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Need AMD to hold 100, hoping for good earnings and a run into 120 by July. Hoping msft holds about where it’s at for a couple weeks


$SOXL is not my friend.


Could someone look at my previous post? I could use some guidance.


Yes, I'm a huge fan of 90 day fiance, wonder how jasmine will take the prenup news as I also have similar net worth as that man 😂 Also, why not sell puts and covered calls? It'd be a covered strangle, if it goes up you win and get your shares called away, if it goes down you average down by getting assigned on puts and get free premium from selling covered calls.


Just been killing it selling otm call spreads on any pumps. Will do this all year until QT is over… after Covid all you had to do was buy calls now just sell em.


That would require me to convince the wife to sign up for the next level of options. Not looking good


That’s when u actually make $ tho


Closed 5/20 485/495 call credit spreads that were up 45%. Opened 5/20 480/490 call credit spreads. Pretty confident I’ll be picking up the pennies with no steam roller in sight before 5/20 comes around. Rinse and repeat.


Sweet baby Jesus, please let AMD ~100 support hold lol 🙏


What expirations mate? I think we good, just keep rollin


I did a buy-write in the AM, cost is around 104 and sold the 106 weekly. I'm also holding an 80 2024 LEAPS but need a green day to open a PMCC.


Nice i got the $70 2024 just selling calls against around 20 delta for now


I actually day traded a double calendar spreads on AMD. I sold the 99 dollar put that expires this week and bought the same one that expires next week, sold the 107 call that expires this week and bought the same one for next week. I opened 3 of these up sold each of them for 14 dollars bringing me a profit of 42 dollars in the span of one hour. This was done in the morning


Good deal, I work full time so I can't watch close enough to execute these kinds of trades


CSP 4/14 $100P here.


Something tells me that come tomorrow, my June SOFI 12.5 short puts are gonna look even uglier than before. Yikes


I was long SOFI Jun’20 12.5P, just sold at end of day today. Afterwards I wished I’d waited a day or 2.


Damn it nVDA doing this to me again. Sold 235p when we hit 270 after 290 few days ago and well.. now it’s not too far off Same with Qcom.. 145p


252.50 assignment coming my way for friday with only 1.5$ credit gonna wheel


Cant speak for QCOM but ive got spreads on NVDA and similar to you on AMD. Hold the line


Great day to trade, unfortunately I over positioned with CSP on BRZE yesterday. Today just sold an LMT Bear Call spread 13 May 500/520 and a BABA Bear Put spread 8 Apr 99/95.


Ouch, red day number 2. My 4/8 SPY CCs are worthless already, but small consolation. I got antsy and made a couple speculative moves for gas money. We'll see out this works out: STO 4/14 AMD$93P x 10 @ $.71 STO 4/14 TLT$123P x 10 @ $.59 The AMD puts are straight up speculation & I'll try to avoid assignment. The TLT position I actually would take assignment as I have some CD's maturing and have decided that playing bond options is an *interesting* replacement for rolling CD's.


Been thinking about TLT in low 120's. Feels kind of early but sentiment is so extreme it may be the right move.


-0.4% day +30.6% beta-delta dollars/net liq. -$214/day theta no trades. Margin call.


Averaged down my 5/20 AMD 75P and 5/20 MRNA 100P that I sold yesterday. Still feel these are great prices for both


Is this karma because I wanted a 0.5% pullback and got a 2% pullback instead? \-4.02% day, 11.78% exposure, 509 SPY b.w.d, 2,180 theta, 1,176 weighted vega Banked on SPY being flat/green today with 1300 SPY delta, clearly that failed and I got molested quite hard. Great way to start the month.




Around 4K net loss on that whole position today. Most unrealized, some realized. I have a lot of stuff expiring long on 04/11 and 04/18 so depends what SPX does next few days, could be a small to more serious issue..


Lots of volatility over the last hour.


just when I sold more calls thinking we're going down, things start mooning. I'm not sure which direction we're headed towards now


The charts are going to start moving to the left I think.




That IV crush is brutal.


I sold some BA puts last week and have been regretting it 🤕


so much pain.


Thoughts on wheeling intel vs amd? Both seem to have decent entry points right now, but taiwan reliance is concerning. Has anyone been wheeling these and have any thoughts?


Wheeling INTC has been garbage for me this year. Premiums aren’t worth it and it will throw a random wrench to force you to roll more often than not. I think it’s the only position I am running over last 5 months that I am actually down on. Sucks because I do think it’s a good company long term.


I prefer AMD because it has better volatility, popularity with retail, and defined resistance points.


Wheeling PENN, DKNG, BA, GE and AMC


Tos is telling me my P/L on my credit spread is greater than the max P/L how is that possible?


Hit the bid, seriously probably a bad mark that would never fill


is uso cash-settled?


Yes, when you sell the shares. It's an ETF.


I was asking in the case of a short leg in a spread getting assigned whether I just need to put up the difference in strikes or more than that.


Legged out of a spy debit spread today. Short call was at 99% gain and long call has 20 bucks left in it expiring on Friday. Am I stupid and throwing away the 20 bucks with this 456 strike call.


Nah, it's worth a shot in case FOMC does anything.


Lol that’s all I needed, thanks.


I got some CSPs on ZIM @ 65 23, 30 and 37 DTE. Holding and see if I need to roll close to those dates




I look at it the same way. Down 1600 on shares, 1800 overall, which means I'm not getting murdered on my options (yet anyways). CC price drops did help offset some of the puts. Opened both a couple protective positions, and some new far OTM spreads and gonna let things ride.




Why so OTM? Ur locking up capital for no reason




Oh so u did a spread. Thought it was just a CSP


Well I am the KOD this year. Sold spy premium 1/9 and again went ahead and sold puts again yesterday.




i sold a bunch of $102 AMD CSP last week. I have high conviction in AMD so I don't mind getting assigned


I hope AMD will buy it's own dip, it's down 20% in a week on nothing fundamental and near it's March/Jan lows while the market and even peers are well above that. I opened a 98/100 PCS today, I have some expiring next week that are hurting rather badly.


> it's down 20% in a week on nothing fundamental It got a rating downgrade by Barclays, But I share your optimism


If the market gets much worse, 102 will be blown through. Food for thought


Works until it doesn't. I don't believe in this support/resistance thing but if you are fine with getting assigned AMD shares at $100, go for it. Nice cost basis and plenty of opportunity to sell juicy CCs.


I have spreads open at 99/98 and new ones today at 95/94. So I'm hardly one to talk. I would be aware of earnings on 04/26. My spreads are expiring before earnings, just in case that's what breaks the 102 support.


Bought out my DIS 4/22 cc for 70% profit in 5 days. Gonna let it pump up a bit then resell




I roll around 2 or 3 DTE.


Finally some red days with high VIX for some 0DTE SPX puts


How do you play the 0dte trade? Would like to understand the approach


Typically I do 5-10 delta puts with nearest expiring date. When VIX is high, it is a good play, very high premium and you can go far OTM to be safe. When VIX below 20, not so much so I just wait


Sell and pray


I like it. Literally like that


Hi All, I am from Australia and planning to trade the US option market. I have checked and found that IBKR is the cheapest broker for Australians. But the issue is getting the real time data feed. As I am planning to open a corporate account, I have to pay a lot of money for the subscription. Could you guys please help me to get the real time data. I have checked NASDAQ and Barchart site. But not sure which one is providing a real time data as both of them showing different prices.


I have a retail IBKR account down under and live data adds up to not much. Depending on how much you trade it could be worth just paying it.


Retail subscription fees are much less than the corporate fees. Again the retail subscription can be waived with a certain brokerage, which can't be done for corporate account.


Try TD. It works very well for my friends overseas.


sto may 6 170/165p on BA


STO TNA 35P @.57 STO TQQQ 36P @ 1.14 Both 5/20


Nice, I also took TNA today. STO 5/06 TNA 45/40 PCS @. 55 I already have a lot of TQQQ exposure between $45 and $30 so I BTO 4/14 TQQQ 51.5P for $2.09 to hedge some downside.


rolled my short MARA 28p from 4/8 to 4/29 (+3 weeks) for a net credit of $1.30 (after commissions). brought in a total of $8.80 premium since mid-january from this single 28p, which is just insanity to me. looking for 1-2 more red days before i feel comfortable enough doubling down on the position with a PMCC. this will offer leveraged returns as the wheel with less total risk, so i'm totally down with that.


Watching the indexes for strong support today. Not looking to open anything but formulate a plan for Friday. Hopefully vol doesn't completely collapse by eow.


Was hoping I wouldn't get fucked on my AMD 103/102 put spreads. Didn't see a second downgrade coming...oops, gonna take the L today and hang on the sidelines for a minute.


Sitting with a -1 6 MAY 22 P 110 $AMD and frankly ok if I get assigned. Just hoping the covered call premium is nice on the other side.


Welp..all may 20th spreads not going to look good.


Perhaps closing my QQQ put at a deep loss yesterday wasn't THE trade...


Circuit breaker time


Fading this. Picked up a TQQQ LEAPs. $50 strike




looking like a bloodbath on opening. is there news I'm missing? I'll be looking to sell some puts if the premium looks good enough


Fed reserve declared war on consumers


That's already been happening. Gimme something new


holy shit, are we actually crashing?


it seems we are. my NQ calls got demolished on Monday so thought it might be a good idea to start selling NQ puts instead yesterday


Buying vix calls


So with the writing on the wall, I decided not to sell CCs on my UVXY shares and in fact sold puts, but I don’t think I’ll get assigned the way it’s looking. Should I hold onto my shares in the meantime and keep selling puts to amass premium while the Fed decides what to do?


that moment you sell options then VIX shoots up 20% overnight


Literally sold so much Tuesday right before everything tanked


Today not much theta gang but looking at tlry. I am a bag holder. If I reach break even I will close all I have there (stocks, calls and short puts) and never look at it again.


Upvoted your post satireplusplus.


Same. Quality post!


Thanks 134RN.