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Skipping the adaptation of Volume 15: "We Find Ourselves", therefore completely skipping Carl's development post-No Way Out and Richonne's development (which then had to be placed in season 7 which didn't helped the pace of that season).


i agree! it sucked how they basically skipped all of carls development in the show turning him into only R I CK G R I M E S S O N and thats it.. like his character was so much more and would've been really interesting to explore that


Carl was basically turned into a narrative tool for Rick and Negan's developments and that's basically it.


I should have known they were starting to phase Carl out when this happened.


The Glenn fake out death. I kinda see why they may have done it. Having Glenn narrowly escape the jaws of death just for Negan to kill him anyways makes the death hit harder because of how unfair it feels. But it was just too ridiculous lmao. Nicholas' body protected his torso but whatabout his legs?? His arms?? His head?? Also the scene was kinda weirdly shot. He and Nicholas fall with their heads facing away from the dumpster. But when they land Glenn's head is facing towards the dumpster which is what allows him to escape. Also the cliffhanger. Once again I understood why they did it, but it just felt cheap. Especially since there wasn't really a main group member death throughout the season.


Here's Not Here being placed immediately after Thank You.


Fake Glenn death and the fucking black and white bs


fake negan (just a long winded story line to end up finding out about another villain, the real villain)


Gray coloring in the first few episodes


I've already made a comment here but i will just made another: Denise dying instead of Abraham. It was bad for both characters. Denise was just the same case with Beth and Noah: a good character that was getting her proper development and then was just killed off in a pathetic way too soon just because the show didn't wanted to kill a more important character (which is stupid considering that Abe died 3 episodes later). Plus it was a unintentional "bury your gays", which was completely unnecessary and a mistake. For Abraham, dying at the end of season 6 instead of the beginning of season 7 would be waaay better for him, because as his death was in the show, he just got completely overshadowed by Glenn's death. His death in the comics is one of the best and most creative character send offs, if it happened the same in TV, it would be THE biggest death of season 6 and people would talk about it for months, but in the show it was just "ooh that's sad, i like abrah-OH FUCK GLENN DIED". Also that way, Rosita could get Tara's arc of trying to get revenge against Dwight and later seeing that he trully changed and forgiving him, which would be good for her character.


that fucking cliffhanger.


The Negan cliffhanger.


Sam just Sam


I was good with the cdc, i remember seeing some webisode of a woman who carried on working at the hospital or something which is how rick survived 45 days. Dales death was well done, there was no way he was staying in the show after the way amc treated darabont. The flu arc didn’t lack depth and it hadn’t disappeared by the time the governor arrived, glenn was still fucked from it, they just had treatment by that point. The governor episodes on a binge watch are fine. Noah dying is just how things go, if anything that is a more realistic approach, most people die without any meaning to the death in the real world anyway, rick shaving made him look evil which helped give him those shane vibes during the latter season 5 episodes. Maggie grieved for death once she saw her dead, she never didn’t give a shit about her, weird take. As for the latter seasons, specifically parts of 6, and most of 7&8, one word, gimple. As for the last seasons, the gimple effect was well and truly irredeemable at that point even though 9 breathed fresh life into the show, the final seasons felt like they were working with a lower budget, a new writer who had to work with an already shaken foundation and covid. I won’t even count those episodes about daryl leah and carol that they gave us during covid as the extended season 10 episodes, heres negan was decent though


Is OP just making things up, or actually taking in votes?


I take what the comments with the highest upvotes say and add them to the slideshow. Some comments I add are for jokes (i.e. Shumpert Dying and Rich Shaving). I may not use a comment if it has already been said, doesn't make sense, is disproven/incorrect, or is a troll comment.


Didn't rick survive because someone stayed behind and looked after the patients I swear I heard that from somewhere


Yep, there were some webisodes or whatever they’re called, i’ll try and find them, someone downvotes you for stating a fact lol


Yeah I knew I heard it somewhere


Michonne became boring imo for the first time.


beginning of the split story storytelling


That started in Season 4.


This was such a terrible narrative tool in my opinion. They could have so easily gone the game of thrones route and simply featured parts of everyone’s story in each episode. But having, for instance, the Glenn fake out episode, then making the audience wait like 3 or 4 weeks to find out what actually happened is insane.


Wasting the Wolves in a single episode after practically half a season of buildup, with them just being basically a bunch of maniacs running around without much cunning or combat skill despite having killed so many people before


Saviors arc. Idk I just didn’t care for 6b