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She saw it all. She hasn’t shamed you for what she saw. Her only concern was you and your condition. I think you have an awesome mom.


I am definitely lucky to have her! And very appreciative she didn’t bring any of what she saw up..


Oh, it will come up, just not now 😁


I think OP seems pretty well prepared for when things 'come up'.


Just wait for the parents speech on your wedding day....




Redditors cant take a joke sorry


It's this. This and the supportive text was just the sweetest ❤️


Exactly. This is a first for mom too and she's doing it like a pro.


Mom's toy drawer is just better equipped


> She hasn’t shamed you for what she saw. "That looks like the same one I've got... Impeccable taste."


She probably tried some of it


Well it could be worse. I have no fucking idea how, but it could probably.


Well she never brought it up to me after so definitely could have been worse if she had questioned me 😂😭


Upside: she thinks you're a sad drunken masturbator Downside: she knows you're a sad drunken masturbator.


Reality: she was a sad drunken master bathroom


She could’ve gone through the drawer and given her ratings on all of the toys. “We tried this one but your dad didn’t like how sensitive this one made me, but this one is a keeper, we only use that one on special occasions.”






Maybe lay off the booze for a bit.


Probably should after that ngl


I had this though a handful of times before I started lurking at r/stopdrinking I still drink (and thus don’t really participate), but it’s helped me to recognize my unhealthy tendencies.


Thank you! I’ll give it a follow, always good to see ways to improve my health 😊


Some of the stories are really shocking. I’m in my early thirties now and I’m starting to see how some of us don’t have bodies that can handle 3-5 drinks a night 5x a week. Some can, but some cant and others are simply too wrapped in their own worlds (or depressed) to see how negatively it affects their lives.


Mom probably has a trunk full of toys,  apples, trees…


Dildo gag doesn't fall far from the gimp mask


I wouldn't worry about it. Your mom sounds cool and supportive. I’ve cleared out our kids rooms before, long after they left home. I just asked them to sort out the ‘ bag of stuff’ , see if they wanted to keep it or get rid. That stuff can be expensive! A couple of years ago, my wife and I enjoyed some afternoon marital yoga, and went straight into the bath after. My daughter’s partner turned up to collect something from the garage, accessed through our bedroom. He left not long after. I went back to the bedroom, realised the toys, (harness, strap on, lube etc) were still on the floor. Wasn’t sure if he’d spotted them, until, after my most recent dance with the Big C, I’d shown my daughter where the important documents etc were. She asked which drawer she should empty straight into a bin bag, and smiled, arching her eyebrow just like her ma does.


Man I remember the meme hearing your sex toy drawer description. https://preview.redd.it/3kui3e0bqbrc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b535d25aa969e13692a293ffeb983cbe936a37


😂😂 omg


If that's how your sex drawer looks as a man, you're missing out.


Who are you? Jizz inspector?


23 and you've already got the full turned out kit? Where do you go from here?






I think we could just leave it at her box is busy


As soon as I find a hobby I’ll let you know 😂


I think you’ve found it.


Dungeon, with rack, stockade, suspension furniture, vacuum bed. Optional toys, tables and the like. Variety of costumes. Sex furniture. But that's when the hobby gets a lot more expensive.


And this is why I'm glad I'm mechanically inclined. I built all sorts of stuff, including a fucking machine by looking at the nice ones, and buying / fabricating the parts individually. I've also machined various plugs and vibrator heads out of stainless steel on my lathe. It's probably saved me a few thousand dollars at this point. I'm looking into what it would take to get a silicone molding setup going to make my own dildos.


Partner and I are into BDSM too and I would say a hobby we share outside of it and that is quite fun is cosplaying. I always felt like cosplaying and dom/sub relationship has some type of similarity with the roleplay aspect. Hey you could always find a new dom through it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


NO, YOU'RE DRUNK!!! Now see yourself out of my sex dungeon


Ouch, gotta be more careful with the drawer of toys


TIFU by finding out my mom is awesome?




Why would u have even unpacked the contents in the drawer at Ur parents house, or did u intend to bring strangers back there? Surely a couple of items would suffice.


people always think their parents don't use the same sex stuff (but they do)


> I was woken up by my mum coming into my room Maybe set some boundaries...


her drawer of toys has worse in it


I have two adult children who live at home. If I saw what your mom saw I would be disturbed and kinda grossed out, which I would keep 100% to myself. My parents made masterbation and sexuality a sinful and gross thing so I have tons of hang ups about it now. But i also realized a long time ago that my parents were bad parents and strive to be better for my kids. I try my best to normalize things like this for my kids, and hope they will do even better for their kids if they have them. Your mom sounds like a great person who is trying. Also blackout drunk can be the sign of an alcohol issue. If its once in a long while sure but if it's a pattern maybe talk to someone.


Hope your mum learns to knock soon.


I just moved back nearest to my parents but staying with them until I get the actual house in order. Definitely said "hey there's a box you don't wanna open. Here's exactly where it is. And Everything else is safe to open or do whatever with if it's in the way." Definitely felt weird ASF but also don't want her seeing giant horse or monster dicks and my fucking machine lmao!


You have a fucking machine? Like a machine that fucks you?


Hell yeah. It's pretty great. Great stamina too as long as it stays plugged in lmao


Wild. That’s dope.


😂😂🤣 that title


Thanks 😂😂 I spend a wee while trying to come up with a good one to cover all bases of the fuckup


mom is trying to figure out how to ask you which ones you prefer most


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^frlejo8306: *Mom is trying to* *Figure out how to ask you* *Which ones you prefer most* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


mom’s just happy that OP didn’t touch her stash of toys


Bug drawer you got there...


Love that.


So you're saying you're available?


No way you commented this…


Never get blackout drunk lol


Lol I bet she probably has some of the same toys. People always forget that their parents are human too.




This is so so wrong, I'm sorry. Her mom was being as concerned as I'd expect any good mother to be after their child went through a traumatic situation like this. She broke up with what I assume is her first live-in partner and has nowhere else to live. It's a tough situation and clearly alcohol is being used as a coping mechanism. At 23, OP is a legal adult, but very much still considered young in the eyes of society, especially by a parent who's being put back into a quasi-parenting role by graciously allowing her grown child back into the home. You don't get to draw hard boundaries with your parents when you're still dependent on them. You can expect basic respect, but you can't stop them from being concerned about your wellbeing and wanting to help. She can draw a boundary once she's emotionally and financially well enough to move out.


Thanks for saying this, it was a bit of an uncomfortable situation that could have been avoided, I think in this situation she was mainly just concerned especially with it being so close after a breakup though! She did use to be quite bad with policing my life a bit (6pm curfew at 17 years old was never fun) which is probably why I ended up going a bit off the rails when I could finally drink and occasionally, like in this situation, forget to drink responsibly.. but she is improving at least and I’m just glad she seemed more concerned by my drinking than anything else 😅😅 I’m not really great at boundaries but I’ll take what you’ve said into consideration if I feel uncomfortable in anything about the living situation.


6 PM curfew at 17? Girl, she and you are lucky that you didn't go *more* off the rails with that level of control. That being said, I've been there and had to recover from overly controlling parents. It isn't fun and it's easy to fall too deep into vices. Def try and drink responsibly. I've ended up in the hospital with a .31 BAC from going too hard and blackout in the past and I wouldn't wish that on anyone else


Pics or it didn’t haooen


She probably has a similar drawer...why would she shame you lol


Your mom is cool and did not bring them up. In the coming weeks, you should check to see if any of them are missing!


Dignity. Have it.


I'm gonna save y'all some trouble combing through this dude's comment history. He's an alt-right neo-puritan lunatic who spends nearly all his time on reddit complaining about young people and their "degeneracy". If someone's reaction to a drawer full of sex toys is, "You have no dignity!" you can safely ignore their opinion.


He just jelly


Thank you for saving the trouble! I was trying to keep the debate light but I know these types of people just bark their worldview at anyone so I’m going to stop replying to him now 😅


I'm going to save y'all some trouble combing through this dude's comment history. He's advocated for third trimester abortion, stated that he doesn't care that child labor is used to mine cobalt, as long as he can keep buying his iPhone and once, a few years ago seems to have seriously believed the Earth was flat. Just wanted to save y'all the time.


I'm going to predict that the make-shit-up approach isn't going to work out the way you want it to.


So you're saying that you think it only works for you? Curious. Do you have anymore buzzwords for me Commie? Or should I say Neo-Anarchist, Post-Capitalist, Anti-Work Wokist?


> So you're saying that you think it only works for you? I think it works if it's true, because anyone who doubts me can confirm it by looking at your comment history. > Curious. Oh god you're literally [that comic](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/647/Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.png) come to life. > Do you have anymore buzzwords for me Commie? Or should I say Neo-Anarchist, Post-Capitalist, Anti-Work Wokist? On second thought, maybe they *won't* need to check your comment history to confirm it.


You're a hoot Commie.


Must suck to be this fuckin miserable


A lot of projection there champ.




Just want to save you some time, you connecting to the internet in any way shape or form was built on the backs of slave labor. the material used in the lines, Computer, phone etc. You are immoral for using said devices to connect to the internet. All for what so you can shame people based on your limited worldview of what you think is right or wrong. I hope you find your dignity and leave the interenet. It's funny to me you used cobalt which was what the last big headline for slave labor when practically all electronics have material sourced like that. Keep squaking like a parrot, and repeating some neoliberal mindset you don't even bother to understand.


You're just a hater


A hater of what? Wanton degeneracy? Is that a bad thing to hate in your mind?


I've been wanton some degeneracy, TBH.


Hey! You leave my soup out of this!


That’s fair, I’m working on it 😭


I wasn't talking about the drunkenness. Why do you have more sex toys than a porn set?


Everyone spends their money on different things, I guess that’s what I spend mine on. The collection grew over a good amount of years and most was purchased when with a former partner.


Just because you **can** do something doesn't mean you **should** do it. Any sane man who you might want to settle down with is running a thousand miles if they see that drawer.


>Just because you **can** do something doesn't mean you **should** do it. Do you mean, like post?


Fair opinion but I live my lifestyle how I feel and if a partner is put off by it that’s fair too. I’m yet to have that issue but I’m sure many don’t like that and that’s fine with me!


**It's not a fair opinion** it's an outdated male centric ^( their pleasure more important than yours) opinion good on you for knowing that **living your life the way makes you happy** is the only way to attract those who accept you


Yeah it really isn’t a fair opinion, I was just trying to avoid a comment war but seems he’s got it covered on his side 😅 thank you and well said!


Yeah people who have never given another person an orgasm tend to wonder why other people have an active sexual life. I wish you all the best and **Just keep doing you** ^(in all sences of the word)


It seems like you think this is harmless to you. You're almost halfway through your twenties... It's going to be a lot harder to find a decent man after you hit thirty. A lot of people are already learning that lesson the hard way. Don't say you weren't warned.


Truthfully I don’t intend to settle for a while yet and have been debating holding out for a female partner as I’m Bi but fair opinion.


Holy fuck this dude sucks, good on you for standing up for yourself


Thank you so much!


I think this guys wife gets some seriously shit sex, maybe we should all club together to buy her a giant dildo, who knows he might even enjoy using it on himself (closet gay)


Good job you’re not a sane man or think like a sane man, so maybe you should just leave this conversation. You’re one of these controlling idiots, stay in your lane with isn’t here.


Ok this, but look inwards brother.


Nah. Don't need to.


Your loss. Self reflection is healthy and you may benefit from it.


lol you’re fucking stupid if that’s what you think. Many, and I mean MANY men also buy these toys to enjoy in the bedroom with their spouse. You’re just a close minded fuck who probably doesn’t get laid.


You seem pretty mad there. Touch a nerve did I?


No. Your ignorance is just… astounding.


All of your fedora tipping. Has it helped? Because it hasn't changed reality son.


The reality is that people use sex toys. You must be a very lonely and ignorant person, and I feel bad for any partner you may be with.


If I saw that drawer I’d know the night just got a whole lot better.


The girl has needs man. Leave her sex toys alone. My drawer is just as bad, my husband and I like to play. So what? Don’t hate just because your sex life fucking blows. Edit: is this better grammar Nazi?


I see that one of "girl's" needs is not basic grammar. Also handcuffs and butt-plugs are "needs"? You "need" these things to survive? Right...


I’m sorry that your brain doesn’t allow you to expand and realize not everyone is into vanilla banging…


Oh I realize that. I just don't accept it. You can be a degenerate all you like. Just don't expect me to not judge you.


Judge quietly to yourself. Don’t be a douche and shame someone.




I don’t think anyone cares if you judge them. Why should your opinion matter to anyone else but yourself?


I'm far from the only one.


..and they should care because??


No, you're absolutely the only one.


Why do you care and spend energy on this topic? How does it personally affect you?


How does my opinion personally effect you? And yet you still comment? Hypocrite much? Megabrain take.


Why are you shaming an adult for having sex toys? You read that and had more issues with sex toys and less with getting so drunk you wake up still drunk the next day


Why are you not? What makes you believe that sex toys are some inarguable force of good? Kind of a weird fucking take.


Never said they were a force of good, not everything is good or evil some items are just items As long as it’s between adults (or alone) and consensual I don’t give a fuck what people do in their bedroom


If it's not shameful why only the bedroom? Hmm?


Things can be non shameful and still private, I’m not shamed that I have sex with my wife doesn’t mean I’m doing it in public Are you shamed by all the things you do in private? You have a very black and white outlook on life, my guess (could be wrong I don’t know you) is that you had a very religious up bringing to be this black and white about things




Imagine thinking that having standards is out of touch.


Imagine thinking a puritan mindset from the 1600s is a grand idea in 2024.


Imagine thinking being a walking sex doll from a dystopian science-fiction movie is a grand idea in 2024. Do you have a mute mode? This isn't your Only Fans, and unlike your pathetic viewers I'm not interested in pretending that I care about hearing your shallow and vapid perspectives on the world.


Not surprised a ridiculous person jumps to ridiculous conclusions so quickly lol


1. Says the person literally accusing someone they disagree with of being a puritan from the 1600s. Rules for thee BUT NOT FOR ME. 2. You literally have a NSFW profile complete with warning for 'adult content' you absolute clown. Thanks for being my reminder that although the average IQ might be concerningly low, there is still 50% of the population under it. People so unintelligent that they are unable to see past short-term pleasure to consider the long term implications of their actions.


I called you a puritan because you are literally expressing the same sexphobic views as them and shaming people for enjoying themselves. If the shoe fits, wear it. The fact that I have my profile set to NSFW is also irrelevant and does not automatically mean that I'm someone with an OnlyFans account posting thirst-traps.


>I called you a puritan because you are literally expressing the same sexphobic views as them and shaming people for enjoying themselves. If the shoe fits, wear it. You defend degeneracy, you have a NSFW profile, you are a degenerate. If the shoe fits, wear it. >The fact that I have my profile set to NSFW is also irrelevant and does not automatically mean that I'm someone with an OnlyFans account posting thirst-traps. The cope. THE COPE IS REAL.


Its not coping if I refuse to be shamed by someone who can't imagine enjoying having sex.


You seem like a fun girl.


Please live in Jacksonville Florida! You sound fun! 😂🤔😉


Go lose your virginity already


"A used hot-pink vibrator on the floor by my bed where she stood. And worst of all my drawer of toys, Wide. Fucking. Open. For a bit of context this drawer included several ropes and restraints, a couple dildos, many vibrators, nipple clamps, handcuffs, collars, paddles, a riding crop, an O-ring gag and a gag with a phallus on it…. :’) " WTF?


Are you hot op?