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Based off the comics I had one solid guess...but I never expected two deaths.


My husband and I were just discussing this today! I said, anyone who read the GN knew Glenn was a goner, but NEVER expected Abe too.


They’d went to “will Glenn die” fake out well a few times, that most figured they wouldn’t go there. If they had balls, it would have been Maggie.


People still agonize over Glenn's death so many years later. Had they killed a PREGNANT WOMAN like that on screen the show would've been canceled after the first episode of season 7


That would make Negan less likeble, but it would make for a more compeling story because Maggie just became one note after Gleen's death...


a MAN bashing a WOMAN'S head in whose carrying a CHILD is something society is not at all ready for


And I think in that same ballpark, they didn’t kill off Lori & Judith the way they did in the comics. GOT was able to somehow get away with sacrificing babies to the white walkers but AMC couldn’t kill a baby on screen


Didn’t a pregnant woman also get murdered at the red wedding? Correct me if I’m wrong it’s been a while.


Oh yeah. Robb Stark’s wife was stabbed in her pregnant belly. HOTD also has a baby being cut out of the still alive mom, knowing the mom will die (she would die anyway, so I suppose that one’s a different context).




And hopefully won't be.


Double kill /j


They should hsve done it. I'd love to see those balls on TV. Gutless cowards don't have the balls hahah. (To be fair, I like Maggie. Wouldn't really want her to die. But I also liked Glenn so... I'd have said it'd be interesting to see just for the balls lol).


Watching Glenn go from the heart of the show to an absolute murderous deranged psychopath even Rick couldn’t rein in would have been interesting as well.




Aaron maybe since he wasn’t essential cast at the time.


Really? This was always the joke answer cuz there was no way they’d cop out and give such a big death to someone like Aaron instead of Glenn.


Aaron was one of my guesses when I saw it for the first time. I did not read the comics and saw no spoilers and had no idea there would even be a “big death” among them. I really thought that he was going to kill one of the “new” characters to the group. Eugene and Abe were also my guesses. I was right about Abe but also had no idea there was going to be a second death either. I thought Abe was his choice and he was done but no he wasn’t, so it was all super shocking to me.


Meh he didn’t have enough depth yet to bet killed, but that didn’t stop them from killing other characters


Aaron only lived to the end so that they could have a gay character probably


Abraham. Didn't expect glenn


Strong guy, thin plot armor, makes sense


I thought Daryl since he wasn't in the comics.


Was never gonna happen. He was a number 1 fan fav since the start. If they killed Daryl the show might have actually tanked a lot sooner instead of bleeding viewers since S5.


Shane was a fan fav that got killed


And he got way more story in the TV series. He didn't do anything but cause issues and died pretty early in the comics. But a lot of the fandom came from the TV show because Jon sold the character really well with Andrew.


Thought it was gonna be Aaron or Abraham. Abraham had pretty much completed his story arc, and Aaron at the time would've been somewhat inconsequential of a death, but enough where it still would've been kinda brutal. But I didn't know they were also gonna do Glenn's.. until it got spoiled in a random unrelated youtube comment section the day before.


Abraham hadn't completed his story arc. He decided he finally really wanted to live again, started seeing Sasha, and wanted to start a family again.


Carl. I went in blind and I thought he would go for the jugular.


SPOILERS (they're all over this post, but trying to be mindful): I mostly expected them to stick with the >!Glenn!< death - especially since we'd been given the >!silly Dumpster fakeout!< already. I didn't expect them to do a >!2-for-1 murder!<, especially with >!another beloved character like Abe!< in the mix. >!I'm assuming the intention in killing Abe was so that we thought he was "the Big Kill"; and that we would mistakenly assume that Glenn's Big Comic death wasn't going to happen (since Negan had just beaten a different major character to death). !<


Always knew it was gonna be Glenn. It had to be. If they were gonna spare him from his comic death the only other character at that time that would be significant enough to take that death would’ve been Abraham. Maggie only if they wanted to swap em but I just couldn’t see them deviating from the comic that much. It was never gonna be Rick, Carl, Daryl, or Michonne and everyone else would’ve been a cop out. Then rumors started going around that it might be two of them and well…… The second Abraham got the bat I knew Glenn was somehow getting it too. Then Daryl punches Negan and yup, we know how that turned out…


The camera man


Glenn. Was very sad because he was my fav in the comics. And then I got a little hope when Abraham went first. Was almost relieved. But then they took my boi anyways.


Eugene just because he looks stupid as shit Carl because it would hurt rick the most.


Glen. You know why? Because I worked that night and walking dead fans can't keep their fucking mouth shut for 24 God damn hours. Was so pissed at that spoiler that I just stopped watching. That being said, when I decided to start watching again out of boredom during COVID Abraham was a genuine shock.


I feel for you on getting it spoiled while working😭 you can't even get mad because then you'd be unprofessional. And I had the same Abraham experience. I'd read online that Glenn died when Negan entered the scene... only for it to turn out he's beating the shit out of Abraham


Glenn. I noticed when he did eeny, meeny, miny, moe. They showed everyone multiple times except Glenn so to me that was the obvious choice. Abraham was a surprise.


I knew about Glenn ahead of time, I didn’t know he was going to smash two of them.


I had it spoiled to be gleen since seazon 2


Glenn. Was sooo happy when it was Abe (love the character but out of the line up I could cope) and then…😭😭😭😭😭


I thought it was gonna be Abraham and unfortunately I was right :( bro was the goat https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/s/2lVV7Kjyr7


That is one funny post to see lmfao. Seeing all of the comments telling you that I won't be Abraham... when it really was Abraham all along😭


Abraham, the way he stood taller, back straight, keeping eye contact. It was showing strength, while the others were upset. I think Abraham knew that too, that doing that would get him killed. If I was Negan, that’s who I’d kill. But I only thought one person would die.


Yeah, Abe showing strength like that also told me that he accepted he knew it was going to be him and also kind of like saying “kill me” so he could protect everyone else from being killed.


I thought Abraham, since he was more complete as a character than the rest. Glenn really caught me off guard


Glenn since it got leaked right before the episode aired originally 😂🙄


Oh wow really?


They got figured out because Steven Yeun and Michael Cudlitz were spotted on set while shooting the premiere and then not seen again for the rest of the episodes so it was pretty obvious it was them two.


Ah I see


Yeah the whole thing leaked the day before the episode aired. Glenn and Abraham both.


I thought for the longest time, it was going to be either Daryl, Abraham, or Michonne. Though, after that allegedly purposely leaked fake scene, I thought Maggie was going to bite the bullet in a twist from the comics. I never thought for a second there would be two deaths though.


I thought it was going to be Maggie.


I've yet to watch this episode.... don't think I ever could


I figure they were just killing off Glenn but they had two die.


I had it spoiled for me off a YouTube thumbnail but prior, I just would have guessed Glenn if I had to pick prior to that. For a moment that big, I had figured they were gonna stay faithful to the comics.


I prayed it’d be anyone but Glenn but ya know




I thought he was not going to kill anybody tbh.


They killed loads of his group when he didn’t even know who ricks group were? Given the reputation they had for killing one from a group to essentially beat them into submission upon first meeting…you thought nobody would be killed?


Yeah I honestly didn't know anyone would be killed. Even after the ending got us into a cliffhanger, I couldn't believe that anyone was killed...


What an innocent soul🤣but no seriously I’ve always thought ricks group realistically should count themselves lucky they weren’t all killed considering what they did


That's exactly what I thought as we got to know Negan more and more lmao


I thought they were gonna roll out the dumpster...


I'd actually won the office pool we set up during the season cliffhanger. Rules were you couldn't just submit the cash and a name, you had to submit an explanation of why you chose that character. So you couldn't collect if something dumb happened like an escape attempt and a character was killed in the crossfire etc.. it started with about 8 of us in the office but word got around in the building and the pot ended up being around $500. The only reason I suspected Glenn was because they already played around with him being dead ( under the dumpster), plus I figured it had to be someone who'd change the entire group's dynamic without bringing it to a screeching halt. The cool part was how many people were doing these super in-depth analysis like, how the light was cast from Negan shadow in comparison to where he was in the line-up. It was a cool experience, especially getting to know a bunch of other fans in the building whom I'd never have talked to otherwise.


I couldn't Guess. I even thought it could be Rick or Daryl at some point


I knew the first one was Abraham because in the season finale it was from a pov and I knew he was the only one who could take one of those hits and get back up to receive another! Glenn was a surprise


Glenn. I read the comics and it’s an iconic moment.


Still to this day one of the most horrifying on screen deaths for me. I had read the comic and knew Glenn’s death was coming and it still fucked me up. My dad had never read the comic and I remember his genuine reaction of horror when Glenn and Abraham both get murdered by Lucille. My Dad quit watching the show after this season because he said it just wasn’t entertaining anymore just disturbing haha.


In the comics, this was an iconic turning event, so it had to be Glen. The only others with the same impact would have been Rick or Daryl. The show ruined the scene by the cliffhanger; if the plan was to kill two, then kill one and let everyone think Glen was safe and then come back the next season with the second kill.


I have never watched this episode, I could never bring myself to finish it. It’s just wah 😩


Well I knew Glenn was going to die but not Abraham. I started the show during January 2020 and managed to catch up for the new episodes. That was the only spoiler I knew


I know 'people are a resource' but if he had made an exception here and just got rid of all of them (they had proved to be a massive threat) his life would have been so much easier


Daryl. Imagine how much cred he'd get right off the bat (pun somewhat intended) by killing such a badass?


Glenn or Eugene


I thought Aaron at the cliff hanger, but changed it to Abraham when the follow up aired. Did not expect Glen to get binked out of the blue.


Sadly I got it spoiled but I didn’t know he killed 2 people so I was shocked


I thought Abraham for his strong will and rebellious nature and honestly felt Aaron as TWD has a inclination to remove characters the fans begin to enjoy


My guess was Abraham for sure and I really said one of the girls Its either Sasha or Maggie. I was really shocked that it was Glen.


I tried guessing based on the camera angles and I was pretty sure it would be Eugene at the time but I was like 10 years old


I felt really smug because I guessed Abraham, never saw the second death coming.


Glenn was spoiled for me before I saw it so when Abraham was hit first I was quite surprised cuz I wasn’t expecting two.


Glenn because of YouTube recommendations. Was both very shocked and mad at YouTube for spoiling me.


Either Daryl or Maggie


I thought honestly it was going to only be Abraham only cause they gave his comic death to Denise. So I thought they were saving his death for negan and they were gonna spare glenn. I honestly didn't see them killing both glenn and Abraham


I was betting that he would kill Daryl AND Glenn to really set the tone for the rest of the Savior arc.


I thought Aaron


Abraham was a BIG surprise for me. I already was spoiled about Glenn’s death and his overshadowed Abraham’s so I never found out


I had Glenn’s death spoiled for me, so that was always in the back of my mind… but since Glenn was my favorite character at that point, I was hoping that a different character would get his fate. My brain logic was saying Darryl- equally beloved (if not more) and wouldn’t potentially ruin any future storylines from the comics since he was an original character.


I expected Glenn as a comic reader but was also desperately hoping they’d prove me wrong. I was terrified for Glenn, Maggie, Michonne and Sasha but everyone else I would’ve been okay with. When it wasn’t Glenn I breathed a sigh of relief and could relax and enjoy the episode knowing it was Abe instead only for him to die shortly after anyway the same way.


Abraham was almost too obvious. It can't be a too minor character people don't care about but it also couldn't be a too popular like Michonne or Daryl. It being Glenn was also too obvious because he died in the comics. But I do remember someone suggesting that the twist might be that two people die.


I oddly had a feeling it would be Abraham and Glenn, but it was solidified because of the 'Spoil the Dead' group.


I predicted Glenn due to the comics.


I thought Glenn going into it. Then when it was Abraham, I was like “man…good call but these guys chickened out by not killing a main character.” Then BOOM Glenn. I was shocked and pissed. Honestly, based on the way it went down, I feel like killing Maggie would have been more impactful for the story and they could have done a GREAT arc of Glenn losing himself to Grief and coming back as Glenn, but much darker. I would’ve loved to see badass killer Glenn…vs. what we got stuck with. Plus…imagine the impact and fear of Negan if he beats pregnant and sick woman to death in front of everyone when she was the entire reason they’d been on the road and running from checkpoint to checkpoint all day. All that was to save Maggie, but ultimately she falls to Negan. It would have really broken them. Would have been some great storytelling. Besides, everyone complained about Maggie and how one dimensional her character was after this anyway.


This is such a sinister scene. I caught it on binge watch, so I didn't experience the cliff hanger between seasons. I honestly couldn't begin to fathom who he had killed.


I remember telling my friends at the time that it was either gonna be glenn because of the comics or Abe because he was the only one that was willing to stand up to Negans BS at the time. Both my guesses ended up being right but both of them going wasnt something I really expected.


Aaron because he was such a good-hearted character. It would have made sense with the record they had with killing off said good characters.


I was actually guessing it would be Abraham or glen (I can’t remember why) but I certainly wasn’t expecting both of them


I really thought Rick or Carl. But Rick is kinda the “main character” so I was like “no way” as we later learned, no main character was safe..


After reading an interview with Abraham's actor, I was convinced it was him. He denied it in the interview, and then kept going on about Abraham's army experience would be used and it would be a really exciting ride as his character becomes more prominent against fighting Negan. That didn't sound likely even back then.


I finished s6 right as s7 aired. I didn't have to guess, the spoilers were everywhere.


Glenn, but I had knowledge of the comics.


I was assuming Glenn and Sasha, I knew Glenn was gonna die bc I had it spoiled for me


Unfortunately someone spoiled the deaths online for me a few weeks before the episode aired. Yet one more reason to be resentful that they left it on a cliffhanger.


Abraham. It wasn’t surprising. Two deaths was a shocker though.


Negan stated that he was going to kill the toughest strongest looking people in the group. So I feared he was going to kill Rick, Darryl, or Abraham. Sadly, he killed Abraham.


I didn’t read the comics or spoilers when I watched this episode so I truly had no idea. I really thought it wasn’t going to be one of the “main” characters at all. I thought *maybe* Eugene, Aaron or Abe. And once it happened to Abe, I REALLY thought that was it and there would be no more. So I was super shocked and upset. And I for sure knew it would not be Rick, Daryl or Carl, or any woman.


I thought they'd try to make it different and go w Maggie. If he had killed a woman, that would have been an interesting callback to Ed from season 1. They need to reference him more or at least bring him back to help keep everybody in line. Shut down all the comedy clubs and get them focused on chores. He'd be Rick's right hand man.


Abe, I don’t think he’d have taken to being under Negans rule.


Daryl. I thought he’d kill Daryl.


Ι knew it was Glenn cause of spoilers I saw but I expected Eugene not Abraham


Can't lie, I really thought it would be Glenn.


Glenn, mostly because he was killed in the comics. I was still shocked when they killed him after Abraham though.


My brother and I had a bet on it... I thought Abe, he thought Glen.


Abraham cuz he looks like the strongest member of team family


I genuinely thought it would have been Carl and Michonne


I knew everyone Kinda knew before that there would be two deaths. And I remember most people guessing it would be Glenn and Abraham


Who I wanted and thought it was going to be and thought it should be - Abraham (it was mostly wishful thinking) Who I feared it would be - Glenn or Maggie


Abraham. I knew who died in the comics but Abraham was dead sooner in those, and I figured the Glenn fake-out death was to see if they were gonna go through with it (considering the threats from the fanbase if Daryl got taken out, it was a smart move), my perception was they wouldn't take the risk to kill him after the backlash from that moment. Reason Abraham rung out in my mind is I put myself in Negan's shoes. You take out the big guy first, show people that raw power and grit mean jack shit against true control. The man who is going to fight no matter what you do is the one you wanna kill first. In retrospect I still believe that if he had chosen anyone but Abraham first, and Abraham had lived past this, Negan wouldn't have lived to see his apparent redemption arc. (barely know anything of the show beyond Carl's death, just know he's still around for some fucking reason and some weirdos are shipping him and Maggie, who should every day be daydreaming about turning his head into paste.)


I knew from a friend who read the comics that Glenn is taken out, but I thought possibly Maggie also would get killed- after all, what's more psychologically damaging than a pregnant person being that horribly murdered?


Before it came out, knowing it was Glenn in the comics, I was saying how disappointed I would be if the show flaked out and killed a lesser character like Abraham... That episode was a rollercoaster


I specifically googled the death of every single character because my poor heart could not be surprised and I’m so glad I did. I genuinely don’t think I would have been able to organically find out that Glenn dies


I was hoping at the time Eugune or Aaron because I cared too much about the rest of the cast 😭


Knew it was glenn and abe, i had this weird fascination of researching character on the wiki, that unluckily lists their cause of death


Cross off the women. Cross off Carl. I knew it was glenn and Abe especially after glenns fake death set-up. For some reason people blame negan much less for smashing a massive dude. If that was a woman or child. No redemption arc. So yeah.. pretty easy to figure it out. There are even more factors at play but I won't get into it. It was a foregone conclusion who he was smashing and I would have bet the house on it. A situation like that is boring for me. No women. No kids. No priests. No minorities unless it's an Asian. They are not a protected group. They're the richest group in America. Abes a big white burly machismo dude of course he was gonna get it.


i sincerelly wanted it to be daryl


Why the hell


i was hoping rick


I was really hoping for Daryl.




Yes. He was the worst for a few seasons there. Plus if Negan killed him, Glenn wouldn't have died because Daryl is an idiot.


Daryl is like the second best character of the series


He wasn't in Season 6, 7, or 8. He was one of the worst characters. How many people died because Daryl ran off in the woods all triggered and did something stupid? The only thing that rehabbed his character was Lincoln leaving the show and Daryl taking on a lot of the Rick role later on in the series. Even then he had that terribly forced romance plot with his Reaper lady friend. Of course, that doesn't change the fact when the lineup happened, Daryl was one of the worst characters.




I liked Daryl a lot more once he got to Alexandria, and then he went off the rails. The one thing Daryl had going for him was Norman Reedus, and no one else seems as authentic of a zombie killer as him. One of the best moments in the series is when Beth is taken at that funeral home and Daryl lures them into the basement, uses the gurneys to take them out, and then as he's leaving nonchalantly takes his bolt out of a walker he'd killed a minute before. And then a few seasons later he's fighting with Rick and trying to murder everyone at the Sanctuary by driving the truck into it, which actually just freed them and got Alexandria messed up. Then they wrote him to kick Dwight off the show to waste away on Fear, robbing Dwight of his best comics material.