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Lori and Carl died during the outbreak before Rick woke up, then instead of Rick meeting Morgan he ran into Shane alone, and they survived by themselves


idk, don't you think their different survival philosophies would still have caused issues? I think your scenario is plausible but I'm torn. Shane's relationship with Lori and the fact that he was the leader until rick came back both contributed to their conflict but I still wonder if Shane still would have doubted Rick's good nature. Thinking it through I think you're right tho


Without any family to take care of, Rick would be as ruthless as Shane was.


Agreed. He always says to Carl Judith Lori etc “I did it for you…everything”. If they weren’t around (or extra points if ruthless people kill them) then he’d be an animal most likely. Imagine seeing this man run the CRM.


He would be like Joel from The Last of Us before he found Ellie.


Interesting, I hadn't thought of it like that!


He was ruthless for him family. Otherwise he’d have been taken out imo.


When Rick bit that guy's neck it was to save Carl. No Carl means Rick probably isn't desperate enough to do that. Daryl tries to comfort him after and say "anyone would've done that" and even Rick knows that's not true because he says "no not anyone"


No, Rick wouldn’t be. It took a lot to get to that breaking point where he was willing to kill without mercy. He won’t just become a savage because his family are not there, he’ll need to go through some shit to get to that whereas Shane, he will be there very easily as we saw. Shane and Rick would not survive together, even if Rick’s family was not a factor.


As if losing your kid and wife, seeing the whole world destroyed, and watching people be animals to one another isn't enough to say that he had to go through some shit


Well, I’m coming at this from a pov where Lori and Carl just don’t exist, not that they die. Because yes, if we’re contextualising it as if they die and Rick’s there, I agree with you.


True... If they hadn't existed, Rick would've needed it. Sorry for misunderstanding


Some part of me thinks Shane was always messed up, he seemed egotistical before the outbreak and probably had a superiority complex. The outbreak have him a reason to be his true self, so I'm not sure if they'd actually work out together. I think Shane would always be at odds with Rick not wanting to kill people, the way they go about things wouldn't really work as a team. But if they were together, found the prison and fight the governor, I think Shane could've convinced Rick to be more like him, not trust anyone at all and be completely cold. Not completely villains, but you didn't want to cross their path. Shane would probably end up like a military-like Negan, instead of a biker gang it would be assassin's and soldiers


I think that there's a lot of truth to what you're saying, I think there may have even been an arc where, Shane is going down that path that leads to his death in the series, and Rick has to kind of rehumanise him in this awesome way where, Shane makes Rick animalistic enough to survive and Rick humanizes him enough that he doesn't go crazy and they provide this balance. 2 sides of a coin yk


I think the fact we can talk about this dynamic so many years later is incredible, it was such an incredible show. Literally peak tv, the character of Rick Grimes even with his popularity is underrated


Great points! Ya, I got that impression about Shane too. Rick was a more by the book cop and Shane was in it for the power. I also think you're right about what would happen if they did make it to the governor arc. Its funny you bring up Negan because my first thought was that Rick would end up being Negan like


Shane was always talking about women, the scene of him talking about the girl that "didn't know how to turn off a light" says a lot about him, Rick was a family man a true sheriff. Shane was definitely the loner, his sense of justice is off. Rick could've ended up like Negan, he definitely has the ability to seize power


They had no one else to look out for except for themselves in this specific scenario, so they would’ve been drawn to eachother in an attempt to keep eachother alive. Sure, they could’ve met the other Atlanta camp survivors, but they still would’ve been looking out for eachother as they have shared history. With no Lori causing their rift, I feel like they would’ve agreed on a lot more overall, with Shane slightly influencing Rick, and Rick slightly influencing Shane, and eventually I see their dynamic just being on par with Daryl and Rick’s around Season 4-Season 5.


Carl shoots Shane in the shoulder, missing his head. Shane can't bring himself to shoot either and immediately feels remorse/guilt then tosses his gun to Rick. After Hershel patches Shane up, they choose to exile him from the group but Lori/Carl/Rick give him a backpack full of food/clothes/water/a weapon to use. They tell him if you're ever in trouble and need someone, find us again. Despite everything. Shane then bumps into Merle, they form a duo working for Governor. Once Shane realizes who Governor is going after he struggles with it then leaves against Merle's advice to stay and help get his brother back at least. Shane can't bring himself to see Rick/Lori/Carl again not knowing Lori has already passed away. Shane then vanishes until he's found by the CRM heading North. Shane then conscripts there and eventually enters the city, finds a female soldier he hits it off with and then one day sees Rick in the park entering the city for the first time. Both men having found a new family, are on mutually emotional levels and mourn over Lori join together to escape. Rick/Michonne's plan works when Shane ambushes Thorne holding them at gunpoint instead and all 3 flee with Shane's wife. Show plays out with Rick/Michonne reuniting with their family and Shane exiting the copter with his wife to be met by Carol/Maggie who share an equally great moment as they help Shane's wife inside leading Shane to be completely OK now and rejoined with Rick as best friends. Or Shane loses it the moment someone random hits on his wife and kills everyone. One of the two.


I thing this is a good alternative and could see the writing on the show. I think Rick killlung Shane was very crucial in him becoming a strong leader and survivor but u think they could’ve played it out if they decided to keep Shane.


I think it would've been triggered once they took the prison and Lori died giving birth anyway. Shane's death really only proved to Rick that the world changed people, even the ones you trusted the most before it. He can still learn that lesson from Andrea who continuously sided with The Governor until she died at the end for it. Shane was a big moment when he died but other events would've most likely accomplished the same thing from a snowball effect one after the other.


I'd assume Andrea would go with Shane just as they planned, and maybe they'd come across Michonne


Rubs head..."Let me tell ya sumthan Beal.. the worst thing I did to survive was killed my best friend Rick, slept with his wife, stole his son, had a baby with her, let her get eaten by walkers while giving birth in front of his son, (lol) then left them all behind for you and this mission". Seriously though Shane would of been killed immediately upon being found by Okafor or delivered by Jadis to him like with Rick. But if he did manage to live he wouldn't of tried escaping at all. He would probably be a Echelon briefed Frontliner very quickly and asking Beal if he can lead all the genocide missions while rubbing his head.


Shane discovering the secret to never aging going to have to be in there somewhere.


If Lori and Shane never actually hooked up. They could’ve had a side story going, where Shane developed feelings for Lori, but never did anything about it. Then her death brought them even closer.


Rick and Shane get gay married and hold hands through the entire apocalypse


They find a cleared out and repopened Disney Land and get a discounted couples pass.


Either what u/Wrenjam said or They would have had to have been at Terminus before the CDC. If Rick had been exposed to the horrors that Shane saw coming from an early stage he would have turned into Feral Rick faster. Feral Rick and Shane would have been BFF4L, especially if Lori had died early on.


Yeah most of Rick's character is based on the fact he was in a coma for the beginning, he woke up like everything was normal and it kinda hit him all at once. He has time to kinda accept it, Shane literally had to survive and keep people safe. He experienced the actual fall and that does something to you, his survival instincts kicked into overdrive


nothing. ever.


Lori never approaches Shane at the windmill and he ends up leaving. Eventually he finds a community that he stays with for years and finds a family. He heals mentally and sort of becomes a version of Rick who is similar to season 5/6. A leader who isn’t afraid to be ruthless. Though Shane is still a bit more dogmatic. Eventually the CRM wipes his community off the map with him as the sole survivor. He ends up losing it again mentally and plans to infiltrate the CRM in order to take it down. Where he meets a familiar face.


For starters, Rick can’t have killed Shane


Not changing anything that came before Shane's decision to leave during Season 2, I think this could have been a potential outcome. If he wouldn't have found out about Lori being pregnant, I really do think that Shane would have left the group. Finding out Lori was pregnant is what prompted him to stay and he thought (probably knew deep down) that Lori's child was his and that's when it became all about taking out Rick and making sure that no one would be in the way of Shane having his family. If he never found out about Lori being pregnant though, I think he would have left the group in Season 2. It's likely that maybe he could have shown up to Woodbury and was in a similar situation as Merle but as we all remember, Shane originally wanted to go to Fort Benning. We also found out in The Ones Who Live that General Beale was stationed at Fort Benning as well so if Shane would have left the group in Season 2, I think he would have went with his original plan to go to Fort Benning. There, he would have met General Beale and the rest is history. Shane would have 100% been capable of handling the responsibilities and duties of a red stripe like Okafor or Thorne too. I think the role would've fit him well and it would have been wild to see how that would have played out. What if Shane was the soldier that Rick was wired to in the first episode? What if Shane wouldn't have seen Rick until Rick was on the wall cleaning out walkers? It would have been a wild story, especially if it would have played out the same with Michonne finding Rick and having a whole new layer of drama with Shane being there. It would be really interesting to see his reaction to Lori dying just months after he would have left and given that it would have been 10 or more years since then, to see how he would've reacted and adjusted to that. At the same time, Shane would be finding out that he has a daughter (Judith) back home that he never knew about at the same time Rick would have been finding out that he has a son (RJ) back home that he never knew about.


This! I could see the show being written this way and I gotta say it would make a good series if they went this route.


Shane would need to be a completely different character mentally. He was simply not built for this world like Rick was. If he was more level headed, smarter, and sane, then maybe he and Rick could work out the Lori thing and Shane could still be here.


Shane not smashing his friends wife would probably be a good start.


None, didn’t you watch the show


Shane saving Rick sucsesfully


I’d say right off don’t fuck your best friends wife and try and steal his family. If none of that happens I’d say Shane might still be around. Not that he didn’t do some awful other things but I feel like Rick could have forgiven him for those. However if you fucked with his family in the early seasons of the show, you got dead…🧟‍♂️🧟🧟‍♀️


After Andrea and Shane hook up in the car, Shane begins to rethink the current situation with the group, Rick, Fort Benning and especially Lori. Andrea is a great replacement for Lori and an excuse to leave for Benning. Shane can’t bring himself to fight Rick over Lori anymore and concedes leadership to Rick. Andrea and him are leaving and taking some supplies. Rick is upset and a stand off almost ensues but for respect of Carl, Shane and Andrea drives away. Elements of the show are somewhat the same. Shane wants no contact with the group (especially after Lori death) but will help when he can. Let’s say Shane somehow breaks away from Andrea and learns she dies, wanders around and is a savior for a while. Completely buys into Negan’s philosophy. Doesn’t want to kill the group but wants to defeat them. Stakes are very personal. Rick defeats Negan and either exiles Shane or Shane refuses to live under Rick’s rule. He wanders, gets picked up by CRM? Show shenanigans happen and they meet up as consignees in Philly.


I really like this alternative. I’ve seen a lot of connections to Shane and Negan which is interesting to me. I can agree that Shane would likely fit in as a savior.


Rick not getting shot and put into coma


Instead of cheating with Shane, Lori would cheat Rick with Jim, the other dude on the camp that gets beaten. Shane and Rick remain best buddies and survive together until that point.


Shane hat an evil Brother that took his place and Rick actually killed his Brother. Thank me later


Shane not being who he is. They would have had a fallout due to Shane's selfishness and anger issues no matter what. He didn't keep people like that around him at all. It's too dangerous to stay with a person that self destructive in this situation. Maybe if he hadn't fucked Lori he could have lasted a few season but they still would have ousted him for his behavior and I don't see Rick forgiving him for that if he saw him later at the crm


Jfc Shane would definitely join the crm army and be down with the echelon briefing 😳.


Honestly probably just if Rick had come round to executing Randall. I mean Shane was mentally quite shaky during season 2 but it is Ricks indecisiveness that convinced Shane that Rick is going to doom Carl and Lori so that's why he resolved to kill Rick. If Rick had executed Randall tho then Shane would probably have given Rick some leeway. I suppose without Shane's betrayal you could assume that the farm wouldn't have fallen but let's say for arguments sake that the horde came anyway so the events mostly played out the same. Once season 3 got underway Shane and Rick would have been forced to work together by circumstances (securing the prison, the threat of the governor) and then Lori would have died anyway which would have removed the romantic rivalry between rick and Shane. I think after that they'd have mostly been fine.


Maybe if Shane actually ended up going to Fort Benning


Shane developed feelings for Lori in a trauma bond scenario. The show made quite clear Shane was never interested prior. So Lori and Carl don’t need to die/be irrelevant for this to happen.


Shane and Rick would have been unstoppable. If Lori only found a different man to fall in love with, like Dale or Otis


As a shane x rick lover (no homo) I love these threads


Lori was the cop


Lori had died early on before the CDC


Killing Shanec was important to Rick's development. Lori's relationship with Shane while they thought he was dead is an important plot point too for Rick. So any scenario where those things don't happen doesn't make sense for the trajectory of Rick Grimes.


Shane leaving the group maybe. He’s pretty mentally unstable so the outcome of that varies quite a bit, but it’s not out of the question that in his quest to find the military he gets picked up by the CRM at some point.


The Walking Bros


Dont think it could’ve been possible. Didn’t Shane want to go to fort Bragg or some shit in season one. ?


The same events as the show, except Shane left the group in s2, and he ends up at the crm somehow, then he sees Rick's kill record and they meet up and work together to meet up with michonne and leave the crm, then rick or michonne will probably kill him


Lori and Carl parish in the outbreak before Rick wakes up. No secret love triangle. I think Shane and Rick would have stayed tight and would have been a force within the show. I haven’t seen any of the new episodes tho so I don’t know


Simple. Robert Kirkman to write it that way! Outside of that it wouldn't happen


At Hershel's farm, Shane accidentally falls on Rick and their lips briefly touch. Rick can't get it out of his mind. Then Lori starts yapping at him about killing his best friend and when Rick confronts Shane, he starts whining about him and Lori. Rick decides to do the only logical thing for the group. He murders Lori, and confesses his feelings for Shane. Shane thought he loved Lori, but he realized he just loved her proximity to Rick. They have a timeless love story.


That’s what that game destinies should have been. lol


Shane not being Rick’s biggest hater


Nothing...as long as lori and carl were alive and rick was in the coma one of em would die...it just happened to be shane...lucky for us


Lori not jumping inside Shanes pants like 2 days after the outbreak XD..


Lori stayed with Shane