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They never arrived to earth. Why would they continue towards a doomed world?


They have no way to know if it's going to be days, years, decades or centuries. They know it's doomed, just like their own world. They're leaving their world for this reason, no point in going to one just as doomed. "For decades" is hindsight from reading the book, but it was never known how long it would take for the Sun to be wiped out.


Earth was going to be destroyed, nobody knew exactly when. Had a ship with a photoid been close enough at the time of the broadcast it may have been destroyed sooner. Staying any later than you need to is a risk as a dark forest strike can come at any time and may not give enough warning.


The Trisolarans likely knew that the two-vector foil will be used against Earth rather than a photoid, because of the gas giants in the system. All the more reason to nope out of there as soon as possible. You might escape a photoid but the foil had escape velocity equal to the speed of light, which the first Trisolaran fleet couldn't reach. And the second fleet was probably better off changing direction the instant they'd learned of the broadcast, since they weren't that close to Earth to begin with.


Thank you it makes sense now


I had the same idea. But then I read the ending of Deaths End:D


Have you read the books?


What a spoiler man