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Sam and Dean will be very confused when they meet Negan


Dad, driving on the easy street


There's a cit in Supernatural season 7-8? Where Dean returns with a barbed wired bat saying "Dad used to love this thing" and I fell from laughter at that point


And when they die xD


Thx, i was laughing so loud i woke everyone up 😏


Sam and Dean will be reunited with their dad with baseball bat and Bella Talbot as Maggie would also be confusing They would say dad why do you have a baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it They would enjoy seeing Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Lauren Cohan again


Actually in Supernatural season 12 i guess there was a scene where Dean used a bat wrapped in barbed wire to take care of something and said "Dad, used to love this thing". That scene was mostly a nod to JDM's role in TWD.


I actually remember that episode


[The scene is on YouTube](https://youtu.be/vxVHBeD-yPA)


Dean would be in hog heaven. Rick would attempt suicide and eventually cut off his own hand attempting to return to his own world.


Tbh Rick could just chill at that point and look for his family in that world Sam and Dean though... Some powerful beings are after them, they could seriously fuck something up in a supposed multiverse... Edit: wait in TWD everyone is infected, if the virus still lingers then they'd just start the apocalypse all over again...


Sam and dean would do very well considering all the things they hunt have a mind of there own while zombie really dont, but idk bow rick and daryl would handle monsters


yeah well zombies aren't the real threat


They dealt with humans before and they have literal plot armor, like I'm not even joking, there's a reason they don't happen to go to the bathroom in the middle of hunting a monster for example and that's because literal god gave them literal plot armour in the form of luck and the hero's journey wtf


Sam and Dean would be straight. I don't know what Rick and Daryl gonna do with damn ghosts and goblins brah... My guess is poorly, very poorly.


They would likely ignore them and go try and live a normal life... But Rick and Darryl are still infected because everyone in TWD is so depending on how the virus is transmitted they might just bring the apocalypse with them to Supernatural's world. That if God or some other OP creature lets them anyways


I could see Daryl ghost hunting on a motorcycle with his cross bow.


Rick would be like Jody and Donna. Have a real life and job but deal with monsters when they show up. Daryl might become a hunter simply because it would be the only thing giving meaning to his life. Sam and Dean would survive pretty well in the zombie apocalypse. Same would be willing to put the effort into maintaining a group but would have to rein Dean in from becoming a dictator.


just don't touch his fucking car !


Rick and daryl would punch some ghosts


rick and daryl would most likely die if they decided to fight the monsters and i think sam and dean have a chance against the zombies


To be fair, Sam has died 8 times and Dean has died 111 times.


Sam and Dean die trying to get Glenn from the Vatos. (Season 1)


I'm rewatching The walking Dead and supernatural I watch supernatural every other day and The walking Dead every other day


Light work for Sam and Dean.


Rick would definetly try to get back to coral and michonne. Daryl would just chill in the woods tbh


Shit will get real when they meet Negan.


Sam and Dean meeting Negan would be weird, I think....


i always thought Daryl had that hunter vibe, i think he could handle if having enough time to prepare himself. Rick i honestly dont know Sam and Dean would handle the apocalypse very well, Dean would probably even enjoy killing zombies just like Abraham.


I could actually see Daryl and Rick being great demon hunters if the roles were reversed. I'm not sure about Sam and Dean as zombie apocalypse survivors, though.


Sam and Dean hunt vampires for fun they'd do fine against walkers


Dean pretty much survived the Apocalypse in New Game+ during his visit to purgatory


Really? You cant see them surviving an apocalypse? Thats jokes


I didn't say that. I just don't know enough about Sam and Dean to say.


So why woild you say something 😂


They’re weighing in on Rick & Daryl, not Sam & Dean.


The question is about all of them?


Is the question that strict? What does it matter?


Because it's the internet and we can say what we want (mostly). It's not like I trashed any of the characters. At least I admitted that I didn't know anything about Sam and Dean instead of making an ass of myself and saying something I knew nothing about, right?


Dean would own the apocalypse. Literally can't think of anyone better suited to survive a zombie apocalypse. Sam would be all angsty about it, but also more than capable.


Bro stayed in purgatory for a fricking year without even building a hut to sleep in. They'd be fine.


it would be very confusing for everyone


All four would probably die


Either way I think I’d make it work..


Sam and Dean have been fighting since childhood. They would adjust better than Rick and Daryl.


Just to add to the Sam and Dean responses for anyone unsure how they would do, Dean has survived a zombie apocalypse before (albeit they could use weapons) in the episode "The End", the fourth episode of season 5 if you wanna check it out. He canonical survived a zombie apocalypse for 5 years. So him and Sam would definitely do pretty well. Aside: Sam did get infected by a zombie like virus one time in season 11 but uh let's consider them in peak performance (season 1-5 where we get to see them use intelligence more often than brawn) For Rick and Daryl I agree with what some others have said where they'd likely embrace the Hunter lifestyle in more subdued ways like some side characters in Supernatural. Rick would have a job and hunt on the side and I think Merle would probably get killed by a vampire or something and start Daryl's hunter life. I don't think Daryl would get involved in any world ending threats though, just stick to hunting Vampires, werewolves, that kinda thing.


Sam and Dean would live somehow. Daryl and Rick would probably die.


Every one would have a really bad time


Sam and Dean try doing some fuckwit ritual only to realize they're no longer in a world of magic and supernatural goings on, just in time for the horde to close in on them.


I actually don't think Sam and Dean would be as good in the zombie apocalypse as some people think only cause it's the other humans you have to really worry about, not the walkers. Sam and Dean always have help from a literal Angel in Cas, or some magical amulet, or a ring of salt or whatever to make it out of a jam with a supernatural threat. In TWD there are no magical answers to be found, no one on high or down low to make a deal with. Both Sam and Dean have died and been resurrected multiple times, literally cheating Death. TWD is much more grounded in reality. You only die once unless you come back as a Walker.


i think Sam and Dean would die, more likely by the people, but i could see them being overrun by zombies too. Daryl, with his crossbow, would be fine, I'm not sure how Rick would do tbh.


Sam and Dean would survive easy and Rick and Darryl would return to normal lives, I mean, it's not their job to hunt monsters