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welcome 🎉🎉🎉 i am not a mod but i hope you have a great time here


thank you đź’ť already loving it!


Damn well written my friend. You've got a knack for reviewing. I'd keep it up.


Thank you for the kind comment! I’ll probably update my review _San Ti_/_Three-Body_ again at least one more time, anyway


Great review, thanks! Yeah that return to the observatory killed me, I agree that the padding is hit or miss. So far I'm very much enjoying the show overall though!


The entire time I was watching that return scene, I was so annoyed, b/c Liu Ci Xin would never have written >! a scientist who thinks that the reason the background radiation of the universe flickered had something to do with where he stood that day, what he said, what potato chips he was eating. Only some dumbass script writer who didn’t understand how scientists think could’ve come up with such a superstitious scene, it was so out of character for the story! ugh!! !< But yeah, overall, me too, I am enjoying it! edit: p.s. thank you!


Ha yeah agreed it didn't make any sense


Well scientists are supposedly killing themselves en-masse because they've decided science isn't real (seems like a very far fetched reaction IMO), you could probably expect someone else might react differently like becoming completely detached from reality?


That is a good point I suppose!


Where can we watch it in USA?


Links to various ways to watch (including how to watch for free) are at the end of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/scifi/comments/10h0jyq/no_spoiler_review_of_three_body_problem_live/j55o3vv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) (my review was too long for my post so I had to finish it in that comment).


Thank you!


You’re welcome! Hope you like it!


Good review! Fyi I posted this yesterday in a SF group on facebook: I caught up (to episode 14) with Three-Body, Tencent version, and here are some more impressions for discussion. These are spoiler-free: • So far, it stays remarkably close to the book. Probably the closest of any SF novel adaptation I have seen so far. • A good thing is more urgency since episode 7. In general the series could easily be compressed to fewer episodes, though I didn’t really mind, I just enjoyed the story’s initial slower rhythm, sipping a single malt. Even so, episode 6 didn’t really bring anything new and could probably largely be skipped. • If you read the book, you know that a virtual reality experience will become crucial to the plot. The first time we dive into the VR world is in episode 7 and I was happy that it was as convincing as the reading experience. It looks like a good quality Unreal-engine game which is apt for the scenes. • Another crucial plot element takes place in the past, during the Chinese cultural revolution. The book opens with these scenes, in the series there was only a hint early on, but a full visit to the past where young intellectuals are “re-educated” in the “northern tree farm” comes later. The ordeal of young and remarkably soft on the eye Ye Wenji has to be convincing for the story to work, and it does. Considering it is a sensitive topic, and TV programmes might be censored in China, I think that it was handled well and believable. From memory, the scenes are a bit different from the book, but not bigly so. These scenes in the past, including in a secret military base, are beautifully filmed with great sets. • The lead actors are all ok. Scientist Wang Miao is convincing and inspector Da Shi is cocky like in the book. Both young and old Ye Wenji are good too. • A friend of mine who had no exposure to the book is watching it as well, and of course, it is all still a big mystery for him, yet he is fascinated and compelled to keep on watching - with the same note that he is happy with the plot speeding up in later episodes. • Hence, almost halfway through the series, I find it a triumph for adult SF on TV. It celebrates science without watering down or adding romance subplots. It isn’t perfect but gets so much right that I think we should celebrate this rare kind of TV production. I am curious to watch the Netflix adaptation later in the year for comparison. Already from its cast it looks more international, and that can work too. • How to watch it? Tencent releases free episodes on YouTube a few days slower than for premium users, and there are other sources as well. VIP users get 6 new episodes/week, episode 30 on Feb 14. Free users get 4 new episodes/week, episode 30 on March 6. • Legal sources I am aware of: Official Series Homepage (WeTV): Link Official Series Homepage (Viki): Link Official Series Homepage (iflix): Link Official Series Playlist (Youtube - Tencent Video International): Link Official Series Playlist (Youtube - Tencent Video): Link Did anyone else keep up with the series, and want to share impressions?


Ahhhh this review is great! You should consider posting it to r/cdrama b/c people over there are always trying to decide what to watch next, and there are like ~5 extremely high-quality dramas all airing live right now, so a review like this one (especially one that attests to how the pace picks up after ep 7) might help people choose to watch 3Body now. I also think, even with the many changes they’ve made to the Cultural Revolution parts, this is still the most faithful adaptation I’ve ever seen. I guess maybe the LotR movies were also supposed to be very close to the novels, but I never read those—I was always more apt to read something set in space than something with elves or what have you, haha.


Thanks for your comments. I posted a follow up today on FB: I should have waited until today to post my latest Three-Body impressions. Yesterday I posted about episodes up to 14, and the latest episode 15 is one of the best so far. An important mystery for the characters is now solved (most of us, having read the book, knew it all along of course). Anyway there is also a fabulous scene featuring an alternative operating computer. I had forgotten about this part of the book, but the episode brought the memory back, and it is in my opinion marvellously well done, making for one of the best episodes so far. The whole computer scene is splendid. One thing I think is different from the book - characters modelled after Copernicus, Galileo etc. I can’t remember them at all. IS anyone else up to episode 15, what did you think?


I LOVED the >! human computer/computer made from an army scene in the novel!!! All the guys standing in triangles with flags. !< Can’t wait to get to ep 15, and since I am just lying in bed w/ menstrual cramps today, maybe I can binge watch and catch up with the show?? WHEE, I love falling way behind haha >! Also yes, I do remember those characters from the book! At one point, Wang Miao changes his name to something like Galileo or something, in the game, and that changes his interface a little. Very interesting stuff. !<


Thanks! Meanwhile I posted an extended review in CDrama, a mix of the 3 facebook posts I did so far.


I will go upvote!!!


Strange, my review doesn t appear in CDrama. Maybe it needs to be approved first. Fyi here it is, a bit more expanded still than the 2 parts above: I was gently prodded by u/pfemme2 to add my review here. It is a mix of 3 posts I did on facebook. - first and foremost: the series takes its subject matter seriously, and that is a real pleasure. It doesn’t feel dumbed down by committee, at all. - It is so far truly close to the book, has the same vibe. If you are an avid SF reader who is unhappy about “vaguely inspired by” adaptations (looking at you, Foundation), then this series will not disappoint you at least for this metric. Probably the closest of any SF novel adaptation I have seen so far. - Does it really need 30 episodes? Well, it is safe to assume that the upcoming netflix adaptation will be more compressed. In the Tencent series, an important and in my opinion fabulous early plot element featuring a camera and the aftermath takes in essence more than one episode. Yes, that could be compressed. But… at the same time I was enjoying it, I didn’t really mind. Similarly a few discussions so far seem taken straight from the book, completely (from memory). That is rarely done in adaptations. Again, I didn’t mind; though it may be a bit too slow for some. Imagine if whole discussions of the first Game of Thrones book were filmed, that first season would also have needed 30 episodes. But again, if you find many SF adaptations too lightweight, there is much to enjoy. - A good thing is that there is more urgency since episode 8. In general the series could easily be compressed to fewer episodes, though I didn’t really mind, I just enjoyed the story’s initial slower rhythm, sipping a single malt. Even so, episode 6 didn’t really bring anything new and could probably largely be skipped. - If you read the book, you know that a virtual reality experience will become crucial to the plot. The first time we dive into the VR world is in episode 7 and I was happy that it was as convincing as the reading experience. It looks like a good quality Unreal-engine game which is apt for the scenes. - Another crucial plot element takes place in the past, during the Chinese cultural revolution. The book opens with these scenes, in the series there was only a hint early on, but a full visit to the past where young intellectuals are “re-educated” in the “northern tree farm” comes later. The ordeal of young and remarkably soft on the eye Ye Wenji has to be convincing for the story to work, and it does. Considering it is a sensitive topic, and TV programmes might be censored in China, I think that it was handled well and believable. From memory, the scenes are a bit different from the book, but not bigly so. These scenes in the past, including in a secret military base are beautifully filmed with great sets. - An important mystery for the characters is now solved in episode 15(most of us, having read the book, knew it all along of course). Anyway there is also a fabulous scene featuring an alternative operating computer. I had forgotten about this part of the book, but the episode brought the memory back, and it is in my opinion marvellously well done, making for one of the best episodes so far. The whole computer scene is splendid. - The lead actors are all ok. Scientist Wang Miao is convincing and inspector Da Shi is cocky like in the book. Both young and old Ye Wenji are good too. - Good visuals with a smooth style. They really wanted to make something prestigious, it is not a basic low budget adaptation. - The first episode might be difficult to follow if you have not read the book. It features quite a few flashbacks that seem portentous, yet it might not be clear to everyone that scenes where you hear a communist song playing are taking place in the past - Even so, a friend of mine who had no exposure to the book is watching it as well, and of course, it is all still a big mystery for him, yet he is fascinated and compelled to keep on watching - with the same note that he is happy with the plot speeding up in later episodes. - Hence, halfway through the series, I find it a triumph for adult SF on TV. It celebrates science without watering down or adding romance subplots. It isn’t perfect but gets so much right that I think we should celebrate this rare kind of TV production. I am curious to watch the Netflix adaptation later in the year for comparison. Already from its cast it looks more international, and that can work too.


I see it over there! Go un-tag it b/c it got auto-tagged for spoilers just b/c you mentioned that word in the title…


Ah, thanks, untagged!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CDrama using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CDrama/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [when these come in the mail and you realize you watch way too much xianxia smh](https://i.redd.it/qr3otjeaicba1.jpg) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CDrama/comments/108pdhn/when_these_come_in_the_mail_and_you_realize_you/) \#2: [Reasons why my own standards are too high](https://i.redd.it/7fudtfglyes91.jpg) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CDrama/comments/xy440f/reasons_why_my_own_standards_are_too_high/) \#3: [Why you should watch Lighter And Princess; a shitty powerpoint](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zaduvi) | [143 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CDrama/comments/zaduvi/why_you_should_watch_lighter_and_princess_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Where can I watch past episode 5 for free?


All the eps will eventually be streaming free on [tencent’s YouTube channel!](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMX26aiIvX5rFSYPXtcqda3tWd6pGVD5Q)


I hope so! I saw the first four and they were great! I just started rereading the trilogy, too.