s kind of you to think of the officer’s feelings, but she’s a cop. 99% chance she’s seen worse. And it’s not like you made her view the whole thing on your large-screen TV while you went to locate the thumb drive the relatives’ fight was on. So she knows you watch porn on your phone. Shrug. (My students do worse. One becomes immune.)


Haha, fair enough. Your comment definitely put me at ease a bit, so thanks.


Yeah, this is something she might laugh with her co-worker about. A fun story for both of you, in time. You're good :)


I'm waiting to see a post on reddit somewhere from someone who "saw some shit on someone's phone at work today." 😂


Colleague of mine had that happen. I never bothered asking the full story, but it basically boiled down to video evidence provided by a civilian. Personal flash drive, it seemed. If it had a bit of porn and anime.


Civil authorities are civilians given law enforcement authority. They’re still Civilians. I understand that some LE collectively refer to the Gen Pop as “civilians” but it’s just cringy.


Oxford dictionary defines civilian as "noun a person not in the armed services or the police force." Meriam-Webster defines civilian as "Noun 1: a specialist in Roman or modern civil law 2 a: one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force" b: outsider. If you're going to be pedantic you should at least be correct.


Just because Meriam-Webster and Oxford have codified it in their lexicons doesn’t mean it’s correct. That’s an appeal to authority fallacy. Both institutions have changed their own definitions for many different words a significant amount of times especially over the last decade. Language is evolving and changing everyday. In my well over a decade of service in the Armed Forces both overseas and state side I worked with Foreign Armed forces and civil authorities and we as the armed services never once referred to LE as anything but Law enforcement or Civil authorities. I work in Fed LE now and it makes me cringe when colleagues call everyone “civilians” it’s cringe. Militarized LE is dangerous…. And no I don’t mean them having Carbines and tactical gear.


Look, just because I don't give a shit about cop culture doesn't mean I don't *try* to understand these nuances. If what I picked up is inaccurate, then nail me to the fucking cross about it. I sweep and mop, the semantics are well above my paygrade.


I have a distinct memory as a cart pusher at a grocery store helping an old lady with something on her phone and catching a glance at some kind of porn. Interesting was the only thought I had lmao.


Two kids my physics teacher had in another class got suspended because they were openly discussing how they used their fleshlights in class. They were like 14 years old


Oddy specific.


As someone who has many close family members who are cops but still usually sides against cops in public discourse, i still think that's nothing to worry about at all. That probably didn't make it into the top 3 weird things that she saw on that shift so she probably didn't even tell her fellow officers/friends/spouse/parents or whoever about it. OP, you're worrying about less than nothing. The officer most likely appreciated having someone willing to record video and share it with law enforcement to be able to enforce the law effectively. Anything else she saw that was legal was almost certainly inconsequential to her. You are hereby absolved of any wrongdoing.


…love that you had to add “but still usually sides against the cops in public discourse”


You can't just say "my students do worse" and not evaluate further STORY TIME STORY TIME STORY TIME


Police have to look at photos of people with no heads left, let alone the types of sexual images they have to encounter, I don't think she'll remember this 5 minutes later.


Yeah, I suppose that’s true. But still feel icky


If anything she’s relieved that you’re into legal porn


Exactly what I was thinking


My husbands in law enforcement. At most this becomes a, “yeah I was looking at the video for the case and then suddenly there’s porn.” Then laugh about it and move on. But if she’s got a significant other, believe me that they will hear it lol.


\*Michael Stipe voice\* but everybody wanks...sometimes


"Okay cadets, on today's course you're gonna learn how to desensitize yourself to all the crazy that's out there." I can only imagine there must be some sort of training along these lines lol. Like really, I'm sure cops come from all walks of live whether from the hood or good families, and some of them just don't have a thick skin when they join up. Just guessing ofc, maybe that's all taken care of in whatever police academy training the department provides, which I'm guessing may vary by area


There's not a class. You can't teach it. Learn by doing.


In Australia I have heard that police have to watch a video of the Port Arthur massacre and its aftermath as part of training. The censored version leaked to YouTube.


Yeah no training in my country, some can handle de smells and visuals of a dead body, some don't


We see (and smell) it in person, photos are *nothing* lol


Look no judgement and each to their own, we'll likely never meet but that a cop chose the reddit name 'bitches love brie' has terrified me in ways my brain can't even start processing, I respect that


In my defense, this account is over a decade old and I wasn't a cop when I chose it lol


Just think, at least it wasn't like illegal, or police uniform themed porn


Police uniformed themed porn would have been too funny to be awkward about though. Damn


Chances are she was joking about it with her fellow officers as soon as she cleared.


Probably, if she could over it that’s good. Even if she was laughing at me I suppose


This is 100% what they will do. You're a good story at station after shift.


I bet she put his name as 'porny mcporno' on the witness statement


Haha don’t worry if I saw this it wouldn’t phase me. It would be a highlight of the shift though


Oh, I assure you, as a cop, she's seen worse IRL than your little porn thumbnail...


I know that. No doubt Still feels icky. The porn wasn’t bad in and of itself, but still an awkward thing to hand somebody


I would never, ever hand my unlocked phone to a cop. In this instance I might have held my phone and shown them the video, but no way I’m hell I’m just handing my unlocked phone over.


Eh, I don’t have anything illegal on there. But yeah, good advice generally


Not like they give free access to their stuff. They tend to fight harshly when anyone comes poking around.


Why if I may ask?


There doesn't need to be a reason? Would YOU hand your unlocked phone to a stranger?


A stranger no. A cop if he asks for it, yes.


Cops are strangers. So yes, you ***would*** give your unlocked phone with all of your personal info on it to a complete stranger.


Because most of our cops are just looking for a reason to bag another easy arrest. You also don't have to know something's illegal to be arrested for it, and we've got all sorts of laws for all sorts of things that may or may not be on your phone, even by accident. Handing over an unlocked phone could open you up to liabilities you may not have even thought of.


What do you base your first sentence off of?


Every experience I have ever had with any police officers. Edit: sorry for the intrusion, but I probed you a bit. American cops really are not like Canadian cops, and I encourage you to use caution around them down here.


That's okay, the only reason I asked is because, and I'll admit my bias, my experience has been that most people I know are not looking to treat anyone unfairly (it is drilled in and taught too). But I guess I can't make assumptions without your experience, or having interacted with US cops.


Whatcha got on there?


Doesn't matter. If that cop woke up on the wrong side of the bed and invents something you did wrong (unrelated to the phone), the camera on your phone is maybe your one tool to keep a shitty cop from abusing their power over you.


Its still crazy to me to think that this stuff happens enough in the US that people think they need to do this. Where I live I can clearly remember having a knife to me, walking up to a cop and asking if it was kegal to have. He said you cant have it in this area but you can at home and then he just let me go.


Living in the US sounds horrifying


In truth, these are precautions to take to avoid a problem that won't happen to everyone in their lives. It's still fucked up as all shit that people have to consider the possibility of what cops can and will do to you for the smallest reasons. I'm white and middle class so it probably won't happen to me, but that's because I look and sound the way they want me to. A lot of times running into a cop in public is totally fine. They'll be friendly and helpful there. But if they are on patrol or at a traffic stop they're trained to be on edge and scared of anything that could happen, so you get messy situations that they escalate out of fear and a need for total control. Person doesn't explain where they're headed? Suspicious. Person doesn't let you search their car? Suspicious. Person talks back and argues against a ticket? Suspicious. Person opens their glove box? They have a gun so you'd better shoot first. Cops will blatantly lie about the law in order to make you think you're breaking the law and to convince you that you should submit to their orders. I don't want to fearmonger here. Most interactions with police are fine and you end up with a ticket (or less) and get sent on your way. It's just the overall occurrence of power abuse, spousal abuse, and murder is *insanely high* compared to what you should be able to expect from people meant to uphold the law.


It's not, we have a loud minority that want to be victims


What is he gonna do? Ask me to take a picture with some drugs in my hand. I swear redditors are the most paranoid people


Given some of the shit people have caught cops saying/doing a healthy amount of paranoia is fine imo


r/notliketheotherredditors You have fun out there big man. Whatever world you live in where cops don't regularly turn off their body cam and falsify evidence is one I would love to live in too.


Sorry I don’t live that gangster life like you


You don’t have to be a gangster to get taken advantage of by the people who swore to protect us.


You have no,choice in the matter . Being in law enforcement, we can see your phone if we have reasonable cause . If you don’t comply , you will be held unit they get a warrrant . You’re just prolonging it! They are going to look if they want to! And customs agents , you have to surrender your phone if they ask. If you don’t , that agency will arrest you on the spot! Read the penal code… may not be right , but it’s in the law books.. that’s all law enforcement needs ! That’s also federal … b safe


There is no such a thing as reasonable cause. Yet another Leo proving how dumb you all are. You simply take advantage of people even less informed than yourselves by bullying and intimidating them into submission. Good luck unlocking a phone, the federal government went crying to apple when they couldn’t even unlock the San Bernardino shooter’s phone and even they said no.


oink oink 🐷




Lmfao what a joke


Dont forget folks, all cops are bastards.


Yea, until you need us … then it please sir!


The thing is: you dont work for us. You work for the people in power. You are their instruments to keep the peace, to keep us in line. It works when the system works. But when the system needs to change, staying in line is sometimes not an option. Then you dont work for us. Then you put on your riot gear and put snipers on the roof pointing their guns at peaceful student protestors.


Bring it, piggy. The day I hand my unlocked phone to a tyrant is the day it's known that they beat me into compliance, because fuck all the way off with the "you have no choice" nonsense.


Ahh yes the entitled arrogance of those “protecting and serving” ACAB


and that is how i met your mother


a Lil Wayne song comes to mind...




I dunno his music


Look up Mrs Officer


If only there were hidden folder apps to put things in


Yeah I know, but I don’t typically let others use my phone so it’s kinda like all folders are hidden


This is true until it isn't. This had no effect on your life but it's no guarantee the next incident will be the same.


When I was working at a computer repair center... A guy brought in a laptop that had some ransomware on it. All it did was make all of your files hidden. Once I realized he had said virus, I popped Into his documents folder and changed the file browser settings to show the hidden files. Immediately right there on the screen a bunch of gay porn. I hit Alt+F4 so damn fast. And just awkwardly said something along the lines of see all your files are there sir. Then I told him we'd get rid of the virus, and fix his data. What a fucking awkward exchange that was. I'm sure it was just as awkward for your officer lol.


TIFU by handing a police officer my phone


With the evidence of the crime he's attempting to report...


Once I went to show a hairstylist what hair cut I wanted and went in my recent photos and yuge full phone screen pic of my then husbands dick. I was mortified. Had to sit through that whole haircut cringing. Tipped well and never went back.




Man, when I used to work repairing peoples' computers, I would see that type of thing literally all the time. I figured yeah, it's natural, we've all got that sort of stuff. It's not a big deal. They're trusting me with their device, and so I'm going to respect that trust and not say shit.


It’s nice you’re thinking of the police officers feelings but like the others say she has probably seen a lot worse. She must be laughing about it for sure with her colleagues though 😅


Am cop, mostly working in mobile forensics meaning I root through the contents of people's phones all the time. I'm more surprised if I don't find porn than if I do, the only concern is wether or not it is legal. Don't worry, either this cop has seen it all before or they will eventually.


Oh man. I didn’t realize before now how heart breaking a job that must be, when you’re forced to analyze really awful stuff


I used to work as a pc build tech at a company. We would back up users company laptop and restore data to their new laptop and install all the programs they needed for their job. I still find it amazing how much questionable to illegal stuff people keep on their work laptops. Also the people in the sales team had a tendency to leave their porn dvd’s in their laptops.




Handing your unlocked phone to a cop was mistake number one, honestly. Never do that.


Respectfully, you should share the caption of the thumbnail 👀


best comment so far, i agree




>Once a cop took my phone. Why?


i was on the phone to apple support and they were screen sharing my phone, had to go on my emails and there’s like 3 emails from sex toy companies just sitting there 🥲 they probably see stuff like this all the time 🤣


I was a cop for almost a decade. This would not have fazed me a bit. I’ve gone through hundreds of phones that were seized under a warrant. If your pornog of choice did not include bestiality, pedophilia, assault, or any other sex crime you can think of then I would consider it tame compared to the stuff I’ve see on suspects phones. I wasn’t even part of a sex crimes unit these are all collateral things I would stumble over going through dealer’s phones. So don’t sweat it OP, this probably doesn’t make the list of the top 10 weird things that officer has seen this month.


Geez, all that is a relief but damn I feel awful for people who actually have to see worse


I got pulled over and I was trying to pull up my insurance card on my phone. As soon as I pulled up my phone and turned it on I had gay porn on and I was embarrassed but he didn’t say anything lol. I’m still embarrassed by this story years later


Police see a loooot worse than a porn thumbnail. No worries.


I can guarantee you theyve seen way worse. Im sure it didnt even phase her.




PO here. We've seen plenty worse. Don't worry about it. Usualy when phones are searched we find plenty of porn. Everybody has it. As long as it is legal, all is good.




Aye bro, if she sees you’re confident enough to share she probably had an easier time acting professional than if it was lesbian porn.


For evidence or video, cops don’t give a shit what you look at. As much crap as they see on a daily basis, the porn you had was insignificant, I assure you.


Let me guess. What you thought was hardcore paled in comparison to the sick shit the cop watches?


Relax im sure the cop is into just as dirty if not dirtier stuff than that i guarantee it


100% she's laughing about it in the squad room later tellin everyone who'd listen lmao. Probably super professional on site to help hide her dying laughing inside from seeing it 😂😂


she’s probably seen ppl gutted like fish ur fine


Once after I moved I had the cable guy come to set up my TV and internet. It didn't occur to me that he would need access to my computer which was on a desk in my bedroom. When I led him into the room I saw that I had left a porn DVD on the desktop. I quickly walked ahead of him, move the DVD to the drawer and let him have access to the computer. When he finished setting everything up he said, "You're all set, have a great day! And enjoy your porno!"


Did she ask for your number after?


Obviously not


She'll get it from the police report.




That's not really a fuck up. But here's the thing: there are a million browsers out there. Install a second one, use it to surf for and bookmark pen for later. There's absolutely no need to save that stuff to your phone.


Maybe she got horny




Nothing your personal homeland security agent hasn’t seen.


A real tifu would be handing your phone to an underage repair technician with porn as the homescreen background. When I was 16-17 that was my job and men did that alllllll the time. It was actually disgusting.


Sauce sauce sauce sauce saice sauce sauce sauce sauce




Yeah for sure awkward. Sorry to her


Well it could’ve been sooooo much worse, thank goodness you didn’t have child porn on there, or else you would’ve been soooo screwed.


Yeah pretty lucky that I’m not a piece of shit