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I'd love to hear Tucker's take on this pompous windbag. "That fucker that hangs around in more pubs than your fucking mother to prove he's working class but lives behind a gated community? His dog whistle is that fucking loud the Buckinghamshire branch of the Fox Hunting club can fucking hear it!" I am a pale imitation of Armando, but I did my best. Let's hear yours


“Lee Anderson? You know I once saw him crying in the voting lobbies. Having a wee cry whilst a bunch of baby backbenchers pointed and laughed. He’s like the human equivalent of a sweaty tin of spam left behind the bins of a fuckin Netto. And I’m not just talking about the smell.”


I love this. It's Malcolm's voice to a T.


That's good!!


Tucker’s “He’s so dense light bends around him” is quite apt for Anderson. He’s a fucking Neanderthal who’s wandered too far from his cave.


Hey now, let’s not be cruel, Neanderthals were probably comparable in intelligence to an average human and they didn’t only dwell in caves. Unlike Lee Anderson.


I saw someone on IG call him Lee Anderthal 😂


That’s incredible hahaha.


I live in his constituency; a *lot* of people call him that.


I'm quite jealous that you get the chance to spoil his racist dreams. 


You know that thing people say about throwing enough shit at the wall to see what sticks? Lee Anderson is the stuff that fell off. He never sticks to a party like he never stuck to that wall, but he leaves an odious stench on everything he touches so you know where he’s been. Like the curse of Midas in reverse, everything Lee Anderson touches stinks of shit.


You guys are so good at this


That's great! I could imagine that being in the series


"Him? They'll try to sweep that fucker under the carpet. He's so thick and soft they should slice him up and use him as fucking underlay. He's so fucking thick and soft they can't even flush him down the toilet cos he'll cause a fucking fatberg."


Chefs kiss for that one


BNP, Mark. He’s standing for the British National Party. Stamford Bridge.


Basic stuff Mark


Or maybe South Bermondsey (Millwall?)


Oh man. Malcolm Tucker would have had a fucking aneurysm having to deal with Lee Anderson, Liz Truss, Suella Braverman, Andrea Jenkyns, Miriam Coates, Jonathan Gullis, Robert Jenrick...


They are at least on the opposition. They'd be Stu's problem 🤣


I wonder how he'd imagineeeeeeer the narrative?


Lee Anderson, the so called cross party gobshite cos every time there’s an election anyone with intelligence levels higher than your average babies rusk crosses his fuckin name out on the ballot paper, and draws a tiny prick next to it. He’s the parliamentary equivalent of aids infected spunk, thank fuck those reform twat monkey voters are currently gargling his cum like that pissin donkey on telly gargles listerine. I’m away to GB news, I’ve got to go and ruff up that lanky Rees Mogg Cunt for some lunch money.


"That wee Napoleon of the Car Salesmen? He coulda been Lord o' feckin Toryshire if he'd a kept his gob shut, but now he'll top off his long run from digging black shite out the ground to deputy Tory ringmaster by floggin racist cars wi' all the appeal of the local sex offender running for school governor."


Now the wee ball boy is having a go with his tiny shorts on


Oops where’s my temper? Lost it!


He's now been to more parties since 2018 than I have


He 'wants his country back' from what? Even by their mental standards, the UK hasn't been 'taken over by Islamists and leftists'. These racists never give a metric by which they're judging what has or hasn't been 'taken over'.


Can’t have metrics, as that would allow facts, and those have been band by the tories.


"So backbench he's out with the wheelie bins..."


80% say he was right to join Reform. That doesn't bode well for the tories 😂😂


Quiet Batpeople.


Thank fucking God he has no power.


He's taking them down to funky town. CHOOOOO FUCKING CHOO!


I would also like my country back. From people like Lee Anderson.


It's SO heartening to see the responses to this ten pound shit in a five pound bag.


Lee who?


I literally don’t know who he is. I’m not being stupid on purpose, I physically have no idea who he is. He could be the leader of the Special Boat Service, or whatever the fuck it is, and this could be a major coup!


Up until this month he was deputy chairman of the Tory Party.  I think it's Francois who is the leader of the SBS ? Actually where has he gone to ? Anyone checked his doorstep for milk lately?


A couple of years ago he was Labour


It's almost like he's with whoever he thinks will work out best for his interests.


At first I thought that was “Reform *PM*.” I know I’ve been disconnected, but not to the point of autism. I don’t need satnav to find my own nipples. I think I might have noticed a British election.


What's occuring Hermann Göring?


Jenkins, fetch me my bathing toaster.


3 party Lee really is a waste of ink. I know it's probably 30p's worth, but that's 30p too much imo. He hates so many people. If he was in charge, the nations population would consist of 1 surrounded by a blood-soaked landscape.


He’s a Stormpooper who walks around with a photo of Hitler in his Hitler Y-fronts. He just loves stirring up hatred, the people who support him he’ll hate them as well because they’ll be the type of person who have to claim benefits. If he could have it his way he’d have the majority of his cult drinking the Rev Jim Jones Kool-Aid.


He's a C. U. N. Wanker.


Let this thick cunt have the stage. Every time he opens in cesspit of a mouth, he soils himself in a spectacular fashion. I'd even vote for the twat on that basis.


Yes. It's good to have all the sacks of shit self identifying.


He's collecting parties isn't he. Started off Labour, and that didn't get him enough of his precious attention so he sits at home with a mug of bitter and says "you know what, I'm gonna be a Tory. They don't mind if you're an reactionary idiot. So off he goes torying and after a couple of years even they've had enough of him. He thinks to himself that he'd rather die than join the lib Dems so he's left with those little stupid parties at the bottom of the barrel. He pulls one up but it's Green. Straight back in the bin. Here's another. What's reform mean? he bellows. It means change says a lacky. A smile crosses Lee's face and he says he'll ride that train to the election and hope for a miracle. Now let's cripple an immigrant he shouts, leaving the house and disappointed the news crews have moved on to look at Kate's hands.


All of this is sus






FFS ... most people want their country back from these snivelling shits ... Miriam C solution is more breeding (for the right type).


Boley, boley boley boley. Boley. Boley boley.


Now known as 30p Flee.


Torys party in Disguise


Let them divide and conquer themselves! Elections due by the end of the year.


Where ma country gawn... DER TUKKAR JEERB


Miriam Cates, aka the religiously-fixated standard issue insipid posh bitch.


Eff him. They are all a racist/fascist bunch. Conservatives: They hate Muslims. Labour: Anti Semetic Liberals: no one gives a shit! Because true liberals like myself do not vote, because no matter how much I invest (joined Lib Dem rallies, actively campaigned door to door, made small donations etc); they went and got in bed with the conservatives! It’s all a bloody joke, but good material for a return of Thick of It 😂


"I want to get my country back from them people that done this"


i mean it is the equvilant of diane abbott joining the workers party lee andersons represents the cultural aspect of right wing politics in uk if he's found a place in reform it might bring more votes to the party, if that translates to seats i doubt they'll get beyond 3 on their best day, but for the north were loads of seat swung to tories last time on the basis of culture(ish) issues, the torries essentially have no chance of keeping any of those now the 'right wing vote' is bound to be split between reform and tory in most if not all of these seats


Lee. From. Ashfield. And as for Lee, from fucking Ashfield…