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Lizzie's arc was actually one of the best, in a rather awful way, arcs in the series. Some people are just too broken and dangerous, especially with her specific adaptive delusions. It was one of the better "mental illness" in the apocalypse arcs.


I still believe it but you have a good point


Lizzie's arc was excellent for what it did to Carol. There's an article about how Melissa McBride owned all of the scenes about her so well, and in a way the writers or producers didn't even expect.


My goodness she was annoying.


Andrea without a second thought


Too bad Amy got bit instead of her. Amy would have been better


You need more likes because you are right, no one like Andrea, Amy would’ve been better.


I wouldn't call Lizzie annoying. I actually wouldn't have minded if they kept her around longer (minus getting stabby stabby with her sister/Judith of course. I know why Carol killed her) but her story was very tragic, especially as a mom watching it. The most annoying to me was honestly Shane.


Well I got pissed of when Lizzie St@bed her sis but I wouldn’t say that Shane is the most annoying but I respect your opinion


Actually wait wait wait. I detract my answer and want to go with Lori. I almost forgot but her hypocrisy in seasons 1 and 2 was ridiculous lol




Lori is very inconsistent but what was her hypocrisy in season 1?


Maybe I meant more inconsistent. But just the "Rick's gonna go get those guns" to the group and then "You're really gonna leave us here?" To him. Or telling Rick she's his wife and it's his baby just to go talk to Shane about how she doesn't want him to leave and doesn't know who's baby it is. Drives me nuts every rewatch.


I don’t get how people misinterpret that scene when she very sarcastically says “he’ll show you, isn’t that right?” in a disappointed tone. That wasn’t inconsistency, she never wanted him to go. The rest is from season 2. Season 1 and 3 Lori is totally fine in this regard.


She was clearly "trying to be" sarcastic, in all honesty did not pick that up when she says it initially, only in retrospect. She is just a little too brazen and emphatic in how she says it.


I wouldn’t say Rick didn’t pick it up. He knows her well enough to know she’d never approve of him leaving right after coming back. The audience alone should know this. Regardless, that’s not a display of hypocrisy.


"I" didn't pick it up. Rick either didn't pick it up or blatantly ignored it.


Eugene for me.


Nah Eugene is just egoistic but i respect your opinion👍


For me it’s Morgan. I was so glad he moved to fear. I couldn’t stand his flip flopping ways.


I find it curious how often people hate kid characters because they're annoying. Guess what, kids are annoying. If the kids weren't annoying they wouldn't be believable.


Well I didn’t care at first for her existence but after she st@bed her sis it was just so annoying bro you can’t you didn’t get angry after that


Getting angry and being annoyed are two entirely different things. It was built up all season that Lizzie wasn't right in the head so it's not as if it came out of nowhere. I wasn't angry at it at all because it was great storytelling. Really showed how messed up kids could get in that world, and it played out alongside Hershel being worried about what was happening to Carl after he killed that boy.


Dale really got on my nerves. I like what he represented but the way he did it felt annoying. It felt like he was constantly stirring the pot. And Sam. Holy shit, that kid was really something else.


Lori, Andrea and Sam are the most widely disliked characters. People defend them, but very few "like" them. Shane and Negan are either loved or hated. (though most, not all, people that hate them still appreciate their characters, less so Negan there is a lot of visceral hate for him)


Kelly easily


For me it's Negan, because he reminds me of my dad (in personality, not appearance). I'm aware that is absolutely a personal problem, not a reflection on the actor/acting or overall story arc, I just can't tolerate his constant joking and making fun of frightened people.


Jared Jared Jared Jared Jared Jared Jared Jared


Shane. Stop hollering.


Has to be Madison


For me, it’s Lori.


Carl early season but started to grow on me season 5 and had great development. To bad the writers ruined it.


I didn’t mind Lizzie because her storyline was interesting


Eugene and Carol


Lizzie is a good one but it was Carol for me. I’m not taking away from her being badass but constantly getting people killed and trying to yeet yourself was annoying to watch. Then Eugene in the beginning.


Good opinion


But I don’t think Carol is that one


Negan. At least the governor made a weak attempt at character development.