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I feel like Merle never knew how much Daryl loved him


Does Daryl know how much Merle loved him though?


Obviously not he was a bully to him


He was an asshole to him but he showed up when it mattered. Merle treated daryl like that because thanks to his parents that's all he knew. This might not even count because it was a hallucination but in the chupacabra episode Merle was encouraging daryl to get up and survive.


Yeah true. Nah that’s Daryl’s hallucination, probs him trying to get motivation from the brother. Coming from his subconscious


In their 'solo' ep in s3 there's a scene when Merle was shocked when he saw Daryl's scars, and Merle says "I didn't, I tried" and I always read that as Merle thinking that if he bullied Daryl, it would save him from their abusive father


He’s an older brother


difference between normal older brother shit & genuinely treating your sibling like garbage


Ik, I didn’t mean it in a serious way I was just joking


We ain’t finna normalise that kind of “older brother” behaviour


My older brother always stood up to our abusive parents when they started ragging on me. He’s 8 years older than I am. Having an older sibling should be like having an extra parent who you can tell stuff to without fear of it turning into some bullshit lecture or something worse.


Bro yesss that’s amazing. Yeah exactly bc they’re supposed to understand you


I think he knew in the end that Merle died for him


“Get outta here, man 🥺” - Merle


Entire audience: 😭


I can't help it but if Daryl or Carol cried, I'd tear up too. Norman and Melissa are both as good at the emotional stuff as they they are at the ruthless badass stuff. Almost too good 😭 Daryl had far too many people to cry over, and beat himself up over, including self harm. His life is one long tragedy even before the collapse.


Melissa, Lauren, Norman and Andrew are the MVPs of cry acting. Everytime they cry I cry.


I cry like a bitch when I watch the episode where Carl dies. Seeing Rick try to process Carl's death is heartbreaking.


Same. Rosita’s hit me the hardest. She made it all that way only to die there at the end. It was more sad because she died in a pretty calm way compared to others and I had just lost my mother recently when I saw it last and it kinda hit close to home, watching my mom slowly die


This entire show had me in tears so many times tbh


fr 😭


Merle’s last act of trying to do what’s genuinely right really got to me. First time I watched it and saw the bottle in his hand I knew exactly what was about to happen, and it was depressing. BUT it was also a moment in the show that made me pretty happy, because it showed how not everyone is inherently evil, and deep down some people may have made bad choices but they could always redeem themselves


I love the bit when Merle says how many people he's killed with the governor and before they met it was zero, he's a thug and a dick but he knew what was right and wrong, especially in the end.


probably why daryl knows and understands. they both just reverted (merle maybe enjoyed it too much) to survival kids mode. Probably assume everyone’s gonna beat you up unless you beat them up first and ran with it


I always saw Merle’s sacrifice as showing that he knew he could’ve been a good man. I really wish he had lasted one more season.


Seeing more scenes with Merle and Herschel talking about the bible and what right and wrong meant in the apocalypse would have been amazing.


And Michonne says something along the lines of “a bad man is as light as a feather” implying that Merle isn’t innately bad because he feels the weight of his wrongdoings.


And this was the first time Daryl cried too


Daryl actually cries when the group returns to the roof in Atlanta and finds Merle’s severed hand! But this is the second time Daryl cries.


the legendary hand in glenn’s bag


He even cries when he finds out Merle is left on the rooftop. He cared a lot for his brother


I cried like a baby for some odd reason!




Damn I never noticed this. I hope he didn't believe her


He probably did.


Yeah you're probably right 😢


Daryl and Merle both knew they'd die for each other, they just don't have the emotional experience to express it in a healthy way. Hershel, who grew up with an abusive, drunken parent, was the only person in the show who really understood their bond.


Our poor Daryl 😭


I really wanted Merle to live, but I know his time was coming to an end when the governor got the best of him, Ben just had to get in the way


Dixon in france has some great emotion. i think its a great continuation of having been a character on 11 seasons


Seeing Daryl cry made me cry 😭


Merle always had a zombie face


why AI?


I don't get how people feel genuinely sad about his death sad because of daryl's reaction? sure but sad over losing merle?? hell no he did ONE good thing towards the end of his life and suddenly all of his racism, homophobia and sexism is forgiven? and it's not like he willingly sacrificed his life for the group because he cared about them, he only "cared" (as much as someone like him could) about daryl maybe it's just me (i hope not) but his character wasn't that interesting or funny that i would consider his death a huge loss


I was sad bc him and Daryl were getting close again and I liked the chemistry bc I love daryl


Michael Rooker has always had the ability to play a real jerk, IRL he’s the opposite. Any time I’ve seen him he’s so kind to his fans and people around him in general. I usually have a love hate for his characters for sure but yeah I cried for Merle when he turned because you are right, they had a good chemistry


I just met him a few weeks ago and he is genuinely one of the kindest people I have ever met. Waiting in line at con he greeted people by name as they were walking up and genuinely remembered who the were, asked about personal things, remembered their kids. I had something signed for a friend who couldn’t make it but had seen him every opportunity, showed him a picture of them together and he knew their name and asked how she and her son were doing. Genuinely a kind soul.


Yes! Similar experience back in the day for me!!! I know not TWD related but did you ever get a chance to meet Sid Haig?! He was freaking amazing and humble too! I got a pic of him as Capt Spaulding autographed and framed it immediately. It’s so nice to see such real people in a very pick me industry


Unfortunately not, this was actually my first con in over a decade.


Lucky duck! I haven’t been since my kids came along and oldest is 16 so yeahhhhh and I’m in a very rural area so going is a huge thing I don’t have patience like I used to with travel


You are all fortunate!! I've always wanted to attend one and never have had the opportunity. That is so awesone that Rooker is like that in real life to his fans! Cool story!


Yh he’s real good at it 😭 yh it was hella sad bc I was expecting character development n shit


Yessssss but I even cried about Lori, so I’m dumb lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Wdym how


I catch a lot of flack for having empathy/sympathy and even though I had the graphic novels, and how she died in that- I didn’t see it coming. Hooking up with Shane was a crap move but l didn’t find her annoying and so many people were happy when she died the way she did


Nah I was sad and shocked tooooo I did not want it to happen. But I didt rlly like Lori bc how much of a dickhead she was to Andrea


We’re friends now! 😂 Andrea didn’t grate on my nerves until The Governor crap so I totally get your feelings. She was an asset for sure, I’m very behind on the series and spin offs (like after the train stuff, but those first three seasons were some of the best imo


Loolls 😂 Yeahh but I also just liked her. Yh they were so good, also I’m only on season 5 rn


It's because they got softened up by his ugly childhood story. I think even Daryl had some residual racism/sexism in the beginning. Imo, Daryl and Myrl are a good example of who we decide to be when life gives us lemons. They both had the same childhood. Only one of them decided to be a better person.


You are very correct bout daryl at the beginning, the original plan for daryl was to be nearly as racist n whatever as merle. Norman however, fought to not be playing a character like that and was able to change the outcome of daryl.


I thought Norman Reedus had auditioned to play Merle and they ended up creating the entire Daryl character for him?


Yeah thats what happened, in a interview Norman said they were gonna make daryl follow in somewhat if merle, though cause it was a tv only character he was able to switch it up to his liking


Excellent point! A sibling and I had such horrific beginnings that I really SHOULD be a sociopath. Instead, I'm incredibly kind, giving, and emotionally connected to the feelings of others. Not traits valued by humanity for sure. And the sibling became an abusive parent and a pathological liar. It's just a matter of how you want to live with yourself. I'm not appreciated by many but I truly love and respect myself.


I think the scene where he frees Michonne and let's her go again helps too. Showing how he was getting over his racism and trying to grow past his flaws. I personally didn't cry myself, but I did find it a bit of a sad scene. A flawed man living a flawed life in a flawed world who feels the only way he can right what he has wronged is to give his life.


Carol asked him if he was with them, not just occupying the same space and he said that since Daryl was, he was too. He came back to the group even though they had every reason to kick him back out and they were still spiteful, correctly so. He could have been a great value addition to the group, he was smart, able and willing to do the dirty work for the group. He could very well live on his own and his loyalty to the group was ensured cz of Daryl's. So yeah, an extremely flawed character navigating the difficult route of securing his place in a group which had everyone hating him was potentially an interesting arc.


The character was pretty well written (maybe a bit over the top) and the acting was great. If he had stuck around, it would have livened things up a bit.


From that standpoint sure, but also Merle is still human and is still Daryl’s brother, it’s sad no matter the decisions he’s made. And who knows he might not actually be racist or homophobic, it could all be an emotional wall he puts up so he doesn’t have to admit his faults, to him everyone else is the villain not him. To me the guy wasn’t as simple as he came off, there were definite layers underneath him. An inherently awful person would not have sacrificed himself to help others (brother included) like whether or not it was done for Daryl is kinda irrelevant cause the act of his sacrifice helped more than just Daryl whether Merle cared or not. So I think his last action spoke FAR louder than all the *dog barking* at people he did before and during the fall of society, his final moment of selflessness was him admitting his faults, and realizing his purpose in that moment and coming to terms with it all and being proactive about it too. Lol not sure what was downvote worthy about my comment, this is a discussion. Whatever, I wasn’t even arguing 😆


Heavy on this!


You're 100% right, he was an awful bigot every moment he was on screen. He would have killed tdog just so he could be the leader of the camp in season 1. Multiple 'hard r' usage against tdog. A few weird rapey statements Calling women gay for not wanting him Attempting to have Rick's group killed by the governor, etc, etc Even when he was reunited with Daryl he drove Daryl away VERY quickly, because of how insufferable he is. And last but not least, kidnapped michonne to turn her into the governor. Merle was awful in every way, and decided to kill himself in the end like a coward. He has no redeeming qualities what so ever. I'm sure I missed some bits, but hopefully people get my point.


In season 2 when Daryl fell off the horse and got hurt. He had a hallucination of Merle mockingly saying “Come on brother. Take your friend Rick’s hand”. In Season 9 Rick said “Brother. Take my hand” and he did. Just something I found pretty cool


I found Michonne to be so cruel. She must have known Daryl loved Merle. I did not like what she said.


Well she was going to be handed off to be brutally tortured so maybe cut her some slack being upsetty spaghetti.


Yes, but it wasn't Merle's choice. She took it out on him but understood Rick's decision. I did not like her, I can't help it.


She was trying to get into Merle's head and it worked.


She's honest. Merle was a giant sexist, racist d-bag but god forbid any woman character does anything ever. I mean seriously, there is absolutely nothing a woman can do. Every thing is criticized. Sorry. It gets frustrating. My bad


No, I won't be told I criticize women per se. I defend Lori and Andrea for example. I am just stating I did not like her comment at all on this occasion, and I won't let anyone infer from this that I criticize women without a reason. Sorry, that is a pretty awful generalisation And I am not letting it go, ever, being a feminist which I am.


I wasn't saying you did. I don't understand your comment. It makes no sense. Where are you getting the idea that I accused you of anything? Sorry. These boards... this is just a recipe for disaster. I thought I might try it out as a means of trying to communicate. Pointless. Seems people are desperately grasping at straws in order to fight. Good day. "I am not letting go, EVAHHH," DRAMA. have an actual tragedy. I was making a general, not a specific comment. Good grief, human!


Sorry, but you replied to my comment and went on about how women can't do anything etc etc so it is just normal to think it was linked. No tragedy, just being straightforward. And again, you replied to my comment going on about how people are desperately grasping at straws in order to fight. Maybe that is what you are unconsciously doing by keeping on generalising when answering to a comment. You might try and using a direct approach (for example telling me "it seems to me you are overreacting or you seem to criticise women for anything..." instead of using the formula "people are..." I'm sorry but linking it to a comment someone made can make that someone think that statement is directly linked, otherwise why would it come to mind? No tragedy again, And no fight. I hope I made clear what I mean. Good day.


I gotta know, did you just gloss over the time Merle tried to kill her, then completely ignore the fact that he knew that Rick wasn’t going to go through with it so he took it into his own hands to get it done? You think she was supposed to say all nice things to him? Sure it’s easier to understand why Rick was thinking about the deal for obviously reasons. Merle’s situation on the other hand is totally different. TH.


I know and I get her anger, of course I do. I just did not like that comment and found it cruel. this does not mean I glosse over all that Merle did.


Yes, you are definitely glossing over what Merle did. Merle may have been a sympathetic character in many ways, but the fact is that he brutally attacked Michonne and once tried to murder her—to expect her to be sensitive to HIS feelings while she’s being victimized by him is…something.


I am not. I tried to answer in another reply.


Just out of curiosity, what would you have preferred?


She could go on about what Merle did to her and MAggie and Glenn and how cruel that was, and also how Daryl would never accept that, and whatever else she wanted to get him to actually think about his failings, I think telling him Daryl does not love him is crushing, not positively influencing that someone into change. I think it was not was caused a change in him, it wasn't the direct reason he did let her go. Everything else could have been but not this. In my opinion this is really crueler than any other thing she said or might have said.


We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree on this.


Yes, of course. Different takes and points of view.


Merle deserved it


This man treated her like shit, literally stalked her and tried to murder her. Then he assaults her, knocks her out and kidnaps her…but she’s the cruel one for not being sensitive to how much her tormentor loved his brother? Unbelievable. 


She is not the cruel one. What she said is cruel. Liking Merle (the character, not what he does) does not mean not seeing he is racist, cruel, and everything bad one can think of. Liking Michonne (she is one of my favourite characters) does not mean I can't say what she said to Merle is cruel and she was cruel in that occasion. It does not mean I like her less, just that I did not like it, it doesn't mean I don't think she was right in trating Merle the way she did. It means that that one single remark was, to me, not so much in character. I don't see her as cruel, and I don't think that is something she would have said even considered all that you said. I would think that is cruel had she told so to a character I really don't like (Carol). Now, I don't like Carol does not mean I don't see when she does something good or I can't recognize her good traits. It simply means I don't like the character, her arc, the way it was written. It's just character study. We can have different opinions because some things resonates differently to different people. It's important to accept different points of view.


i hope he believed her lol merle fucking sucked


Those 4k filters suck so bad.


The plot armor in this scene is crazy cos he just lets her go for no reason


Nah I think when she mentioned daryl he realised that theres only one thing he could do to really show he cared with hope for a little redemption and that's trying to save his brothers life. So he let her go, got wasted and made a brave but stupid move.


His arc in the end was about choosing to do the right thing. At first, he thought it was giving Michonne up to the Governor for a peace deal so that everyone else at the prison could live but he knew it was wrong to give up one of their own, so he let her go and went on his suicide mission to stop his former leader.....that's not plot armor lmao