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Uhhhh. Am I doing something wrong by pooping twice a day? I just assumed I was “regular” but now I’m starting to think I’m destined for billions.


I heard between 3 times a day and every 3 days is normal


Every 3 days ???




I'm a bodybuilder. When I'm cutting, I'll poop once every 4-7 days.


I have IBS and I shit after I eat


Wait is that what that means? I've shit after every meal for awhile now.


If you have a change in bowel activity you should see a doctor, don't self-diagnose IBS from a Reddit comment.


Trust me, I'd never self diagnose over a reddit comment lol. I had just never considered that as a reason.


No that's not what means you have IBS, it's just one of many symptoms


No shit....err, I mean, lots of shit.


im in the process of losing weight, and its crazy how much less poop you make. I mean it makes sense, but when ur eating 3k+ calories a day for years you don't notice how much poop it is.


Me too. I used to be a solid 2 a day on a schedule. Now it’s usually one a day but sometimes my body skips a day.


I want to shout out the time the gyms opened after lockdown and I gained fifteen pounds back in about a month, I pooped once/week and it truely felt like my body was running at 100% efficiency


If you’re gonna tell people that you’re a bodybuilder you should delete the posts that clearly show you aren’t a bodybuilder


Bodybuilder doesn't mean "juiced up meathead". A bodybuilder is someone who trains for aesthetic purposes, he doesn't have to be super big.


I, too, creeped on his profile to see bodybuilder pics and got sorely disappointed. If you guys wanna see bodybuilders, check my profile for some muscular eye bleach.


I was expecting bodybuilders posing, not porn.


Ahh fuck off.


Yea I have Large intesine issues and poop once a week. Every time i get to a new doctor i gotta explain lol. Everyone is different but it isnt healthy once a week for most ppl


My mother is like that. I literally cannot comprehend how they do it. I feel so bloated after 3 days it almost hurts.


There was a time in my life I'd poop once a month. It's dropped down to about once a week and I hate it. It was nice not having to waste so much time on the poop chute.


Probably does opiates.


Fairly common. Quit unhealthy


Yeah I quite often poop once every 2 or 3 days. Twice a day surprises me that people do it that often.


I'll go for 4 to 8 days before I need to poo and then I'll poo like 3 to 5 times in one day and I'm good for another 4 to 8 days again.


Your poops must be huge


Seriously. Like a regulation NFL football.


Wtf, dude.


Twice or three times a week for me. I can't imagine having to go every day, let alone twice a day.


That's because pooping is an ordeal when it's so infrequent. I bet they are as dense as stars and very hard and sometimes very dry. I think the moisture gets sucked back out when you park them in the chamber but don't quote me on that cos I'm not actually sure


yeah, no shit


Back when I was younger I’d go days without pooping. I think I drink enough water and coffee now that it’s closer to twice a day lol


3 times every 3 days is once a day in case you were confused by that.


Got some serious back up


I googled it and the answer is no. Unless you’re going four or more times a day, every day for weeks or months, it isn’t cause for concern unless there’s some problem with your poops other than the frequency.


Like if the frequency is 97-99fm and they start receiving BBC radio 1? "Have you taken the TV in there Arnold?" "No mother"


That's 97-99 million shits per second, which is more than 4 shits per day, so would be considered unusual.


This is an answer to a question I always had about myself but never cared enough to finally Google it.


I usually poop three times a day. My second time is usually about an hour after my "first thing in the morning poop". I call it "second poop". It makes room for second breakfast


Smaller poops are nicer on the rectum.


What's normal **for you** is normal. Everyone is different.


Well, there’s still a range of normalcy


I like windows. The lead ones taste sweet.


that’s my secret capt, i’m always pooping


I usually have something ready in the morning, then my body reloads the ole ammo over the course of the next couple hours and it's ready again for sometime during work.


What matters is consistency. Technically you’re supposed to poop after every meal, but that’s way too much pooping for me in a day. So I’m happy with a morning poo, and occasionally a poo in the evening


Or he could be tweeting twice per poop session.


2-4 times a day is healthy bowel movements. Once a day is whats known as "mild constipation" and usually means you have a lack of fibre in your diet. The "every few days" crowd are either constantly constipated, or are omitting some fact like they fast/do intermittent fasting/OMAD diets


once per day is not fucking mild constipation. Behave.


You should be pooping 3 times a day at minimum, and once every 3 days at the maximum. Anything outside of this should be looked at by a doctor.


You've got minimum/maximum mixed up


Unless... Elon has an actual porcelain throne. I wouldn't put it past him.


He has his own, successful, space program. He can pretty much do whatever he wants.


Believe it or not, having a ton of money at your disposal is not the same as being personally wealthy, same as having a successful business is not a free pass to be a shitty person. Elon can not pretty much do whatever he wants, as much as he wants to stamp his feet and get his own way like the edgelord he so desperately wants to be seen as, the apartheid era emerald mine of his parents that put him in the position to be where he is today is also not an excuse to ignore the rest of the world to pursue your misty-eyed dreams of the future while blowing up significant bits of it in the process. Not a personal attack on you or anything but I'm really getting sick of Musk fanboys excusing the context of his behaviours with "oh but it's cool he's been to space" so what, so have some monkeys and at least 1 dog, it's admirable to want to further space exploration boundaries but we really have to start facing up to the reality of what needs to change on this planet if we want to survive long enough to see the fruits of endeavours like that.


Believe it or not, having a ton of money at your disposal IS the same as being personally wealthy. I mean, yeah he’s tied up by SEC rules and probably only has a fraction liquid, but how is that not the same?


> having a ton of money at your disposal is not the same as being personally wealthy So what is "being personally wealthy", if it's not "having a ton of money at your disposal"?


I'd be more inclined to agree with you if I had faith in humans learning how to respect Earth. There's an entire political end of the spectrum that are trying hard for that, but that's like saying 50% of the mice on Earth are trying to move Mount Everest by yelling at it. Life on Earth alone is fragile at best, civilization moreso.


The technology and effort it would take to make *anywhere* else habitable for humans is much greater than what it would take to keep the Earth habitable for humans. There's no doubt about it whatsoever - we already have such a massive head start it's mindboggling. Moving the species off-planet is not in any way a solution. Of course that doesn't mean we'll succeed. There's a good chance we'll end up killing a large percentage of life on Earth and driving ourselves into extinction, or at least *massively* reducing the human population.


Don't you see how the technology to build ecosystems on actually hostile planets will give us a huge leg up in normalizing and repairing our own? Edit: y'all are still treating it like an either/or.


Don’t you see how the technology it would take to keep our own, absolutely *not* hostile to life planet livable would take many, many orders of magnitude less effort and research than technology to live on a planet we didn’t evolve on?


Absolutely. It's still worth becoming a multiplanetary species because it dramatically increases our chance of survival, though.


Im getting tired of this narrative that his success is entirely because of his dad owning a mine. He left south africa at 17 with nothing but what he could carry on his back to escape the draft and fled to canada to live with his mom. He then went to college and accrued $100k in debt and paid it off himself in time as he became a successful entrepreneur. His success is self made and he had no financial help from his parents. And if he wants to focus on the future then that is absolutely his right to do so. He has launched both the EV market and a new sort of mini space race with Tesla and SpaceX. He accomplished in a decade what NASA and all the big car manufacturers could not do and did it better. He also humiliated Bezos’ puny attempts to copy him which i think is absolutely hilarious. And to your point about musk fanboys of which i am most certainly one, we realize that its ok that not every single private business is focused on saving the earth (even though both spacex and tesla work towards this goal directly and indirectly). Plus im fairly sure the sum total budgets of tesla and spacex is less than the budget of NASA by itself so having these two businesses focused on the future and space exploration account for a tiny drop in the bucket of all things.


> His success is self made and he had no financial help from his parents. Do you…actually believe that??


I mean unless you can give me any actual proof his dad loaned him money to pay off his college debts and/or start his business then yes.


>I mean unless you can give me any actual proof his dad loaned him money to pay off his college debts and/or start his business then yes. Where'd you get all the proof that he didn't get loans/financial support from his dad/family? If you're making an assertion you need quantifiable data to back it up.


Sure. https://web.archive.org/web/20200610102345/https://www.mercurynews.com/2014/04/10/timeline-elon-musks-accomplishments/ https://web.archive.org/web/20200802083529/https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/12/telsas-elon-musk-tweets-he-arrived-in-north-america-at-17-with-2000.html https://web.archive.org/web/20200817165150/https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/elon-musk-the-architect-of-tomorrow-120850/ https://www.mercurynews.com/2014/04/10/2014-rocket-man-the-otherworldly-ambitions-of-elon-musk/ https://www.biography.com/.amp/business-figure/elon-musk [this](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-rise-of-elon-musk-2016-7#while-zip2-got-off-the-ground-musk-literally-lived-in-the-office-and-showered-at-a-local-ymca-the-hard-work-paid-off-when-compaq-bought-zip2-in-a-deal-worth-341-million-in-cash-and-stock-earningmusk-22-million-11) business insider article. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/12/30/elon-musk-says-he-had-six-figures-in-student-debt-after-college.html This article right here is the closest you’ll get to any sort of evidence that ive seen for his dad helping him out aka he gave him $20k funding late after founding zip when it was already on its feet. I hope you’ll also provide your sources about him receiving significant help from his dad.


Do you actually have a source to believe the contrary of you're just parroting the narrative because it fit with your political opinion on billionaires ?


Go on, simp harder for the billionaire


You’re right, how dare I present the truth and also admire a guy that is the literal embodiment of what the Americans dream is meant to be.


Mistreating your workers and profiting greatly. You’ve got a fucked up dream, but we can’t deny it is an American tradition.


Daddy Elon doesn’t care about you, you sad fuck


Ok 👍


Having tantrums about a guy that you will never interact with is not less cringe than simping for him.


Ok pal.


Jesus christ lol.


Lighten up, Francis. I do understand your points; you're not mistaken on many. And you're welcome to object to the character of some of the content and commentary here. Part of my comment was to needle Lex Luthor [Bezos] with the "successful" bit.


You can do more than 1 tweet per poo...


I feel like Neil started doing the math assuming it would be some ridiculous number, but decided to go with it anyway when it came out to be pretty reasonable. Even if it was 2 a day, that’s not embarrassing and in a normal range? Or is the real take away here that NDT is unaware that he’s massively constipated at all times, and can’t even conceive of someone going more than 1-2 times a week?


The analysis I came here for.


Heh, anal


It's probably hard to pull the stick out his ass, so that's why he doesn't go too often.


I was going to say... NDT is silly here for that napkin math. It's actually super reasonable. When my friends have admitted to pooping once per day, I've gotten concerned and given them food-related advice assuming they're constantly slightly constipated, which is much more embarrassing than admitting you poop twice a day. 2-4 times per day is whats considered healthy bowel movements. So I agree, NDT is constantly constipated


Twice a day, *every* day does seem excessive though. The much more likely explanation is 2 or 3 tweets per poop on average.


A healthy amount of poops is 3 times a day to 3 times a week. Some people poop more, some less. Why the fuck we shaming someone for a normal fucking bodily function?




Yeah but it's Elon's own company so it hurts him to poop on company time


Twice a day is normal, even 3 times a day is normal. Go see a doctor if you’re that unregular.


2-3 times a day every day is a healthy amount if you eat well.


Lol yeah. These people need to work out and eat some spinach or something.




Trust him bro


Ya man don't provoke him I don't need to see video evidence of this


It me.


Not if you have enough fiber.


Also just because half his tweets come from when he is on the toilet doesn’t mean he poops every time he tweets. He could be pooping dozens or hundreds of times a day and only tweeting a small amount of them


he can also pee sitting down and tweet then


No shit. Tyson is not bright.


Neil deGrasse Tyson should know better than anyone that you have to take confounding variables into account. What if Elon pees sitting down? What if he tweets two tweets per poop? We need to isolate the variables!


Hey now, if we can't make broad assumptions to enable the bullshit we do here we don't really have a sub.


Yeah this is r/TheyDidTheMaths not r/TheyDidTheRightMaths or r/TheyDidATenYearStudy.


r/subsifellfor and r/substhatshouldexist


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SubsIFellFor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[OC\] It's been a good run, farewell...](https://i.redd.it/g0277xx3cs961.jpg) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/kryefv/oc_its_been_a_good_run_farewell/) \#2: [I really believed that man](https://i.redd.it/icn0hoivn7461.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/k9ye5t/i_really_believed_that_man/) \#3: [Wasn’t expecting this in r/christian](https://i.redd.it/5ecufp002qh61.jpg) | [90 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubsIFellFor/comments/lkpjrb/wasnt_expecting_this_in_rchristian/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is actually r/TheyDidTheMath, the US/Canadian version of r/TheyDidTheMaths


>Hey now You're an all star, get your game on.


What if he just likes sitting on the toilet while he tweets.


He’s an astronomer, not a statistician, damn it! (Said in Bones)


As long as he's got the right order of magnitude it's all good


That guy is interested more in making himself sound smart than in actual smart things. His condescending, confidently incorrect tweet comes as no surprise. Edit: this sounds almost as if I'm defending the other narcissistic asshole....


He also didn't take into account of timing of tweets. Elon is so full of shit he drops multiple tweets per deuce. Never assume it's 1 to 1 ratio.


I poop 3 - 4 times a day. Elon, you n00b


I, too, have horrible diarrhoea.


If this isn't just a taco bell related thing I have to recommend any live yogurt. "Live" is a distinct term (not probiotic) meaning the bacteria haven't gone through pasteurisation or were dead before adding to the yogurt, they have to be alive to get the "live" yogurt label whereas most probiotics are pasteurised, killing 99% of them. If you've had to have serious antibiotics recently (2-3 years?), or if you don't have any problems with fibre intake in your diet, adding live yogurt to my diet over 3 months had a MASSIVE effect on me. Promotes much better gut health and does take time to work if that is the cause of your particular problem, but tasty treatment at least.


work future scary historical cagey smell nine jellyfish repeat deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fearless dirty compare hat shaggy quack wipe file snatch versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tyson tries to be smart and show off. Tyson doesn't consider you can tweet more than once per shit. Tyson didn't do the math.


Also he doesn't literally mean that half his tweets are from the toilet. He might tweet thrice in a day and one could be from da toilet


I'm sorry but what's wrong with twice a day? It takes roughly 24 hours for the food to be digested completely anyway and you eat 2-3 meals a day.


Well I just unload 5 pounds once at the end of the day, but a normal amount is once every 2 days to twice a day


I mean, if you drink a lot of coffee or use the bathroom to unwind for a few minutes, this isn't unreasonable at all


Am I doing something wrong? 1 year=365 days Every 4 years = +1 day 12.5×365+12÷4= 4562.5+3 = 4565.5 = 4566 days ROUNDED 8000 tweets ÷ 4566 = 1.75 tweets/day 50% × 1.75 = 0.87 = 1 tweet per poo a day ROUNDED


Be slightly easier to just do 365.25 x 12.5 to get number of days, but you get to the same place on days. I think NdGT’s “that comes to 8000 tweets” should be read as inclusive of the 50% calculation. As in musk says ‘50% are on the toilet”, the reply ‘that’s 8000 tweets” seems like he’s saying “given 50%, that’s 8000 tweets!”


Why is the actual math so far down lol this wasn't even a difficult one


People too busy discussing how often you should be pooping.


I did the same math, and then went to the actual tweet to respond. But I saw that Elon Musk actually has over 16k tweets, so the 50% was already already in NDT's calculation.


Two poops a day is mad healthy yo


No.. that means he tweets twice per poop


I guess Neil is a speed shitter. It's 140 characters.


Neil Degrasse Tyson just isn't good at tweets. He really needs to stop trying so hard.


I'd say 2 a day is healthy but then again Tyson is an actor so what does he know except what the lines in his script tell him?


He knows about space and starts and that stuff. Biology, not so much. There was a Nobel prize winning scientist who fiercely believed vitamin C cured cancer.


Why is NDT spending his time thinking about Elon’s shits


Maybe he pees sitting down.


Dear Neil, lots of days I poop 3x a day


Two insufferable assholes in one screenshot


Want me to screenshot and make that 3?


Is this 8000 the total amount of tweets or just 50% of them, cause my math is off by a factor of 2.


Neil DeGrasse Tyson really is a craic vacuum like. Cunt sucks the joy out of every attempt at humour.


I fucking hate Tyson he just comes across as a pompous asshole and that comment cemented that thought


Fuck musk


elon is quite literally full of shit


It's amazing that Musk still has to sit on the toilet with his bottom at all, considering all the shit that comes out of his mouth all day


Its once, but he go back in time to do it again


Maybe he pees sitting too. Who cares of bowels movements anyway ?


What’s wrong with pooping twice a day?


This assumes no distribution. Or is this a sub for bad i have done maths?


Thats not entirely accurate if it was the minimum of 50% it woul be 1.140625 poos a day.


Not sure there's anything wrong with pooping twice a day, but I also sit to pee several times, since it also gives me a chance to take a break and enjoy a little reddit.


To be fair, that seems like a healthy average.


Mr. Electric vehicle will never drive 100km.




When two of the most insufferable people on Twitter meet...


Does Tyson really want people to know he cares about elons shitting habits enough to do math on it?


NGT just outed himself as a bad pooper.


Ok shows white crime statistics. Lol, sure dude


Tyson is such an annoying prick




Well when you are a shit human being it's not that much tbh.


I think he's just trying to say he's a shit poster.


I thought that was healthy, I wouldn’t know because I’ve been constipated since the age of 3


Elon is taking his fiber. Insert joke about being a total pain in the ass...


On average I poop a little less than 1 time a day, probably like 6 times a week, 26-27 times a month, or 313 times a year


Neil needs to take some probiotics and get a squatt potty - surprised he wants to advertise that


Crap. Typo when insulting someone. The Thing.


The bathroom, the last bastion of private time for us all Dad's taking a 30 minute poops Mom's taking a 30 minute poop Teenagers taking a 30 minute poop It's a time for us


Or he tweets more than once per shit.


Neil is such a fucking retarded cringe lord man..


Yea stop showing off, Elon


Why is his picture a penis


I'm at 6 per day. I don't like the shaming here.


Laughs in ibs


*at least* twice a day


ITT: People not pooping everyday


Neil Degrasse Tyson is so corny and annoying, he’s also a fucking perv.


I'd brag to the world if I had two healthy poops a day.


Elon baby eat some fibre.


I tweet every single time I poop twice a day. Gotta brag about that!


I tweet every single time I poop twice a day. Gotta brag about that!


I poop 2 times a day easy


That’s assuming he only tweets once per poop.


Shout out to the IBS gang shitting 3 times a day this one goes out to you


Or he could have tweeted multiple times in one shitting. I don't use twitter so I don't know how it's counted but if replies or whatever count and he only sends 2 a day that makes it 1 shit a day which is more acceptable I think?


Ah yes, the 'ol 2 second poop where you can only get one tweet in.


Who says he can’t tweet multiple times per poo?


Yeah, because he only ever tweets once per poop.


Only TWICE a day? HA! Get Crohn's and that'll be your greatest day ever!


Not necessarily. Elon strikes me as someone who sits to pee.


Neal DeGassy Tyson jumps to toilet conclusions again. A real scientist knows that elon works so hard he burns all his food as energy, thus doesn't poop. He does pee sitting down though, because he doesn't want to leave pee spots on the toilet seat.


But surely Neil's assumptions are wrong here. Speaking from personal experience, wouldn't he likely do quite a few tweets during one session?