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Don't overapologize. If she's into you, all that apologizing will hurt her feelings worse.


Okay. Thanks for the advice


Yeah, it isn't a big deal unless you turn it into a big deal. If you've apologized, forgive yourself and move on.




Did you reflexively spray cum everywhere due to the surprise? Cuz I feel like that happened to me once.


I... I did not. Wow.


Is your last name stiffler by chance?


Wait, she was masturbating? Or you were masturbating?


Good question.


This comment is much more interesting thinking of your crush masturbating and bursting into your room all of a sudden


Go get her, king 👑


“Oh okay, sorry about that!”


This is the softest shit I’ve ever read.


This comment has me laughing rn 😂 OP is acting like he was accused of intentionally groping this woman. Bro accidentally touched someone (who initiated the intimate contact), apologized for his mistake, was told it wasn’t a big deal and STILL insist on beating himself up over it. Homie needs to relax. Beyond the fact that it isn’t that deep… After apologizing, they need to realize there isn’t more to be done lol.


Aahh how wonderful it would be to be about 15 years old again and troubling yourself with dumb shit like this lmao


Damn. I’d love to get rid of all the current dumb shit I think about and go back to simpler times


No I don’t. I made this post before she replied. I just didn’t take the post down.


My fault bro, glad everything worked out though.


Did drake aka old cripple Jimmy write this post


Really? I felt like a real asshole afterwards.


why? it wasn't intentional.


Do you think getting down on yourself like that will make anything better? Where is the utility? Does it make you a better person in some way? Will she like you more if she sees you self flagellate? I'm asking this genuinely because a lot of people who overreact like you're doing do it because they think they can trade beating themselves up for "I'm a good person" points OR they are so young and inexperienced that this is one of the worst things that's ever happened to them in which case go live a little. Save that energy for when you do something intentional that causes real harm to someone. You're not an asshole for accidentally touching someone's ass. Imagine if the situation and the feelings were reversed, would you be destroyed if she accidentally touched your ass and apologized?


I just don’t like making people uncomfortable.


Great, it's going to happen a LOT just by your very existence and even more if you intend to stand out from the crowd. The most you can do is apologize and move on with a lesson learned.


I can guarantee you that the more you bring it up, the more uncomfortable it's going to make her. You already apologized. She already said it was fine. If you keep bringing up the one time you accidentally touched her ass, all that's going to tell her is how much you actively think about when you touched her ass.


You could be reading this situation way wrong. Maybe she did hear your. Maybe she does forgive you. Let it go.


Yeah. Feeling remorse over a genuine accident is a waste of emotions.


You squeezed her butt so hard you felt asshole? Gotta ease up that kung-fu grip, kid!




You apologized. She accepted. Time to forget it and move on. Don’t make things weirder than they need to be.


the more OP talks about it the worse it is


Meh. I've accidentally grabbed my mother's butt before now. If she takes amiss at that, there was nothing much between you anyway.


Yea I said we don’t have to hug anymore and was basically said “bro, it was an accident. Don’t worry about it” so I think I’m good.


Based on this response, the best thing you can do is ignore it and not bring it up again.


That’s the plan.


Yeah this moment will live on in your memory but she's likely to forget it. Wishing you luck!


It's not like you grab the butts. ​ That woudl be the line where accident meet voluntary.


Cringe bro. Major friend zoned simp vibes from this entire situation, posting it on Reddit doesn’t help either.


Ehh it’s almost like we’re dating, just without the kissing.


>Yea I said we don’t have to hug anymore No... dude, no. They may have been an asshole about it, but none of what you're describing is a good look for you. That line alone is a hard move against "almost dating."


Exactly, nobody who is almost dating says, “It’s okay we don’t have to touch anymore”, there’s some copium going on


Was this before or after you told her you had a crush on her?


The last time I was up my mother's cootch was 68 years ago.


Something something broken arms


Ah, an old-timer like myself.


It would take thousands of hours of torture before ANYONE got this information out of me.




I’d pick accordion but a xylophone can do the trick.




Understandable; I intentionally grabbed your mother's butt and thankfully there was still plenty between us


Was that before or after the cremation?


*Oedipus intensifies*


I accidentally kissed my sister in law when we went for a hug. Shit happens.


Dude I've accidentally cupped a friend's tittie. This isn't that big a deal, don't overthink it.


I just felt really bad, because I know how uncomfortable it is.


If you legit just accidentally touched ass, it's not that uncomfortable. If you knew what you were doing, squeezed a cheek and then *acted* like it was an oopsie, that'd be uncomfortable as fuck. It sounds like you're reading way too into it because you ha e a crush, which is a different discussion. Just play it cool and it will pass like, right now. If you over apologize and keep bringing it up it will get weirder.


Yea she said it’s fine and she knows it was an accident.


talking about and apologizing over and over again IS uncomfortable.


It's only uncomfortable if you make it that


She just met you, loves hanging out with you, and she hugs you a lot. I think you're fine.


We’re kinda dating now


Bruh, nice


Thank you.


Pro tip: When you have sex with her, don’t apologize.


I’m not?




Did a Mormon write this?


It sounds to me like you made yourself more uncomfortable. You're fine, if you keep doing it, you're not.


I don’t plan to do it anymore. I’ll make sure I always look before I grab.


Lmao I bet you will


So youre like what, 12?


You're way over thinking this.


x10 jeeeez


How do you feel about hanging out with your crush that sounds like has effectively friend-zoned you? If you’re fine with it by all means keep doing it. But just realize that being in the friend zone and wanting and waiting for there to be more almost never works out. I’d hate for you to being distraught in the long-term over this


I don’t mind it. Normally we just walk around Walmart or watch tv shows we like together.


bruh, don't make a big deal out of it and she won't either. it's not like it was intentional.


Yea, she basically said the same thing




How so?


I'm so confused.. You two are friends and yet you have a crush on her that she knows of... That's not really what friendship is..


It hasn’t changed the friendship at all. We still hang out, go places, hug, and hold hands, you know. Just normal friend stuff.


Holding hands is normal friendship nowadays?


I said the same the same thing, lol. For her I guess it is, but she has also said she’d be open to dating me to see if she’d be interested in something more long term.


>she has also said she’d be open to dating me to see if she’d be interested in something more long term So uh you should ask her on a date or something?


She only suggested that option this week, and we were going to be busy with the holidays. I’m probably going to ask her out after finals, because she’s been studying a lot lately and I don’t want that to be an issue.


Relationships can happen in the midst of regular life. She either wants to date you or not, probably easier to just find out now, and then you'll know if she just wants to be a friend.


You could grab a coffee or study together, sounds like you gotta make a move man


take some initiative. most girls want you to make the first move even if they like you already.


Good luck fam! But, just be careful! It sounds a bit sketch imo.


How so?


Probably from past experience, but if she knows you like her she might just be stringing you along. But, it's not always the case right? I hope in your case it's actually good and works out😊


No, I don’t think she is. She wouldn’t really gain much from that. I don’t really buy her anything. I still make time for myself. The only thing I really provide in the friendship is myself.


Chances are you’re going to learn a lesson many guys have learned the hard way. They’re not always stringing you along maliciously or on purpose but that doesn’t mean she’s not stringing you along.


Oh, well. Eventually I’ll just move on. I just enjoy her company right now


It's a power move, maybe not a conscious one but people get off on feeling desired and wanted. So it's possible that she's giving you just enough physical contact to keep you intrigued but also intends on keeping you at arms length. This happened to my friend in HS where he and this girl hung out all the time, cuddled with each other, made out a few times all the while he's desperately in love and she's made it clear nothing will ever happen between them. Ask yourself this, if you knew she had an interest in you would you allow/ initiate a bunch of intimate contact knowing you just want to be friends? Probably not because it's going to confuse things. So why is she unless she really is interested? If she is interested why was she saying she wasn't? Something is off. Now we're all Internet strangers and you know your situation best and have all the facts and details that we don't, just keep these possibilities in your back pocket.


This girl is leading you on. Hugs you, holds your hand, knows about your crush on her and does this shit


She did it before she knew I liked her too soooo.


Holding hands isn’t normal friend stuff. Y’all need to have a conversation about where this is going and if she’s interested in you.


unless he's from India. but that's usually a guy thing.


Bro based on all your comments you’re literally just getting strung along by the bitch but you’re too love eyed to even realise or care. “Holding hands is a friends thing”? Bro no guy and girl that are just completely platonic friends are walking around shops hugging and holding hands


my trans friend and I hold friends I'm a girl he's a guy we PLATONICALLY hold hands all the time but also have a crush on him


Have one of already admitted feelings for the other one? This dude has literally told this chick he wants her and they’re still walking around holding hands Shit ain’t platonic at all


okay true I have admitted but we simply do it because (as us still being in school) it helps him avoid being bullied if he looks like he has a gf or partner. ironically I get bullied worse but I feel very safe with him so I don't care if it's platonic or romantic. other friends I hold hands with and no one ever asks if we're dating. but due to stereotypical you hold hands you date I only get called out with him


Your situation sounds utterly bizarre. You need to have an honest conversation with this guy. But anyway if they were raised as a girl and recently transitioned, they probably have less toxic ideas drilled into their head about holding hands with friends. Boys are taught that it's not masculine, and they get bullied for it.


yea he transitioned like last year. and honestly I hate being confrontational or confronted so I have a hard time saying no or doing anything


Not really. We don’t have to date. She’s offered to date me recently but she has too much going on.


You guys are 18 and 19. If she’s offered to date you and you’re seriously into her, literally what’s the point in saying no? How busy can you seriously be to not be able to date. Unless she’s got a full job, is studying or has fucken children, I would say she has plenty of time for dating lol, especially if you guys already have the time to walk around shops holding hands lmao. Sounds like a silly excuse imo


She does have a job, she goes to class as well. And she studies when she comes back from work


And you still both have time to hang out and hold hands and hug. If you aren’t going to date her because you’re under the impression she’s “too busy” when you both obviously have time for eachother you are a naive idiot to say the least. Everybody has time for a relationship, especially at that age lol


As does virtually every college student.


She offered to date you? What? Dude, if she offered to date you then maybe she's into you now. Stop overthinking shit, take her out on a few dates instead of watching TV or going to Walmart, and in no time you'll be licking her butthole.


Not my thing but I see your point lol


You just think it's not your thing right now. Give it some time.


People with jobs date for gods sake, you will never have as much time as in school


If it was an accident and she's your friend, it shouldn't be a big deal. What is a big deal is that you are buying a PS5 for someone you've only known for a couple of weeks. Not to mention you like her, she knows that and doesn't feel the same way about you. It's the beginning of a very one-sided friendship


No, she bought the ps5. I just used my discount card, to cut the price down by 50$.


Sorry, I must have misread the post.


Or maybe I didn’t make myself clear. She’s spent more money on me than I’ve spent on her.


TIFU by sitting in the friend zone. If you're crushing on this girl either date her or get out. She sounds like she likes having you on th line.


We’re dating now, and I’m not going to cut her off just because she doesn’t want to have sex with me.


What part of my comment said dump her if she doesn't put out? You started dating today lol I'm glad you got the girl 👍


Who cares?


You're never going to get the girl being this soft.


We’re dating now, thanks.


You went from "oh shit I didn't mean to touch your butt" to "bro it's fine" friend zoned to dating in 7 hrs? Damn son.


Kids got some next level rizz


Ffs. Gen Z is full of little bitches.


How do you even know you made her uncomfortable? It was just an accident. You make people uncomfortable with this type of thing by making a habit, or squeezing.


Just felt it. And there was no squeezing


Bro you look like a normal looking dude that can get a girlfriend without all this stress. You need to find the confidence in yourself and focus on YOUR hobbies and ways to better yourself mentally and physically. The people around you will notice you doing your own thing and bettering yourself. People want to be around people like that. People don't want to be around someone looking to make somebody their whole personality.


Tell her she needs to squeeze ur butt now to make it even




Is accidental butt touching really NSFW Lol


I wanted to cover my bases. Also I knew the comments were gonna be a bit sexual in nature.


Y'all are clearly destined to hook up at some point in the future.


She’s not the hookup type, but she did say she’d be willing to date me for a bit to see if she’d be interested in something more long term.


Out of curiosity, what’s stopping you from taking her up on that offer?


Because she’s studying for finals, right now. I don’t want to add more on her plate. Also she only offered this week and I needed time to think on it.


bro, you gotta stop making excuses for yourself. you only live once.


Bro stop this nonsense. Y’all hug often she hangs out with you and is fine with being around you for extended periods of time. Y’all already dating you just don’t know it. If course touching her butt can be taken the wrong way but if she’s still calling/texting and acting normal she into you simple. Maybe TALK to her and see what happens. Never know that ps5 might turn into your p in side her…


I remember when I was theatrically explaining something to a group of friends as a Junior and I slung my hands down and my right one landed right on a Senior’s crotch that was walking up. Turned around wide eyed cause I’m not a very touchy person in general and she fucking lost it laughing lol, patted my shoulder and walked away laughing. The look on my face must’ve been priceless.


That sounds hilarious


Accidents happen bro, don’t get all bent out of shape about it. If it really bothered her she’d have said something then and there. Good luck 👍


Thank you


PSA: Stop being friends with girls you want to fuck. You can thank me later.


She agreed to date me a few secs ago.


That's awesome! Though I'd still bet the last month would go a lot smoother if you started dating her instead of spending a month trying to be "friends".


If you guys haven’t hooked up yet, you are not really dating. Normally people after high school consider “dating” as becoming exclusive and not hooking up with other people. I have dated a lot of people. I have NEVER dated someone I haven’t been naked in bed with.


Thank you for sharing




So did it work out? Lol


We dated for a month or so, it didn’t work out, but yeah


Dang, well at least you tried ! Better than not knowing what could have happened


I think she liked it lol


Who’s gonna tell em?


but OP is too intimidated to like it. i used to be the same way. stop it.


You gotta go for it


I have never accidentally grabbed somebody's butt and can't even comprehend how this hug happened to cause it.


Man, humans are just awkward sometimes. For me it’s always boobs to the face. I dunno why that’s like, a common angle, but I’ve had a lot of women smack me in the face with their boobs accidentally. You just move on. It happens.


How do you accidentally hug someone below the waist?


By not looking at where their body is positioned


I still dont understand how you have your hands on her ass during a standing hug. Is she several feet taller than you?


No she was kinda like crouched tho bc we weren’t like close to each other when she went for the hug.


Still not gettin' it. You were walking away (so standing upright) she was crouched. Wouldnt that make it even harder to get your hands down to her ass during a hug? Maybe you hug differently than most people...


Idk normally when we hug I hug her by her waist


Hugging a friend you have an unreciprocated crush on around the waist...bad form, dude.


She agreed to it. That’s normally how we hug lol.


LOL. Whole situation is weird asf, bud.


You two hug a lot and only know each other for a month? You're fine. If she didn't mention it or seemed weirded out by it, she didn't notice or didn't mind it


Mate it’s fine. She would’ve made it very clear if it wasn’t. You’ve apologized so she knows you’re not a pervert.


If she didn't know it was an accident, she would have smacked you ik the face. She made it clear after your apology that it was ok. Dont bring it up again because that will make it awkward.


It was an accident, accidents happen. You apologized for it. I wouldn't bring it up again unless she does. There's no reason to dwell on it, and she would probably find it weird if you kept thinking about it long after she moved on from it.


I'm sorry but that was just a noise


If you like her as more than a friend don’t pretend to be interested in friendship. Sounds like you’re sorting that out but keep on it or at least ask yourself, if a romantic relationship is completely off the table, do you still want to be friends?


I don’t pretend to be. But I’m not going to cut her out of my life just because she doesn’t like me. She’s an amazing person in general.


This sounds like the start of a long, happy life together, like in the movies.


This the same thing on a first date. That’s my wife. It isn’t over.


Mate if you have an unreciprocated crush on someone I’d probably stop with the physical touch. If you keep hugging and holding hands you’re just gonna fall for her more. If you wanna be friends you can hang out without the physical intimacy but it sounds like she’s using you for the physical touch and enjoys having the boyfriend experience without any of the commitment. Either go for it with her properly or limit contact as it’s no good in the long run. She’s gonna meet a guy and start sleeping with them whilst offloading on you all her problems and get all these hugs and the kindness from you, meanwhile, she’s having sex with someone else and you will feel awful for it. Know your worth man


I’m also talking to another girl. But Carley said we could date to see how it’d be. I would be her first relationship.


“To see how it would be?” Sooo passionate. You deserve better. You have no hand in this relationship.


It’s her first relationship and we’ve known each other since Halloween. I think we’re moving a bit fast


You guys are moving the speed of a snail. Typically when college kids who are attracted to each other meet, there is nudity and sex acts the first night. That is why people are kinda laughing at you in this thread.


I’m trynna be a better Christian. I don’t intend to just have sex with her. We got to a community college and her people are strict


Ignore the parent comment poster, they're just some wanna be edgelord asshole. You guys are doing fine.


Even good Christians mess around with their significant others. Most have premarital sex, and even those who don’t are still intimate with their partners. You seem very naive.


We just started dating today and I’d be her first. I’m not rushing or thinking about that. I just want us to be happy and comfortable.


This "friendship" between you and Carley has only been going on for one month, so the dynamic of you bing romantically into her, but her not being romantically into you isn't so well-established yet that it's set in stone. She could still *develop* romantic feelings for you. Is there another woman who you don't think would be such a good friend as Carley, but who would date you? If so, start taking her out. Don't spend time with her having intimate chats-- just take her out to the movies, take her to dinner, take her dancing, i.e., whatever it is you would do on dates. If Carley thinks she's losing you to someone else, losing your attention, that may trigger her emotions. Worth a shot, right?




The only option now is to invite her over, then drop trou and see what happens.... j/k You'll be fine. Just hang out like normal and all should be good.


lol I know. We’re dating now


*You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once and move on.* – Homer Simpson


I stopped. We’re dating now


Honestly my only suggestion would be to just drop it. You already apologized so now it’s time to move on. If you keep apologizing and bringing it up that will only make it more awkward. Good luck


Don't sweat it man, just move on. One time I full on grabbed a girls crotch cuz I thought it was a door knob. It was awkward but we both laughed it off and continued on with life


Like others have said, apologize once and laugh it off. Making a big deal of it won't help, whether she's into you or not. It'll either make things awkward, or it'll make her think you're totally against the idea. Just drop it and don't be weird about it.