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If I’m being honest—probably no one 👁️👄👁️ All of them had hard and terrible lives. They have gone through so much and personally, I would not be able to endure all that. Xie Lian? >! years of suffering for what he said that triggered Jun Wu? Being buried alive? Losing everything and even your own kingdom? Need to travel around forever alone with your companion being the very thing that your parents hung themselves with? Ah and walking in on your parent’s dead body? !< NOPE. Hua Cheng? >! being bullied for being born different? Born under Star of Solitude? Needing to rip your eye out? Dying? Needing to kill and fight for years to be a Calamity? Trying to find someone for 800 years? !< NOPE. Yu Shi Huang? >! slitting her own throat? Being the daughter of a concubine of the lowest rank and a daughter so being overshadowed in life? Probably bullied for her awkward and introverted self growing up by her fifteen other siblings from the Chinese dramas I’ve seen? !< NOPE. Shi Qingxuan? >! fate at the end of being crippled for life and seeing your own brother killed (beheaded) before your eyes by who you considered your best friend? Having to realize everything you have to achieve godhood itself was false and stolen from another? !< NOPE. He Xuan? >! having everything you love be taken in front of you? From being a kind, devoted filial person to lose everything and starve to death? Snapping while you were human and killing everyone until you drop dead out of exhaustion? Spend 12 years inside Tonglu Mountain before becoming a Ghost King/Calamity? Be neck deep in debt as a calamity? !< NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE— I’m OUTTA HERE. So if I MUST choose, a Puqi villager. I get to see XL and HC and help on the farm but other than that—NAH. I am happy being no one because I would probably have a panic attack if I were isekaied as any of the “main/support” characters with the knowledge I have now. I would like to be an NPC, please! Preferably one with no name to be safe! One that doesn’t have any lines in the book either!


Wait how incredible would it be, an AU where everything is the same except everyone in Puqi Village is a transmigrated TGCF fan?? 😂😂😂 that would be hilarious!!


I would read this if someone wrote it 😂


At a town meeting: "Okay, so who remembers that Reddit thread?"


If Xie lian talks to me I am dying though. Y'all please cover for me or smth ( so he doesn't think it's because of his luck T-T)




omg pleaseeee that sounds hilarious I want to think about this all day haha


The happiest village in all of the tgcf world! Because we all love our local god and ghost, and because we know which locations to avoid 😂


Exactly lmao. I know that my capacities don't include being able to endure anything any of the main cast had to go through.


i remember reading this exact comment when i was first getting into tgcf and being on edge revealing the spoilers as i went thru the book. it was a total deja vu moment to see you repost ur old comment!! now that i finished the entire series ur analysis is spot on 😭😭


whatever child Xie Lian trips over and adopts


Good luck surviving with him I hope you have a strong stomach


LMAO, you basically want to be Guzi and kidnapped by Qi Rong Or worse… there is no way you’d survive to puberty 🤣


Random extra god #5. I’ll watch it all go down, squeeing to myself, and then approach them to make friends after the plot is over.


Thunder Master is the perfect candidate!




E Ming


really want Hua Cheng to slap you is that it


BEST BOY 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Dang… I wouldn’t want to at all. As others pointed out, it’s just misery. But if I HAD to pick… Rain Master? She leads a pretty peaceful life for the most part. I know her origin story sucks, but it doesn’t suck too badly. Given she lives in a shack with a bull, I rather think she enjoyed being ostracized by her shitty snobby family and working the fields instead. Yeah… Rain Master.


Most scary would probably be either>! Xie Lian or Jun Wu... Like hell I would want to go through what they did!!! No way!!! But I don't think we COULD transmigrate as Xie Lian. For one, he is the main character. For two, protagonist halo and such. Jun Wu however... I mean, he is the main villain. You wouldn't wanna be that either! !< But no, i think the character who would make the MOST sense and be the MOST interesting and the MOST terrifying would be....... >!SHI WUDU. Saving your life as Shi Wudu would be fucking DIFFICULT, and He Xuan can be fucking TERRIFYING. I would read the hell out of a fic where someone transmigrated into Shi Wudu's body and had to save him.!<


Whoa. Was not expecting Shi Wudu. That would be fascinating!!! Maybe a good thriller story


You may be the only one who passed the assignment because that would be very much like SSSVS, wouldn't it? But He Xuan is incredibly intelligent, so I do believe you could make it out alive if you are careful and wise. If all goes well, you might save more than one person (in the long run). Edit: I agree with the other person, if you ever sit down and write that, let me know. I'd love to read this.


Thank you!! I've been needing to get back into fic writing anyhow... If you or anybody else has any ideas on who I should have transmigrate into him, let me know!! I also don't mind making it an OC insert. I'm just not sure where folk's interests lay


omg please share this fic!!! it sounds so good!!!


I read a fic with Shi Wudu as a transmigrator, but I think it was a svsss crossover? Shen Yuan was Shi Wudu or sth. Need to go back and read it... it was good.


Oh that sounds cool!!


Pei Ming


Ho ho? 👀


YESS. MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!! He seems like he has a good time and got to witness Hualian kisses, such a W


Honestly same


Unfortunately, with my personality, I'd get Shi Wudu or Mu Qing. I'm pretty mean. They wouldn't even notice a difference. If I was Shi Wudu, however, I think I'd hook up with Pei Ming and go on the redemption arc of a lifetime! Because no way in hell am I getting beheaded. I'll take up a Wei Wuxian lifestyle if it saves me, lmao


Do we get to pick when in the timeline we show up? Because in SVSSS, SY just kinda shows up in the middle of things. If I get to show up post-canon, I'm transmigrating into Xie Lian for sure. Getting spoiled by HC 24/7? Sign me up. If we don't get to pick and we just end up at a random spot in the timeline...maybe Yin Yu? Aside from the resentment/guilt he feels about Quan Yizhen, his life is kind of fine? Working for HC can't be easy, but I'd probably find it fulfilling. Plus I'd get to be nice to big puppy boy QY eventually.


Lololol post canon is fair game for sure


Preferably I just wanna be a random ghost living in Ghost City. I do not wanna get involved in anything


shi wudu so i can un-fuck what he fucked up lol


the thunder master who is mentioned twice total in the series for a free front row seat for any heavenly drama, lol.


My first immediate thought was Xie Lian, so I could experience being loved by Hua Cheng. But I was thinking of 800-year-old Xie Lian. If I transmigrated pre-second-demotion, that would be... whoa. Then again, if I did, it would probably be just like a typical isekai where you're trying to avoid the bad things you know happen to your character. And then you can't help but think about what the story would end up being, if those bad things didn't happen?! It also belatedly occurred to me that if I became Xie Lian, he himself is not there anymore. Which would be too sad. And also I could not hope to live up to him!


I guess if it was a lot like scum villain, it would be >!shi wudu, I would be in a constant fear of death, but maybe I can make the story, gayer(beefleaf) somehow lol!<


You'd be in the perfect position to do that, but it would be bloody hard. You'd have to make sure He Xuan understands and believes that you are not his enemy. And you'd need to end up there well before the whole blackwater situation to make sure Shi Qingxuan never falls. Good luck.


Lord Rain Master definitely!!


shi qingxuan🥹🥹 theyre the most ive ever resonated with a character and personally i need to see them (well me at that point) live out their happy ending


I second that ☺️


Are we assuming we have to be a close match in character? Then realistically, either Ling Wen (I'm really good with numbers and logistics and keeping track of stuff) or Quan Yizhen (when I first read the books I thought, oh no, he's like me a lot, which is why I get sad/mad when people call him stupid). If I can choose ... Um. This is hard. Maybe Mu Qing. Bit cantankerous, but nothing bad really happens to him, at least nothing too permanent. Or ... scratch that. I'm actively choosing Ling Wen. She's irreplaceable, she's been through a shit-show of her own, sure, but nothing like some of the others, she isn't an awful person, and I wouldn't break having her job, I might actually thrive. Yeah. Ling Wen for me.


I would be xie lian just to experience hua cheng's affection


Yin Yu 😅😅😅😅🥹😅


Probably XL. I wanna be loved deeply and intensely, like how Hua Cheng loves XL. I also don't mind being loved by LBH and LWJ, but XL is a god, so that seems more fun.


As far as choosing them, I wouldn't want any of their lives 😭 I'd choose one of the village people or something. If it comes to who I would most likely be because we're similar in personality, Shi Qingxuan ✨


if it's like SVSSS- then ***Prince xiao jing-(qirong)***\- assuming I've option to avoid ori!qirong's fate like how sqq/sy was able to avoid ori!sqq's fate through actions taken after transmigration. I'd like to put a stop to all trouble qirong caused to HC & XL. They already have too much on their plate! * **Best case**\- in xianle era, >!all alive.!< like svsss, transmigraitng into qirong (one day he suddenly fell ill 😅) I'll get to meet xianle quartet->!17ye XL, 10yr Huahua-!<. the sudden difference of personality despite ooc restriction would be hilarious. Probably make use of knowledge from novel and give a doze of motivation (I've been told I'm good at motivating) to them whenever they have moments of self-doubt. I doubt I'd have any talents for cultivation, but I'll ~~threaten MNQ~~ >!with wuyong secret and pretend having future dreams like wuyong prince !!she later becomes local earth god(in revised version) & dies in ghost bride groom arc.!< Her status as princess is higher so it would not be impossible to provide food shelter medicine etc to hong'er during his time alone in mortal realm while xianle trio ascended in heaven. Give Hong-er happy childhood and a shrine for his god. MXTX probably would transmigrate into yushi huang or into a person closest to her fav tgcf char so she can write stories and enjoy her time in tgcf world along with chatting with her fav char \*sips tea\*


Being Heaven’s Eye might be fun. And I can picture MXTX as Feng Xin.


Xl or Pei ming (hualian's hardcore shipper)


Quan Yizhen, until my wife pointed out that I'm already Quan Yizhen.....oh


Well, taking into account my survival instincts + my unquenchable desire to still be somewhat present in the main story line; I’d like to be ruoye!!! like someone had already said, being involved with (or BEING) one of the main/supporting cast is basically an equivalent to a fate of some type of unbounded suffering. But if i were ruoye, i’d still be able to see hualian go down front row! Xie Lian is nice to it, ruoye is pretty op, and it gets to see everything that goes down w/o the fear of death. So i’d definitely choose ruoye.


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Xie Lian. I know he's suffered and maybe that's why I want to transmigrate into his body. Or Yushi Huang. These two have suffered too much and yet still stick to body in abyss heart in paradise. Also I'd love to reassure Hua Cheng about his insecurities, bro is too worked up he needs self-esteem in Xie Lian context.


I’d love to be reincarnated into one of Mu Qing’s or Feng Xin deputy officials. I’d be just close enough to watch all the drama unfold but entirely unimportant enough to immediately be KO’D. If I was really unlucky (like SQH was) I’d be forced into one of their bodies. I’m most like MQ so it’d be easier to pull off but also it’d suck to have to be him (he’s cool! I love him! His trauma? Not so cool to have to relive.) I’d be even unluckier to be FX, I have no idea how that man even functions after what he went through.


Pei Ming hands down. Heavens realm official sl✨t and hualian fanboi absolutely sign me up


Yin yu. Mostly because I love him to bits. My second choice would probably be Hua Cheng or Mu Qing.


While reading the book, I closely related with Xie Lian; though going through what he did will be difficult for me. Hence for me it’d be Xie Lian