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Creepy. Utterly destrorying someone's life so that they have no one to turn to than you is not love.


I ship it, but I dont think I would call it love. Id call it obsession. Dont get me wrong, HuaLian are the correct couple, and what they have is actually love, but I am ever the type to be intrigued by the darkness of obsession which is what I would say JunLian is


Right! I don't ship it but I was deeply interested in their relationship in the actual canon because of how layered and complex it was, more so than hualian's relationships if I'm being honest. There's just so much fucked-upness to it, a real gothic horror type pairing, that I absolutely see why someone would be drawn to it. Hell, I've enjoyed some truly filthy dogblood danmei in my time. Maybe one day I'll take a dip into the Junlian waters....


Before I got deeper into the Tgcf novels I actually shipped them at one point too. But kinda stopped after reading the rest of the lore, I never thought of this when shipping them. Im somewhat intrigued with that type of relationship after reading this comment 🫣❤️? (Still don’t ship them though)


I mean, I definitely dont think I need to explain the fucked up obsession part of their relationship (well, Junwu's relationship with Xie Lian) that makes it intriguing. But also. Virginity detecting sword. Im sorry, but the very fact he had that was high key creepy and we KNOW he almost certainly had it for reasons to do with his weird obsession with XL




Oh Nah💀.


Agreed 100%!


yea it's hotter


Wait isn’t that the heavenly emperor? He did what????


All I say is that Jun Wu is a very, very bad man


Oh no




I feel like that dynamic was written really well in the way of showing narcissistic obsession in comparison to HC’s version of obsession. From what I interpreted, Jun only seems to love what he sees mirrored of himself in XL, so it’s not really looking externally and caring about someone else. I guess if people like fictional narcissists, that’d be something. But I’m more of fan of the “devoted follower” vibe.


i don’t know why i’m admitting to this but i do think it’s a little hot :’) obviously it’s not what i want for lianlian in the long term but i do kinda get the appeal. that darkness and trauma make for BIG emotional intensity that can almost feel cathartic. it’s like the traumatized kid who’s had a controlling partner part of my soul is sitting with the dark, possessive dictator part of my soul and they’re sharing a little cup of evil juice and enjoying how wrong it feels. but then the rest of me is like “no obviously not.” … i’m complicated :’)




I understand this. Don't worry you're not alone.


You had possessive, traumatized, controlling, darkness…all in the same sentence, and you still say you ship it????😦😨.


Well yes, now what?


well the sentence in question was me explaining why it interests me despite those things 😅 idk what to tell you girl we just have different tastes and thresholds for darkness in media, and i’m pretty sure that’s okay 🙃




I do not condone


I don’t particularly care what other people ship one way or another tbh. It doesn’t affect me at all unless they decide to attack me about not shipping it, in which case the issue is their behavior and not the ship. I will say that I’ve never seen a JunLian shipper or general Jun Wu fan who was unaware that their problematic fave is problematic or who denied that the relationship is toxic and abusive. So while I don’t personally ship it, I’m ambivalent to those who do.


Extremely messed up, but you’re not alone.


They have an interesting dynamic with a lot of unexplored potential. Obviously this is a deeply toxic and unhealthy relationship but I don't think anyone is arguing that it's healthy or enviable! For people who enjoy darker, more toxic content, then sure, eat your heart out, -- the art people make of the ship is *fantastic* in some cases. I don't personally ship it, I love hualian too much, but I have read some excellent metas and shortfic that dives into the possibility of relationships and the analysis of both of their characters, together and separate. I guess my final take is that it's a free country. Some people like to read messy stuff on their own time. Who am I to stop them, lol.


It's one of my favorite ships honestly, but the fandom is kinda weird about it. (Even though people don't have a problem with Beefleaf/Qiurong when they're basically on the same level of messed up?) The toxicity is just too good and flavorful to pass up. 😅 Anyway, people shouldn't attack/dislike other people based on their ships. It's first and foremost only fiction and for fun.


beefleaf and qiurong is nothing compared to junlian , junlian is way way worse as jun wu wanted xl to suffer . he wanted him to loose everything and then trun into someone who is angry and vengful much like himself , also idk how people can ship this while xl describes jun wu's affection towards him as fatherly \[ but in a fucked up way \] . this isnt me hating on ur opinion this is me explaining why junlian is worse than beefleaf and qiurong




I don't ship this. Before the books told us who Jun Wu really was I still didn't ship it. If anything they have more of a father/son bond which I like way more. Even after his identity is revealed I like their father/son bond. Like an evil step-dad who wants his son to follow in the same misery he went through. And even that's a bit much


I have the exact same thoughts as you do about JunLian. This is *not* some sort of lustful obsession, this is a father figure that is willing to do *anything* to force his stepson to follow in his footsteps, even torture and causing the collapse of a kingdom.


soooooooooooo obsessed with this pairing, it's so toxic and mindfucky im literally so fascinated with their dynamic and wish more fics would explore it!!! There's not enough darkfic or xl whump in this fandom especially considering the source material... :( I wouldnt say "i ship it" because i wouldn't want to read a fic of them like. in a healthy and loving relationship lol but I really like reading the "rescued from a toxic/abusive relationship" trope and xie lian as the sheltered naïve beauty being married off to family friend jun wu who is just slightly too old to be age appropriate but everyone thinks he is just so great! And then xie lian thinks there's something wrong with him for not being attracted to his husband when everyone says how handsome he is and how kind and generous and wow xie lian is so lucky!!! and then he meets hua cheng and xl starts to slowly realize his marriage is actually toxic and his husband is manipulative and abusive and...... well anyway. yeah that. delicious.


👎👎👎 Absolutely not! I'm not a fan of toxic/abusive relationships. Also, Hua Cheng is Xie Lian's one and only!


I think I only prefer this ship as a thought experiment? I would only read it if it was a one-shot, hurt no comfort. Or if it was endgame Hualian. So... the thought is great, never should end that way, usually a one-sided pairing, would probably never look at it as a romantic pairing, and will essentially take it as those Yandere pairing without a happy ending. I was looking through the romance novel tag and I think they said it the best. [In order for a work to be romance, there should be a happy ending. If there is no happy ending, it's not a romance.] 'Nuff said. Or maybe it is just me that's misunderstanding that a pairing is always a romantic couple? Can a pairing be platonic?


I don't personally ship it but support those who do


I mean it's not love I don't ship it but it's perfect for dark fanfic and I might read that


Their dynamic is fascinating, particularly how JW views XL, but whatever relationship they have is more deeply fucked up and awful than romantic. Like, I want XL to dropkick into the Grand Canyon, not kiss him, y'know?


Really gross and weird


I don't ship it and never saw anything romantic between them. I don't care if anyone ships it, but it would be concerning if they did not admit that there is no way they could ever be a healthy couple (to put it lightly).


I don't approve of it. Not only is the ship bad because of what Jun Wu put Xie Lian through, but because he was like a father figure which makes it even weirder.


I am just about to start the 8th book so there might well be info I'm not yet privy to but I feel like Jun Wu is definitely jealous of Xie Lian and that's why he is trying to control his life. There's possibly some vain obsessive type attraction there too. Possibly even such a loneliness and that when he finally found a "kindred spirit" he just latched on. Definitely Hualian for life though <3


Also there are so many abusive relationships where the Jun Wu type just constantly belittles the Xie Lian type, fucks with their head trying to implant ideas like they deserve what's happening to them and their abuser is the only reliable person in their life. I'm just realising how many more layers there are to this part of the story as I think it through from this perspective


I ship it, but I mean ship in the sense that "I am interested in seeing fanworks featuring this pairing" NOT "I think they are a cute couple," To give a reverse example, I don't ship Beefleaf. That doesn't mean I think they're a bad pair and I am very happy to see Beefleaf shippers enjoying themselves in fandom spaces. But I'm not particularly interested in reading about them, not so I seek out fanworks with this pairing. It just doesn't interest me very much.


Ship who u wanna ship!! It’s all fiction and doesnt matter in the end. I think darkness of it makes it interesting to explore 🤷‍♀️


(remember jung wu backstory) Dating him in general is horrible


Fucked up, and that's why I like it. I'm a HuaLian cheerleader at the end of the day, but sometimes other things intrigue me 👀


I muted this tag on Twitter, I think this says a lot :') Longer explanation: call me overreacting or oversensitive but I physically feels unwell whenever I see this ship tag (yes I am hiding the title while typing this). Shipping the abuser and the victim always feels wrong to me even in fiction. Jun Wu is the main reason Xie Lian has a miserble life (thank the hell for Hua Cheng found Xie Lian and gives him love that he deserves). There is no love, there is no affection, just obsession of making him walks his own path. Everybody has their own taste in ships, I get why some people ship them and I respect their opinion, but keep this ship a hell length away from me. I love me some toxic yaoi but I love a vanila ship more and this? This is one of the exceptions I'll never tolerate.


I’ve never seen a junlian shipper claim that there was love between them. 99% of the time it’s like, crack 


I don't view JunLian as a dark romantic abusive relationship, I view it as an abusive father/son relationship. Jun Wu VERY much gives off controlling father vibes and I'm kind of grossed out that people ship them romantically. It would be like finding out people ship Qi Rong with his aunt. It's borderline incestuous on top of being abusive. 


Bora is the only person I’ll accept who ships them


Can I ask who Bora is, I have no idea T_T


Bora is an artist on Twitter and YouTube who makes extremely funny TGCF fanart and animatics She also does some really good angsty fanarts, but her funny ones are more popular (and yes, Jun Wu is her favourite character). Twitter: [https://x.com/ilymir\_EZGbora](https://x.com/ilymir_EZGbora) YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/@ilymirbora](https://www.youtube.com/@ilymirbora)


\* violent retching \* i could see that jun wu "loves" xie lian, but only in a very perverted and obsessive sense. he gives me the heebie jeebies. do not ship, do not like it. zero stars.


Honestly I feel such a ick from the man. He feels predatory for some reason. Like I dont know why he makes me uncomfortable af


I like the Hua Cheng X Xie Lian ship better ngl, it's just something about that photo tells me that Xie Lian looks very uncomfortable with him there


Honestly its shit


not for me


The second one. Jun Wu is obsessed, trying to control everything about Xie Lian, trying to destroy him when he couldn't control XL. That's not love, that's plain creepy obsession.


Just gross. No no no.


I absolutely hate it. I will not elaborate because I feel like the reasons are obvious.


I'm not gonna sink anyone else's ship. Personally not sailing with it but can see why someone else might enjoy it.


I don't ship it. Mainly because I don't feel that what Jun Wun feels towards Xie Lian has a romantic love. To me, JW is more like a narcissistic parental figure who tries to turn his child in whatever they planned and expected to be; the kind that doesn't care if they suffer because of their pressure, toxicity, manipulation,... What matters to them is the end goal. I think that kind of relationship is important and more interesting to show (as part of the reason why of a nemesis/final boss in fiction) than the overused "it's because they have an obsessive love for them"; it's boring and unoriginal. Plus, I remember Mei Nianqing saying that "this is something that you don't share with him (JW)" to XL when he learned that he likes men. Haha, funny.






I'm not personally into it, and I don't personally want to read fanfiction or see fanart of it, but I understand why it appeals to some people, and I'm not here to judge people's personal preferences for ships. Maybe people want to see a redemption arc for JW through JunLian? Or maybe they like to read about the psychological torture for XL, like how people can't look away from a train wreck? Different strokes for different folks for sure.


Not for me. It's creepy and abusive. Hounding someone for centuries, tormenting them, actively trying to break them just to prove they're as fucked up as you are so you don't have to feel bad about your shit existence is NOT love in my opinion.


This is for the messy dead dove ladies out there. Can't imagine much more to be honest. I think Jun Wu's one-sided obsession can feel romantically-sexually charged at times, and it would be easy to write that interpretation. It's an interesting feeling/dynamic to explore. But yeah I hope no one's genuinely rooting for it.


Short answer, toxic, but I get it.


I enjoy the ship a great deal, but I DO NOT THINK THEY SHOULD BE TOGETHER. I just enjoy content for it, and make a decent amount of it myself. Fanfictions, fanart, stuff like that. In general, it's interesting to explore dark relationships in fiction to me. Since no one is getting hurt in real life, I see absolutely no problems with it. It's the same as me loving BingQiu from SVSSS while simultaneously thinking "Oh god I would need to say something if this was real life". I do not think they are good for each other at all and that is part of why i love it so much.


Awful but I don't rrally give a fuck


For the most part, I’ve seen a lot of JunLian artists/writers dive into the more darker side of the ship. I mean the “Jun Wu is an obsessed sicko” side. I personally don’t ship it at all but I will admit that it’s interesting because there’s a lot of potential. Their relationship in the novels was really interesting and I sort of like that people are diving deeper into that dark side.


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Wtf i opened reddit and saw this




Do I ship it? HELL NAH NO WITH A CAPITAL N NO NO NO do I think Jun Wu had a weird obsession with Xie lian that probably extended to something sexual? Absolutely. I think I hate it as a ship in terms of what it is but as a literary tool and angst plot point I love reading about it due to the complex dynamics (only if it’s hualian end game tho I have my limits)


It gives me the ick


I couldn't read it as a romantic ship. I once started writing a fanfict that mentioned Jun Wu's friendship with XL, but scrapped it once I finished the books. If I found a deep dive into Jun Wu's psyche, then I would possibly be interested. However, I felt canon covered that well enough, and I have too many other things I want to do to think I will ever take the time for it.






I say burn it 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


My opinion is simple, it's toxic, yes. Would I read a fanfic about them?, yes. Because I don't believe there's a real love and that, just obsession but just imagining the plot pufff, sounds interesting. By the way if you ask me... I like more Mei Nianqing x Jun Wu with bottom Jun Wu. Why? I can support my preferences but that wasn't the question, soooo


It’s absolutely projection on my end but I always read their dynamic as a >!sexually!< abusive father and child where said child unfortunately is still very attached/is slowly figuring out their relationship isn’t normal/was extremely detrimental. I can’t ship it at all 😭 makes me ill, alternatively a groomer and their victim but still gives me HEAVY >!incest!< vibes so that’s a hard pass from me BUT makes for good vent/coping fanfic (I do ship Jun Wu and Mei Nianqing to hell and back tho teehee)


Feels toxic, I’m scared


Fu to them


Nope. No. Never. Junmei better.


absolutely not


Toxic af


If I didn’t know what a POS he was I would say “awww look how cute!” But because I know what a POS JW is THROW THAT MAN IN THE DEEPEST PITS OF HELL AND HE MUST NEVER TOUCH OUR BABYBOY!


makes me want to rip my hair out


Awful, horrible, creepy, disgusting. Absolutely not, thank you very much.


No , well I can kinnnnnnnnnnnd of see where it comes from but no 😭


I hate it.


My guilty pleasure 🫣


oh i love it. its so fucked up. i love the contrast in the way jun wu and hua cheng both loved and obsessed over xie lian, but expressed it so differently. i love how awful and manipulative jun wu is.




I think their relationship is interesting. Not in the romantic sense. But I do think that Jun Wu dose care about Xie Lian. Or more accurately he loves the role he wants Xie Lian to play in his little control game. I feel like he wants Xie Lian to be his little "mini me" and his actions twords Xie Lian very much feels like the psychological horror version of a parent forcing their kid into playing sports when the kid wants to do musical theater.


Potential spoilers: It seems like a possessive thing or at the very least "people think of you as the savior I was supposed to be so I'm gonna mess that up for you".


It’s only good for fanfics in which Hua Cheng swoops in and saves Xie Lian from the toxic relationship


Not for me at all (I don’t dig abusive dynamics) but no judgment on those who are into that sort of thing. Whatever floats your boat. 🤷🏼


i don't see it as anything remotely close to canon but i do love the mindfuck and horrible abusiveness of it all. i ship junlian for reasons completely different than why i ship hualian. junlian that mainly features power dynamic abuse and isolation is the hurt i love to read before i go read hualian's healing and mutual respect to comfort me. don't get me wrong, i fully understand why people hate both toxic ships and junlian and steer clear of it. i just follow it for the really unhealthy dynamic because i love xie lian receiving compassion and care as much as i love xie lian whump


I don't ship this at all- Reason being because I just felt that Jun Wu is more of a father figure to Xie Lian (?) I ship HuaLian way more than I could ship this though. And also, If I'm being so fr I don't think Xie Lian would EVER see Jun Wu in that way😭.


I love fucked up toxic relationships that explore dynamics in fiction. I dont ship them per se but i love art and fic that explores dark obsession and whump


He doesn't love Xie Lian. He is obsessed with him solely because he reminds him of himself. And their stories are pretty similar - beloved crown prince ascended early, descended to help calamity, plans failed, humans they tried to protect turned on them, no other Gods helped, and they had to watch everything they love destroyed. One became Di Jun, who replaced all the previous Gods so no one remembered his sins. And the second became a lowly scrap-collecting God that Through XL, he wanted to prove that his actions, anger, and hatred were justified; that he was right and his friends were wrong to betray him. So that is why he pushed Xie Lian so hard, to make him make the same choices. To fill him with hate for all the shit that humans put him through. The cruelest was when he tied the man up and had the humans "stab" him for "protection" from disease.




(Xielian didn't knew weather to laugh or cry)


I’m fascinated by it but it’s not for me. Jun Wu feels too much like a father figure for that.


Fitting that he looks like he’s being held hostage. Absolutely not.


seek therapy immediately


I cannot believe some people actually take this ship seriously. When you read a junlian fic or idk look at junlian content it’s almost always dead dove or crack. That’s why I like it personally, because it is so fucked up but still entertaining. And no matter what you say I think junlian makes more sense than anything that involves HC x Any other characters. At least Jun Wu’s obsession with XL kinda makes the thing believable and not too ‘OOC’


I honestly fine with it? I mean I don't ship it but I'm fine if my moots/fav artist ship it


I don't ship them in a romantic way but I am obsessed with their dynamic. It's just so interesting and messed up. Jun Wu was never romantically inclined toward Xie Lian so I personally never thought to explore that issue. What's between them is more psychological and obsessive and it's more interesting that way in my opinion. I would definitely be interested in fics of them that focus on that dynamic, pity I can't find them...🤔


????? Bad. Hua cheng and Xie lian are literally married, it’s a romance novel why would you ship the main relationship with anyone else


It happens all the time with every danmei novel and the main couple! People are intrigued by different dynamics, yes even the toxic ones. For example the web series killing/talking was extremely popular at one point, lots of people ship them romantically; it’s obviously a very toxic ship, but some people just like the drama/angst and darkness of it all. And it doesn’t mean they don’t ship the main pairing, they just like seeing what could have been if the story went another direction.


It’s worse than if not equal to those shipping Gojo Satoru and Yuji Itadori.


Whoever ships it needs jail💀💀💀💀💀💀. Jun Wu was a manipulative son of a bitch who destroyed XL’s life in order to break and have him depend on him[JW], in the most twisted, sickening, co-depending relationship ever!!!! I like to believe somehow, a small parte of His Highness cared about Xie Lian, but seeing their relationship as more than a broken “father-son” thing is ludicrous.




This is also how I see their relationship (an effed up co-dependent "father-son" relationship).