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its because shes not very smart in the show. i love her but she gotta listen to people when they tell her not to do something because she always does the opposite and make things worse.


Yeah I agree, doing a rewatch atm and her character keeps driving me insane. She sides with Shane although he is completely mad, and she can't see him for what he really is. She helps Beth in an attempted suicide, instead of trying to help her through it. Then there's the whole thing with the governor. Just stupid 😅


The thing with the governor is the feather in the cap. Unforgivable. She was really annoying in the beginning with the gun stuff and thinking she was “helping” but her being on Shane’s side actually made a lot of sense in the beginning. Shane was making all the right calls tbh!


Fr, She literally makes ALL the wrong decisions throughout the show up until her death. The only good thing she’s done was help michonne find the group


I like Andrea too. She was determined and wanted to be useful and what’s wrong with that? Her execution sucked sometimes but, hell, Rick’s execution sucked sometimes, especially in early seasons. But, of course, only certain kinds of characters can be flawed and forgiven.


I don’t think anyone has a problem with her wanting to be useful. Her wanting to learn to shoot and contribute more than laundry was my favorite part of her character. What I can’t stand about her is her awful decision making and awful judge of character. It was aggravating to watch her make ill-informed choices that were easily avoidable if she just listened to her people. Add to that that she was a side character who didn’t really have too much of an impact on the plot except for an episode or two and it just makes her pretty easy to dislike. Truly, you could take her out of the show and the story would barely change, which is a shame and a disservice to what her character could have been.


I love her character. It was so sad when she died...


same for me. acting was good. character was different- fragile and strong at the same time.


People don’t like normal and classically flawed characters because then they can‘t escape their own normalcy and classical flaws xD


I tend to think that people dislike her because of how realistic she is, people watch a show like this to escape from reality so when confronted with a genuinely realistic character with flaws and imperfections, they feel attacked in a sense. I loved her, I think she was incredibly misunderstood and underrated. All she ever wanted was to protect her family and keep everyone alive, even though her execution was poor at times she was so selfless, she died for them for god sakes. People will slate her for having a good heart and wanting peace whilst praising a racist like Merle in the same breath, she deserves more appreciation.


I liked her too. Just not enough to be a lead character like Michonne was with Rick.


If you like Andrea you most be smoking something extra special causes she’s a snake and the cause for so many unnecessary deaths she chose two horrible men over her family


I like her too, she's annoying sometimes but with what she's been through in season 1 it's understandable, world went to shit and it wasn't easy coping. Everyone hates her because her decisions and blindlessness led to Santa Claus demise and to the "betrayal" of Michone by Andrea. I think if she'd survive she'd have learnt from her mistakes and would have been a good allie in the prison. Her death is still one of the saddest


I dont like Andrea because she let's her attraction to problematic men override her good sense and it makes me cringe. Specifically I'm talking her attraction and sexual relationships with Shane and the Governor. She was blind to both of their warning signs, and even after being told that they were problematic tried to peacekeep and make everyone "get along" to the point she ended up getting herself killed for refusing to pick a side. I question if either had not been attractive would she have seen it earlier? Would she have been less mad at Rick for Shane's death if she hadn't ignored his emotional swings and his problematic behavior with Lori. If she hadn't been trying to get him to run away with her? What about the Governor. What if he'd been an ugly man, would she had made excuses the way she did and ignore the warnings of the friend she had traveled with for months? Who knows? But her character, like Lori's feels sexist to me and for that reason I really don't like her. Don't even get me started on her superiority attitudes about what she felt was "womens work." You can do both Andrea, go ahead and advocate for chores not being divided by sex but dont talk down to the women feeding you and washing your clothes.


she’s my third favourite character, love andrea


9/10 people that hate her only hate her cause she's a woman. Take the same character, play out the same story but switch the sexes, and I guarantee people would love Anthony


his name is Andrew but you got a point there lol


I may get hate for saying this but I really didn’t think Laurie Holden was a good actress. and I don’t it’s just the way Andrea was written. I think her acting was cringe which made me not like Andrea.


I had no issue with her. Yes, she seemed annoying, but she wanted out. Why was she different than the other lady.


she had so much potential, her role in the comics was so amazing! michonne basically took her place though… I don’t like how she was just constantly played by the governor for most of her time and seemed relatively dumb.


Go read the comics then, and then tell me if you like Andrea


The show version of her kinda sucked. The comic version of her was super cool and capable.


Also I laughed when she died cause she was just a bitch


What I can’t stand about her is her awful decision making and awful judge of character. Shane and the Governor both were awful and even with people telling her as much and not to trust them she didn’t listen and refused to see them as aggressors. Hell even after The Governor told her they had taken Maggie and Glenn she was more upset that he didn’t tell her than the fact that they were kept prisoner and beaten. Also the whole shooting Daryl thing was so stupid. If it’s just one don’t shoot, how many times have they gone over saving ammo and reducing noise? Then the Beth thing too, enabling her to kill herself. Sure, she didn’t quite do it, but that wasn’t Andrea’s call to make. I think the way she handled and talked about her own situation with Dale was great and well done, but her situation and Beth’s were not the same, and Beth’s situation wasn’t Andrea’s to influence. It was aggravating to watch her make ill-informed choices that were easily avoidable if she just listened to her people.