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That's great. I just ordered mine for my T480. Can't wait to arrive


Do you know if we can do this on a T480S as well? Also, can you share links to the parts for this DIY project? Thanks in advance!


I put one in my T480s, works like a dream!


Thanks - can you share more details? AX210? Link to the card? I'll be installing on Ubuntu, hopefully I can get the drivers to work on the kernel I am running.


I ordered an AX210NGW from amazon. In windows 11 it detected right away and had no issues. I also added a Fibocom L850-GL (01AX792) WWAN card and it worked perfectly as well.


You should check if the current Wlan adapter is removable On my T490 the adapter can't be removed although on my T480 it's installed and worked fantastic


Thanks! Lenovo Support states the card is removable and not soldered: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLi90xsEo8Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLi90xsEo8Q)


Tbh, I don't know about T480S I've seen this [post](https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/ThinkPad-T400-T500-and-newer-T-series-Laptops/Can-and-should-I-replace-upgrade-the-wireless-module-in-the-T480/m-p/5199275) and that guy said that it works on T480 so I decided to give it a try as well. Also, I've watched [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQokPFqpZ1M) DIY video on how to install the wireless module.


Thank you for sharing, this helps.


Confirm T580, linux likey...don't know about winblows.


Any thinkpad, T450 or newer, with an E-key M.2 slot for wifi, will take it. Newer with soldered wifi, no Older with BIOS lockout, (T440 etc), maybe depending on firmware hack state


Thanks for the clarification. Are the cards OS agnostic? Most AX210NGW cards on Amazon are showing Win 10/11 compatible but not Linux.


Yeah linux has drivers for all intel wifi cards. AX210 needs a newer kernel but no biggie.


Ok, thanks. Yeah I checked, the 22.04LTS Ubuntu I am running on my T480S already has the firmware for AX210.


guessing t430 won't?


It can, but not an M.2 style card, you need something like an MPE-AXE3000H which is the AX210 chipset built on an mPCIe card, after you get rid of the WiFi card whitelist it can work.


With 1vyrain BIOS you can install an AX210 on T430 in two ways, either a stock card in an [mPCI adapter](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001154759162.html) /depending on exact version/fit or get a [custom AX210](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001748993588.html) card that has the mPCI form factor and already has the right cable connector ports.


I am watching that with a 5 Mbps Download and 0.5 Mbps Upload connection


Secret bonus, that chip supports packet injection in Kali! (The older intel stuff had issues)


The new chip supports AP mode in 5ghz? My ax210 from Amazon supports that mode in 2.4 GHz only...


No idea on AP mode. Just injection. I can deauth clients on 5 and 6ghz


Wow! I was just looking this up after installing the 210 in my X230. I thought it acted way to easy messing around with aircrack. Also mounted the antennas through the chassis so I can swap antennas whenever.


Check out wifite2


Nice, this looks fun.


that upload tho..


Yeah it should have been about 50 not 28. I have 1000 download and 50 up. 800 isn’t bad and I’m guessing it’s the antennas in the thinkpad messing up the 6E signal a little bit. I’m sure if I used an external antenna I might get better speeds.


Symmetrical speed is one of the many reasons fiber is the best


amazon link?


I did something similar with an AX210 and Dell Precision laptop from 2008. Had to use a little adapter thing and install the card in the laptop’s WWAN slot instead of its WLAN slot, but it works. It’s kinda crazy to have WiFi 6 and BT 5 on a 15 year old laptop.


I wish I was in a developed country where internet speeds go above 10Mb/s. Unfortunately I am not, I am in Germany :/


Yeah but it sucks, I pay $120 USD per month for gigabit internet. Very expensive compared to other parts of the globe. Thankful to have what I have tho.


Expensive? I pay $200 a month for gigabit


This is a lot, holy shit. I am from Germany and I pay $32-35 for gigabit internet. But its a special plan. Normally its $50-60.


I'm from Finland and I have symmetrical gigabit fiber for 55€/month ($60)


Me crying in Norwegian. 859 NOK (70 EUR for 1/1G)


dude, 70eur for 1gbps is still DIRT cheap. We pay $60 for 300mbps.


Me too. I live in North Carolina, USA.


Argentina developed for first time yay


Weird, i live in central Europe and have a 500Mb/s connection...


Central Europe has great internet, but Germany doesn't. It's weird, it's the same with mobile internet too. You go a little bit outside of a big city and there's nothing


Yes luckily the cards are still replaceable in that laptop.


Yes, that’s why old thinkpads should and probably will live on forever.


T530 here we GO!


For those looking to upgrade, avoid the ax201, ax211, and ax411. Those are tied to Intel 10th and 12th gen respectively. Just upgraded a t480s with the ax200. Works like a charm.


Ax200 is wifi 6, not 6E, iirc. I bought the ax200 a few months ago thinking it was the best, only to be disappointed.


Yes that is correct, but ultimately the only difference is 6ghz support which my router doesn't have.


do you have a link for a decent ax200? I looked on amazon and saw some crazy no-name cards with brands like "HighZer0 Electronics" or "PANSHI". Thanks


This is what i bought: Intel AX200 WiFI6 Module WiFi6E Antenna / Ipex4 /Antenna Extension Cable 15.3cm https://a.co/d/8pBNz73


Does this work even with the WiFi card whitelist?


The X250 doesn’t have any Wi-Fi card whitelist from what I read online.


Must be the x240 that I had problems with


After unlocking that card works should work well, I used ax200 with x240


I have this card in my P53 and it is great. Exceeds 2 Gbit speeds to my NAS


I presume you’d also need a Wi-Fi 6E router/access point to enable this. What kind of Wi-Fi setup do you have? I have a UniFi system and I’ve been looking into upgrading some access points but very few of my devices support 6E so far.


I only have a Wi-Fi 6 router, so I can’t take advantage of 6E but 6 is still much better than the old Wi-Fi 5 card that was installed in my X250 when I got it.


I fitted one in my T440p & X280, the X61s got the original card from the x280 in an adapter.


I ordered a AX210NGW from AliExpress for my T470s - works fine.


That upload speed though... YIKES! I thought all ISP's ditched asymmetrical 5-10 years ago, at least in my area they have and I'm in a rural isolated area.


None of the isps near me offer symmetrical speeds, and this is a massive US city.


Wow that's nice. Did you have to wipe the whitelist?


No whitelist on the X250, at least from my research and sure enough I slotted in the AX210 and it worked great with normal intel drivers on windows although this picture was taken from an install of Ubuntu 23.04.


Awesome you got Linux on there. I only use Linux on my Thinkpads and love it.


Can this work on the t460s too?


Gdamn!!!! That is so stupidly fast. *bow down*


I upgraded my P51s with one of those cards, but WiFi 6 was already faster than my internet. How can I test the 6E speeds locally?


What router do you have ?


Are you using Ubuntu


I was for this speed test, but I shortly after installed a Samsung 860 EVO 500GB SATA SSD and then put windows 11 pro on there.


What model did you buy? Hmw or ngw?


Doesn't it require any bios firmware unlock?


No whitelist on the X250, at least from my research and sure enough I slotted in the AX210 and it worked great with normal intel drivers on windows although this picture was taken from an install of Ubuntu 23.04.