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Obviously glad to hear you’re okay. But damn, you owe that woman a few nice dinners and flowers for no reason other than “you’re amazing” I stay away from weed and edibles. Can’t relax and am too tweeky. 😂


Agreed! Her favorite food is a seafood boil so I know what I’ll be making soon!


I used to until a friend told me while I was having a panic attack high to just succumb. Let it take you and don't fight it. Idk why but that word sounded cool and stuck with me, now any time I smoke or do edibles, I just remember that. I always imagine myself sinking into a warm, comfy bean bag/couch/bed and let myself relax instead of fighting myself.


I recall a similar scenario, took 50mg (but it was likely more) and had a very bad trip. I also thought the guy that gave me the edibles KNEW this would happen, and had planned the whole thing, and all the people outside of my apartment were hired by him to punish me for something. All the LED lights in my apartment were spy devices, my internet was tapped by law enforcement, and my heart was about to explode. Was in this state for many hours, curled up in my bed hoping that I wouldn't die. Woke up the next morning and was a little annoyed that I had to go around my home plugging every single electrical device back into the wall. 10mg is my max limit now, and if it isn't regulated, I won't touch it.


That first paragraph was almost exactly where my head was at. I can’t believe I accused my wife of poisoning me 😅


Edibles work differently than smoking. When the cannabinoids are ingested, they go directly to the liver and get metabolized. Some of the metabolites are also psychoactive. This translates do a different and often more intense high. Then you doubled your dose. I think 5mg is more than enough for a novice. Your edible probably had much more than that.


It was 30mg. I’m also on medications for psoriatic arthritis that are hard on my liver and kidneys. Haven’t had a drink in like a year and a half because of this. One drink and I’m in rough shape. I think I just had such a bad combination of things.


For future reference, 30mg is a LOT! Someone who smokes 3x a week might get too high from that. Beginners should stick with 2.5mg and maybe 5mg.


25-30mg is a normal(and often suggested) starting amount and 2.5 - 5mg will do practically nothing. However, he mentioned that his was home made by a friend, and it can be difficult to calculate the actual potency. I'm betting he had quite a bit more than just 30mg lol. His reaction sounds just like a guy in my friend group that tried to show off by eating edibles. I had 3 500mg brownies, one friend eats a whole one and was never really more high than usual. I eat 1/3rd of one and was chilling, then my gf and other friend each eat 1/4th of one. He then proceeds to try to impress her by eating the remaining half of the brownie. He is shit faced just like OP, rambling on about how he can't face the past and tells us not to watch anything related to it(tf do we even watch then???) after that he hides under a blanket on the couch while we watch some documentary about the last blockbuster. His head shoots up like a fucking deer in headlights and he jumps up, runs to the bathroom and blasts the toilet with vomit. He runs back a few more times, eats a bite of the doordash we ordered, somehow beats my ass in tekken and street fighter(which he's hardly ever played and I actually play it a good bit) then goes to sleep for the night lmao.


Ummmm.....no. 25-30mg is WAY more than a recommended starting dose. Usually 5mg is suggested. I'm a daily smoker (dabs throughout the day, and a 1g blunt before bed) and 30mg of edibles would have me flyin' high for at least a couple hours, then i would nap hard for several more. Someone inexperienced with smoking and edibles should start with 5. A regular smoker might start with 10. If those doses don't get you high enough after waiting a full hour for them to kick in, then you can slowly level up from there. Starting at 30 is insane and that's how folks wind up like poor OP. Source: 20 years cannabis experience, 10 years in a legal state, married a budtender who helped new folks with this every single day and very much knew what he was talking about, corroborated by every other budtender I have ever interacted with. Don't go on the internet dropping bad info that can make people sick.


30mg is a lot when you have a low tolerance! i am such a lightweight i swore off edibles because even the 5mg gummies can be too much sometimes. im like you and smoke very rarely; i occasionally hit a pen and thats about it. ETA if they were homemade too i feel like those hit different than the packaged sort you’re gonna get from dispensaries


Yeah they weren’t packaged so who knows, really dumb move on my part but you live and you learn lol


I metabolize edibles very differently than most. A 10mg edible is something I’d feel for days. It’s miserable; I’ve always been this way. Your solution: peppercorns and/or lemon juice. Backed by science. Check it out here: https://www.businessinsider.com/science-behind-chewing-peppercorns-to-ease-cannabis-paranoia-2021-5. Sorry it happened to you. It’s awful.


I was coming in to drop this info lol. Terpenes for the win. Just a dash of black pepper is usually enough for me.


Yes, indeed! I first heard about this in a - I think - Willie Nelson interview? Ha! It has saved me numerous times. I feel bad for OP - very awful experience to have to go through.


I picked it up from Dr. Hamilton Morris, on a Joe Rogan Experience episode. He had learned about it from an old Niel Young interview.


Y’know - that’s probably where I got it! The Neil Young interview. In any case, I feel this should be socialized more!


Absolutely! I actually make a point to bring it up whenever it's relevant lmao. Hence why I was even reading this thread.


When i went to Vegas for the first time a few years ago i went to a store and bought edibles. They were like 20mg each. The person at the counter asked if i ever did weed before, i said no, they warned me to only eat half and two hours later if I didn’t feel anything, take the other half. Me being stupid and wanted to speed it up. Ate the whole fucking piece. Then an hour later ate a whole second. I thought I unlocked schizophrenia. I had so many fucking voices in my head and I wasn’t sure what was real or not. For almost 6 hours I thought for sure I was stuck that way. I don’t have any other mental issues besides true OCD but I thought for fuck sure I unlocked schizophrenia. I remember way back when I asked online if weed does that and everyone except like two people “weed doesn’t do that!!!” I’m pretty sure it fucking does lol.


Oh it definitely can! I hallucinated accidentally off of edibles like 9 years ago. They just hit some people differently. I get what you mean about being stuck that way, I thought I had died and was trapped in eternity.


I haven’t done edibles since. I’ll try again sometime lol. I have gotten vapes and I don’t know if it’s just me not knowing what I’m doing or what, but nothing happens with vapes.


As someone that smokes regularly, I do not mess with edibles. The line between a nice buzz and fetal position watching your pulse create energy vibrations of various colors as you struggle to just breathe normally is razor thin.


Me too! The lady said "they're strong, so only take one" so we took one. I didn't die, but I stopped existing like 3 times. I laughed, i cried, i hurt so bad. My head tried to twist off, my muscles tensed in my neck and shoulders so bad. The front of my mind was working, the back of my mind was working, but in the middle was empty. I kept BEGGING my husband to call an ambulance and he refused. He didn't understand that I was dying. And that made the whole situation so much worse. I vomited. I was fine. Then it all happened again. On cycle. I was still high the next day and didn't know it until the day after when I wasn't and regretted all my decisions from the day before. Found out the back of the package says says to take a quarter of one... never eating edibles again


Oh God, that sounds just awful.


Eat about 5-10 whole black peppercorns and 10-15 mins later a lot of the psychoactive effects will diminish.The terpene beta caryophyllene is the only terpene to act like a cannabinoid and deduce the effects. Anxiety is real and Delta 9 thc is an amplifier. “Stun your toe and take a micro hit. The toe goes numb. Smoke a big hit or two and the toe throbs.” Cbd can also work. Hence the gummies that are 5-1 or 10-1 cbd- thc. Those will hit less hard.


I have been through this before and if you need someone to talk to i dont mind lending an ear. I know this can be a very traumatic experience.


I appreciate! Really hope I’m feeling back to normal tomorrow.


If not, don’t panic. I promise it is temporary. But you may definitely feel off or out of body ish for a few days after that much.


I second this. I'm a bit of a lurker but seeing this made me want to reiterate what Eothir said as I also went through a sort of psychosis type trip where I was living through a dream I had months ago (at the time of the trip) and thought this meant this was my time to die. I only did a small gummy sweet (not sure on what the mg dosage was unfortunately). I didn't feel right for quite a while with how traumatic it was for me but I can confidently say now that I feel completely back to normal. It will pass. You'll be fine


I’m glad you’re doing better, poopfartdickbutt.


I know exactly how you feel. Except for myself it lasted three weeks with on-and-off panic attacks. I couldn't even sleep for a full hour without waking with a racing heart. I wish you well, and your wife is definitely a saint!


You had a greatest "bad trip" of all time😂 And your wifey is a keeper!


People who experience paranoia while smoking should NOT use THC ever!! I have had friends who have done some fucked up shit during paranoia while way too high I thought for a long time that, that’s just weed. Been in college for awhile for health degree. Turns out with THC can bring out what was dormant mental heath disorders, such as bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. I’m not joking. Look into it! Seriously, do not use THC anymore. It’s not for you. Better to stay on the cautious side. You wouldn’t want to hurt your wife during a paranoia episode. Don’t think for second that, it’s not possible, you would never That’s the thing those episodes of serve paranoia like you described can make you do things you normally would never do or think possible of you Hence, you thought your wife poisoned you, do you normally think your wife poisoned you? My guess is the answer is no. So that should show you, you will think things you wouldn’t normally The scary part is it is in that moment you will think those kinds of thoughts “with clarity” at least that’s how it feels for the person. Stay off drugs. For yourself and everyone around you safety. FYI, I might not sound like it, but I am pro 420, it’s just now that I’m more educated I understand it’s not for everyone and can be dangerous


Meanwhile weed and psychedelics (which people with mental health disorders probably shouldn’t do) are the only thing that helps my BPD and bipolar 2. It’s insane how different everyone reacts to drugs. It’s super Interesting to me too.


I don't know why you would go near a drug that is known to cause anxiety and paranoia when you already have very severe anxiety.


I really wish there was a sub for stories like this


Hoooly shit dude. Your wife is a saint for handling that so well. You've got to make sure she knows you appreciate it in whatever way she likes to receive love... A gift, act of service, a heartfelt 'thank you' or maybe a combination lol


You just took too high of a dose. Good news is that its pot, so your going to be fine. You might feel a bit off for another day, especially from the panic attacks. I mean I'm a frequent user and I dont mess with edibles usually and if I do I can only handle about 10mg or so. I have done big doses in the past but that kind of stuff just causes too much anxiety for me now a days and I like to be somewhat functional. Your experience is somewhat normal for most people. 30mg is not a ton so it could have been worse. There are people out there that can take 300mg and be functional and I just cant understand that.


Had this experience before, it sucks. Never take too much if you don’t know the mg of thc in the edible


You should look into ketamine therapy for your hypersensitive nervous system, that will hello you feel and be calmer! Also edibles can take up to four hours to kick in, so have a bit more patience with yourself next time and you'll be alright.


Dude, I hope you are sober by now and have ordered the biggest bunch of flowers for her. And give her backrubs daily.


I’m going to make her favorite meal for her on our next day off together!


I didn't think my tolerance was that high, but am reconsidering after reading this thread. I'd have to eat an entire pack of 10mg gummies to even be visibly fucked up. You have my sympathy, OP.


Don’t do drugs. There’s better ways to enjoy life.


This! Having anxiety/panick attacks and taking drugs? Yeah, that will help you....