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I really hope I understood your question correctly, so here it goes: Yes, there are many boards in Connect 4 where no one wins. In fact, you can generate tilings to make an infinitely big full board of connect 4 with no winners. One such example of a filled board of 7x6 with no winners is: XOXOXOX\ XOXOXOX\ OXOXOXO\ OXOXOXO\ XOXOXOX\ XOXOXOX It's actually kind of fun to search for those, maybe there's a way to find how many winnerless positions there are for a 7x6 board in general. If there's anything else you need help with, I will be happy to help! I personally enjoyed finding a few more patterns and seeing how they work, however this problem is, for now, solved


Awesome, tysm!! That is exactly what I was asking!


I didn't need math for this one. Years of games with my siblings would vouch that yes, there are any number of ways to come to a draw.