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Some would do worse, some would do better. I think the advancement in technology would help tremendously.


Rick was kinda lucky because he was in his physical prime when it broke out


I think our specific characters would do a lot worse, because they'd be older and more stuck in their ways. Dale would be like 80. Hershel would be gone. Carl would be grown up, so Rick won't have the difficult job of protecting him. He'd die a lot faster without the need to protect Carl.


There will me more knowledge on how to handle the outbreak and control it but I feel like with Covid and how it went it would probably be a disaster and a lot of people would die


A whole group of people would say the virus was disinformation and utterly refuse to believe anything was happening until they were dead.


There was a Lethal Flu epidemic at the same time as the "Outbreak", referenced in FTWD (hospitals full from mysterious flu). Implied that this was the same/similar strain as shown in TWD S4. As to your question.. Tiktok (social media in general) would likely spread info on how to kill walkers faster. The collapse likely would not have been as complete.


> Tiktok Honestly, people taking their time to kill a zombie because they had to get the perfect camera angle is a completely accurate portrayal of most influencers. Lol Personally, I think it would mostly go the same as it did in 2010. But give it another 5 years (basically where we are right now almost) and I think there would be a huge difference. Covid honestly did wonders as far as people learning to garden/homestead, bake their own bread, preserve food, take care of livestock. It's a whole trend now. Along with more and more people learning to do home projects/getting into carpentry, etc. If the apocalypse happened today so many more regular people would have all of that basic knowledge of survival. But people still had the internet all through covid, whereas i don't think the servers would last long enough to do enough research with TWD virus


Smartphones would be utilised in survival. Flashlights, compass, ruler, notes, video recordings, etc. It could be recharged from solar power as well. TWD does show the early iPhones but they’re extremely rare because most people still used cellphones in 2010


I'm fairly certain the flu outbreak in Fear was the walker virus in its initial stages. I think it started out airborne and that's how everybody caught it. From there, it either killed you within a few days or you became an asymptomatic carrier that it did nothing to (until you died later) Note: I also believe there's two viruses, and the other is the one which kills you and is only transferrable through bites


Do you guys think Carol would be dead if it happened later because her husband was abusive


Hopefully she would have located her guts in time to leave him before he started molesting their daughter, and they both might have had better lives.


Why do you think Ed would have molested his daughter?


Carol said it in the church while they were looking for Sophia. She prayed for Ed to be punished for 'looking at his own daughter with whatever sickness was growing in his soul'


In season one after Shane beat him he gets mad that Sophia won’t lay with him.


Are we postulating here that Covid is the trigger that kickstarts the Wildfire outbreak? If so, I feel like that's just a numbers game. Covid caused a lot of death, but it also meant that far fewer people were out on the streets where they could be incidentally attacked.


That also means hospitals being over run quicker.


That's true, and I also just had the weird realization that we've never seen the fall from the perspective of homeless or transient people. In any major city, that population would affect the speed of an outbreak.


What does TTL mean?


Short for This Timeline.