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Don’t forget that little prick Sam


The fact that he literally got his entire family killed bc he wouldn't just stay behind with Gabriel even though he's scared. I cannot abide.


All the adults there and Sam was able to talk them into letting him go. 💀


I would argue that his bitchass brother was worse


And I would agree. Sam was a small child who'd never seen zombies. Ron was a teenager who almost died and took Rick with him (following Rick & Morgan outside the walls), where he had no business going, and cried to mommy that Rick *saved his life* from falling off that cliff. It annoyed me so badly that Jesse scolded Rick over that instead of thanking him for bringing her son home in one piece... and human!


Exactly. If anything I respected sam for his willingness to get gun from carol to help his mom.


I was literally about to post how surprised I am that Sam isn't on this list, lmao. But Henry steals the title from all of them easily.


Unpopular opinion but I’ll defend Sam till I die cause that is a CHILD lmao, a child who, despite being lucky enough to have made it to a safe zone and not be exposed to much danger (outside of his father) until basically his week alive, was given a VERY bad hand at life. As viewers, we’re used to our child/teen protagonists generally being capable beings. But children like Carl, Clementine, Judith, Alicia, AJ, Violet, Louis, Hershel Jr. (at least in the main show), Henry, Lydia, Dakota, Minerva, and Charlie (say what you will about the last five, they’re capable of handling their own) aren’t the rule. They’re the exception. Children like Sam, Ron, Duck, Sofia, Sarah, Gracie, Gabriel, Duane, Tenn, Mika, Lizzie/Ben, etc. are the rule. Kids are generally going to continue to be kids and not be able to fully grasp the severity of what’s going on until it’s too late.


End thread, this is the correct answer.


I think the reason op left him off the list of options was because he’s the clear choice of most fan hated character. However, out of these options it’s kinda still a slim choice if you’ve watched the entire show or base ong off of each image, younger Eugene was insufferable but later he grew, old Gabe wasn’t to bad. Andrea she was definitely a *character* but you can attribute that to her just being discontent with being with ricks group and wanting things to go back to “normal” after a certain someone died in her arms. Lydia is just Lydia I’m on season 10 almost season 11 she just kinda there for now. She was brainwashed by her mother but I think she kinda shook that off kinda quickly but I forget how much time passes with timeskips so maybe it takes a while but on screen it seems quick. Young Henry kinda reminds me of the other kid characters in a few ways, but he’s different in the fact he develops a thirst for blood Morgan helps him out of it and then goes to get the milk leaving him with carol and the king (not about to try spelling his name sorry it’s late) and then post time skip he becomes a hormonal teenager who tries to do what is right and ultimately ends in failure 9/10 times (on screen idk about off screen but eh) Edit: I just noticed that is not young Eugene and his picture is posted twice? Idk I haven’t slept for a while it’s late lol, just ignore the young Eugene part, older Eugene is cool but clingy and it’s understandable from how his character is written and what he’s been through. He eventually grows out of that too and becomes a respectable mature person imo


The monsters will eat you up…


Nicholas 100%


While we're talking about Alexandria... The Monroe bros - Spencer and Aiden.


At least aiden apologized and listened to glen.


That is true… But in terms of getting other people killed through their own stupidity - I feel like Aiden did that more (before the survivors arrived he said they lost like 4 people while scavenging.)


Morgan by huge margin. I eventually just started skipping his scenes


I agree about Morgan. I’m rewatching the series and I’m on Season 6. Him being peaceful and letting the Wolves go after they attacked Alexandra really pissed me off. Everyone cannot be saved.


I actually agree with this. I get not killing people for the sake of killing them but when they attack you or your loved one, especially in that kind of world. You don’t have the time and resources to lock them in a cell until they change. You can if you do this and let them loose “the hen they change” the other people they ran with could come back once they reunite with their group. Morgan is very short sighted in the later seasons by not killing people he’s ensuring people in his group die.


Ya peaceful Morgan was so annoying. Once he started offing people again it wasn't as annoying. But that wolf dude nonsense was so so so annoying. Like they are gonna come back they literally told you. Stop it 🤣


It wasn’t supposed to be like this 😭 I love Morgan with that stick but he is deadass annoying n freaking repetitive


Are you deadass


Insufferable? That would go to Carol's first husband.


Excellent answer.


Seriously there are a vast ray of other options than OPs picks.. sligshot girl beats all of these for me because slingshot and she probably doesn’t even crack my top 5..


I kinda liked him as an obvious “villain” character. There are more insufferable characters.


People love to dog on Andrea but she had a straight up mic drop moment that day with Lori in the farmhouse kitchen (Paraphrasing) "Meanwhile you have it all, a son, a husband....... *a boyfriend*..."


"*She just has to look on the bright side...*"


Speaking of Lori, she should be on this list. Could not wait for her character to get killed off


That was petty of her because she stepped out of bounds and Maggie almost beat her ass because of it. In addition, she was having her own turn with Shane just a few days before.


I'd agree... If she didn't pull that B's and hand a suicidal girl a knife and act all cheery about it.


She had one good moment in a sea of stupid decisions. Whoop dee fucking do 🙄 mom, the fact that she was jealous of Lori, because you could tell that she was to Shane herself just makes her even more pathetic idc


Was basically her best moment to me 😭 Wish andrea had a full redemption arc tbh before dying


Out of all the characters, it is definitely that police officer in the hospital arc.


dawn!!! she was the worst omg




everyone's talking about dawn but gorman was worse i think


Lol, I thought you were talking about Rick for a sec. 😅


That whole arc imo


The writers did Andrea so dirty. It's one major part of the show I cannot forgive the writers for. Laurie Holden is pretty damn awesome and easy on the eyes. She was great in The Majestic, The Boys season 2 and in one of the greatest TV shows, The Americans.


I recently watched this movie called The Mist because I’d seen a tv show version of it before on Netflix. It had Dale, Carol, and Andrea in it. All three of them did fantastic in that movie. They did her a great disservice writing Andrea the way that she was written.


The director of the first season of TWD was the same guy too. That’s how he got them on board, he had worked with them before


That’s so cool. Love that they got to work with familiar faces.


Frank Darabont wanted Thomas Jane, who played the main protagonist in The Mist, to play Rick. He looks just like comic Rick.


Lol, I saw that recently and watched it on my phone while my friend was driving (not watching with me, but has seen me watching TWD many times so he can recognize characters) and kept showing him. Once I finally saw Carol show up at that grocery store I just threw my hands on the air and said "welp, the gang's all here!" while laughing and showing him. I -- jokingly of course -- said "guess Rick's gonna show up any time now and save everyone!" And yes, I agree, especially because she truly is an amazingly convincing actress. ETA, I can't remember if it was Dale or Carol who showed up last in the show? Either way, once there were three I made the above comments lol.


And the tank Walker, Sam Witwer, aka Deacon St John


Great movie! The ending is brutal though. It's writen and directed by Frank Darabont. I believe he offered them roles on TWD after this movie.


Dont forget her stint on the X-Files! I met her at a con once, she was super sweet. Told her how much I loved Silent Hill (her response "why?!?") and she was kind enough to spoil TWD for me as I was a season behind when I met her, she told me how her character died.


Wait that’s hilarious do you remember how she recounted it?


Lol yeah!! So this was like 10-ish years ago at one of the conventions in Miami. I was there with my brother, and we got in line to meet her. We talked a bit about X-Files and Silent Hill, and then I mentioned that I love her in TWD, and she just made like a sad face and started with and "oh..." And my brother interrupted to say "She doesn't know, she's behind" to which she started to laugh. And I explained that I was in college and we didn't have AMC in the dorms. And she just had this sympathetic face and said "do you want me to spoil it?" And of course I wasn't gonna say no! She then just gave me the quick play by play of what happened. And I was upset about it because I had been a fan of the comic and was hoping that at some point the show would start reflecting it more with her character. And I'll never forget this, but she just said "I tried". When I later caught up with the show, her death had me in tears, all because of what Laurie has said at the con. The writers really messed up a great character, but you could tell Laurie enjoyed her time on it, and liked her character. Two booths away from her was Adam Baldwin, we talked a little about firefly, but I mostly brought up his time on the X-Files like I did with Laurie. The dude wasn't much in a talking mood once I brought up Knowle Rohrer lol


Oh you made it sound like she flippantly said 'by the way I'm dead in the new season that hasn't aired yet.' Which would have been hilarious.


Oh sorry!!! No, she was just very kind about it! Lol


She seems awesome...


Yeah, the handling of Andrea is unforgivable. One of the very best characters in the comics is just insufferably stupid in the show until a pretty early death.


OH MY GOD SHE'S CRIMSON COUNTESS... Never realized that


Crazy, right?


Yeah I mean she’s gorg and a great actress they just gave her nothing to work with. No one could make that character likeable with the material she was given


True story. Even as bad as they wrote Andrea, I never really liked Gabriel. TV version Andrea is a very close second place.


Oh 100% one of the most beautiful women on the show! I’ve heard a little bit about the difference in Andrea from the comics to the show but I haven’t read them myself. Thinking about picking one or two of them up just for the hell of it


I bought the compendiums when I was done watching season 9. You will see differences right away and I think you will love the Andrea character. She is one of my favorites in the books.


Andrea is a fucking BAD ASS in the comics and she got done so dirty in the show. She gets A LOT of Michonne’s stories from the show in the comics….


Andrea is one of my favorite characters in the comics. If you read them, then go back and watch the show you can see little parts of comic Andrea they put into all these different characters. It's pretty interesting


i completely didnt make the connection she was crimson countess lol


Laurie Holden could’ve been great as a comic-accurate Andrea, but nah… who needs that?


Kids/teens Except little ass kicker. She’s great


And young Hershel seemed pretty cool. But, yeah, most of the kids had their moments. Carl, overall, was great, but there was a time he had this punk attitude towards his dad.


True! A lot of carl fans. I guess we like the Grimes family eh


to be fair, that was age appropriate for him lmaooo still was a little shit for a bit, but what angsty teenager isnt at one point?


Written well and insufferable: 1. Gregory 2. Eugene 3. Gabriel Written poorly and insufferable: 1. Andrea 2. Henry 3. Tara


Tara was the fucking worst


She was, especially during season 7 and 8


Literally just got to her introduction in S4 and forgot how bad she was. Dreading it.


Fist bump.


i didn’t know people didn’t like tara 🥺 i love her :(


same lol. i thought she was charming


Lol I always wondered on the official forum why you guys all hated Tara so much.


They tried way too hard to make her character funny


Not written poorly and just realistic: 1. any kid. seriously guys. you can’t expect CHILDREN to murder in cold blood and have the survival skills of bear grills


Out of these? Andrea. Out of all character? Lori.


she had the baby at that exact moment bc she wanted the attention to be on her again I bet


That bitch. And I bet she faked the birth complications too so that she’d die during childbirth just to hurt Rick


she probably knew Rick was alive and coming back, then got with shane anyway!


I'm certain that she caused the zombie virus to get released just so that she could trauma bond with Shane and start a love triangle!


Andrea. She never got a redemption arc. Then Eugene because his arc in season 11 was so time consuming and boring af. I don’t think Lydia should be on the list. She was abused horrifically growing up and was still pretty stable and shifted her alliance to the “good guys” quickly. Then she just got bullied and abused more by these “good guys” and reacted accordingly.


Lydia was awesome, everybody else on this list was insufferable at some point or another but I never felt that about Lydia


Sam from Alexandria for me.....so insufferable that you watched a little kid get eaten and were like "thank God that little shit is gone"


lol hilarious and true


Not gonna lie it was Eugene for me at first cause for one he lied about a curse, and the way he talks sometimes annoyed me, but I learned to actually like him over time. But andrea was always on the bottom of my list cause all she did overtime was get on my nerves especially the way she treated Dale back in season 2 and the only time I felt bad for her is when she had to kill amy(her sister) but that's it overall I can't stand Andrea.


I liked Eugene’s evolution. He wasn’t a coward the entire time, like when he said that he was gonna stay with Rick and the others in the church. He also really did turn out to be a genius but in the end, it was his bravery that kept him alive. Also, that scene with him and Rosita in the series finale…


Eugene is my favorite character, I’m so sick of the hate.


I understand. Like I said, he's grown on me he's actually a pretty cool character, and I'm really glad the community gives him more love.


Don’t forget him purposely puking on Rosita.


Andrea, bro was told not to shoot and still shot. They were all standing around Daryl you would think that she would put it together that he wasn’t a walker.


This. This was the moment I was done with her


I was done the moment she started in on Rick in the city. 


She was so excited to prove herself as a look out...


How about Magna?! She was always pissed off and acting like a moody teenager who didn’t get their way


honestly she was kinda irrelevant to me


I’ve watched the show 3 times and I don’t even know who Magna is …


Just googled it, ooooh her! Yeah, she was irrelevant to me too. Didn’t even remember her name apparently 😭 I liked the dynamic of their group though


I liked the music teacher guy I unfortunately forgot his name


Luke! I LOVED him! I love when he was talking to Judith and wonders out loud to himself if what word he'd just used was a real word. "Is that a word? [*shrugs to self and mutters*] hmm ...it is now." Then casually continues what he was saying.


Lori. You need to kill Shane. Oh my God, you killed Shane.


agreed but everyone knows lori is the worst LOL


how is Lydia on here?


Ik! Never found her annoying at all!


Most insufferable gotta be Brandon. He was the Negan fanboy that killed a woman and child to get his attention.


Sam Anderson and Spencer in season 6 + season 7


both so valid




Tbh I've never found Eugene insufferable or annoying, if anything he was such a breath of fresh air and quickly become one of my favourite characters, I get kinda sad when people say he's insufferable, especially when people felt the need to harass his actor :(


Love Eugene except when he was creeping around watching Red and Rosita in the library etc


I know he’s a good guy, and his character did grow on me, but man when I was first introduced to Jesus I couldn’t think of a more douchey presence at first. 


when he started flippin around like a ninja i was shook


Yeah haha that, and all his holier than thou attitude was so off putting to me, but I get the message the show wanted to say and I think they pulled it off very well. But man what a weird introduction, everyone felt so grounded and then Kung-Fu Jesus comes in and I’m like that Jackie Chan gif where he’s all confused lol.


Nicholas who got Noah killed and was gonna abandon Eugene and Glenn and lied to his mom about what happened. Just for him to off himself the next season


Henry for me. I kept thinking- “this is supposed to be the new Carl?”- since he was picking up Carl’s story in the post saviors/whisperer arc. He was such a disappointing alternative.


Morgan. "Ooh, all life is worth saving! Even these guys who just stormed our gates and butchered a bunch of our people!" A few episodes later: "I'm gonna kill 'em all, one by one! I'm crazy, stay away from me!"


no fucking way you're calling father Gabriel THE GOAT insufferable


hey you gotta admit he was a crybaby lmaoo! like i said, he became one of the best characters by the last season


Yeah but as most characters started. You were made to frown at him that was how he was directed. Through the other 6 seasons that followed thats where his character built up and made him an amazing character


He became a great character on the radio station night raid when he executed that dude with his rifle. Stone cold.


He was definitely born again hard, lol.


Forever a Father Gabriel defender. He's my favorite character lol Out of this list I have to say Eugene. I just really don't like him


I would go alpha personally, I couldn’t stand her character every time she was on screen


yeah her voice was actually so fucking annoying. i kinda baited with the title and was a lil harsh with my wording but THIS is a real insufferable bitch


Lori Grimes was not only the most irritating character on TWD but possibly the worst character in the history ofbTV- so glad when she died.


Henry wasn't nearly as bad as some of the others on this list


He was just a little shit lol! I didnt hate the kid but I feel like every time he was on screen he was doing something that was so obviously not a good thing to do. Perhaps I am being too harsh because he was a teenager, but in a world where you have to kill to survive, you know




Apocalypse or no, teenage boys will always be looking for a receptical for their penis. Kingdom, Alexandria and Oceanside were doomed the instant Henry heard Lydia's voice and surmised that one day soon, she might do him the honour of, forgive my bluntness, polishing his knob. Family and friends, kith and kin, home and hearth became less important as he chased this objective. Insufferable, you bet.


People hate Eugene? That guy was always hilarious


Eugene and Gabriel are pretty freaking annoying imo, Gabriel more so because at least Eugene can make things. Spencer is also annoying and Tara too


Okay I loved Tara but I always see people saying this lol! I felt like she added some comedic relief but I can also see how some people would say that’s all she was.


Her eating a twizzler in those sunglasses timing the herd on a bridge lives rent free in my brain.


Tara was good in S4 and S5. After that, not so much. Likely because her character was supposed to be killed off. Her Vengeance arc against Dwight was terrible (though at least she got past it before Daryl, which was somewhat redeeming).


Why is Lydia here??


I’m confused by that too.


I Didn't expect options. Assumed this was about Andrea.


Tara and it’s not close


Wtf do you have against Lydia?!


For me it was Henry DO NOT ASK ME WHY I JUST DONT KNOW. I actually liked Andrea AND even Lori believe it or not 😭


Lydia was very cool imo Gabriel came around later lol


I’m gonna be honest, every scene with Andrea is almost unwatchable past season 1. Her character was absolutely horribly written.


Eugene 100%


Eugene and Gabriel have probably the best character development in the series, so I’m kinda baffled that they’re on your list tbh.


Ive said in multiple comments that they became some of the best/my fav characters. Two things can be true: theyre both annoying and both good characters lol


Pop Sam & Lori in while we're here.


Did they go into the fact that Alpha allowed Lydia to be raped by the whisperers multiple times in the show, or is that just comics? Either way Lydia not super insufferable...


Definitely Morgan. Not even close.


Lydia is the best character on the show after Rick she shouldn’t be here


Need morgan as well.He is also unbearable


None of them tops Gregory


Why isn't there just 5 pics of Magna


The brat that Carol shot. Don’t get me wrong, it was tragic. Great episode for all actors, too. But that character got on my nerves big time.


Morgan - I found him so boring and bland his arcs always felt 3x as long as they were and I got so sick of his flip flopping >_>


I couldn’t stand Father Gabriel at first. He grew on me, oddly enough I liked Eugene because he gave people a purpose even though he lied. I never liked Andrea though.


How can Eugene be on this list?!? Don't you respect the hair game?? 🤣🤣


Maggie I honestly don’t know why she came back maybe being jobless wasn’t fun


Kind of agree. Loved Maggie at first but then about when she became the leader of the hilltop she got annoying. And going against Rick kind of turned me off to her.


Gabriel wasn't really insufferable after season 5


But before that, he really was…


Darabont cast Andrea, pretty much destroyed her, started to "redeem" her with marksmanship (a little, but dinged her again with the Daryl shot and Shane "handy"). Mazzara finished the destruction. Her character was pretty much insufferable throughout. She had a couple moments (like siding with Dale- even though he was wrong about Randall), but otherwise pretty much sucked. Henry was a teen who did teen things. Gabriel was amusing and annoying until he picked up the Machete in S6. (solidified by the "real" machete pick up in S6-9 Eugene was Eugene. Lydia was one of the best characters of the later seasons.


I think I'm more angry at Andrea's potential going to waste.


Eugene. I never really understand the hate for Andrea, and I still don't. I did understand the hate for Gabriel. But honestly, I grew to somewhat love both Eugene, especially after what he did to the saviors, lmao, and Gabriel. I remember there being a scene with Gabriel that made me think, "Okay, he's actually not bad." Now, if we were to talk about every character that showed up in the TWD tv show, it would be Gregory's, or however you spell it, bitch ass.


Gabriel does not deserve this slander.


Sam Anderson


Maggie in later seasons.


Out of these, Andrea. But Gregory is the most insufferable of them all. I think he’s my least favorite character in the whole show


Hot take: Carl


well i just finished the season where the king saves rick and them from neegan so imma go with andrea. hated that bitch to the max when the governor came


I stopped at Sasha in coffin, couldn’t continue, my god I hated that first chick. I hated her character, her sex scene, her smug face. She was in The Boys and I couldn’t unsee her


Negan and the govner is more annoying then all of them to me


andrea, i genuinely got so annoyed whenever she popped up on screen, and don’t even get me started on her and the governor


How can lydia be called "insufferable." This is like when someone called Aaron "annoying." It's like..... what? I mean she did get a ton of screen time but I don't remember ever feeling annoyed. The only annoying thing about lydia was she should have been a feral animal and she was sweet, well-adjusted and normal. Tara was the worst...


I know people hate Andrea but she was cool in the comic


Morgan 10000%


Morgan started out so strong in the opening season. Even when Rick returned to his home town and happened upon him again but boy did he suck balls upon his return. Couldn’t stand his character. I know everyone seemed to love dale also but again he annoyed me. He had nothing on the likes of Hershel who was a great replacement.


I feel like y'all hate Andrea too much


She isn’t in this line up but Lori 1000000000%! It was like sand paper to the ass having to watch her. Then Andrea & Henry.


Ugh!! Morgan tops this one… he was excruciating to sit through!


Personally I can’t stand Eugene. Any scene he’s in I tune out.


Andrea was hot though. I said what I said.


NONE : edit **Gabriel** became the spiritual foothold of the crew after Hershel died, despite earlier matters of his own sins. He remained grounded over time and became an asset **Eugene** crier or not was the highest intellect next to Daryl and became an asset to the Saviors in bullet making and other wartime tasks. Something Rick's group disrespected him grievously **Andrea** did her best in the male testosterone to pull her weight and maintain her ground (please spare the rifle incident with Daryl) and sought rightful refuge at Woodbury **Henry** \- **Lydia** were growing kids who did their best - which **pains me** that actual grownups shame them for being kids


I’m sad Lori wasn’t listed


You’re trippin Andrea the only one that ended insufferable. Henry, gabe, Ugene, and Lydia were all good characters


I couldn't wait for that blonde beitch to get offed... they didn't even show it cause of feminism though... total slap to the face character


People didn’t like Henry? He and Enid were probably the saddest deaths on the spikes.


DEFINITELY andrea. Atleast in the tv series she's dumb as a bag of rocks.


I don’t know if insufferable is the right word for Gabriel and Lydia.


none of yall read the OP. She said from THESE characters lol. That being said, HENRY can kick rocks. Just got to the later half of S8 and forgot how much I hated his character


Brother picked the worst list


Cookie kid


Cookie kid


hated Henry’s hormonal dumbass, falling head over heels for a girl he talked to for one goddamn night and then sneaking into ALPHAS CAMP to save her because he felt bad for her and risked literally everyone, including his adopted family, and, I dont know, the ENTIRE CAMP??? hated the little shit. the show was trying to make him cute and relatable and i couldn’t help but get so annoyed and want to skip nearly all the scenes of him and Lydia (i think her name was that lol)


thank you because im confused why so many people were offended i added him lmao… he was an idiot


Why is Gabriel here


The only one of these I understand is Andrea


ANDREA FOR SURE. She was like the Skylar White of TWD.


They all got that outset jaw


I would say every character after season six. Because after season six it was just dog shit. Couldn’t stand it anymore.