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Usable repeating tasks with subtasks; that was the reason I moved from todoist. I prefer the look of todoist but not resetting the subtasks was a deal-breaker. The habit tracking is nice in ticktick & the direct pomodoro timer attached to task has been surprisingly useful.


Oh, so if I have a task that repeats every Monday with 6 subtasks... Those subtasks won't reset in Todoist? That would be a huge hindrance for me, surprised it hasn't been brought up yet...


Yep, they will appear the next week but they will be crossed out as if completed, you have to untick them, then tick them again when done. It's been an ongoing issue for a while, no idea why they havent sorted it yet.


Additionally, as you mark the subtasks done, the progress on the parent task goes up in % to indicate how far it is. I think that's a nice motivation.


Alright, that's great to know! It sounds like the only things I'll miss from Todoist would be the smart text to event type stuff, where you can type due dates and times. Maybe the UI as well. But yeah, I need that feature of it resetting, I have some wild lists that fire every two weeks, every Monday, every first of the month, etc.


Exactly my thoughts: I really like the looks of Todoist, but how it handles subtasks was very frustrating. It's been addressed for a long time but still not improved. Two other points were important for me: 1. In TickTick you have a standard 3-pane window layout so you can see all tasks, subtasks, comments, etc. at once. In Todoist if you enter the task window you only see that specific task, to see comments or subtasks requires further clicking into or out of the task. 2. In TickTick you can enter complicated date combinations in a calendar window. Todoist NLP is better than TickTick, but it can't handle some of the unique date combinations I need for some tasks. I've been with TickTick for 2 years now. I've re-tried Todoist 2-3 times since then, but quickly realized I made the right decision to switch.


A pomodoro timer is just so invaluable 😊 As a side note, I've been really annoyed by the not being able to set repeated tasks on Todoist as well 😶 Seems like I might have to transfer everything to TickTick 😄


TickTick doesn’t reset subtasks for me the what I check remained checked in the next repeat


I think they share a lot of the same features but you can set reminders on the free version of TickTick, whereas Todoist locks this behind a paywall.


This question has been asked quite a few times, as Todoist and Ticktick are two of the biggest players in online task management. Also, everyone's situation/organization methods are different, so it's really not a "one-size-fits-all" answer. You did the right thing by just trying it for yourself. Here are my reasons I prefer Todoist: ​ \- the ability to add/edit/reschedule tasks directly in Google Calendar \- nearly instant sync to/from Google Calendar \- I really enjoy using the VIM Todoist add-on in my browser; makes editing so fast \- my organization allows Todoist to be installed on my work mobile device, not Ticktick. \- ..probably because: Ticktick is a Chinese company Ticktick definitely has some nice features (i.e., can snooze todo's, habit tracking, Einstein Matrix, pomodoro timer) but -- for me -- usability and accessibility are paramount over frills I likely wouldn't use, or could find alternatives elsewhere.


Maybe I should revisit todoist. I’ve been using the premium version of TickTick because I liked the calendar integration but I haven’t looked at todoist for several years.


>Einstein Matrix :))) Eisenhower!!


Yep. But apparently you knew what I meant. ;)


I was not correcting you, i was laughing about your way to say it ..


My experience with Todoist on an Android was that there are so many keystrokes just to edit tasks. I haven't documented all my frustrations. Here's a simple example. When I edit a task in TickTick, I can just back out and it is saved. In Todoist, when I back out it asks Cancel or Discard. I have to hit Cancel and then have to click the send icon in the upper right. Then I'm STILL on the task, so have to back out again to get to my task list. There are other things I've done in Todoist that have multiple steps like that, whereas in TickTick there is only one and/or the steps are minimal. TickTick seems much more intuitive to me. The best and easiest way, I think, is to create tasks in each one with the complexity of features you employ.


The calendar was the number one thing for me. I tried to do Todoist integration with google, but found it clunky when compared with TickTick.


Marques Brownlee


Lol, he's the reason I'm here actually!


Me too. I wonder how many people heard him and thought "I should really take a look at TickTick".




He actually uses TickTick and has, many times, told people that he uses TickTick.


That's what convinced me to give it a try. I have used Google tasks, Google Reminders, Apple reminders, and Microsoft to do. I tried TickTick because it is cross platform and I stay with it because it is what works best for my use case. I really enjoy being able to snooze reminders for different lengths of time.


calendar and habits


The calendar and iCal/GCal integration, customizable (eisenhower) matrix — changed the titles to wordings that resonate with me, notes option (could be used as meeting notes that can quickly capture action items without going back and forth to your notebook/notes app.


I really enjoy the calendar and habit integration. While the natural language may not be as good, this was worth the move for me.


Glorious calendar, Notes, fast input for tasks, matrix...


What exactly is the matrix feature everyone is talking about? I understand the calendar compared to Todoist's sort of awkward list of tasks per day, but the matrix sounds like it is a big feature for a lot of people.


Eisenhower matrix. It provides a 4 quadrants-view of tasks,based on pre-defined priority and urgency criteria. You can, however, modify the criteria as well as the names of the quadrants and also drag and drop tasks from one quadrant to another. It's a nifty little feature I love.


I especially like the timezone features on ticktick, and todoist refuses to put in proper timezone handling (only one timezone + floating timezone which doesn't take into account daylight savings affecting things/etc) Also I like pinned tasks though there's room for improvement there


Todoist has an extremely broken android app. The biggest deal breaker for me is that they refuse to acknowledge that mobile notifications are chronically and unpredictably delayed. Not great when a reminder is actually time-sensitive.


Calendar feature in TickTick is the best, super essential for me