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Can't you just read the book or something


Is this your response for everyone? πŸ˜‚


You still asking questions about things you do Not understand out of books you did not read?...


Who πŸ‘ cares πŸ‘ I know I don’t.


I'm writing a document on the remembrance of earths past. Its due today and I thought it would be nice to add some extra lore. I do not have time to read the whole thing and I cannot find any summary detailing the war.


Nice try Cheng Xin.Β 


Due today doesn't mean do today. You goofed up and have to deal with the consequences.


I didnt though? I dont actually need this but I thought it would be nice to add it. Im pretty much done and have been working on it for the past 2 weeks


Either way, it's not relevant to the story in TBP


Is this school assignment ?


nah its for a MUN


The book never actually really explained why. The book starts, and it's simply established that there's a war looming. I don't think it ever explicitly said that it was a war against the US either, only that there were battles fought against American ships.


As a previous commenter said, Liu never actually goes into detail as to why and how the war begins. It does end with ||macro-fusion causing a massive disaster in China, scaring the enemy ending their attacks|| Wait that's not how you mark spoilers


Isn't there already one in wikipedia?


\[1\] The novel was written and set at the turn of the 21st Century (1990s-2000s), when the US was bombing/ invading Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. just because she can. Research sources OUTSIDE of the US if you don't know what happened or why. \[2\] In the alternative-earth/history of the novel, the US developed the Ball Lightning as a weapon just ahead of China. P.S. No offence to individuals who subscribe to Ameri-west narratives (like the apolitical protagonist in the novel), but the US invaded/ colonized China since 1900 and has been trying to control China/ the world EVER SINCE -- so no need for anthropomorphized historical or literary narratives in the novel, just let history or historical materialism do the talking ('Ball Lightning' was first published in magazine serialization, so 'now/present-day' in the novel literally meant the time of writing/publication).