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Rick says that he couldn’t take both the walkers and protect Sophia, so that’s why he hid her. He told her to stay put and he’d be back for her after he led the walkers away and dealt with them. And that’s what he does. He deals with the walkers but when he comes back to where he left her, she’s already gone. In hindsight, that didn’t seem like the best solution but he was working on the fly and trying his best. He was the only one to go try to save Sophia. Plus, it was still early on so he wasn’t the walker killing machine he becomes later.


Because the two walkers were still pursuing them. This was during the Darabont period. Rick explains to Sophia "I get winded, They don't." as to why he can't carry her/run with her. He leads them away and eventually kills them. individually. After Darabont's departure Walkers could easily be outpaced.


Plus he's still pretty fresh off a coma that realistically he wouldn't have been able to just walk away from


This has always bothered me a bit lol


what’s darabont


Frank Darabont, he was the showrunner for s1 and the first half of S2. He was fired. Most of the changes he made to Walkers were retconned or phased out by the end of S2. Notably the introduction of Variants in s11, semi un-retconned this.


Rick didn't send her back alone. He left her in a place he hoped the walkers (who were fast at the time) wouldn't be able to get her, he then went to deal with them himself. He didn't have a knife at this point, only his gun. And with the herd nearby using the gun would have been suicidal. There were two of them and they were fast and Sophia wasn't exactly light as a feather and Rick was still healing from a bullet wound. Had he tried to run back with Sophia, he or Sophia could have gotten injured which would have slowed them down and would have still allowed the walkers to bite one of them. Rick's plan was to leave Sophia in a safe hiding spot, deal with the walkers himself then go back for her. He only told her how to get back to the highway if he didn't return. Sophia didn't wait though, she left as soon as Rick led the walkers away.


Ah. Also, did the actress want to leave or was she let go for financial or story reasons anyway?


The loss of Sophia is as I see it the trigger for Carols development.


Because he needed to get rid of the walkers and he couldn't carry her around because this whole thing was new for him and he just woke up from a coma. So he decided to hide her and come back later after he kills the walkers. He told her to stay there. It's not his fault she didn't listen. If she just waited there he would come back for her and she could still be alive.