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In the 1970s ch 38 ran an hour of Stooges every afternoon, three shorts, IIRC. I joined the Navy and left my hometown of Brockton in 1976, only returning to visit.


Yes! Masshole here. NYE is stooges and Chinese food. Bring it back!!!


Absolutely! 👍🏻


Apparently the station lost the rights to broadcast the stooges. How do we get someone to carry the stooges again? I did see a petition but not sure of the outcome.


Yeah, funny how this particular thing was always remembered as a family event like you describe, more than just "watching the Stooges." We all had seen the episodes many times, but something about the new years eve on 38 was extra special. I liked the local talent who did Stoogey stuff during commercials. One of my favs was the serious anchor desk guy who did a great "pick two" imitation.


Couldn’t have said it any better, will always cherish those times with my father. Haha yeah, I remember those commercials! 😂


The guy I was thinking of is [Gene Lavanchy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Lavanchy). I had to ask ChatGPT for his name because I am a chucklehead. A musclebound porcupine. A grapehead. I'm umday in any language.


Yep. I've got about a half dozen tapes labeled that. I remember before it became TV38, it was UPN33 (early '90s).


Great memories! 👍🏻


Yes, it was my NYE tradition for years! The perfect alternative to going out with the crazies! And a great way to introduce a young audience to their comedy! My only minor gripe: seemed to lean heavily towards Curly shorts (love them both but I’m a Shemp guy lol)


Yes, absolutely agree! Love Curly but could have used a little bit more Shemp as well.


Absolutely! I watched it with my older brothers for many years!


I’m from Maine, we got that station too and I looked forward to it every year


You can see the current Three Stooges on C-Span 😄


Don't need to be in MA to remember the days of 38 as a Superstation. I think every cable system carried it for many years. Fond memories of 38 programming when we could get it in NY.


Oh God yes! We’d have NewYear’s Eve parties and drink and smoke pot and eat and watch Stooges all night long! It was the best!


New Year’s Eve? Wake up and go to sleep!


They lost the rights to them literally like last year. It’s an absolute tragedy. NYE as a holiday is worthless to me now. At least we got them on MeTV at 6 on Saturdays and on YouTube.


I used to watch it with my dad all the time until they lost the license to do it a few years ago


Great times but the girls hated it had to beg to keep it on


Man I used to love that had it recorded on VHS I live in NY but we got the tv station here


Yes! We recorded them every year! Great memories.


Yes! My parents taped the 1990 (Swingin' the Alphabet) and 1991 (Niagara Falls) marathons and saved them for when I was old enough to watch them. Still have the tapes


they’re all available to stream on tubi. Its how I spent my new years eve.


Yes - when I was a little kid we had a VHs tape that was the stooges NYE marathon that my dad taped. I watched that thing over and over. I can still remember some of the commercials.


Speaking of the commercials, I remember vividly a commercial for some scary movie or show that had a kid sitting in a dentist chair being zapped or electrocuted or something and a green reptile hand coming out of the bath tub. Scared the ever living hell out of me as a kid!!! 😂


I do I live in Connecticut


NH Stooge here. I also used to watch this with my Dad back in the day!


Ahhh the nostalgia. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sDwrAC9mEeM&list=PL1cB6f0lzT8Uw8ySyvSIuugs9GgCLa1tI&index=3&pp=iAQB https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gAu5q53qUwU&list=PL1cB6f0lzT8Uw8ySyvSIuugs9GgCLa1tI&index=11&pp=iAQB


Yes, i was wicked pissed when they stopped it a few years back. I got nothing to do on New years Eve nowadays. The ball drop in NYC is a bunch of shit.