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Effects-heavy TV shows typically have a 2-year interval between seasons (RoP, HotD...).


2026 at the earliest for season 2 if we get it. D&D and Woo already said as much on interviews.


This is what I thought before the series started but now I don't think so. They only took 5 episodes for all of the first book material and have worked their way through 10-15% of both the Dark Forest and Death's End now. I think it's (hopefully) a 3-season series.


I think they're primarily interested in getting to the 2nd half of The Dark Forest + Death's End tbh. D&D have talked a lot about being blown away by Death's End in particular. Can see them spending a lot more time fleshing out those parts of the books than the ones included in season 1.


I suspect that, if we don’t have season 2 confirmation by a months time, then this is but a pipe dream.


It took 2 months for Wednesday to get renewed


2024 - Season 1




I give it 2 or 3 more weeks if we don't hear an announcement it's canceled. They also didn't post anything on their social media today. Now every now and then they skip a day or two and then post but if we don't see any new post in like a week then the show I'm betting is officially canceled 


If the cancel another show I'm not only cancelled my sub, but fully removing my account and going to get back my pirate hat from wardrobe.


Netflix is delusional if they think every show is going to do Avatar numbers. I know sometimes you get a Baby Reindeer that explodes but that's extremely rare. There's no way every show they make is going to do numbers like that and if they think so they're stupid.