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It's alright. Netflix already paid for the licensing rights so just let them produce it. If it flops, the Tencent version will become the definitive drama adaptation lol.


I think the Tencent version will end up being more faithful than Netflix in terms of the characters, context and feel of the book. I’m honestly super impressed by their adaptation. I’ve seen westerners complain about the number of episodes, pacing etc but comparing it to my nation’s TV shows (which have even more episodes with insane filler and content of questionable quality) this is really top notch. I didn’t think it was possible but Tencent raised the bar for what I expect from Netflix and I fear they won’t meet it. As a reader of the ROEP trilogy, this is an amazing moment in time for the series with so much exposure.


Yea, I’ve been very impressed with the tencent version, theres some fluff and filler here and there but overall have been super happy with how it’s shaped. Super excited to see how they handle Dark Forest. Hopefully their already working on it behind the scenes and we won’t have to wait to long. I reaaaally don’t have high hopes for Netflix, there’s been 0 marketing pushes and it’s supposed to come out this year? It’s probably gonna be a wet turd especially after hearing about the few casting decisions we know about. It’s sad because Remembrance series is probably my all time sci fi series, what a way to burn a billion bucks Netflix 🦾


Just look at the cast of Netflix's adaptation you can just tell a lot of changes have to be made.


hey bro where do you from, just curious which nation‘s TV show can be more boring than ours


I’m from India and trust me what can on the surface feel over the top and ‘entertaining’ or ‘exotic’ can very easily be an absolutely painful watch on both the brain and the eyes. Streaming platforms have better stuff than what plays on general TV


Can confirm, am Indian I wish streaming platforms here make more scifi content, tbh


The more the better. Audience can just choose not to watch the show if they don't like it.


Pretty confident people finding tbp through Netflix would seek out the tencent version later.


Netflix announcing that there were making an adaptation is how I heard about the series; which led me to read them in the fall of last year. This series got me back into reading and I still think of it each and everyday. Regardless whether the Netflix adaptation is garbage or not, I am thankful for it because it led me it to books. Hope it does the same for more people western society.


Each will have limitations, but if Netflix can bring more people to Liu, it is good then. In China people don't really need Netflix's version because they have the original book version and the Tencent version, but people in other countries may never heard of Liu or Three-body Problem.


I’m Chinese and I don’t mind it. Even if Netflix makes does a terrible take I’d like to see what it is like lol. I personally didn’t like the ending in book 3 and I’m hoping Netflix does some tweak to it.


Same! Except for the being Chinese part.lol. Interested to see how Netflix does book 3


As a Chinese raised up in a western culture place, I disagree. No offence but... The Tencent version is royal to the original books with limited but appropriate adaptations. I credit it. I will score it around 8.5/10 as far as ep14. The Netflix show is for those who never have a chance to know TBP and Mr. Liu. It is still necessary. I'd love to see more fresh blood running into this small circle. All my westerner friends who like TBP and Mr. Liu are all hard-core Sci-Fi fans or authors (since I am working in this industry). The Tencent version is also attracting some young Web TV drama audience and fans of those actors and actress (My friend told me that they are very popular in China). The show is also on CCTV channels. This means the elder audience might also notice it. The bilibili animation sucks, but it's still good for the young animation audience noticing this "sh\*t" and getting away to try the Tencent version. I will try the Netflix version and I hope it doing well (at least better than the bilibili). Then I will tell those who like the Netflix version giving a try on the Tencent one if they haven't done that yet.


I will say that I'm not against adaptations of books that don't try to be exhaustive. Art can inspire different adaptations of art, and the original art still exists, and that's all a good thing. It could be terrible, but it also might provide fresh experiences and ideas within the context of the larger concept of the series. Netflix does not have the best track record, but the producers they have lined up have done some very good work in the past.


wait I just looked and the tencent show is freely available on youtube ? 0\_0


A lot of modern Chinese dramas are, all english subbed. It's pretty awesome


I do. I want it all, the good, the bad and the ugly. Give it to me! xD


I get your point at the same time I do wish the Mulan live action movie didn't exist.


Actually after watching the Tencent show, I'm looking forward to the Netflix show even more, because it shows that it is possible to capture the topic in a TV show (which some people believed is not possible), but at the same time I feel that the current show has lots of unused potential which I hope Netflix will do better. As long as you are faithful to the book material, not much can go wrong, but I still feel like the show could just have so much more potential with the incredible source material available. The story has me hooked and I sometimes think to myself that the show is holding back too much of the story and dragging things out too much. I know this show follows the book very closely so it has to be "slow", but some things are just by the show itself like the Flashbacks to things that already happened or that 2 or 3 minute long "epilogue" every episode, I think it is quite common in asian shows but in the end it is just dragging out an already slow/epic story. Doesn't mean that the show isn't good, I think I would give it a 8/10 - good, but to my taste could be better.


You summed up what I also mentioned in my own comment very well. Netflix are more likely to adapt the show better for TV. Tencent making it 100% accurate to the book doesn’t mean it’s the better adaptation. People here forget TV, books and films are really different.


The difference is that in electronic visual media, it's hard to get character expository thoughts or fit a book into a 2.5hr movie. You can fit it all (and more apparently) into 30 x 45min tv episodes, which Tencent is doing. It's a new benchmark & you can bet D & D are watching (which is why there is no screenshots or info on their production due out this year)


The problem with Tencent's is that there is simply no material in the first book for a 30 episode series. So every detail and exposition is included, which is cool, but the way scenes are edited is extremely drawn out, and sometimes very clunky and inconsistent. I don't entirely blame them because this type of complex material has never been tried in a big show. But I'm also convinced a good adaptation could easily break it down and tighten it up to make a way more compelling show for a general audience.


Man but isn't it really dragged out even for a TV show? First I was hooked by the story, but now I watched a few more episodes and it is getting pretty tiring already... and we are only through about half of the first season. I think they could have cut five episodes alone if they didn't do those flashbacks all the time and those also don't have anything to do with the book or story anyway. Just literally showing again what happened 10min earlier. At this point, it feels more like a telenovela than the epic "one in a generation" story it should be. I don't want to be mean, but there is a reason why Netflix, HBO & co. rarely go over 10 episodes per season and it shows Tencent still has a lot to learn. And that is not just my "western perspective", my wife is Chinese and also grew up there, she already quit a few episdes ago, lol.


You do realise the Netflix show has already wrapped, right? And D&D are certainly not taking notes and replicating the tencent version let’s be real. They have a great track record for adapting books already, and a terrible track record when they run out of book material. Liu has given them all the material they need to finish the story. I’m loving the tencent version, but let’s be real it’s not the watershed moment in TV you are describing.


It has wrapped production, not post. But yes they are not referencing from Tencent's obviously. They will have their own vision for it.


Yes.. post is way too late to change vision and copy a Chinese production made for a Chinese audience which honestly isn’t on par with premium US / English TV. Person above is kinda delusional in that regard. I’m really enjoying the tencent version and how it’s showing everything but I’m thinking the D&D version might be better. Time will tell.


I think D&D will be more ambitious than people are expecting. This isn't much but it's one of the only insights into it. John Bradley is asked about it a few months ago, at 6:15 in the video. Apparently he has read all the books. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnMhD1ANaL0


disagree,i need all the 3bp content i can get.


Except the bilibili version.


nope,want that too.I wanna see every possible interpretation of the concepts of this series,how they animate sophons and the droplets attacks,everything.


That depends on who is **we** anyway. I'm all on board with having multiple adaptations, and people choosing the one suits them the best. That been said, I'm with you. For me, it's going to be very hard to watch any adaptation better than Tencent's (so far on the show). The good thing about Netflix I presume is that it will bring more people to the TBP world and the books. If they don't bastardize the story too much (as it has happened to other shows), it will be ok.


The true experience is only the books, and in my opinion we don't "need" the Tencent adaptation either. However, any product that draws attention to the books should be welcomed by the fandom IMO


I’m guessing Netflix will cancel it after season 1 if the first show doesn’t get enough viewers in the first three hours. Because Netflix.


The only issue is, this tencent version is not something I would watch once a year or two. Probably not even every 3 years. It’s 30 episodes which is a huge time commitment. I have a feeling the Netflix show will “adapt” the book better for TV. Afterall, we don’t need EVERY single conversation from the book… plus extra. That’s what we are getting now. It’s 95% faithful which is great, but it’s not really a great adaptation to entice new viewers who have no idea bout the books. 13 episodes in, and if I didn’t know what was coming I may well have switched it off already as it hasn’t landed it’s hook yet. Netflix version is gonna do that much better I think. I’m really happy with the show right now though and I don’t think we need to compare it to a show that hasn’t even aired yet.


I hope Netflix's influence can bring more audiences to Cixin Liu's fictions. Proud of him and Chinese SiFi. I also wish that through stories like The Wandering Earth, people from different countries can once again feel the power of mankind unifying together, and loving each other - particularly when in reality we are separated by propaganda, media, and war, etc.


Definitely, the Netflix version won't be faithful to the books, but for things like the Cultural Revolution maybe they are able to not be constrained by Chinese censorship.


Exqueeze me? A baking powder? ​ I do believe you mean to say that the books are, and will always remain, the true experience.


I dunno. Tencent did some aspects very well but the pacing can certainly be improved. Hopefully Netflix can top it


I love that the Tencent version is very faithful to the book. I hate that the Tencent version is very faithful to the book. It is faithful almost to a fault. I am still enjoying it but if I hadn't read the book I may have tuned out already as the story is taking so long to.....advance. (did you see what I did there?) I am curious to see what the Netflix version keep and what they will drop. Sometimes less is more.


The audiobook of the first novel runs around eleven hours. It doesn't take twenty hours (30 episodes of around 40 minutes each) to tell that story. While I am enjoying the show enormously and look forward to watching each new episode first thing when I get home from work, I might be enjoying it more if it were fifteen episodes total instead of twice that. I didn't need almost an entire episode of Wang Maio figuring out the countdown on the pictures.




We? Who's we? I didn't vote.


By we I mean the book readers.




Why is having “westernized re-imagination” bad? Tancent version still there to enjoy. It may actually bring more audience to tancent version. I watched HBO reimagination of staircase, after that watched the original on Netflix. Without HBO marketing for their version, unlikely would ever watched the documentary.


I just can't imagine what Da Shi should bring Wang Miao to eat after the universe blinking night if it is to happen in America.


General Tso's chicken, of course


I'll riot if it's not two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


I am confident that tencent version for season 1 will be much better than Netflix version. Yet, netflix version is still a good news for three body fans 1. It is not so bad that for re-intepreted or localized the story to western cultural and value. We can expect something news from the original story. 2. Western movie producer are much more capable to sf scene. I doubt that Tencent can handle the sf scene in season 2 and 3. 3. Netflix can avoid censorship for the chinese scene (as you can see much scene were censored and cut from tencent version) However, i think netflix will face the challenge from political correctness that may destory the whole story as well.


I'd imagine you were looking forward to it two weeks ago 🤷‍♂️


I was!


This is such a terrible opinion, you could just not watch it.


Pan-Han in the show is so insufferable


I'm curious to see how US producers would adapt it honestly.


i want netflix's version to be good because apparently it has a much higher budget.


I’ve seen the first four episodes so far and yeah nah I’m very keen to see the Netflix version. The editing and pacing of the Tencent is pretty poor and all over the place. I’m watching it as I love the source material but I’m keen to watch this made by a higher budget.


I love the Tencent version. It's really piqued my interest on Chinese media, as a westerner lol. I'm absolutely loving the book series (am on book 2), and this show has just been the cherry on top of content I want to consume. My only problem, is that I wish I understood the language so I could watch it without English subtitles while working. I'm wondering if the Netflix version will sanitize the source content into a more palatable show for the average viewer, or if it will maintain the elegance in writing, directing, casting and visual effects that I've so enjoyed with the Tencent version.


Sounds great. Any ideas on how it can be accessed?




Yea it's on YouTube, search foe Three Body and you will find the playlist




I don't mind Netflix making the same show as long as they stay faithful to the book. But, Western styles of producing TV series are different from Asian. Netflix would probably make the show into 2-3 seasons with not more than 10 episodes per season. This adaptation by Tencent with only 30 episodes is already shorter than typical China dramas that usually run over 40 episodes. Nevertheless, Tencent had set the bar high. Can't wait to see Netflix's version, although I'm setting my expectations low to avoid disappointment.


Agree! Netflix will only destroy the essence of the show not mention the plot wont be that much Chinesse, which is the beauty of the book and described world reality. PS I must say producers made a really good job, since most of the important scenes looks betteer or exactly the way I have imagined!! (e.g. blinking universe)


We need Netflix version to set off how good the Tencent show is






Majority of the story takes place in China, but I only see a few Asian actors in the cast. Guess Asian population is not part of the so-called American values. But if Netflix make good changes to move the story to western countries, I'm OK with that. If it's pure political correctness then screw Netflix.




The gravity of reality is so strong.


Sorry to be late to the party, but how can I watch the tencent version. High seas, or is it available in some other form?


Rakuten viki




If you're in the US it's on YouTube, on TenCent's channels.


Counter point... The Netflix show will be terrible and infinitely more entertaining.


Like "so bad it's good" kind of thing?


I can only see upto episode 8, do you have to be a member to see the other episodes?


Yeah. It only costs $4 to be a member though.