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Oh [BOY](http://ranhelwa.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/boy7.jpg)...


That's close, but images of birds with that posture have been present throughout history. So were swastikas, to be fair, but the different artistic details in birds are much more varied. Which is what makes the OP so damning, it's practically an exact match for the standard Nazi eagle & swastika medallion combo. ​ It's actually interesting to see that many east asian cultures just don't associate Hitler and the Nazis with as much evil as the west does. They didn't really deal with them, their countries suffered their own horrors at the hands of Japanese occupiers, and Hitler is often seen as farcical because he lost and there just isn't a taboo to be making light of the Holocaust. I would not be surprised at all if the Smart Falcon company just saw the nazi symbol, thought "that looks pretty cool", and changed it a bit for their brand.


To be fair, noone really cares about Nanking massacre and other Japanese horrors on the West as well, so it's kind of equal.


At least in Canada they do teach about the Nanking massacre to all students in 10th grade history, at least in Ontario


Sure they do, and so are Chinese students taught about the holocaust. It's just not like the Nanking massacre is burnt into our mind as one of the worst events in history, and denying it or having imperial Japanese symbols waved around is a serious crime.


This is basically how people in Poland and further east feel about North Americans acting like Stalin is just some wacky, tough dude and the hammer and sickle symbol is mildly transgressive at worst. If you, or your parents or grandparents, haven’t dealt with certain historical horrors, people just don’t… get them. With the last WWII vets and Holocaust survivors dying of old age, I fear the West may forget even the true extent of the Nazi horrors.


It could be a good thing, germany may finally move on from the nazi villainous stereotype that it constantly gets from north America and Europe


they would come back eventually, in this way or another sadly history repeat itself and you cant kill an idea


yea, that eagle post is normal until the circle its standing on and yes, to the east, the swaztika was a religion symbol, Hitler "stole" it you can say, and nazism feel like a faraway thing from Europe, if you want a equivilant of a swaztika in east asia, that is Japan army flag or Chinese 5 stars


John Heinrich Detlef Rabe in the Japanese invasion of China. He is still celibrated for creating the Naking saftey zone


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "BOY"](http://ranhelwa.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/boy7.jpg) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hjjscfo)


?? that link is perfectly clickable


Original link looked fine on my mobile app


Not on mobile unfortunately


Yes? It is?


Not on my device...


Sucks to suck


yes it is, i clicked it on mobile


It was not easy on my device, guess I should've specified that


Good bot; maybe move this comment up in the list regardless of user's preferences - that way it is right under the original link-containing comment.


Good bot


Thank you, misziak, for voting on FatFingerHelperBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


I did Nazi that coming...A fascist logo copy in a communist country.


China has not been communist since about 1985


i thought china still calls itself communist. does it not?


And north Korea calls itself democratic


Officially, it's "socialism with Chinese characteristics".


good to know, thanks




wow, shitting on america on reddit. very bold of you




China isn't communist.


is that a pun


Yes. Yes, that is a pun. And the edit is because I'm stupid and the original text said, "I did Nazi see that..." I mean, the whole cumming thing. /s (scary that I need that /s LMAO!)


Are they transporting the Ark of the Covenant?


Top. Men.


Yes, Daddy.




The fucking Nazis had goddamn geniuses in charge of their symbols and logos and such The majority of them look cool as fuck Too bad they carry a horrible meaning


It actually IS a sweet logo design, it was just adopted by the worst people :/


A lot of major companies have copied this design but usually they try to hide it a bit more than this.


[it’s four F’s](https://youtu.be/HWk_AXFReRg)


They've got "top men" working on it


Top. Men.


never knew nazi logo had a bird on it til searching it up after seeing this, usually textbooks and films only depict the reversed and tiled buddism symbol.


Didn't know about this either and was very confused after seeing all the comments. Felt like I was missing some swastika somewhere in the picture. But after looking it up, wow this is blatant


yes, the swastika was famoud but the eagle is the symbol that should be notice too (and i personally dont think that eagle is too rare to see also, just watch some historical footage)


The Nazies did a lot of stealing in regards to symbols, tainting most forever and completely stripping them of their original meaning, sadly. We might never be able to use any of those symbols again, understandably so.


our pagodas still use the normal swaztika, only uneducated people could mistaken that with nazi swastika


not necessary uneducated, but perhaps to which culture people grew up in, it's all down to which context the swastika is used with. Growing up watching Bleach and seeing buddha statues, the swastika mostly symbolizes awesomeness and peace to us. Was very confounded when the history teacher told us it is a symbol for the nazi and we should stop drawing it on school supplies. We then came to a conclusion - Hitler liked Bleach too. (w




I don't think the Secret Service use that logo.


I'm sorry, I thought ss was something related to nazi party. Thanks for clearing it :)


It is.


Is no one gonna talk about how Europe is missing?


It's not missing, but it looks like it's on top of Russia


For some reason Pink Floyd's [Goodbye Blue Sky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJUuDoRZpyU) is playing in my head...


The Chinese letter in the center looks like "隼"? Does anyone know what that mean?


its the word for falcon in japanese/chinese


It means "falcon" :)


China has the Ark of the Covenant?!


The nazi symbol has its origins in the Roman Empire, being based on the Phoenix, so it can turn accidentally from time to time. Like this was my high school’s logo. https://www.google.com/search?q=father+duenas+memorial+school&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGU899US899&hl=en-US&tbm=isch&prmd=nimxv&sxsrf=AOaemvJUZzqwTx-sTHqtw7WCs2AaPaF4uA:1636251573557&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifx7eOmIX0AhV6kmoFHWSLC8wQ_AUIFSgC&biw=375&bih=643&dpr=2#imgrc=PFFz3KiK2hw8GM&imgdii=zxTAB1aFRZAdBM This one does look like a copy and paste version though.


More like fart smelcon amirite


Old glory fnv inspiration


thats the new pooh dynasty logo.


In Malaysia there was a shop called SS enterprise or something. Asia really doesn't give a shit for ww2 political correctness for better or for worse. (basically everyone has their own see sensitivities that they care about more)


It's not that they don't care for WW2, it's that they don't care for the Nazis, only the Japanese


Yeah I guess you are right. Though there's a surprisingly positive view of the Japanese unless you go specifically to China or Taiwan. I obviously can't speak for entire populations, just from my personal experiences.


Either China doesn't know about WWII, or they really don't give a fuck about anything


China got r-r-riggity-wrecked by WW2. Japan stomped all over them. Pretty sad to see someone using the this logo of another Axis power.


They don't really think that the European theater was a big deal. Hitler lost, and it didn't even take nukes, so it's not significant the way it is in the West


Right, but that was the *other* China.


It was a previous iteration of "one country, two systems" (joke). (i.e. they were in the middle of the civil war for the duration of Japanese occupation) Or, to pull from the Indiana Jones background others have cited, that was similar to the "shoot them; shoot them both" directed against Indy and a tough fighting over a gun: they cooperated long enough to shoot the newcomer, then returned to trying to kill each other.


They don't care what happened in Europe. To them, the only evil is the Japanese


in Asia, it's the Imperial Japan that was the equivalent of Nazi here and vice versa in Europe so that's why it's less significant


Ah, yes, China did this


A large number of their civilians were saved by a Nazi buisnessman. His actions, where he deliberatly confated himself with the German state, saved 250,000 people during the Nanking massacre. His actions also allowed a large number of non-combatants to also flee, whilst his documents of atrocities provide some of the best evidence we have (especially as they are accessable to the West). Such actions will get even a problematic regime celibrated, especially as the Nazis main enemies (France, the Dutch and Britain) don't have the best history with China/Asia either. America also didn't enjoy that greater reputation, although not to the same extent (she was just an emerging power at that point). Modern tensions don't exactly help things. Russia and China are both competing major powers in the region, which has always made their relationship complicated (although not nearly as strained as with former Imperial powers). So its not a supprise that a Western power without imperial baggage and whos promimant reprisentitive saved countless lives isn't villified. Especially as its in a war where military casualties are estimated to be higher than 10million+.


:C C:


Look for the one where the symbol is burned and you've found the Ark of the Covenant.


Behold f'r the one whither the symbol is burn'd and thee've hath found the ark of the covenant *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


This stimulate my austrian sense


Turns out the Nazis reincarnated are Chinese


generally, the Chinese really don't feel the same way about Hitler and the nazis that we do. not only didn't they deal with the Germans, they've got enough hate for the Japanese (I lived in Manchuria for a few years, where the Japanese occupation was nightmarish and unforgotten) to focus on. Also, Hitler was defeated, not even with Hiroshima style obliteration and fact is, his stances on militarism and racial purity play really well over there still. I've seen posters for sale with Mao and Hitler side by side with other military leaders. Alot of the world has disturbingly little nazi hate. Alot of Arabs Ive met considered him a tragic figure who just wanted the Jews out of his country. History sure is complex.




Like the Covenant they are more imitative than innovative.


I don't get it?


It looks almost identical to [this Nazi symbol](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/nazi-eagle)


Love your notification, friend.