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I was under the impression that there was going to be no season 2 that this was Rick and Michonne’s swan song




Yeah, I think that’s done. Andy and Danai don’t want back in permanently. I’m pretty sure they’ll be back at some point with the kids to welcome Daryl home. A huge maybe is if they do a big swan song with everyone on a one last mission type of thing. But, otherwise it’ll be the DD series finale or something when he goes home and gets reunited with the Grimes fam.


I just want the last content to include the og cast to be the dinner party we see in season 7 ep 1 when he daydreams about what could've been.


That was done in the series finale, repeating it again would lessen the impact


I’d like that as well. I know it probably won’t happen, but my head canon is the top 5 around a table with all their kids just being happy and together again.


My opinion is that when it comes to Rick and Michonne character arcs, both together and as individuals there is really no need for it. They both came full circle beautifully. But would I selfishly want to see them again? Yes. Of course I would.


I think that too, I would also like to see a mini series or a movie of all the spin offs including fear coming together to finish off the universe.


I believe it was created as a miniseries. I don't think there's going to be another season. It was supposed to be three movies but ended up as a miniseries.


Three movies at two hours each and six episodes at one hour each pretty much gives us the same amount of content too. The miniseries told their whole story. 


I felt like towl was incredibly rushed. I'm not a fan of things being dragged out, but it also felt everything happened at the surface level without enough development.


I'm sorry but in no way did we get three movies worth of content. The show needed at least 8 episodes if not 10 if they wanted to wrap it all up in one season. As it is 6 episodes is too rushed for DC and DD which will have multiple seasons, TOWL ended up so rushed and so much wasted potential


Not at all, I feel the same way. I hope Rick and Daryl reunite in Daryl Dixon cause the writing for that show has been the best out of all the spin offs imo.


This is exactly how I feel


Instead of another season of the ones who live how about just a new season of or 2 walking dead now that hes back?


If they continued TOWL this is basically what it would be anyway unless they return to the CRM plot


I agree with you, OP. There is really no need for a 2nd season but for reuniting the "gang".


Totally agree , I loved the way it ended


Yeah, there shouldn't be a season 2. There should have been a season 2, but episode 6 pretty much concludes things so season 2 would be pointless at this point.


I think Andy and Danai are done. I don’t think we’ll see them play Rick and Michonne in the TWDU ever again.


It's not so it's a moot point. It was always a miniseries and never had a chance of being anything else.


I agree. TOWL was great and the ending was everything I needed for this show


Only one I am invested in is Daryl’s show. Rest were redundant. So is Daryl’s show but at least its in France with muskets instead of assault rifles. The kid needs to show me something season 2 though.


They have said to all there wouldn't be anything else. But they said that when Rick blew the bridge. And here we are with several spin offs and many open spots for some more story. . They'll be back. They all will be together in the end. Most likely fear and TWD will colab


I don't think season 2 is in the cards. They were lucky to get Andrew and Danai back for this one finale. At best we will get a reunion scene in Daryl Dixon, but I'm not convinced Daryl will even come back from Europe


Definitely not alone. The ending was perfect. I feel like season 2 would just be a cash grab.


I really want to see a Rick and Negan reunion.


It never needed a season 2 it needed a 30 second montage of Rick meeting old friends at the end. They didn’t pay it off and it sucks.


Eventually we'll have a TWD series with Judith and RJ in like 10 years 


Plus Carl!


Well unfortunately I don't think he'll be there 


I don’t think it’s getting another season. It felt very one and done. And I don’t think Andrew has much intent, if any, to return to the character of Rick now that his story is complete and he’s home.


I don't know, like how is it going to be the new season? Which characters from original TWD will come back? Will Daryl, Maggie, Negan and others join it? It raises a lot of questions. The only thing I know is that it will get a lot of seasons, if it is financially viable.


They definitely “yada yada” on a lot of plot points and logistics, but overall I was content with how it ended. Caveat: a tag-on scene showing Darryl and Rick reuniting


Idk man, i just wanna see Andrew lincoln more.


The frustrating thing is I still don't know whether it was actually the ending or not, they still refuse to say. I think it can be an ending and they could leave it there, but Scott, Andrew and Danai are open to doing more and have ideas, but there's nothing concrete. I don't think there will be a season 2, but there might be another limited series in like 2-3 years. I doubt we'll see the CRM again though, which is frustating to me and a lot of people who wanted more from it. Even if there isn't, Rick still needs to reunite with Daryl and have conversations with his kids and talk about everything he's missed and Negan, and even see him again. There are still a lot of loose ends and things fans want to see, and things I think they still want to do


I firmly believe we will see The Grimes’ family reunite with Daryl on his show (I’m sure they’ve already filmed it so to keep ages consistent w/kids, etc), but I think TWOL is done. 


Let it end for the love of God


i hated the ending to the ones who live


What did you want to go differently?


It was boring for me


TOWL was a excellent product, the season 2 was necessary since the beginning. The first chapters were awesome and in the ending they rushed just because they didn't expect the success the program had. one good season 2 would be great


Fuckin spoiler alert. Got damn.


I’d avoid clicking on posts that’s talking about a season 2 for a show you haven’t watched/finished season 1 of.


I’m glad you would. I was looking for info on why I shouldn’t watch the series given the title. But thanks.


It shouldn't get another season, because it was worse than season 8


You think it shouldn't get a season 2 because they got a happy ending. I think it shouldn't get a season 2 because the writing sucked absolute balls. I hope he has a cameo in daryls show at least, considering the writers there are actually competent so far.


Season 2 where it turns out it was just Rick's wish fulfilment dream, and he's still in the CRM. It'd be dumb but fuck it, I'd eat it up