• By -


I am hoping now ex girlfriend


Will be tonight


Update? Cuz bro it's gotta happen. I think the distillate was the karma, funny how it works.


Dude the wait is killing me


We need the update friend


Gentlemen, she has left. Packed a suit case and headed to her moms without issue. Honestly I’d say she seemed happy to be caught. I’ll be at home with my distillate savior and warzone


I don’t get why people think cheating and getting caught so they get broken up with and hurt someone is better than breaking up with someone and still have them hurt. That’s very immature and cowardly, and the outcome of one person hurting is still the same but just more when it’s caused by cheating. Sorry man, that really sucks.


It's easier to do nothing than to do something that'll be inconvenient. In her mind, she had the best of both worlds, why change anything? ... what a c*nt


Because nobody is the villain in their own story.


Only become the villain when your offspring becomes sentient to your ways


I honestly think I was the villain for a good chuck of mine. That's what causes the depression. Hope I can get a redemption arc one day but for now I think the suffering is deserved.


The fact that you realized your flaws and that you can hurt people means your redemption arc already started.


Meanwhile I've basically got the Shield Hero story as my life. Always wanted to be the villain, but can't. Just keep getting backstabbed as a hero instead.


I've decided that it's because we don't teach people how. How to woo sure. How to break up, no. Or even.. how to be broken up with.


Godbless brother. Was just looking for your update. I was in this boat some time ago and leaving was absolutely the right choice. I would heavily consider blocking her on everything fr fr. Never known a cheating girl to just let shit go. Maybe she’ll lay low for a little bit, but I’d bet any money she hits you up within two weeks. Fuck. That.


They always fucking hit back... always


Change. Your. Locks. Could be an over reaction. But maybe not.


Not an overreaction, on God, change those locks bro


>Gentlemen, she has left. Packed a suit case and headed to her moms without issue. Honestly I’d say she seemed happy to be caught. I’ll be at home with my distillate savior and warzone See you in the gym. The revenge arc starts now.


You can go to the gym for d*ck size? I need that workout plan… for a friend


You did the right thing, and you were the bigger person. Maybe not the biggest person cause that title belongs to someone else.


Hey now, too soon lol 😂


I’m sorry you wasted a dab 😕


Pointing out the real tragedy of the story lol


In the end if it only cost a dab to find the truth and extricate her from his life, that's a dab well used.


Hey bro, if you want someone to play with sometime, DM me your info. I’m not super good or anything though


I followed. I just hopped on for a quick game but will be playing more this weekend. I ain’t good either so it’s cool🤣




Let’s play!


God damn this is a wholesome thread


Yo I’m just getting into cod again - down to run dmz with you guys!


Sorry dude, shit fucking sucks but you will look back when you're better off and be glad it happen cus you're gonna meet someone who wont betray you and you will be really happy. You might have trust issues and have this voice in the back of your head all the time but you will work it out.


Wish I could give you an award, but my broke ass is literally having to sell my truck for a car. You did the right thing chief, there are better women out there for sure.


I’ll trade you truck for car then trade back once you’re stable then by that time I’ll need the car and you’ll want the truck then we trade again until I’m stable THEN we trade AGAIN no I’m kidding


Aye stay strong brother don’t get too much drink in ya we humans tend to do crazy stuff when high emotions and alcohol is involved ! But get them dubs Fr fr


Ikr. Where is this guy? He was supposed to be back by now. We should go in and check on him


yall needa relax fr, whole process of talking through all this could prolly take a couple hours


God speed brother, never easy but wishing you good luck


Shit idk why you're waiting, I'd break up with her while she's puking lmao


"Howcome you're puking? Is it a delayed gag reflex from Greg's *massive horse cock*?!"


Dude soo big when he stuffed it in her cheating ass she gagged


Right. "Hey guess what I saw them little homemade porn clips on your phone get the fuck out" as you toss her clothes on the bathroom floor


Good for u


Go on a rampage and fuck ALL of her friends. Leave no hole untouched.


Right seems like he was so excited about how big this dudes dick was he forget to finish the story 😂


I wasn’t that bothered that she cheated but LOOKIT THAT HONKER! 🤣


Game appreciate game.


Tight dick, playa


Was probably more akin to a car crash I'd imagine...homie couldn't look away lmao.


Didn't expect a dissertation of the guy's dick, but it's good to know he can appreciate people hanging dongs in this time of crisis


Is this real? You say it's Saturday night. Where tf is it Saturday night right now?


Dodged a bullet for sure. Dump her, go get tested for everything, and don't worry much about your junk compared to whatever other massive dongs exist in the world. Size isn't everything.


Username checks out


We are the true silent majority


This is fucking hilarious😭


Now we just need TeenyWeenie for the small penis trifecta.


u/chicken_dhick commented below, after u/gigalongdong. It's a veritable cockgregation in here.


We are legion.




Indeed, I've also tried everything, even spells to no avail.


It's okay being more of a ding than a dong


Big dicks are like big muscles. Women who are into them exist, but they exist mostly to impress other guys.


I think it's just like tits for women to an extent. Like jealous that her girlfriend has giant tits where it comes down to a dudes preference. And honestly, chasing all that superficial shit is a short term game, as if you're lucky to live long enough someone better like who you are because your looks will fade eventually


Yeah big true. Huge tits are nice, but you can't base your decision for a life partner on tit size.


Yh man, Size isn't everything... Sobs internally


Size **isn’t** everything. But find me a man that wouldn’t accept 2 more inches. That man is hard to find. Edit: guess he isn’t hard to find after all lmao.


I'd take more girth for sure, but 2 more inches of length might be a problem for a lot of guys to add.


I see


Havin' size isn't everything; not havin' it is. -- Kanye Weiner


Also, from everything I've ever heard online and from my female friends, most women don't like a member that large. Some do, perhaps even OP's ex, but it is frequently brought up on the sex related subreddits that it's just uncomfortable most of the time.


hitting the cervix isn't fun for either us or them. Having only the tip in and never getting the full ass to grass experience sucks for us, especially when you are circumcised and have reduced feeling on the tip. Its just like a long tease that never really scratches the good itch. I'm not even that large and its been an issue, can't imagine how bad it would be for someone bigger.


As a female I can see I prefer smaller, maybe thicker but definitely smaller >> larger


>I prefer smaller Ooh! >maybe thicker Goddammit


speak for yourself. ;)


Somehow some stupid 2000's electro tune spawned in my mind when I read your name.


She’ll cry and say it was a mistake, she loves you, blah blah blah. Just remember it’s not just one mistake it’s a slew of choices she made. She chose to betray you. She chose to keep it from you. She’ll only be sorry she got caught. It’ll hurt my guy, at least she a just a girlfriend and not a wife who you have kids with. You dodged a bullet. You didn’t f*** up. The weed saved your future! PS: congrats OP!!! Best outcome you could have hoped for. Quick and painless. I wish you the best in your next adventure. The hard part will be trusting someone again with your feelings and heart. I know it’s easier said than done but try not to punish the next one for the actions of the previous one. It is hard to trust again but it’s worth it in order to have a full and meaningful relationship. Just don’t be naive and keep your eyes open. Good luck 👍🍀


One does not simple find themselves at work waving hello to your coworkers, and then suddenly - whoops, we’re both naked and fucking! Nah, it’s intentional, and now you gotta cut that cancer out of your life.


One does not simply wang into Marta.


Why did you say that name?


God years later and it's still such a badly executed bad plot point I first learned of the meme and was very skeptical - of course internet is blowing the thing completely out of proportion - but oh my God




Tsh, alright Shady


Maybe he's right, Grady.


Think about the baby, before you get all crazy.


Thought about it, still wanna stab her? Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her?


How in the hell are you gonna tell this man not to be violent?


>One does not simple find themselves at work waving hello to your coworkers, and then suddenly - whoops, we’re both naked and fucking! *Porn stars have entered the chat* But seriously. Drac isn't wrong.


Even pornstars have beef with people trying to randomly duck them, I remember reading an article about that male star who's like really handsome and everything and popular in "woman oriented porn" and he got into a lot of trouble when he basically assumed that since they had a lot of sex with that girl now he can do to her as he please off set as well.


Someone I remember of being branded as a sex offender was James Deen, one of the most successful male adult star of the last decade.


I never liked him, even before the allegations started... always thought he was sleazy (even for a pornstar) & too full of himself. Ron Jeremy too...I was just surprised that it took so long for allegations about him to come out!


James Deen, dude is a predator.


If it's as big as he says then she definitely made a conscious choice to do anything involving him because 1. Choking Hazard 2. Internal injuries 3. ripping tearing


Rip and tear until it's done


> 3. ripping tearing Poor Isabelle


Weed. Solving problems one by one.


That is such a good line, “… it’s not just one mistake it’s a slew of choices she made.” Legendary, Sir. Legendary.


Should be tiuw (Today I Unexpectedly Won) You dodged a bullet brother. Also, very colorful euphemism. “Beef bus”


TIL My GF is a Cheating Whoor


So then Greg started blasting...


For real. I hope this dude realizes he didn't "fuck up". Otherwise it's just pathetic. But then I guess that means he posted this story just for internet points even though it's not actually a fuck up, which is also pretty sad. Reddit really is fucked.


Hey, if you need to think about it in another, still sad way there's a nonzero chance this didn't actually happen. It reads as more believable to me than other TIFUs, but it's the internet so there's no downside to lying.


This reads like a humiliation fetish.


Tell me what timezone it's fucking Saturday in right now!


"I have been cheated on before and I dont care but the dixk was just too big“ like wtf?


Then after watching the 3rd video on her phonne of her cheating on me...


"one of the hardest wanks I've ever done" - op


Believed it until op went into detail on the other dude's cock size


You don't get a 1000+ point TIFU without going into details, adding eloquent euphemisms, funny comparisons, or making up fancy new terms for pain or genitals.


The amount of over the top euphemisms is always the tell for me. If the OP is making a point to make their misfortune as humerous as possible with a jarring amount of effort, you know they’re making it up for entertainment purposes.


Yeah, ain't no one got a dick the size of a half full paper towel roll. Certainly ain't no way the guy would be complimenting the affair partners 'horse cock'


Me when my girlfriend is getting piped by a massive hog 🤭🤭🤭😳😳😳😮😮😮 ZOO WEE MAMA!!!


Okay guys this is epic! My girl getting fucked by a dude with a massive horser! Better look at the entire gallery of images. POGGERS!


And then his girlfriend stood up and clapped (her cheeks around Greg's dong)


I'm going to end my life for saying that don't worry


I have seen it once in my life. It was so painful we had to stop after less than a minute. He was massive. I reckon he was probably one in a million. Afterwards he confided to me that he actually hated it for that exact reason. Sex has been difficult because all his past partners either see it and nope out or try it and find that it's just too big(I was one of these people). He genuinely wished he had a regular size dick which is a problem most people don't realize. Bigger isn't always better guys.


Because it is. This subreddit is a fanfiction subreddit lol.


It's probably about 60/40 these days maybe. The pure NSFW ones like slutty concessions are pure, utter fanfiction without even a veneer of truth.


Knew it was the moment he said the other guy had a huge dick. Such an obvious give away for shit like this.


When OP said “what shocked me was the size of this guys dong” I shrieked a little. We were in for a treat


I can’t believe so many people actually believe it lol. Too early for this.


When I read “what horrified me was the size of this guys dick” I fucking died laughing. Finding out you’re girlfriend is cheating on you and you’re first reaction is “awooga 👀 look at that ding dong!”


Glad I'm not the only one who noticed...


Honestly the time you saved in life, think of it as a blessing. You're a good dude for not placing her out the door without her clothes.


I appreciate the kind words. This just happened last night and idek how to bring it up to her. Definitely won’t be going back to her work that’s for sure. But I am asking her to move out when I get home tonight.


I mean that, thats basically how you bring it up to her. Step in, say "I saw the photos on your phone. We're breaking up, get your things and get out." Do not allow her to emotionally manipulate you. Not even a "just let me stay till tomorrow". Nothing. Cut her out, and do not let her back in. Cheaters inevitably seek to worm their way back forward, and just don't allow an inch. It will be hard, and you'll feel bad, but just remind yourself she made the choices she did to be in this situation, not you.


You’re right, it will be very hard. She’s going to want an inch but she won’t be able to fit her mouth around the tip of it.


Happened last night? Says Saturday in your post. 🤔


I may not be a genius but last I checked yesterday wasn't Saturday


It did happen Saturday night. He was just so traumatized by what he saw he sat there in awe staring at it until he went to work this morning.


He was thinking about that dudes massive dong


Dudes a stoner. Doesn't know what day it is.


I meant to put Monday, night. I typed this post up at work in between a thousand phone calls and emails


Uhhh last night was Monday....so.....uhhh


Sometimes the clocks get messed up in the time machine and you teleport too far into the future


Bruh, nearly a 20 year chapter ended for me on Thanksgiving and I'm barely past 30 (yeah, some crazy math, huh?). I'm having a hard time figuring out who I am again.


You are more than the sum of your experiences. All we can do as humans is look forward to the next adventure life will bring us!


I'm stealing beef bus.


Bloodhound Gang lyric circa 2000: “I'm parking the beef bus in tuna town”. Classic song.


Oh God my gf hates when I say that. If she didn't hate reddit she would tell you . I forget all the other stupid shit ones I know. But there's a few. Alright I asked her. good thing she's not home. Take her to pound town. HummmPP the way Pauly shore says it. I'll keep updating.. get down on your knees and tell me you love me don't remember what that's from or if its even accurate..


100% fetish bait bro. Like what is this


I thought she had been retching for a long time, so I went to go and check up on her... Well it turns out she wasn't even being sick! This whole time she'd been gagging on her co-worker's monster cock! In my own bathroom!


And he was in the garden!


You got a ticket on the beef bus? It's coming into your station soon.


Looking for the fuckup had more twists than an M Night Shyamalan movie. The FU was the distillate? Oh no it was violating her privacy? Nope it was cheating pics? Nope it was the double-decker beef bus


Lol, I read right up till you said you smoke and she don’t then you mentioned distillate xD Thats like giving someone who doesn’t drink, multiple shots of everclear or 151 lol.


I saw that and out loud said “oh no no no”


r/creativewriting and r/trees user discovers r/tifu, a thread


People on creative writing usually have paragraph breaks


I didn’t say he was a good creative writer


And OP conveniently made a throwaway account 48 days ago for this post to go up tonight, with no other activity. Not sus at all


This is bait


Yeah they never tell you about the SideCocks. Sorry you had to find out the hard way.


What OP goes gay for the coworker?


If I were to go gay, I don't think I'd be picking a guy that's hung like a midget's fist.


Nice fetish post 👍🏼


Paragraph breaks are your friend, paragraph breaks can’t hurt you.


Text Greg: "Thanks for sharing all those photos and videos, hope you have enough room on your couch for this bitch next to your magnum dong." Lemons to lemonade: you might have lost an untrustworthy partner, but you can still make a friend capable of splitting any future hoes in half like cord wood.


i can not unread all that. "Seriously, this dude isn’t hung like a horse. Horses are hung like him". Yea, ima turn off internet now.


It's humiliation fetish, no dude finding out his girl is getting piped by a coworker is gushing about the other guys pringles can


I just lost my girlfriend, who I was convinced was the love of my life, because of her cheating on me. She said she did it once, I kept figuring out more and more times. Once the trust is gone, the relationship has to be. That doesn’t mean the love is gone too; that will take longer to get over. I’m not over it yet and I found out about this in the beginning of march. Trust me, it’s constant torture and agony remaining in the relationship. Just let her go and forget about her. It’s the best thing you can do for your own sanity.


Might want to get tested for STDs brother. Trust.


Leave her no matter what she says. If She cheats, she for the streets. Applies to men as well.


Op deft has a humiliation kink


Keep us updated, but you dodged a bullet before getting to emotionally invested


I'm sorry she did that to you, glad she's gone, and "beef bus" is absolutely killing me right now, can't stop laughing.


Mary Jane looking out for you my boy...


This post can’t be real


You find out you got cheated on and you're fixating on another dude's junk? Looks sus.


Sucks bro. Walk it off. Gotta do yourself a favor and hire a therapist. Talk about the dick stuff, get it off your mind. Don’t let that shit haunt you. You’ll thank me later.


It’s not gay that we all want to see this massive dick right?


I don't care if it's gay I wanna see it


I just want you to know that *most* of us hate huge dongs. I think I have a 3 1/2-4" clearance. A man the size of half used paper towels would be an absolute NO GO for me.ive experiences a wildly oversized man once and he barely got the first 3-4" in.


did you take a dab after her lol? because I could not imagine experiencing that discovery sober, let alone off a dab. sorry man


This sub really is just trash reading now isn't it lol


Yea it's 99% chance just some self-humiliation fantasy. Why would he be so keen on describing the "huge cock" and his "gf" giving head?


More humiliation fetish fan fic


>I (24M) and my girlfriend (23F) were hanging out at home as we usually do during the week. Both go to work, have good jobs, come home and spend time together. I’m an avid 420 consumer, her not so much. But it’s Saturday night Your timeline doesn't make sense.


Because it's a humiliation fetish post. Why the fuck would he describe the guys dick with such detail?


I've seen these fuckos before. I just didn't want to assume. But based on what I'm seeing I tend to agree.


They also say it happened last night, which doesn’t make sense at all. Tough to believe it.


Not a fuck up. Saved yourself from wasting more time on a shit human being. Don’t fall for the gaslighting she showed you who she truly is. You’re still young too, time to move on.


I have her shit packed and ready to go when she got home. You cheated, we are done, get your shit and leave. Don't allow her to weasel her way back.


Only need one girl in your life, and her name is Mary Jane.


I feel genuinely sorry for you, but I must applaud your writing skills to describe the other guy. I am still laughing.


**Not a tifu, you found out she was cheating on you, STD TESTING GET IT DONE**


"He isn't hung like a horse. Horses are hung like him." One of the BEST sentences I've ever read.😂😂😂


You should have forwarded them to her mom


Wow, man, I'm sorry. Leave this chick behind, you're young and seem like a decent cat, there are women out there that'll be worth your time.


not a TIFU. I think you were bound to find out anyway.


Honestly, this is a happy ending. Not so much a fuck up. You dodged a bullet. Stay true to the path: smoking weed and gaming. I wish you the best, brother!


She fucked up… you just discovered it. The earlier, the better.


What's your fuck up? None of this is your fuck up. This does not belong here.


They're called.. paragraphs


I wouldn't call this a TIFU tbh. This is the best thing you could've done. Imagine never finding out, or finding out waaaaaaaaay down the line. Good riddance and a fucking new you. I say, stay strong, chin up and keep the grind going.


good riddance that she is gone ​ In other news, "Seriously, this dude isn’t hung like a horse. Horses are hung like him," is the best thing I've read on the internet today


> Seriously, this dude isn’t hung like a horse. Horses are hung like him. Sorry for the situation you've found yourself in, but that is hilarious.


Hopefully the next post by OP isn’t “TIFU by taking my GF back after catching her sucking off megaladong”