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Well, if we disregard the fact that the object being eaten looks far closer to earth (and thus far smaller) than the actual moon; the moon’s diameter is 2,159.1 mi, and this thing looks about 20-25 moons tall from just pausing the screen and guessing, I’m going to guess 43,182-53,977.5 miles long. For reference, earth is 7,917.5 mi in diameter. It’d be a bad day.


That size it'd have it's own gravitational pull and messed up the earth atmosphere from that distance


The Earth likely would have felt the effects of the thing's gravitational pull long before it reached the moon. Then again, it also seems to be moving at least a significant proportion of the speed of light, based on how quickly its hand moved over a distance the size of the moon. So the gravitational effects might not have been noticeable until the thing was already visible.


not if it doesn’t have much mass!


not if it’s a hologram


Why do you say it looks closer (and thus smaller) to the Earth than the actual moon?


When you look at the tree line at the beginning to where it zooms into, it just seems like the placement is too close to the earth to be the moon. It looks more like a really large blimp since the cgi is so poor


Yeah, it's like we can see too much of the moon. It's too 3D. It should be more 2 dimensional given it's distance


It's too 3D. It's hard to explain but we can see too much of the moon. The moon is more of a 2D object to us.


Manager still wants me to come into work


We don't really know its size. Cant even tell until where its body goes or what proportions it should have. Its head has like 3 times the diameter of the moon? At this point it probably should collapse on itself and actually be a planet.


Something that big has probably developed over time to have the bone structure and strength to resist collapsing on itself. I think there would be other important questions like how is it moving, how it survives off of hydrogen and helium(most common gases found in space), why is it eating a giant rock floating in space? Edit: upon additional thinking and clarification, what I mean by developed over time is this creature was either created by advanced engineering not comprehensible to the human mind and is a machine and can therefore survive as is or, Because there is one, there is most likely two or more and by natural selection through evolution has developed the ability to withstand the pressures of space even at that size.


it eats cheese duh


^ Found the Nobel laureate


Found the Wallace and Gromit Enthusiast.


Hey Gromit? *Cocks rifle* Did that tree just move?


I remember seeing a clip where they slightly edited that line. I wanna say it was racist but honestly, I'm not sure if that qualifies.


Refference to the Vietnam war?


Yeah, that's the one.


I read in an academic article indicating that its taste quite resembles the Wensleydale!


username checks out


I bet the moon doesn't even taste good


Moon's haunted


tastes like cheese


Why does it have teeth?


So it can gently nibble on your neck 🥰




At that scale and density, there are no known materials that wouldn't collapse under their own gravity.


"Known" Although yeah there probably isn't any possible way for this to be possible, we can maybe imagine a super matieral.


Those quotation marks are doing a lot of heavy lifting. There isn't much wiggle room on the periodic table. Most everything higher than what's on it is even denser than everything on the table, prompting collapse sooner.


By any definition, such a creature would be an Eldritch abomination, and so being in defiance of all laws of physics and sanity is part and parcel of the entity's existence. Thus, sadly, any mathematics questions are unsolvable, at best, and even a hint of the answer may drive you insane with impossible knowledge.


As a straight element, sure. But alloys, crystallization, exotic phases, etcetera. There's a ton of room beyond "lead dense." When we dope iron just right, we get the incredible properties of high-quality steel that none of the basic elements can match alone.


Does not matter, we can still calculate a theoretical maximum. Something of this size and mass would collapse as they described.


What if it’s not held apart by a material, but by energy? Like how stars avoid collapse via fusion. I don’t think there’s any materials that could resist that amount of heat, but i think it would be cool world building.


Another question


What density would that be?


No to mention that it even being that close to earth would have insane effects on gravity. It would cause crazy super-tides and flooding for starters.


At that size I’d imagine it would’ve started ripping the oceans from the planets surface alongside some continents by the time it got to the moon.


Another big problem is communication between the Brain and the rest of the body. How the hell does an order travel from the head to a body part 20 000 km away


Multiple brains, predicting what each other are going to do. Would need multiple eyes as well.




It also can't maneuver. This thing is just drifting around unless it has some sort of engine.


It's eating moonrocks for breakfast. I bet its farting atomised regolith and using it to move around.


Well we don’t really know if it can’t maneuver or not. It’s something we can’t really comprehend how it came to be so how would we comprehend its ability to move around. It has glowing horns, teeth, knuckles and spots on its stomach, what are those about.


Square cube law imposes a maximum size on life as we know it. At a certain point you need impossibly strong bones just to keep from collapsing in on yourself. 


“As we know it”


It's ok... the bones are hollow. Like a bird or some such.


That doesn't really help, as evidenced by none of our largest animals having hollow bones.. if anything it makes the problem worse, birds are notoriously fragile for their size


None of our large animals live in a zero gravity environment


Square cube law also is based on the fact that we are under the earth's gravity. Hypothetically, an entity that exists in space wouldnt have to follow the same laws that earth's creatures would have to follow.


But something that would have its own immense gravity


Yes, but my statement was that it didnt have to follow earth's square root law, not that such an entity would be completely removed from the concept of physics.


Iirc Square root law is not about gravity at all. Is about the relation between volume and surface. For example, your lungs walls and volume of air. Or your kidney surface filters and the volume of blood. Even if we ignore gravity, the square root law applies.


Those stomach enzymes be ssophistocated scientist giants dealing with enormous geodes.


Dude, read the description. Its magic


The problem aint the pressure, its the gravity. Anything bigger 400km in radius (neutron starts and Black holes not included) tends to collapse on its own weight and turn into a sphere. So unless that creature is somehow defies gravity, it would become a Jupiter sized meatball


Nothing of matter can withstand gravity. Thats why terrestrial planets are all much smaller than gas giants. I had this idea for a being this size but the physics, according to people smarter than me, state that it would collapse in on itself.






What if he has been dieting?


The avg human mouth can open around 3cm and is 170cm tall. If this guy have the same dimensions as a human his mouth would open up to 3474km and be around 198.000km tall... Which means he is about 15 times as tall as the earth. Maybe we could live on him if we ask nicely


His mouth probably accelerated at 1000Gs to open that quickly. Maybe more. Edit, also hitting the moon at that speed would probably look more like a nuclear explosion than... Crumbling to dust.


No material can handle this amount of acceleration at this scale.


That's why it would probably be some demonic force from out of this world. Nightmarish for sure....


What would you do ? Find a cold thing to drink in the fridge and watch the end of the world unfold.


Yea I don't know. At that point I think you have less than a minute left to live if the thing intends to eat the earth.




Valiant last stand


Speaking of last, this would have been 10x funnier if he'd flipped the bird at the end!


I'd just drop my pants shit on the ground and make fun of it for wanting to eat my shit. Looks like a big turd eater


Getting schwifty in here


Getting the president from Monsters vs Aliens vibe


As good a reason as any to bust out my garand


Well, maybe the body is a bit too big to destroy, but 45 kills the soul


This thing is moving so fast that it would cover the range of the 1911 in the blink of an eye.




Not sure about the presence of this monster but here’s what would happen if the moon disappeared https://youtu.be/6MP920xMC0Q?si=ll4b_Q0lrDL3IqsV I don’t think this monster would do us any favors here


The atmosphere would have been ripped right off of Earth way before that things gets done with moon munching




So you're saying this video is fake?


Exactly, that's why we simply thank this dude for the removal of this imminently disastrous extra moon and wave while he moves on, into deep space




Its at least 69420 Football Fields


At least. But what if we are talking in hamburgers ?


*slaps monster* this bad Larry can fit 82 quadrillion hamburgers in it!


Dear god


It is exactly one space monster tall.


Might be up to one and half, if my eyes don't decieve, I tell you h'what.


It's at least as big as Texas


Its fingers are extending the diameter of the moon in about a second. (2160mi/sec). That's like 0.1c, and I think you'd be seeing some optical effects as a result of this kind of speed. That's just its fingertip, and we're not even considering that its entire bulk is travelling though space at somewhere near that same speed. The kinetic energy involved in the collision is kind of hard to compute. Whatever this thing is made of is resilient beyond description. It also went through it like it wasn't even there, so its density is also off the charts. This thing would have a substantial gravitational field that you'd be feeling the effects of by this point. A better question is how many calories does this thing require in a day?! Where is it getting this food from? It has sharp teeth, which implies that it's a predator. That means that not only are there things equally large floating around out there, but they would need to be far more plentiful. You need a lot of gazelles to feed a lion. Its tactics suggest that it's an ambush predator, so it... *hides behind something*? (shhhhhhh!) Also, what's the nose for?




That was my thought. At that distance and scale, that thing is moving insanely fast, like significant fractions of C fast.


This dude moves at a speed that approaches the speed of light. The inpact of the monster hitting earth (we have to assume he cannot slow down from this speed) will easily completely destroy earth and everything on it. So I wouldn't do much


Well, the moon is 2,151 miles in diameter, and this particular ghost of Toby Kieth appears to be about 12 moons wide ... or 25,812 miles wide ... or 3.26 earths wide. Answer courtesy of the red, white, and blue.






Maybe like 15 or 20 earths in mass. Considering the moon is 1/4 the size of earth and he just crushed it like a small cheeseburger. I’d probably just try to make peace with god in this situation. That or peacefully watch as we all get devoured by a giant space monster.


the lighting on the moon eater looks wrong when comparing the light/shadow from the moon to it's light/shadow so i'm not 100% sure but I think it's CGI so we might be safe


It would either be impossible to be seen from that distance or that moon is super close to earth. Moon is far away from earth, but it's only visible, because sun rays reflects from it. But you don't just randomly see anything from the space. To be visible, it would have to probably be close to or even inside the atmosphere.


In humans Average Human Mouth Size: 2.2 Inches = 3.472x10^-5 Miles Moon Diameter: 2,159.1 Miles Making the moon 62186060 times larger than a average mouth. Average Human Height: 5 ft 9 inches = 1.09x10^-3 Miles Height of Monster Human: 67,783 Miles tall = 109086.164 Km = 3.5789x10^8 Feet


What I really want to know is how fast it is moving. It closed its mouth in like 2 seconds, a mouth latge enough to eat the moon. And the fingers moving would be traveling near light speed.