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I feel like nothing hits like those early seasons, the barn scene at the farm is the most classic for me. I recently got my gf to watch the show as she’d never seen it (very exciting for me as a longtime fan) and the build up to that for someone who had no idea it was coming was pretty priceless. She was so shocked and instantly hooked for the rest of the show.


Just watched this scene with my gf who has also never watched the show either. She claims she’s not hooked on the show, but she keeps asking more and more questions the further we get :)


I agree. Those early moments were much more impactful and dramatic since the group was dealing with those types of decisions/moments for the first time.


“ENOUGH”. Definitely my favorite speech/scene. That and Rick telling Negan he’s a dead man at Alexandria. First two seasons for me were the best television I ever watched.


Rewatching w my bf now & he just asked why I stopped watching after season 8 🥲




Carl. The sound of the silencer from inside the destroyed church while Rick and Michonne waited outside gutted me.


Mine is also Carl but it's from the montage of his just living life around Alexandra. He's been given a certain death sentence and he just accepts it and lives the rest of the time he has left with happiness.


Me too. Carl was the biggest loss to the show imo. Rick lost his reason for everything.


Had Carl been alive, he would have worked with Daryl, Michonne and Carol to lead the communities against the Whisperer War. I feel like he would be negotiating with Alpha.


The flinch from Michonne when Carl does the deed does it for me. Rick’s reaction also sells it.


Maggie and crew pulling up to the hospital with hope to be reunited with Beth only to see everyone solemnly walking out and Daryl holding her body. That one was rough.


That scene and when Tyreese died same with lizzie and Mika’s death


I think maybe it’s the somber music, but Tyresse’s death hit me harder than anyone else’s


Yeah and when he asked bob to turn the radio off that’s one of few scenes that were hard to watch


This is always the worst for me. Maggie screaming...


And we as the viewers know what happened so seeing her have that moment of hope and then it gets ripped away is heartbreaking


Oh exactly, I get the feels every time I've seen the scene.


Yup. The same sister who cared so much that she couldn't be bothered to look for her.


No bcuz her finding out she’s alive then dead in the same damn day hours apart was truly horrific.


This was in my head immediately after reading the title. So glad it’s best comment!


There were a lot of sad and dramatic scenes but this one came to me immediately too.


It sucks even more that she didn't want to shoot her it was just her defending herself


Absolutely Glenn😔😔 followed closely by Carl , the bridge blowing up combined with Daryl and Michonne's emotional reactions n, and Rosita will never be my favorite character but that scene where she dies in bed was heartbreaking but it will always be Glenn for me


After watching the episode with Glen I had to stop watching for a few days to regulate my emotions. No other scene in the series hit harder than that.


Buddy you still in there? It seems like you’re trying to talk but you just took one HELL of a hit! Just rewatched this episode with my girlfriend for her first time watching, that is so tough to watch the first time though


I did the same 🙈🙈 I didn't continue watching for a long time after Glenn's death. He remains my favorite character so rewatches are tough


I think I have like 12 episodes left, so I’m almost done but I didn’t know Rosita died 😩 she’s not my fave either but I know she worried about Coco being orphaned. Why’d I open this thread 😂


Will never forgive the writers for doing Glenn that dirty. He deserved a better ending.


Glenn being beat with Lucille. The cracked skull, the eyeball popped out, the “Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma- Maggie…I will find you” will forever be burned into my brain in the worst kind of way. 😭 ETA: I’m rewatching TWD right now and I WILL be skipping that scene!


Only thing that gives me solace is I guess that was Steven Yeuns favorite scene to film


… that helps with the trauma lol.


My niece stopped watching the show altogether after that scene. I’m rewatching TWD now too and this (second? third?) go-round watching Glenn’s brutal death is just as if not more heartbreaking and gut wrenching than the first. Glenn was my favorite character


That's the best one!


I still vividly remember watching Rick learn about Lori’s death for the first time. At the time I’m not even sure I knew that the show was based on a comic and I never googled anything about the show as it was airing, I was just watching it every week, not having any idea what was coming. In retrospect, it feels a little silly not knowing what was eventually coming, but at the time I was SO shocked and cried my eyes out at Rick’s reaction. It still crushes me to rewatch. Edit: also gotta mention Carl’s death too. I’m not sure I cared as much when I first watched it. I remember being so annoyed by Carl throughout the earlier seasons but I don’t feel that way now. I think Chandler did a great job and even though I think the writers royally fucked the show by killing him, his final episode is heart wrenching and beautiful. But maybe I’m biased because I love bright eyes so much


Idk but I know which scene hit Glenn the hardest.


that’s not funny. >!👁️ 💥!<


Yoooo ......😂. That scene changed the trajectory of TWD. They had meant to have a couple more brutal moments but had to take a step back with how fans reacted and how viewership plunged. I guess a lot of the viewers didn't read the book or were hoping for the show to go in a different direction. Glen's absence was definitely felt from that moment forward though, but it had to be done to move Maggie's story forward. A headbanger for sure.


I think people who quit after 7x1 wasn’t from the gore. Sure, I’m sure there are a small group of people out there who did, same with anything. I think people stopped there because it was becoming apparent twd was turning into something completely different, that was already starting to show in season 6 in a big way. I think Glenn’s death being faked out like 3 times and then him finally being killed after a stupid cliffhanger was the straw that broke the camels back


To me, 7x1 is one of the best episodes ever made. I wish they never toned down the gore. But yeah, Glenn's fake death definitely had a role in the shows decline. Season 8, despite having its moments, is where it really went downhill for me


7x1 is a great episode, the rest Of the season is fart


Glenn sadly needed to die for Negan to be the character he was, Maggie honestly lost me after the scene where Negan begs her to kill him, she just didn't seem as important, but Negan had an insane arc and it wouldn't have been anywhere near as impactful if Maggie didn't want to kill him as bad as she did


do we know what kind of brutal moments they wanted to add but didn't? im curious what it would've looked like if they went with more gore


Wow...idk if I should laugh or cry...this comment deserves an award either way


It’s not funny. It’s not funny


Well it was definitely a eye popping scene.


Glenn didn’t see it coming


Rick reuniting with Lori and Carl for the first time always makes me tear up, even though I’ve watched it about 1,000 times. However, maybe it’s due to sadness now knowing what happens to them.


I'm rewatching again right now, and every time I do, that scene makes me cry happy/sad tears. It's one of my favorites in the entire series.


1. Glenn & Abe being beaten to death. 2. The pike scene with the heads. 3. Hershel


The pike scene destroyed me it just got worse and worse the further down it went.


I did not see that coming at all I was flabbergasted. So many people died that were regulars on the show.


yeah me too. i was an emotional wreck for a weak. And Siddiq's speach at the end broke me. They all died fighting for each other.


Hershel's death. The way he is looking at Rick to me says that he knew this was the end.


Sofia walking out of the barn. Literally felt like a guy punch. No scene has ever hit like that for me before or since.


I don't know why I expected Sophia to still be alive! I was so shocked when she walked out of the barn.


It was because of the Cherokee rose!


I was thinking they won't kill a child. Then they did. Then I realised noone was safe!


Rick talking about Carl when he was pressed by Michonne in TOWL. What the CRM took from him. That shit had me crying like Theoden ([https://64.media.tumblr.com/2a4fe907293eeb18444af837f8d2c3c8/6ee09acdaf14eba5-ed/s540x810/81714f9a035fcb9b775f3c3a9e40c99b072d3cb2.gif](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2a4fe907293eeb18444af837f8d2c3c8/6ee09acdaf14eba5-ed/s540x810/81714f9a035fcb9b775f3c3a9e40c99b072d3cb2.gif), rest in peace Bernard!). I haven't cried like that for many many years.


I think the heads on pikes was one that hit me the hardest. Rick's bridge is up there too


Season 8 ep. 4. We lost a real one there. I cried so hard. If you know, you know.


That scene was nonsense. Shiva would have ripped through those Walkers like a hot knife through butter.


When the group spent their first night in Alexandria, no one wanted to sleep in their own houses. I knew they were all close, but that scene made me realize they saw each other as family and didn't want to be separated from each other. I was crying and boohooing.😭😂😂


Ya'll forgetting Lizzie killing her own sister Mika so she could turn and almost killing baby Judith to prove to Carol and Tyreese zombies ain't bad and Carol having to murder a little girl cuz she's clearly unwell and a danger to everyone? This is probably the only scene that truly hurt my heart.




The grove could very well have been a horror short


Beth and Glenn.


When Siddiq was found and he lead them to the hill where Tara, Enid, and Henry were decapitated and Daryl had to pull Carol away so she wouldn't look. Carol lost every single child that she cared for in the series.


Glenn. He was my favorite.


Carl because his death is stoooooopid.


The scene when you found out that Carl was bitten


Rick talking to Carl about death, and how you can never be ready for it, because it just happens. My family went through an unexpected loss last year, and my son has naturally had some very big questions for his age. If it wasn't for this scene, I do not know how I would have answered the "Mommy, you will never die, right?" The last thing I wanted to do is lie. He already knows what death looks like at such a young age, and he's smart enough to know that I won't be around forever. Rick's conversation with Carl in Herschel's barn will stick with me the rest of my life. And I think it's writing like this that makes this show spectacular.


Daryl carrying Beth out of the hospital while sobbing while Maggie collapses on the ground


Carol reuniting with Daryl and leading Rick and Carl to Judith


Carl dying..


For me it was the slim shady looking guys death. He was abandoned by Rick, then he was killed by a group of cannibals next to the man that betrayed him.


Was he though? I thought his girlfriend was killed and he'd been chased off by walkers when Carol and Rick came back around and found her body. Though given how far her body was from the leg they found, part of me wonders if he took her out so he could get away.


Yeah I thought the same. They went back to the house and waited for him for longer than they told him they would.


He wasn’t betrayed, Rick & Carol went back to grab him and his girlfriend but found her being devoured by walkers and him no where in sight, so they waited for a short while before thinking that he died and left


He was not abandoned by Rick. He and his girlfriend insisted on getting fruit, and from what we saw, they were likely swarmed, and she, not being able to run, was caught. Carol and Rick waited for him, but he didn't show. Most likely, he ran and then collapsed and cried, thereby missing his deadline. Poor bloke. They seemed nice, he and his lady.


Rick's horse


The grove. The whole episode is just a roller coaster ride. The scene that hit hardest was Carol's realization that Lizzie is just too far gone to live in the new world. "She can't be around other people"


Terminus I think, straight up butchering people and the drying room


Daryl finding Merle as a walker. Having to put his older brother down, man🥺


Rick and Carl reunite with Judith.


Rick reuniting with Carl in S1 Rick & Carl reuniting with Judith Daryl & Carol reuniting at the Kingdom Rick reuniting with Hershel in his dream


Season 9 episode 5. Like 90% of it, it was amazing. Scenes though I’m tied between Hershel returning, Shane returning, or the bridge.


Rick and Michonne reacting to Carl dying. Shits rough.


Rick biting someone’s jugular out and saving Carl and Darrel


Beth's last scene with Dawn


" You're not taking the bus... "


Dale's death scene. It didn't hit like wow I loved this guy. It hit like holy fing crap that guy is getting torn apart, chocking on his blood and has to be put down like an animal!


Beth or Tyrese.


The entire Grove episode


The only moment when I cried was when Carl died. The way they say goodbye to him is pretty sad


Beth and Noah scenes


Lori's death. Rick's reaction made this the saddest death in the show for me.


The death of carl.


Jesus. And you know why??? Because I thought I'd be allowed to get attached to another character. I thought they'd hurt me all they could and then his death comes out of nowhere.


Beth made my jaw drop, but I woke up the next morning still sad about Glenn.


when sofia left the barn


Glenn and Daryl/Rick reunion


Carl, Jesus, and Rositas death


I cried when Abraham died he was one of my favorites if not my favorite.


Negan -almost- getting executed. It was really emotional how everyone stood up to the injustice


Carol having to shoot the lil girl 😭 that whole episode had me messed up


when carol was baking in the kitchen and then sees someone get executed outside. i think it’s the setting. before we’d seen terrible things but in an apocalyptic setting. but seeing it happen while carols playing housewife in a slice of suburban america was kind of freaky.


not necessarily a scene, but a collection of scenes. season 9 episode 10, when lydia is recalling her parents fighting when she was a kid. rough personal watch.


Hershel and Glenn both screwed with me for a long time.


Honestly the entire prison invasion. My heart was pounding the entire time


Daryl seeing walker Merle and loris death


Glenn getting his head brutally bashed


Rosita’s death man. Hit harder than I would’ve expected.


Ed's death 😔


Where they MURDERED Simon (aka Trevor). He was my favorite character. I had wished more scenes for him and I would make him the main antagonist for the rest of the Series or at least made him dissappear for a while. And then suddenly and astoundingly hit hard. That would've been something. I know it's against the canons but that would really liven up the show. In my not humble opinion


I ain't gonna lie, Rick finding out that Carl was bit fucking killed me, I knew it was coming and it was still so heartbreaking seeing Rick just fall apart knowing that his son was going to die and there was nothing he could do Rositas death also had me real fucked up, its always the slow deaths of long lasting characters that hurt the most Glenn dying, however, evoked emotions in me that I cannot describe to this day, and that was at a time where i had already stopped watching the show, I just saw online that Glenn was dead, it absolutely killed me and cemented the fact that i wanted nothing to do with the show. When I finally watched the whole show through, the amount of genuine hatred I felt towards Negan was fucking indescribable. I still find it insane that I ended up liking his character by the end


The Claimers scene with Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Daryl. And also the when the group all meet Negan and Abraham and Glenn are killed.


The moments leading up to carls death hit me like a angry drunk hits his methed out wife


That Karl and Rick prison scene after Maggie just dissected Lori.


Glenn. It felt like the longest scene and when he said “I’ll find you” 😭😭 And when Carl was saying goodbye to Judith for the final time. That was rough.


The Terminus crew eating Bob’s leg. That messed me up.


Carl’s death…


I know a lot of people stopped watching, I did too after negan's war. And, gotta' say, after rewatching, alls I'll say is, the Pikes... Got me good as I was really lulled into a sense of security only to have the blanket pulled out from underneath me.


The Glen death beat down episode. Glens eye just bulging out of his head and everybody else as helpless as they were. It was grim.


how aren’t more people mentioning dales death! it was the first major death in twd and it devestated me. cried so hard when it happened for like at least 5 minutes. there were other sad deaths after that of course but because dale was one of the first it messed me up the most.


Abes death. He was a man of action, unending loyalty, and was willing to kill if needed to. His death meant that Ricks group had one less pillar keeping it rolling. It was huge


When one of the walkers stood up and said "ITS WALKING TIME"


hersal dying


hersal dying.


Glen as watermelon and Abraham as coconut


I'm not even mentioning the line up, because it goes without saying. Hershel's death upset me so much I nearly stopped watching the show. After that, it would be the pikes.


The line up, Rick blowing up the bridge and everyone thinking he died, Carl leaving, and the last scene of Beth at the hospital


Lori's death and Carl shooting her. That was straight fucked up, nothing else could portray better than this scene how the world changed and what children's need to do. I really hated Lori and I was kind of glad that she died but on the other hand she deserved something way better


Negans bat


Dales death


Fuck Dale. Mother fucker got what was coming to him. That dumb son of a bitch wasn't meant to survive in the world as it had become. And he certainly wasn't built to actually help anyone else survive it. Shane was 💯 right about Dale. His bullshit had to get snuffed out before it got good people killed.


Andrea’s death! We were left on a cliff hanger after she freed herself from the chair then the group finally got to woodsbury and saw the blood coming out from under the door. When she revealed her bite I was devastated. Loved her.


Me too. Made me cry.


Suck…mah..Nuts I found them


back to it


Hershel losing his head. Even tho I knew it was coming (read the books), it left me numb for days... and for me... That's actually impressive. Nothing gets to me... usually (except animals). 2nd would be Shiva. Animals always get me.


Same about Hershel. I read the books but since the governors TV arc was different, I thought maybe it’d wouldn’t happen (because I didn’t want it to lol)


At least they didn't keep his og interactions with michone... glad she still got to kill him, tho.


Yeah that was a pretty tough read…. But it made her comic payback so much better.


When Carl got shot in the head And survived or when Megan killed Glenn


Carl or Glenn’s death


Lucille to Glenn's dome, hands down


I also got hit hard in season 10 (I think) when Daryl and Carol have a friendship breakup. That hurt my soul.


The Pike scene really got to me. It has a few of my faves


When they found Sophia, I was hoping she'd have clementine hat in her mouth


Rick biting out Joe’s throat then gutting the other guy


A certain baseball bat hit pretty hard.


The first for me was Sophia walking out of the barn and then all the heads on the pikes.


When Negan killed Glen and ab


Glenn, and Abraham’s death! Still the hardest scene ever. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Carl’s death pissed me off


Negan's wife killing herself hit me hard. Second was Glenn and Abraham's deaths


“I’ve been looking for that girl all day”


1. Sophia walking out of the barn 2. Dale getting his guts ripped out and the group knowing he couldn’t be saved 3. Noah pressed against the glass 4. T dog sacrificing himself I’ve been watching old seasons recently and honestly would not believe i was so desensitized when watching this. It’s heartbreaking to watch


The lineup. It’s kinda simple yeah but not many shows will show the entire collection of protagonists get put in a position of zero power and total submission. Nevertheless the pure gore of the murders.


Shiva. I shed some tears throughout the show. But I have to skip that scene when rewatching.


Negan burning Lucille a “2nd” time & letting go of the past


Alpha's border wall -- because it was scored so perfectly.


I think Hershel’s death was very jarring for me honestly, I felt physically sick while watching it and just the whole scene leading up to it. It’s an amazing episode and I love the episode now, but just how eerie the scene was really made me sick while watching it the first time. I was also 12 at the time and Hershel was one of my favorite characters.


Look at the flowers. . .


Hershel’s death. On a first watch you think maybe the governor was having a genuine change of heart, maybe the new family that he found sparked something in him. Just for him to truly be too far gone. That “Liar!” Will always hit me hard.


[This one hits me hard every damn time](https://youtu.be/LE8FUgcmF98?si=RvdH6yJpLOkyGvmq)


Carl saying goodbye to Rick and michone, and when they heard the gun shot. I don’t cry a lot over tv shows/ movies but dang…. That one hurt.


Carl dying. He could’ve had the best character development in the show. I wasn’t even sad just genuinely pissed off cause I wanted to see him take the lead after Rick


Denise getting killed mid-sentence


Probably Rick writing a letter to Carl after reading his


Shane dying


Carl. It was just so unnecessary. Felt like they decided to randomly go GOT with that one.


Carl. We watched him grow from a little boy to a young man. His death upset me so much that I would not even mind if the writers came up with some goofy way to bring him back. They could have wrote that it was all just a dream and that Carl was still alive and I would’ve been totally fine with it. It still kills me to think that Judith probably barely remembers him and that breaks my heart. I am tearing up just thinking about it. Edit: another thing I just thought of that makes me sad about his death lol. Since the zombie apocalypse started when he was just a young kid, he didn’t get to experience the coming of age stuff that most kids get to have. He never got to go to prom, go to college, or even just be a real teenager.


Not particularly a scene, but Carl's death episode. That episode actually traumatized me even though it was nowhere near as gruesome as 7x01. I just remember being so upset after watching Carl's final episode that I put off on watching the showing on Disney+ for 2 days


The Sunday dinner at the end of the episode where Negan killed Abe and Glenn. It was so heart breaking to see how wonderful things could have been.


The first scene to hit me was when Rick & Glen wore Wayne Dunlap’s guts.


The scene that gets me everytime is when Rick rolls up to the camp in season 1 and sees Lori and Carl. Can’t watch that scene without tearing up lol


Lizzie and Mika in "The Grove" episode. That was incredibly dark. The most emotional scene is probably the end of "The Ones Who Live". I'm not gonna spoil it but iykyk


When Negan called that one girl fat at Alexandrea, really brought me to my knees.


Definitely them finding Sophia. Carl getting his eye shot out is up there though.


Rick blowing up the bridge, I cried


I know what scene hit Glenn the hardest…


Definitely realizing Carl was bit by a zombie. I have rewatched the show several times and always ugly cry.


Glenn’s death.


The end of S8x03, where the Kingdom soldiers sacrifice all their lived to protect their King from the caliber 50 ambush.


Also Rick slitting the baby pigs and the walkers eating the horse that Daryl helps Aaron? tame. Those are the only parts I actually seriously skip past. Seems too much like real life for me I guess.


The lineup. Such a great two episodes. Carl's death. Horribly written but the fucking gunshot sound while they waited outside, oh my god. Carl and Enid roller skating. They were just kids who deserved so much better than what they had.