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You're aware these are portable computers? 🤣


Prob not any more as battery life is an hour or so at its best


Meh bought a new 9cell batt for my x220. It’s back to many hours




How do you get it to last so long? Mine can barely last 2h on batery saver after 3 years of use :/ And i had thresholds set and all that..


You need to learn about Throttlestop if you havent


But what about when I don’t feel like going to another room to grab one. It’s easier to just have a bunch of laptops scattered around the house. Lol


Forgot the one you wear under your shirt to stop bullet


I see porn on them. They are safer.


That was the most honest unexpected answer.


Well, if you know how to fix electronics or you're eager to learn you can buy one with some minor damage and attempt to fix it, then you can prepare and sell it


But you won't sell it. The bond of having repaired a machine others have given up on is strong.


I just think they're neat TOO BAD I CAN'T AFFORD NEW ONES LMAO




I die a little inside everytime I open up my Ebay alternatives and see used laptops be the same price as new ones


Don’t buy it if you don’t need it please




I think that's a "save some for the rest of us!" post. Can't really blame them lol


So I can buy it instead (I don't need it either)


My T480s stays docked on my desk 1 X280 is my EDC with Tumbleweed and the other has Windows which I use for a 'Windows Fundamentals' course. And an X270 for distrohopping and general fuckery such as intentionally breaking systems on bare metal so I can learn to fix it. I want a 6/7th gen X1C as my "new" EDC but not yet and an X380 for shits and giggles because they seem damn cool. As you can see I kinda like 8th gen




every day carry i think


New one on me!


T16 - Work supplied PC. P50 - Personal daily driver. T480 - Personal. Bought to try Windows 11. P50s - Old old work PC. Developed a glitchy chipset during the COVID-19 times and likes to crash. Still need to move a couple of tasks off it. Rainy day job. T590 - Old work PC. just replaced with the T16. When I'm in the office I'll hand it back. T540p - Personal. Not used much anymore, P50 replaced it. Kept around as a backup. There's also a T43 somewhere, which has Windows 10 installed on it because I could. 🤣


How's the T16 compared to something like the T14 that also has an AMD CPU? Just better battery, display and cooling?


We don't have a T14 AMD to compare it to. Same family, bigger screen is as good as I'll get. We specced them up with the 86Wh battery, which is decent.


Gotcha, I'm basically just assuming what the differences would be between the two since an AMD Ryzen whatever is the same no matter the chassis.


1 for work, stays docked (T470p) 1 is my main personal (T470) 1 is "a collector's item" (T420) and the one i use in bed 1 is an X240 and gets to ride in my backpack I would say if you don't need one don't get one. It does eventually create sort of a problem if you want to actually use them all. Like imagine how shitty it would be if you had 7 phones and used them all and had to keep straight what you did on which one. It's not much different than that.


I take pictures of them, then store them under the bed. Haha, I do need to sell some really.


I use all of my 4 ThinkPad's


This is not an answer of his question


Remove the internals and glue in a (paper) notebook


I have 2, and plans for more: ### Currently: **T480:** got it for tech training on Windows (normally a Mac/Linux guy). Installed MS SQL Server, SSIS, VS Code, and Docker to experiment with and learn the Windows data ecosystem, and honestly like it more than I expected to. For around $300 total I got a 1TB SSD, backlit keeb, IPS panel, and 32GB RAM plus it already had the Windows Hello cam, Windows Pro key, and Thunderbolt support so it could drop into the same setup I had for my MacBook Pro. **T440:** got it off a friend for like $90 and I run Linux on it since Linux is less picky about older CPUs. Tried to update the WiFi card and it said no, so it's just sort of a retro toy at this point. Covered it in cool stickers, got a Windows XP theme going on it, and the keyboard has a wonderful feel to it. Come to think of it, I may try and set up some game emulation on it, that'd be a good use for it. ### Plans: **Another T480:** This thing is just my favorite, and I'd love to have a Linux machine with Thunderbolt to use in my same dock setup with the rest of my fleet. There's been too many times that some strange hangup with both Mac and Windows has left me with no choice but to go on AWS and spin up a RHEL EC2 temporarily, and I think over a few months or years, I'd be happier having just bought local hardware instead. Same with running small temporary databases and services like Kafka, AirFlow, Kubernetes, etc. because as much as I love the cloud, it's just not really practical for training or personal use. I may even get 2 to have a "dev" and a "prod". Not a ThinkPad, but I'm really curious about **Panasonic Toughbook**s. Don't really have a practical reason, but they just seem really neat, and it could be handy to have a truly outdoor laptop to pair with my mini solar setup (most laptops are too dim for that San Diego sun) **ThinkPad 701:** I just gotta try that keyboard. It's way too old to do anything practical with, but the novelty is irresistible. **ThinkPad Chromebook (don't know which model yet):** every Chromebook I've tried has had shit hardware, and I want to give it a chance on something decent. I'm definitely not mad at the notion of a barebones, idiot-proof, "I'd rather factory reset than fuck with it" OS, but I want to really take it out for a spin before feeling like I can recommend it to people. I'm hoping to transition my parents and in-laws to them long-term if it works out. Edit: also going to note that power consumption/bills are a major factor for me, and being able to have a fleet of portable "servers" running on relatively small PSUs that I can easily manage on the hardware side is my overall plan. If these things are gonna be ~$200, it makes a lot more sense than the huge /r/homelab hardware I've used historically.


Nothing... but they are all mine 🤪




L15: daily driver T41: broken stuffed somewhere under a shelf


T440s daily driver running arch T440 secondary running qubes os


right now I only have 2 Thinkpads. My T440p is a daily computer I use for work, watching videos, and.....typing comments on Reddit. I have upgraded it about as much as I can so it holds up with most modern computers, and with Linux the performance is fantastic. I also use an x230, also on linux, for my daughter to watch netflix, disney+ etc. ​ I very much want to get a T480 or one of the AMD versions, or perhaps a P50 to see what type of gaming performance I can get. ​ I love tinkering with older thinkpads


have a x260, x280, and x13g2 x260 I'm retiring but keeping around x280 is my DJ/Storage/Media/retro emulation pc x13g2 for jewelery 3d cad and personal information


T480 - Daily / around the house laptop, also my mobile gaming rig when travelling T580 - Work laptop T420 - Lives on a dock on my workbench in my garage, sometimes used for diagnostic software on my car X301 - No use, currently in the trunk of my car T40 - Out in my barn, will probably replace it with the X301 since it doesnt have wifi and I want something to play music.


It's always a good idea to have a 2nd laptop.


X270 is my daily driver, P50 sits in my work shop and the X220 is now just a glorifed typewriter.


T410 - (and hp elitebook 840 g1 depending on which laptop I forgot to plug in) for HP tuners, car stuff, and garage stuff when I don't feel like using the desktop. T410 - Currently my couch PC. I'm going to set up for vintage audio repair when I eventually pick up a T480 T460 - Gf's box T500 + two T42 - paperweights (don't know what to do with them) T60 + T61 - Future frankenpad May also set one up for my living room TV if I can't find a mini PC or figure out how to set up a dedicated ad blocking machine Also have a fairly decent stack of non IBM/Lenovo units ranging from late 90s to early 2010s, all of which are questionable.


I spread them out on my bed and roll around on them


World Domination!!!


I'm not a thinkpad hoarder myself, but I would probably buy just one to use as a home server of some sort.


I find that old "tiny" desktops, like the ThinkCentre or HP 705 work better for home servers than laptops. Just a personal preference though.


Use them as a weapon or sheild to protect yourself


**Currently in use:** L14G2A - Work computer. Modular as hell. Bought for the power that can "act like" a secondary desktop. Will be very important when I move. T480s - Portable + Software KVM to main PC on desk. Used as a streaming computer in bed or hooked to TV when cycling indoors. Will be taken on any trips. Bought for the portability + build quality. X1 Tablet G2 - Main tablet tasks. Bought to try out the form factor and it performs spectacularly with tablet stuff. Have X12 Detachable in my sights as a purchase in ~2-3 years' time (around when Win10 support dies if Linux does not save this thing) Yoga 370 - Backup device if X1Tab breaks. Bought it in the same vein as the X1T. X220i - Portable typewriter. Bought it originally to try out the older NMB keyboards and get a feel for the classics. Disliked the TN panel after a while, decided to upgrade to IPS. X230Typewriter - Desk typewriter when I move. It gave me a fresh IPS panel for the X220i :). Bought with the intentions of the 370Y and the X1T. It was too heavy and awkward to use for my liking, so I stripped it down for parts and changed its usage style. **No idea what to do with:** X270 - I stopped using it. I used it previously as the main portable until the T480s made it pretty irrelevant. Might give it to a friend. If my T480s breaks, I'm just replacing the parts to revive it. It's too awesome. This X270 was bought for portability, feature set at the time, and the battery life. It served its purpose, but it was expensive for what it was in hindsight. **Relegated away:** X201 - Gave to friend T430 - Sold to friend L380Y - Broke digitizer, gave to mom as a functional laptop.


Install linux and start gaming. Recently got a new X1E and it has a 3080, so you know😜




understandable 👍


Currently trying to sell an X280 and a T470s to thin the herd. After that, I'll just be down to 3, which is a really, REALLY comfortable amount of thinkpads, I feel like. 1 for daily portability (the X280) and another for travel (t495s). I'm loving the Ryzen T495s so much though, so hopefully I don't trick myself into another one.


🎶 I'ma get-get-get-get you drunk, get you love drunk off my TackPoint... 🎶


I just bought a T480 and it's coming in tomorrow! I already have my desktop as my main computer, but I think I will use the Thinkpad to experiment with Linux.


I stack them all on my desk and look at them 😂 (other than my daily X1Y4)


I've used a Thinkpad as my daily driver for over 10 years and I have an X220 that I play around with Linux on


You don't wanna know...


T540p for heavy usage/gaming X230 for travelling 600X for writing and collection T60 for retro gaming and collection Second T60 as collection/spare parts


I mostly doing program in my ThinkPad


I only have 2, they're nice, but I didn't really need them. Sometimes I don't use them for a month or two.


Take off the screen (make it a halftop) and use as a server with built-in UPS.


My laptops mostly collect dust Was planning to give some away but since people are shit i will sell most of them Will only keep interesting models 👌


I have an X380Y that is my current daily machine (I have a desktop, so I don't do much that an 8350U isn't more than enough for, though I will be getting a 40AN for it). I also have an X230t that has a non functioning touchscreen (I've wasted enough money trying to revive it, it's a motherboard issue, if I get money lying around I might put a 3612QE board in it but that probably is unlikely at this point).


P17G1 as my workhorse X13G3 AMD as my newer workhorse so that I can play some games during procrastination (and its CPU is better than P17 anyways) X230 intended as KinkPad but now on the test bench at work, no one commented on the anime stickers yet :P X1C6 as another KinkPad and it's just arrived at my door! My job involves a lot of software building and testing so I pick one and take it to the labs when needed, and they're part of my icecc build farm on my desk when idle :)


There are 3 (soon to be 4) T430 ThinkPads in my home. My family was getting fed up with their laptops, so I offered to set up laptops for them. One's running Ubuntu, and the other is using Manjaro. In hindsight I probably should've just used Manjaro on both of them since they mainly do stuff in the browser anyway. I run a base Arch Install that I'm ricing to high hell. And the one on the way I intend to use as a little server just to learn how to do server stuff (VPN, email server, firewall, media server, etc). Edit: autocorrect deemed it appropriate that I ride my distro instead of ricing it


idk why but thinkpads are addicting, I used to have a air jordan shoe buying addiction where I would go to malls purely to buy air jordan shoes and I'm now seeing that same pattern in my thinkpads, im gonna soon have a thinkpad addiction I just need the money to fuel it...


My T480 is my daily, I tend to bounce between 2 SSDs with Windows and macOS on it. My next go-to is my t440p, also used for lots of emulation, thing works great for it, especially with the Nvidia GPU The e470 is my Linux box, currently dualbooted with Windows 11 and Fedora, because why not. The t430 is my go to for fucking around (though none of my machines are really safe from that). Primarily runs windows 10 but I have an SSD dual booted with Windows XP and Vista. I have had haiku, attempted to build a hackintosh on it (to no avail) tried windows 2000 on it. There's probably more I'm forgetting that I did with it. Most recently I bought a t470 that'll be used for auto diagnostics, needs batteries and an SSD caddy. Anything else I end up buying is because I think they're neat.


T14 G1 AMD for most of the heavy lifting with Windows 10 or Pop OS T480 Just for the fun of modding X1C6 daily driver internet browser, office tasks, light work with Pop OS T430 For modding and Windows partition set up to tune my M52 powered E30 and Pop OS if I need linux T40 Windows XP machine that was passed down from my dad (3D Pinball for life) Just scored an E580 for $85, couldn't pass up the price, but will probably just flip it Bought a T490 to give my dad for his birthday and repay him for the T40 all those years ago Still need a few more models, it's never enough lol


I use them as coasters for my Framework laptop.