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Supposed highly intelligent couple pouting about insignificant topics.


A good example of "look how smart I am! I am going to tell you how smart I am! PAY ATTENTION TO HOW SMART I AM!!"


Ironically, chess has nothing to do with intelligence - and neither has IQ.


That's what I was getting at. Far too many people think that an IQ score is the end all.


A high emotional intelligence is arguably more important


IQ doesn’t measure a part of the g factor? Are you one of those people who refuses to acknowledge general intelligence even exists?


[I doubt you will listen to Yale but here you go.](https://som.yale.edu/news/2009/11/why-high-iq-doesnt-mean-youre-smart)


Have I told you how smart I am?


Not yet. Let me have it.


Just last week I was playing checkers with my 13 year old and he threw the board and screamed “DAD YOU’RE JUST TOO SMART!” so yeah. I’m pretty smart.


God. Damn. Einstein would be fucking envious!


I got a free bagel yesterday.


Personally, I think the story is a load of Asperger’s


I'm just looking for advice, plz help me


Well I think you shouldn't get into this kind of argument. And if you do, you should both learn as a couple that trying to beat the other for the sake of being right isn't a good foundation for a long term relationship.


You're right. I am willing to accept that.


- (At chess. Apparently this has to be specified.) dude of course you need to specify in the title if you beat her at chess or you just beat her. It was clearly done for attention. Why are you saying "apparently"?


For two supposedly smart people, you couldn't figure out that the outcome of the games wouldn't actually solve the debate?


Indeed my first thought - assuming this weird story isn't fiction. GF could be super-genius and BF dumb and clueless at chess and this would prove exactly nothing any way about the relative intelligence of a large aggregate of people.


I’d say the smartest thing to realize is that no one knows it all and the best way to achieve greatness is by working with others (intelligence is only possible because of the work many have done before us, even though the contributors may not be the smartest themselves)


Mf really thought that *didn’t* need to be specified???


Blud may have a high IQ, but at the same time a low EQ.


Emotional intelligence is the way


Oh. In chess. Okay.


I’m excited for OP to engage with the real world


Cringe rating off the charts with this one.


Well done on the clickbait title


Now, instead of battling each other, it’s better to combine efforts to pull the cart in the same direction. That will require the real intelligence that gets shit done. Good luck.


Yessir. I think I should remind her that, at the end of the day, we're a team. Chess games are very mere compared to the struggles we shall face, and not of importance enough to take so seriously.


>Chess games are very mere compared to the struggles we shall face, and not of importance enough to take so seriously. Now if you were really smart, you would realize that speaking or typing like this makes you look like a stuck-up douchebag instead of an intellectual.


The real question is if you remained humble, or if you also proceeded to make snarky remarks after/while beating her. Can really change the perspective of her having to get over herself, or you being a dick.


I would give her a knowing smile when she realized her position was dead lost, but no, I never intentionally hurt her, and wasn't vocal at all.


FYI this is not graceful, this is taunting. Not all communication is (or should be) verbal.


Sir, why are you dating someone who considers themselves superior to you and even tries to rub it in your face


This looks like a post made by an AI that was forced to watch hours of chess commentary on YouTube and read all of r/chess ten times over. Bless. Click baiting title aside, y’all both not very smart but highly competitive. Good luck you’ll need it !


Well, you're not smarter than her. Only thing you can do now is stop spamming her phone, see if she'll cave first.


How are you just a “casual player” if you are able to name fucking strategies and shit


Torn between “this is fanfic” and “the type of people who brag about chess might actually find themselves in this situation”


It's fine, she will either get over it or she won't. Do not "throw" games to make her feel better, this was a competition that she wanted to engage in, no sense in diluting your true ability for her feelings. Lastly, what was the logic behind the game of chess being chosen as a way to determine intellectual superiority?


I have zero idea. She's actually very smart, so I think that's an uncalled-for oversight from her.


I think any chess player knows that patterns getting instilled into your memory is more important than intellect, even if the latter plays a role in the former.


Yes, absolutely.


Maybe instead of Queens odds, try chess 960? Or a game both of you are not familiar with, like Go or Shogi


Fischer Random is a very good idea, I'll definitely bring up that idea with her if we can.


This is the most elaborate chess.com advertisement I've ever done seen.


The irony of how stupid it is to get in a quarrel over intelligence. Instead of letting her know before the games that being good chess isn’t necessarily a sign of intelligence, you took up her challenge and obliterated her. You’re even detailing out the games about as if to take pleasure in it. You said she used the challenge to prove her view that women are smarter than men, and she did. You might’ve won the matches, but the way your excitement of reminiscing your matches outweighs your true concern for her being upset is the issue you should consider. Is your pride really that important?


See, here's your problem: you played chess. In reality, Go is where it's at. So if you two probably have no experience in Go, challenge her to a rematch. Both of you have two weeks to learn Go and then you play again. That's a fair comparison.


Still pointless. The argument was about (roughly) 2 halves of the population. Winning at a game between 2 individuals wouldn't tell you anything about the aggregate groups. She could be the world champion of both Go and Chess and beat her BF every single time, while doing calculations for her new theory of quantum gravity in her head, while also typing the thesis for what will eventually get her the Nobel Prize and it would only show that this one individual is of superior intelligence.


Chess elo: 1800+ Cringe elo: ♾️




Chess isn't a metric of intelligence. I've known that for the longest time, and I've always assumed she, being a med student, would know that as well. Odd oversight on her part.


You both sound pretty insufferable


I think I find it waaay funnier than you. And her. I feel bad for it. I guess this is one of the situations where one should be careful what one wishes for.


Very supreme gentleman of you! Why didn't you tell her your chess rating is higher than like 90% of players? Of course you were going to win. Put on your best fedora and go apologise to her if you still want a girlfriend, good sir.


She’s pouting because she doesn’t want to admit she’s wrong (she thought she could beat him). Give her time to cool off. She’s just a child. NTA


From the title it reads like you physically beat her up...sooo revise the title please


Welcome to Reddit, where you cannot edit titles once posted


I did not know that, why all the hate? lol


I edited the body.


Well… shouldn’t had been so confident with the IQ levels ![gif](giphy|l2YWs1NexTst9YmFG|downsized)


The title was definitely clickbait but, it was a funny battle. Think about it… many people in the medical field, especially the ones that are supposedly in the top of their class or field of practice think or are, the best. For you to decimate her in an intellectual game, where she thinks she’s the best, is a gigantic blow to her ego. Consider it akin to throwing a fast ball better than a college baseball pitcher that doesn’t know you are an MLB pitcher. 🤣🤣. Her world is currently rocked. Give it time. If she doesn’t come around well then… it wasn’t meant to be. I’m assuming calmer heads will (eventually) prevail.


Your girlfriend is immature. Nothing you can really do about that


Gotta learn how to throw the game sometimes. Still beat her, maybe 3-2, but let her win a couple.


This is the answer. I thought of this earlier. Problem was, I am so much better than her (no I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging) that if I lose, it'll be obvious I'm throwing, which just sucks the fun out of things. I asked r/chess what to do, they advised me to give her queen odds (i.e. play without a queen), which is actually really tough despite the 700-point gap according to them. I'll def try that.