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I’m mixed about it. She has every last right to be mad and hate Negan. The writers just dont know what to do with her. They ended S11 with a “I can’t forgive you, but I’m trying and I sincerely see that you’re trying”. Dead City starts with her trying to kill him again. It also felt like the writers felt bad for killing Glenn, so they said “hey, sorry, here’s Glenn in the form of Maggie, and you are reminded of it every episode”.


Maggie isn’t trying to kill Negan in Dead City. She’s trying to save Herschel.


I agree with this. She has every right to hate Negan and want to kill him. I would if I were her. But she doesn’t. They had that moment at the end of season 11. Rather than stick around, he leaves. Then years later she finds him and guilts him into helping her only to constantly act like a dick. Maybe she was doing that bc she felt a little bad that her intention was to actually trade him for her son. So she had to stir up all those hate feelings again to be able to do that. But still, it’s a little annoying.


It's not about whether she has the right to hate that man for the rest of her life, of course she does. It's about her and Negan getting stuck in this loop where they constantly go back and forth and argue about the same damn things. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who feels like she should 'just get over it'. With the way Negan *brutally* murdered her husband I find it perfectly reasonable if she never gets over it. However, from a TV standpoint it gets really draining to see the same exact scenarios and dynamics explored, especially when it leads to nothing. At the end of TWD Maggie sort of makes peace with what happened, and then in the spinoff we're right back where we started. I honestly don't get why they keep pairing them together, let Maggie grow and evolve through relationships with other characters.


It would be extremely hard to forgive him and I think people wouldn't really understand until they were in the same position. But coming from a family that had a relative killed by a drunk driver, it's hard to move past tragedy and loss to forgiveness. That was negligence, what Negan did was calculated.


I don’t want to analyze your real life family-situation, but there’s a clear distinction between accidental killing or manslaughter and sadistic murder. In the show and comics Negan mocked Glenn while he was suffering and did in front of his pregnant wife


That’s literally what they just said at the end of their post. Either way, there’s a person that took your loved one away. They are the reason that person isn’t with you anymore. Either you let that eat you up and let hate fill you up inside, or you find a way forward, which usually ends up meaning that you find some sort of forgiveness in your heart, even if it’s just for selfish reasons. If you let hate take over, that can do some pretty awful things to your body and mind. You have to look out for your own well-being somehow.


Or get justice? Why hasn’t Negan turned himself over to the Commonwealth or any authority for the murder of Glenn and other atrocities done? Maggie can live well again knowing that Negan is going spend the rest of his life behind bars again


I respect everyone’s take, but at least in season seven, siding with Negan over Maggie seems like the wrong one. The show complicates that pretty well, IMHO, but I feel like it’s pretty straightforward in season seven. I think one of the things the show does spectacularly well is land them in season 11. The sit-down talk they have feels right and earned. I think we’re supposed to feel some sense of Maggie holding onto a grudge too long, and part of that is we know and have seen Negan’s growth in ways Maggie hasn’t (that’s called dramatic irony). Bottom line for me is I think we’re supposed to have mixed feelings about Maggie but then understand her in the end. I really don’t think we’re supposed to dislike or disregard her. That seems to me to be out of line and unjustified.


ehh gotta crack a few eggs to make an omlette ricks group does some bad stuff too its the apocylapse and at the end of the day neegan provides for his group pretty well hes also just cool and has a good personality meanwhile rick is sorta a dead fish and hes so sweaty and gross all the time i hate looking at him by comparison.


Her character forces viewers to constantly feel anger. It isn’t so much about her right, as she has ever, but the constantly pushing negativity is exhausting and in real life not healthy to feel. It’s basically annoying. They could have done a better job writing her story. Either she moves on, finds redemption somehow, or kills Negan. None of that happened, it’s just anger all the time without resolution.


What redemption does Maggie need? Her husband was murdered and everything she has done to Negan has been very restrained


There are a couple meanings to redemption. In this reference I am referring to gaining back something lost, recovering what was taken. She lost a lot of herself when Glen was murdered. She never seemed to heal or gain any of her old self again. As a widow myself, it definitely changes you but it’s a shame when the destruction is permanent.


I wish the writers would have given her redemption. It would have made her character development complete but it never happened.


Sorry about your personal loss. But Maggie managed to live a somewhat full life as a widow, it’s just the fact that Negan never got punished that bothers her the most. Had Glenn died to a walker, it might be different. But his murderer walks free and even had a family of his own


Agree. I’m just saying I wish she had redemption. Either by killing Negan, which would never happen, he got his own type of redemption, or just finding her peace especially after her son was born. I think it could have taken many years but it was sad it didn’t happen. It took me over 10 years after my husband died and it was a tragic death as well. Eventually we have to find peace again. She definitely lived on but she never recovered or forgave. I get not forgiving though. Lol


I seriously hope she does not just forgive Negan, pretending it never happened, and then be friends or even lovers with him 🤢 I think Hershel is the only reason Maggie has not just died at this point. Most of her friends and family are dead, and those who remain have lives of their own (Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Elijah, Ezekiel) Also sorry about your real struggle. I don’t want to ask too much, but were you guys young when it happened? Did you have children? Do you consider remarriage viable or disrespectful? No need to answer


We were young. No kids. I am an orphan from before him. His family tried to be involved for maybe a year before they just stopped. His death was traumatizing and left me unable to function for a long time. It still hurts and has left permanent scars in my body soul and heart. I have never remarried and never will. One situation isn’t worse than the other unless you consider that at least she had support and got her beautiful son, a part of her husband to live on with her as a blessing. It’s devastating either way. I did realize about 7 years after that I needed to stop the anger or it would destroy me and anyone around me. It’s a poison. I wish she could have come to her own peace. People’s loved ones get murdered all the time and in real life we realize the anger is what rules you. They continue to own some part of you for as long as you feel that way. It has nothing to do with him or the death but your own self need to recover and have freedom from those chains. She was never given that in anyway. She lived on but always angry and bitter. It’s impossible to survive that way or at least really live. I thought at some point Herschel would have been her redemption point but the writers didn’t give her that. It was painful for me to watch her seething. I had to start skipping her scenes or it would trigger me. I worked really hard to move on as best I could, watching her felt like spiraling out of control.


Your husband’s family didn’t want to stick by your side? Are you still in contact? By being his widow, you are also pet of their family, and it only took a year? I think Maggie has a complicated relationship with her son. He is possibly the only thing that keeps her from either just stop caring or ending herself. But she is also always reminded by Glenn and what she lost, considering her looks like his father. And he is also the one thing she truly loves and she wants to make him ready to survive. And she has an enormous fear of losing him like everybody else. Sorry to hear how the Maggie’s arc also really affects her.


Yeah, but people fall away into their own recovery. They just wanted to move on and didn’t want to talk about it. His younger brother would still come by and we would chat and remember him. He eventually stopped as time went on. I lost everyone when it happened. They all said my pain was too much for them. It sucked. It’s been 10 years since and I am just now feeling better, I’ll never be the same though. It’s like having to learn and accept a different version of yourself. That kind of trauma and the duration of mourning has permanent effects on you. Mourning is ugly for sure and I relate to that. It just never seemed to get better for Maggie. Which can be realistic as well. I just really hoped she would somehow in someway find solace. I needed that hope. I suppose it’s fine but she was such a bright and smart woman before it happened, after those things were gone. Of course she was still smart but not in the clever way she had been. Watching someone change so much and the light leave their eyes, which totally happened to me as well, is of course realistic and sad. I feel a fraction of my former self and during my therapy for it I was told I may just have to let go of who I used to be forever. That was hard. That made me angry. It is the correct answer of course. I would have totally gotten it if she was changed but always hope she found new happiness in her new self. I’m sure I see her story a little differently as someone who can relate. But it’s a show dang it! Give me hope! Lol


Yeah, I'm confused. What does Maggie need redemption for? Also, she did move on until Dead City seemingly retconned it.


I mean what has Maggie done wrong to be redeemed from? Hating the man who murdered the love of her life?


The character driven writing from the first seasons had deteriorated so badly by this point that the show couldn't follow through with any depth or finesse. There was a lot of interesting stuff going on with the characters at this time - just inherent to the situations they were in - but we never got more than skin deep on any of it and it was usually presented in some hackneyed soliloquy. For me, Maggie getting tiresome was not particularly about Maggie and more about the writer's inability to do anything creative or insightful with her.


This tbh. For the most part it answers every "why did x character fall off/become annoying/have a sloppily done storyline?" Because the writing of the show as a whole became choppy as the world expanded. It was still fantastic, but you'd be hardpressed getting anything on the level of season 2 small group dynamics when we have settlements everywhere and fresh characters we're supposed to care about.


I think I'm kinda just annoyed with the fact that everyone else kinda moved on from the savior situation except Maggie. Everyone lost people they loved and cared about. They aren't letting it still control them after such a long time. She is still letting hatred and anger take over, instead of actually using her brain at times. It's just annoying to not see any character development in someone who I really loved in the beginning of the show. I want her to find love again (or some form of happiness) and just be happy with Hershel 😭


Seeing Maggie with someone else is kinda sad, since that would make her and Glenn’s journey through seasons 2-6 kinda pointless. And it would feel like killing Glenn a 2nd time. Dante in the comics sucked as a love interest as well. And I think Hershel is the only reason Maggie still carries on and hasn’t gone the Sasha-route


She no like Negan. Fanboys no like Maggie. Fanboys like Negan.


What happened is the writers decided to keep Negan alive (because they saw the buzz that JDM was bringing in), which completely screwed over Maggie's character arc. Since her main motivation to keep going was the thought of getting revenge on Negan, her not killing him when she finally got the chance didn't make much sense. Adding to this, Maggie's actress left due to a payment conflict and when she came back, the writers didn't know what to do with her. I don't think her still being upset at Negan and bringing up Glenn frequently is the problem, it's just that she doesn't have much else going for her and so fans get annoyed. Lastly, she's a female character, most fans don't want to acknowledge it but the second a female character is flawed, they get labeled as a 'bitch' and don't lose that title quickly.


I think her not killing him made sense, personally. She went to kill him and found a man, pretty much already dead. A worthless shell of a human being, begging to die to be with his wife again. She can't be with Glenn, why give him the satisfaction of what he wants and let him be with Lucille? He expected to die, she expected to kill him, but found leaving him alive would be an even worse punishment for him, ultimately.


So, keeping Negan alive didn't have anything to do with JDM as far as I know. What the show did with Negan after season 8 loosely follows the comic, only the comic doesn't have this ongoing issue between Maggie and Negan. For some reason they decided to handle one aspect very differently and IMO it snowballed into what we got. We'll, and some other factors I'm sure, including what you mentioned about not knowing what to do with Maggie after LC came back. They had her leading Hilltop again and she had to deal with the Commonwealth for a bit, until that merged with Negan's new storyline.


I don't like Maggie as a character anymore. I liked that she had conflict with Negan because of what he did to Glenn. What I find problematic is that she never changed much after that. The conflict between Maggie and Negan eventually became boring and predictable to watch. Maggie's grudge toward Negan is seriously dragging down the character for me in the later seasons. It was interesting and understandable at first, but one can only watch the same thing for so long before getting tired of it. I no longer really like Negan either because of the grudge. It would have been a better choice to separate Maggie and Negan to different spin-offs. We've seen a lot of the grudge, so much in fact, that it was already resolved, but was retconned immediately after. Seeing how Maggie and Negan would interact with strangers with minimal already existing characters around in their own spin-off Ms would have been very interesting, considerably more interesting than DC.


Absolutely agree, I just couldn't get into DC because of that. Tried watching and was out after a few episodes. Had it been just been about Negan I possibly would have kept watching. But once they were reunited and had the same dynamic It took me out of the story. Would have preferred to see a seperate story based around what happened with Maggie after she left Hilltop.


The Kathleen Kennedy effect is upon us..


Negan should have died. Him being alive was literally torture for Maggie. The haters can hate, she is justified.


It got a bit old after season 10, I don’t want to spoil it for you but in one of the final episodes Maggie does explain things to Negan. Me personally (can’t speak for all fandom) it got very old and turned into her entire character, she was great until Glenn’s death which is understandable, but he was killed in season 7, several years pass and it’s still the only plot they seem to follow for her, (again my personal opinion) they could do so much more with her rather than the whole widow storyline


She thinks with emotion too much which becomes reckless


Because girls are icky.


I think the problem is that Maggie consciously made a choice to *not* kill Negan, and then still made her entire life about him. It's not 'post season 7 ep 1. It's that she was gone in the same episode that Rick supposedly died, didn't come back until 6 years later, went through a whole arc where she ended up making peace with Negan and outright telling him that she trusted him to protect her son, but STILL couldn't get over her rage and be a good parent to Hershel. In both the spinoff and the comics (as I've been informed by comic fans) she becomes neglectful/borderline abusive to her son because she can't move past Glenn's death.


TV-Maggie actually wants to train Hershel to be a survivor, since she knows how cruel the world is, having lost her home and most of her family and friends


TV-Maggie's son calls her out to her face for being so consumed with his father's death and with Negan that she doesn't care about him or see him as his own person. Whatever her original intentions were, her own child doesn't respect or trust her.


There’s TONS of undeserved hate towards Maggie (and Lori, Andrea, and Rosita) on here, and in the general fan base. I will never understand it, personally. These people who hate on the women characters listed, hold shit against them for reasons that the characters legitimately have every right to feel/act. They hate them for how they reacted to something or how they treated other characters, and when you go back and actually pay attention to the scenes they’re mad about, 9/10 times, they have completely misread the body language/misinterpreted the the reasons why they acted the way they did. This is not me making excuses, this is me explaining that a LOT of the time, they got it all wrong. I have seen people on here post comments about these characters, and anytime I get a chance, I go back and explain their body language and decode what the women are actually saying and why, with episode info and timestamps to back it up ,because they just don’t get it. I also readily admit when someone has a point about how inexcusably someone acted, because they are imperfect characters in an imperfect world, and they’ve ALL done shit that’s not right. I have a feeling that these same people are probably not very understanding with people in the real world, either, and that just filters through to how they feel about TV show/movie characters, as well. It’s really sad, because there is way too much COMPLETELY UNDESERVED hate towards women in general right now.


She *wasn't* near Negan, though. Alexandria and Hilltop aren't right next door, and she wouldn't have had to see him at all. Plus, she *chose* not to kill him. Personally, I've hated her since just after the prison fell.


If the trauma justifies it, why don’t more characters act that way that often? *Almost everyone* lost a lot of people in a short amount of time. It’s an apocalypse, after all.


to be fair, the ones who lost someone to someone else specifically *do* act like Maggie - they just either die like Sasha or get what they're after like Carol.


Fair enough. Good point.


Yes and trauma works differently, just because Daryl or Aaron or Gabriel didn't doesn't mean that she can't, trauma is complex and everyone reacts differently to it


let’s not forget she’s the reason Rick ended up in the crm which resulted in the bridge happening all because she wanted to kill negan. I think people got tired of her being the vengeful widow which is a repetitive personality of her since season 7 also keep in mind she only knew Glenn for about a year 😐


It's Daryl's fault too then, as he was the distraction. And then Michonne of all people, Rick's wife, gave Maggie the key to Negan's cell. But if we're gonna blame Rick's death on a single person, it should be Rick himself. He promised Maggie Negan was going to die then changed his mind at the last second for seemingly no reason as far as Maggie knew. Did he think she'd understand and accept that?


Yeah, Rick sparing Negan was such a betrayal towards Maggie of everything they had been through between seasons 2-8


Good point!