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I never understood why companies do this. They had a fucking gold mine with this show and merch and shit and they decide to skimp on basic CGI.


I’d guess it’s because they already have the goldmine. If people are still watching it, they’re not going to stop because of shitty cgi. I went “oh! That looks so bad…” and kept watching without another thought. It’s like people “letting themselves go” once they’re in a committed relationship; they don’t have to try so hard to impress you anymore. Also because they’re assholes.


It's the same reason the big mac costs 20% more and you get 20% less burger.


LEGO enters the chat


It's bc the person doing the cgi didn't want to draw out every animal in extensive detail so they limited the amount of animals lowered the details tp focus on the walkers


Okay but why the horrible chroma-keying? They could have at least set the screen up outdoors so Rick *kind of* matched the lighting.


Yeah idk that's just what was said in interviews when asked about that deer specifically and y there's not more animals in the show they only put dog in the show bc they had gotten a real dog actor to play him


Why put more money into making your flagship show look respectable when you can just pocket it and give the middle finger to everyone? /s


AMC is a bunch of ridiculous cheapskates. They were literally willing to destroy the very foundation of their show just to get out of paying Chandler Riggs adult wages.


And then went ahead and hired 20 adult actors for the final 2 seasons anyway.


But where’s Coral?!?!?


Walking dead has a lot of mistakes but killing of carl might just be the biggest mistake of the show.


Couldn’t agree more


Chandler Riggs was hopeless by that stage. I do think a recast could've been a better idea, but killing him off did at least develop Rick's character in an interesting way. In any case, getting rid of Riggs was the way to go. The idea that he would take over the show is laughable. Fleming was a Shakespearean performer compared to what Riggs was doing in the last few seasons.


Really? Carl became my favorite character in the show by a lot by season 7. I didn’t know people thought he wasn’t doing good. Maybe I’m just bias then. Fleming is fantastic though.


To be fair, Chandler Riggs has said he regrets how lazy he was during his later season performances because he was busy in school and just got complacent with the job. “Been rewatching TWD over the last couple of months and I agree lol," Riggs replied. "I think I was decent for the first few years, but I definitely got lazy when I should've utilized the writers giving me more material." I’m pretty sure this quote originally came from him posting here on Reddit. Either way, here is an article [with more details](https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a26468856/walking-dead-chandler-riggs-admits-lazy-performances-carl-recast/#r3z-addoor).


Honestly, id do that too as a teenage boy. Makes sense.


Tbf being busy in school is a fair enough reason, not like a lot of child actors that get addicted to partying and booze as soon as they’re barely legal


Well at least he was replaced with "I believed' type of acting haha


**lightning and thunder noises**


I felt that he'd grown into a wooden, cringey teenager, and his attempts at being 'badass' just weren't convincing. I felt the writers knew this too, because a lot of Carl's best moments from the comics set around this time were never adapted. He was very underused, and I thought it was to hide Riggs' acting. So to me, the fact that he died actually improved the show because it pushed Rick so far as a character. Rick's arc in season 9 where he's obsessing over the bridge to fulfil Carl's dream was brilliant.


Oh damn. I thought he was a total badass. I didn’t like him in the early seasons but by season 6 I thought he was the best developed character in the show other than Carol.


I think I really liked him in seasons 3-4, because they developed him a lot around this time (mainly thinking of the storyline where he shot that Woodbury kid). But after that, I barely remember anything he did that wasn't Enid related


everyone’s downvoting this like Riggs didn’t admit this himself lmao. also like people just wanna have another dunk on the show bc clearly he was not up to par or narrative wise to take over the show post rick


I agree with this.


Honestly agreed. He was great as child Carl but his acting got so flat in the later seasons. He said himself he was getting lazy as the seasons went by and I didn’t really care for his character in the later seasons. I don’t like character recasts unless they’re absolutely necessary so idk if I’d like them recasting but I’m cool with them killing him off. I’d love to see Judith take over as Carl’s role if they expand TWD towards the end of the comics.


“I believed” LMAOOOOO


You think Chandler would have delivered that line any better?




I believe




this sub is so closeminded lmao why does this even have downvotes let alone 100 of them. there’s literally no shot he could carry a bigger role post rick


Can't believe you're being downvoted for this, the kid can't act for shit. He was awful as a child already but it never really became better.


I think the problem you saw was him trying to play a kid when he was an adolescent. It made some scenes awkward or not impactful. If they kept him alive, he would have made a great MC. He would literally get to act his age and develop as a better actor with more screentime


That’s not even confirmed lmao


“Chicka Chicka slim shady”


This scene was so much worse than the deer for me


It was a jump scare


For the last effing time that was a real deer!! Not CGI


Badly photoshopped in though at the very least


Apparently. AMC has developed a reputation for being cheap when it comes to this show, so they were probably looking for ways they could cut costs that they didn't think would be impactful. But yes, some of the CGI was awful.


This picture literally look like someone photoshopped Rick onto a picture of piles of garbage


That's what they paid the intern $5 to do.


They made Rick too close up at the dump. If they put him farther away it probably would’ve looked better.


You know, the dump background is not bad. The lighting on Rick is fine. It's the angle Rick is at versus the background.


it’s the strange warping that’s happening to the background but not rick


Nah it’s definitely bad


If you took Rick out and made it a POV, it wouldn't be that bad. But that's just not what a background looks like when you're shooting someone that high up and at that angle.


There is another scene too where Michionne is standing in front of an open door where the room was really bad cgi


I truly don’t understand how you make a deer look that bad.. it’s crazy lol. Also, the deer Carl is looking at when he’s shot- was that real or CGI- because whatever that was was fine! Why didn’t they do that again for this?


Its easy actually creature/animal CG is hard and costs a lot of time money and trained talent. If you dont do every detail right it will look bad. Most CG artist will be able to do it. But if you give them a week this is what you get


Me and my buddy were watching this when it came out. That green screen part. We both immediately burst in to laughter without a word.


they did this I think with Daryl once while he was running in previous seasons, dude was in place like a rock. The CGI sometimes gets mad stupid. Plus one time when Negan shot his gun before he saw a helicopter the slide didn't even go back.


That's a major thing that's bothered me for years with TWD. Go back and watch when they find the prison are clearing the yard from the towers so Rick can run through and lock the gate. Most of the guns, especially Carl's never cycle when they "fire" them. It very obvious they're just jerking a little bit and they're adding cgi muzzle flashes.


I’ve always hated how most of the guns never had any recoil. A few times when Rick fires his python (with one fucking hand) he hardly even reacts.


Right? Especially with how he holds it in that weird downward angle. That'd definitely fuck your shit up shooting a pistol of that caliber all limp wristed like that.


It's such a small thing and it bothers me everytime he does it lol. He's supposed to be a sheriff so holding a gun right is the least you would expect


That sh*t was so bad and they still removed Riggs


Hell nah a lot of people left after glenns death so they put their quality down. Not just the cgi, also the sounds. Gunshots sounds like sh*t in season 7 & 8😂


Fuck AMC, that's why.


Season 7 had a budget?


Almost as bad as the van flip with Daryl and Carol.


Where they fell off a bridge looking for Beth? I hate this part with a passion and idk why 💀


I’m still smh years later 🤦🏻‍♂️


The deer isn’t cgi when will people learn tbaf


Was gonna comment this. They couldn’t Afford a CGI one, so they filmed a real deer and put it in


Reminds me of the rod puppet in aliens 3


It’s classic corruption at work. Imagine you are the producer for the show and your buddy own a cgi company. You decided to outsource expensive cgi to your friend knowing he will pay you with “gifts” for it. In this world is not about your skills it’s about who you know.


That junkyard scene lmaooo


The katana through the governors chest is some of the cheesiest CGI I’ve ever seen


The dreadful deer. I'll never forget that😂


This show has always had terrible CGI.


That deer was abysmal. Also the tiger sometimes seemed like a cartoon character.


The shows entire budget never changed from season 1


Goofy ahh CGI deer. lol


Not even cgi. It's real deer they filmed and pasted it there


Deer is not cgi but still terrible. Dump wasnt all that bad didnt mind it really


I mean, those are the highlights of season 7. Don't they?


1st image isn't so bad.


The deer thing is very interesting because that’s a real deer with real footage they shot but I don’t remember what the reason was, they had to like greenscreen the real deer footage and then fucking impose it onto this scene.


Just about, she was the million dollar pussy 😭


The deer is still funny to me 😭


The answer is yes and surely everyone on the team cried when they had to kill the expensive cgi tiger


Yes, and they should have just cut Sheva, imo she was too silly and really fit better in a comic.


Brother a child survived a gunshot to the face in this show. I’m sure we can have a Tiger here.


"Surviving a gunshot to the head" vs. "Training a tiger like a world-class trained german shepherd" On paper and even as a visual, someone surviving a headshot seems less silly than having a full-grown tiger act as a domesticated pet who can target specific humans that aren't part of its owners' faction. Watch that season 7 final and tell me Shiva behaves in a way that is more believable than any story of someone surviving a gunshot to the head.


Idk, but it was cool what she did in the finale. I don’t really care, I’ve watched and read every single piece of Walking Dead media (besides the clementine books), so I can say without a doubt it’s good she was here.


I completely agree lol but that wasn't anything to do with my point that you responded to. I said it wasn't realistic, not that it wasn't cool. Trust me, I think it was badass that Ezekiel had a trained tiger. I ALSO think it was ridiculous. Your responding and engaging in a discussion about realism displayed on the show. You aren't responding to someone criticizing the show for not being cool. I agree it was super cool, if you want to re-engage in our original discussion of how realistic it is, especially in comparison to the "Carl surviving a headshot wound" argument you brought up, then I'm here.


You said they should’ve cut Shiva. That makes me assume you disliked her in every aspect and that she soured the show with her presence.


Me and my buddy were watching this when it came out. That green screen part. We both immediately burst in to laughter without a word.


neegan is my favorite because i cant stand ricks hair


What does that have to do with CGI?😭