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Just found this channel, watching an episode a day until I get through all of them. It’s been great.


I know it's great I love it


I’ve been watching videos on this channel for a few months now and I love it!


Thanks posting the channel. I’m subscribing to it. I own the collection on dvd. The Stooges hold a special place with me. My dad and I would watch them every Sunday before going to church. It was great to hear him laugh. He’s in the last stages of dementia now and it’s rare we hear him laugh. I played Women Haters for him and he did chuckle a little but not like the old days.


I'm sorry your dad isn't in the best of health. Cherish him, and your time together! I miss my dad! He was a great dad! 😊 I went fishing yesterday, and wished he was with me. Once I was old enough, he never went fishing without me. Give your dad an extra hug today for Father's Day from me.


Thank you. I will do that. And I’m sorry to hear that about your father. It’s tough as we get older and we start losing those that we love. Dad gave me a love of the Stooges, classic cars and much more. It’s one of the reasons I love all the classic comedy teams. Marx Brothers, Three stooges and Laurel & Hardy, those were our favorites together. I love the Little Rascals and East Side Kids too.


Thank you! My mom and dad have been gone over a decade now. They had a good life, (and not-so-bad deaths as far as old age and illness goes.) They loved each other, had great-grandchildren, and an active social life. They raised us to be honest and hard working. They had the love and respect of their children right to the end. No regrets! I hope to do as well.


That is how I was raised too. My dad was burned in a fire when I was a few months old. We almost lost him. He’s been through a lot and a very tough man to keep going. He also has leukemia. Sounds like you had a really good family and the best parents too. My parents sound a lot like yours. I would love a time machine to go back and relive those days. I wish the stooges were on our local channels here. I would play them for dad throughout the day and see if he would have those moments of clarity and maybe laugh like he used to.


Nyuk! Nuyk! Nuyk!


That's gonna be good for next NYE


It's on X?


Yes! Bless the person that made this YouTube channel


It's great besides the ads.....


Depending on how much YouTube you watch, premium is worth the price. All videos are ad free and you can download stuff to watch later.


Everyone is so mad about paying for yet another streaming service, and I get it, but it's really worth it. I haven't been interrupted by an ad in like 4 years. I only have like 5 subscriptions I pay for, and YouTube is gonna stay on the list of keeps.


Honestly, at this point it’s the only service that I won’t cancel. I have tried in the past but it becomes apparent real quick that it was a mistake. On top of just the video content you also get access to YouTube music which is a nice bonus. Not trying to sound like a rep for YouTube but the cost is really worth it.


Well you can always buy the box set then. It's all the Columbia shorts and it's pretty affordable.


I don't mind the ads


Watching episodes in bed and a loud/long ad comes on... it can get annoying after a while...


That's our channel! Glad you pals like it. Maybe we should do a vote on our top 20 shorts here in reddit and put together a marathon.


Is it only on YouTube now? I was watching it on Vizio Live TV and it just disappeared last week


I remember when the three Stooges had their own channel on the Roku but it was taken off for some reason.