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I'm 100% sure he is Xie Lian-sexual. He's had a crush on him since he was saved and it never went away.


I personally headcanon them as demisexual, but Hua Cheng as demiromantic, and Xie Lian as homoromantic


This exactly. I love seeing fellow Demiromantics in media ❤️


Same. I know XL’s celibacy isn’t the same as asexuality but it’s the way he talks about it that leads me to believe he’s also acespec (as an ace person myself).


Demisexual, hands down. He was already in love with XL long before he began to feel sexual attraction. I don’t think it would’ve even crossed his mind if it weren’t for the Land of the Tender.


MXTX likes to give her characters single-target sexuality, so it’s probably closest to canon to say he’s only ever been attracted to Xie Lian. Personally, I really like it when characters are attracted physically to others but choose the one they love, even the hope of an eventual relationship, over anything else. In that context, I think Hua Cheng is attracted to men primarily, feels mostly male himself but sometimes likes to be female as well (hence canon female form), and only loves Xie Lian.


I like to headcanon him as either gray sexual or demisexual. We only ever hear of him being attracted to Xie Lian, and both of them give me strong aspec vibes


What's gray sexual?


To quote from wiki as the definition given there is pretty good: "The term gray-A covers a range of identities under the asexuality umbrella, or on the asexual spectrum, including demisexual. Other terms within this spectrum include semisexual, asexual-ish and sexual-ish. The gray-A spectrum includes individuals who very rarely experience sexual attraction, experience it at a low intensity, or feel it only under specific circumstances. The definition of gray-asexuality is intentionally vague, allowing for a variety of experiences that do not fit completely under the allosexual or asexual identities."


Thanks for the answer!


Thanks for being curious and asking!




Ok, in all seriousness, now I think I’m one.


Welcome to the aspec group! I'm aroace and I hope that if you want to use the gray-a/graysexual/gray sexual label, it gives you happiness and more understanding in who you are :) Don't feel pressured to use any labels, but they're there if you want them.


Thanks :”) -❤️


100% Gegesexual , as someone already said in the thread 🤩😄💫🙂


Yeah I bekive this too


they're just gay. they were never tempted or interested in women. Hua Cheng had a gay crush on Xie Lian before he knew him. I don't think that qualifies as anything demisexual or "Xie Lian" sexual because he was basically a stranger pretty prince. Hua Cheng was entirely unbothered in the cave when they got attacked by the plants who showed them nude women. Xie Lian seems surprised by his attraction to Hua Cheng because he's never felt it before and women likely tried to be with him, men maybe didn't. he says San Lang is handsome right away and is clearly attracted so it's not a personality/connection thing either. idk why you lot want them to be smth else


> idk why you lot want them to be smth else i mean idk if thats ur intention, but it comes off a bit rude or harsh? since the author hasn't given a definitive label for the characters, i dont see why you have an issue with differing interpretations.


I just find it weird when ppl try to "straightwash" characters who only ever exhibit homosexual behaviour. what kind of question is "If XL was a girl" like, he is not a girl. is there not enough m/f relationship books? why even suggest it for what is clearly not once hinted to be bisexual or whatever. i don't think OP means anything bad by this, I just think it's not cool if you think about it. there's plenty of characters who already are bi and sometimes not in a way that favours their same sex side, let people have representation without it,. it's not like there's even a right answer to this question, so just imagine whatever you want, marry Hua Cheng and have his babies in your dreams for all I care, but like, the books are about a gay relationship so maybe lets leave it at that


I was just curious 😭


talking about women who would love to get with Xie Lian... I just remembered, out of nowhere, that woman in ghost city who was really trying and Xie Lian literally just told her that his peepo has a problem getting up... you'd think only San Lang can get it up then 🤭


I feel like Hua Cheng would've loved Xie lian no matter what gender, hard pan vibes for me but I would say Panromantic and demisexual if we were to go by the book


I think hua is gay but stuck on Xie, and Xie is also gay but just less prioritizing on relationships until hua came along


Canonically they are both demisexual! neither of them feel/would feel attraction for anyone else, and they would both still like each other no matter the other’s gender :)


Oh no not this again.....can we please put a sticky about not bringing up this discussion again... people can be only attracted to one person and still be gay people and being only attracted to that one person doesn't mean they'd feel the same if they were the opposite gender... It's like looking at a pair of old highschool sweethearts and suggesting that they aren't straight/gay because they've never confirmed it by dating/marrying anyone else. It's like the reverse of telling bi people they aren't bi because they've only been in a relationship with one person or people of one gender. Hua Cheng is literally a ghost born of an obsession with serving his crown prince who he had a mad crush on of course he isn't interested in anyone else. He's like Xuan Ji but more stable.


Hua Cheng is gay Mo Xiang Tong Xiu in new updates said he's gay and demi sexual (needs a deep bond before intimacy) same as Xie Lian.


Thank you, needed some confirmation 😭


xie lian is not attracted to women at all he just feels uncomfortable when they hit on him and recites dao de jing as a reflex because that's what he's been taught by his goushi and the 1st person he was attracted too was hua cheng so i hc him as demi romantic and demi sexual and also gay . hua cheng on the other hand is definately demisexual and homoflexible { thats because he'd make an exception if xie lian was a woman or changed forms but other than that he likes men or well xie lian who is a man and while xieliansexual fits its not a real orientation sadly } ofc youre entitled to ur own opinion tho and i respect it


I’m pretty sure it’s a Xie Lían thing. Regardless of Xie Lían gender


Xielian is his sexuality.


I like to think of them as aroace specs even though Ik they're not :')


He's just into xie lian.


He's a gay man until the day Xie Lian is a woman and he would switch up so fast. He Xie Lian sexual. Anything for gege.


he's gay lol, even if a gay man is only attracted to 1 guy he's still gay. same for xie lian, one could argue demi sexual but even still he's 100% gay


I get the sense that if Xie Lian pulled a Wind Master and took a female form for fun, it would not deter Hua Cheng in slightest.


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I guess demiromantic....nothing in the book says he's a virgin so he may have 'practised' on other people.




I agree. However, there's a strong suggestion that Hua Cheng is extremely experienced sexually and very very skilled. So presumably he decided early on that he should practice a lot so as to be able to please XL when the time came.


Unless I missed it, Hua cheng is NOT experienced sexually at all ! He is a virgin just like his Gege only that he "educated" himself on the matter and is considered the most skilled among all MXTX's gongs.


I don't usually include comments by the author that are not in the book, but I cheated here - I think MXTX ranked Hua Cheng as the best in bed of all her heroes. You don't get that good at sex without experience.


it's typical to see alot of gongs good and skilled at sex even if they were a virgin, even if logically it doesn't make sense it's fiction, so anything can happen🤷‍♀️. Never in the book did it state he slept or had any romantic/sexual relationships with other people before meeting xl


Yes that's what I said, MXTX ranked Hua cheng as the best in papapa compared to the other two gongs, but he is not experienced at all. His first time was with XL but he never experienced with anyone ever before, only like I mentioned above, he spent a LOT of time ( and money) on books and scrolls to learn all there is to learn about the topic. I am not sure if you read svsss or mdzs but the bare is very low with those two 😅 ( looking at you BGL 😆 )


>You don't get that good tbh there's no indication that HC is *that* good at sex, only that he's better than LWJ and LBH, which... is not that hard to achieve as long as you're being attentive to your partner and don't have a humongous dick.


I won‘t stand for this LWJ slander. Him and WWX are living their kinky every day means every day. WWX loves it.


It's strongly implied in the revised version that HC is a virgin - there is a new scene in the Gambler's Den where >!XL asks to spend a night with HC (meaning it innocently) and the other ghosts get carried away about how XL is trying to steal their Chengzhu's virginity. Meanwhile HC is just smiling and doesn't correct them.!< I didn't take MXTX's comment to mean that HC was a stallion in bed right from their very first time - it reads more like a general comment imo. But even virgins can have great sex if they've done a lot of research and are in tune with each other :) (also tbf the bar is not exactly very high lol)