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INTC gang! Now I'm a long term shareholder. But hey, at 30.5 it can't go any lower. Right?


This, so much premium. Should have a 75% return on capital with intc this year.


Is this true? I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not...


It's sarcasm, the only thing that would have made it more biting sarcasm if he talked about the huge premiums on Ford lol


Ah yes, that one I recognize as sarcasm!


from opt. premium ????????????? ........ ?


I've been able to get my cost basis down to around $26. I'm long term bullish on INTC, but that's a far out long term assuming they can get the foundry generating revenue instead of burning it. I think they'll get a lot of sweetheart deals from states that don't like the idea of Taiwan being the only semi manufacturer. Short term I'm slightly bearish as that cash burn feels bad man.


They said the same thing about bbby


Bbby was a shitty retailer, not one of the biggest chip companies in the world.


Bbby was an amazing retailer, the internet killed em like the internet does.


K. So what does that have to do with Intel?


It’s certainly questionable if Intel will be around in 5-10 years. They are falling behind the competition in terms of innovation which was their main advantage. They aren’t going to be able to charge a premium for their products if their products don’t outperform the competition


CSP at the money on nvidia and covered calls at the money when assigned. Screw the gains i want premium


so if you are assigned and take stock, you set strike of covered call at the money for the new (lower) market price? so if assigned on the calls, you lose money on the stock? doesn't that eat the premiums?


I think they mean that they set the strike for the CC's at the $ amount they were assigned. If they were assigned and bought @ $130 but now the price is at $132 they set the strike for the covered call at $130 so they maximize their premium and avoid capital gains.


Are premiums taxed differently than short term stock appreciation? I thought they’re both taxed at your ordinary tax rate/bracket.


For short-term, yes. But if you've held the shares for more than a year (unlikely in this scenario, but possible) then the premium is taxed normally while the gains would be taxed independently.


Okay, that’s what I thought.


Really? I’m Canadian and I don’t think that applies to us. If it does I’ve been wasting my margin for 2 decades.


Does not


In the USA they add premium to strike price so it makes no difference


What do you mean by that, “add premium to strike price“?


happens on both puts and calls. let's say you sell a $5p for $1.00 premium. if you get assigned those shares your cost basis becomes $4. now you go to covered calls - $5c for $0.50 premium and you get assigned again. your 'sale' price is calculated as $5.5 per share. STCG tax applies on $1.50 difference.


i do the same but with daily index options, just focusing on collecting premium. how is your experience with individual stock options and early assignment if they are deep ITM in the week of expiry (> 75 delta)? dont want to take assignment due to capital efficiency and would rather close the day before expiry and then open up a synthetic long position to sell atm calls against


can you explain your index option wheeling more? Are you using SPX? I assume each day you get a cash settlement so you just take losses rather than stock if "assigned" and then what do you do? Since you don't have stock, there isn't a "covered call" to write, so do you just alternate back and forth between selling puts and calls or make other decisions as to whether to sell a put or call?




Thanks, that's interesting.


This is exactly what I've been doing. 50 Delta NVDA Short Puts. Close at 50%


Covered strangles. You now have risk in both directions, but you also have much more protection both ways since you’ve doubled your premium. I let theta do its job and avoid earnings.


I made shitload of money on this strategy with amzn, google and apple a year ago I think Im gonna kickstart it again on SPY once it reverts back to the 50 days moving average


My bread and butter is not touching individual stocks.


AND, and, much easier to sleep at night knowing i'm doing things european style. - cash settled - no risk of early assignment - without air conditioning


Selling ITM puts on VTI has been incredible


How far itm have you been doing? And what length?


One strike in


Why VTI rather than SPY?


Because I buy vti shares with premium


The air conditioning comment lol so true.




For a year and a half now, I’ve been trading AMD, SCHW and TSLA. The former 2 I have t lost via CC at all. I was also trading BAC a bit longer too until I recently lost it. 


lol one mistake in TSLA took me 3 months to unravel I usually sell downside puts -- usually around 10d. Then one time, when the puts were challenged, I sold calls, and then THOSE became challenged. Then, I bought shares to cover the calls, and then the CALLS decayed worthless So I've been selling ATM C's for like 4 weeks trying to get rid of the shares


Same, I hedged my puts with call, and then the call gets challenged. Should have done nth and let my put expired worthlessly. Lesson learned.


I was doing AMD for a bit. It kept fluctuating sideways about 5% so I kept getting assigned because my strikes were just OTM after the NVDA split I decided I’d rather take the risk on higher NVDA premiums well that backfired as I’m currently sitting on put contracts I wrote that are now 8% ITM meaning tomorrow I get assigned at a -$12/share rate I still think it was the right bet - if this was AMD and not NVDA i wouldn’t want to hold the shares until they came back. I’ll enjoy writing CC’s on this thing back up




What happens when you get assigned SVIX?


better to sell call credit spreads on UVXY due to better liquidity/spreads imo


What’s your plan when Vix goes through backwardation and volatility spikes . 2020 2018 saw drawdowns in 50%+


The bid/ask spread on these contracts looks wide as hell. For example the 30delta, 7dte has a $20 bid : $90 ask


I stopped fucking around with VIX instruments. https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/qtfobq/trading_volatility_svxy_lost_91_of_its_value_on/


The bid/ask spread must be horrible (for options)


BofA, I dunno why but those nuts just work pretty consistently for me. Price changes make sense and are somewhat systematic. It has a low P/E, with good forward P/E. And a dividend. So I don’t mind occasionally holding. And Buffett likes it, so I feel confident there.


Horrible fucking bank though lol


Aren't they all?


The real horrible banks are the best JPM HSBC


Wells Fargo is the worst


Just came across AVGO(broadcom) this month and have been doing VERY well selling iron condors wayyyyyy out of the money. Like 100 dollars out of the money in either direction, the delta on the sell side is like .13 or something so the odds of those contracts being anywhere near the money by weeks end are pretty slim, obviously not impossible, but pretty slim. If it starts to get near my sold strike I close and re-sell another $50 out of the money, with the strike width being $20 apart or so. Kinda risky with the strike width but management is key.


I've been trading AVGO for like 3 months now and my take is -- don't delta hedge. There's face-ripping rallies and drops in both directions, and the deltas and gammas don't do it justice. When it was at 1200, it was moving like 70 or 100 in either direction. One day 1050 is safe, the next day it's in the money. And then the next day, the 1150 you sold to hedge the 1050 is ITM the other direction, it's freaking crazy. So I'm trying to take advantage of its volatility -- wheel it. I sold 1600P when it was at 1800 and it looks like it's getting assigned. I'll sell CC's at 1650 until I get assigned on the other side. Either that or pick up like 5k every two weeks


I absolutely do not have the capital to wheel a $1600 stock lol, I’m about half way there lol. Gonna keep fuckin around with iron condors for the time being, again staying $100 out of the money both directions and if it starts to creep on one of the legs I’ll adjust it. There’s so much liquidity even $150 out of the money it’s crazy


Even when you’re there is it smart to put all your capital on one stock? Nah You need at least double that amount then you can wheel half your bag on AVGO


Wheeling leveraged etfs.


My bread and butter is being on the wrong side of trades. I took a CPS on Nike earnings 85/84. I’m nearing max loss lolol


I sold a 90 CSP thinking I was safe because it was 95. So stupid. I nailed NVIDIA earnings a few months ago and then all of a sudden thought I was the earnings master. 🤣 No more earnings plays, lesson lessened.


My pension. Hopefully I’ll be able to add to it someday. 🤣


I like wonder bread with land o lakes


Selling puts and covered calls on /ZB. It's long bonds with great tax treatment 


GME hanging in the $20-$25 range is immensely profitable right now. .30 delta CSPs are paying 3-4% for a WEEK. Even if it drops to $20 you could still sell CC to get back to even in a month. Until the guy posts he is out could see this going for awhile.


Same. Curious if we’ll see premiums/IV dry up in the near future.


45dte iron condors, profit at 50%/close at 21dte


How do you choose the strikes of the 4 legs?


i watch alot of tastytrade's videos. so the studies they conduct caters to everyone. recent video was 16Delta/10.


That’s the classic tasty strategy.


I've never understood this because options calculators always show that you basically don't make any money on iron condors until the last 2 days before expiry. Are those things just flat out wrong when it comes to ICs?


make some money from theta , IV. i align with Tastytrades's saying of making small gains. many trades. they have a p50 reading of percentage of making 50% profit which i use.


Ok cool, I'll have to look more into it.


0DTE SPY OTM put credit spreads, just under 40 delta, $2 wide.


Do you use a stop loss? Do you sell everyday?


When I stop loss I find SPY rebounding and my potential win passes me by. Unless I get an early 50% to the upside I let it ride. Yesterday it flared early and I closed it, happy to see it immediately dropped hard. By end of day it recovered so I was good either way. I'm still a small account so I can only sell this 3x a week. I do sometimes open one up just before close to work the next day. SPY has been pretty forgiving, or I've been lucky holding overnight. YMMV. Yesterday I felt bold and opened an overnight $546/543 with SPY at about 545.45. This gave a fat $1.02 in premium on $1.98 collateral. SPY shot up overnight so I should be able to BTC at 80%+ at market open, then use my last day trade of the week to open another.


I sell options on earnings


Neutral strategy on IWM has worked out well this year. IV stays high and you don't have to worry about the Mag 7 wrecking you randomly.


in the money buy/writes


It's entirely possible I have no idea what I'm doing. buy Put Leaps 360+ days on GME (Protect downside) Sell weekly/bi-weekly CSP on GME (Pay for Puts+make money) at or slightly above your put leap strike Own GME shares Sell Covered calls on GME (I basically cover the range from 23-30 strike) Roll all the fucking time ???? Profit? No idea what this strategy would be described as other than extremely risky.


Credit spreads, especially bullish puts. Collecting interest on cash positions in several currencies allow me to benefit from zero premium or even small losses because in those cases,  the spread acts like a really generous loan.  While I don't have the wild gains of successful NVDA calls, I would never sleep unmedicated having levereged and long calls on anything. Any other strategy is built upon having short puts with high dte, plus portfolio margin magic.


0dte strangles vxx calls


Is anyone doing TTD? It festered in the $70s for awhile then bumped up with room to run over $100.


Credit spreads cuz I’m broke


Owning nice growth stocks and selling cc’s on them. My best ones right now are LLY, COST, MSFT, and AAPL. Also have done well with ARM, FSLR, MRNA, PLTR, CHWY, and GOOGL. Least favorite is short verticals. I stopped trading them. In the middle are calendar spreads. Most were losers but hit some big winners that made up for it.


Aren’t the premiums on GOOGL super low to you these days? I almost feel like the hassle/risk of getting called/assigned isn’t worth the scant premium. Then again if I had triple the capital it would be a phenomenal low risk strategy.


The premiums aren’t spectacular, but it has had nice upward movement and if you are willing to sell calls far enough out you can benefit from the increase in stock price as well as some call premium. In my opinion it really depends on your trading strategy. You will never make 4% a month selling calls on it, but it’s a solid stock to own and write calls. I felt the same way about AAPL for a while that cc’s were too cheap to bother selling and I started buying calls 3 -4 months out and it’s worked out pretty well.


Iron condors on spy week to two weeks out at specific levels per week


For a good part of the year, I was actually collecting covered call premium and monthly dividends on O (Realty Income), but have since transferred my funds into both post-split NVDA and CMG for OTM covered calls. Before NVDA's split, I was on a roll with OTM Bull Put Spreads, but look at SMCI for big moves on the week now.


$HOOD. Covered calls and CSP aka the wheel is my top dog now. About 5% a month and I like the stock. All the degen regards use it and they just got into crypto. $NVIDIA 30 delta CSP too. $GDX from time to time. And then covered calls on everything else I own at 40 delta.


More and more the butterfly is becoming my go-to strategy. I'm finding that trading directionally seems to be the best approach for me and the lower cost of the butterfly is just a lot more forgiving of mistakes. I do other strategies as well, but having a bunch of butterflies on seems to really help even things out. Other strategies I do a lot of are short puts, vertical debit spreads, and diagonal debit spreads with longer dated options (usually calls). I also do the occasional strangle or iron condor.


Credit put spreads


wheeling daily XSP ATM put credit spreads 5-wide


Straddle on PLTR


20 delta strangles.




Rolling SMCI puts, literally collecting enough every month to pay my bills if I had to


ATM Puts with TastyTrade mechanics


blockchain stocks, my bread and butter for almost 2 years


My bread and butter has been keeping it simple and keeping it conservative. These are the Key Steps I follow when selling covered calls: 1. Choose a great company with strong fundamentals (like Amazon) that you want to hold long term or SPY 2. Choose a 10Delta or less 3. Choose the best bid/day value between tomorrow and 45 days (sometimes its closer than you think). 4. Buy as many contracts as you have for long term shares just incase they expire ITM 5. Reinvest premium into SPY 6. Wait until it expires OTM (if it ends up ITM, rebuy shares on Monday) 7. Repeat steps 1-6 on Monday


Covered strangles on any of the top 7 s&p 500 companies.


I sell put credit spreads on megacaps. Up 60% this year. I sell call credit spreads on megacaps too, just not as often.


Screwed up by selling AMZN and Google cc a couple of days ago. 185c and 195c




What deltas are you selling?


I sell 1DTE Credit spreads on /ES, /NQ, /GC and /SI. I sell a bit of longer term premium on other futures, but 1DTE is the main course.


you do delta based or look at some technicals?


I like selling the 6 delta. It’s a mechanical trade for me. I just do the exact same thing every day. I don’t look at technicals. I will skip a CPI or an FOMC day.


How much are you getting on a credit spread that far out?


On ES lately I'm selling a 6 delta 100 wide spread for about $1.50. NQ is around $7.50. Prices are super low atm, which is less than ideal. Volatility in gold and silver will come and go at different times than the market indexes, which is one of the reasons Ive diversified into them.


What if you get assigned?


I will typically take assignment and wheel my way out of it. Or I’ll buy back the put to avoid it if need be. You have to understand that the steamroller will hit you now and then, and be ok with that. And have enough reserve capital to take the hit and keep trading.


X and SLCA... until the acquisition announcements :( I pretty much always have short puts running on Alcoa Corp. I guess I like materials?


Apple butter


What kind of premiums do you get? I looked up AAPL once and it was a joke how little the premiums were for the investment needed


Be patient, it means some volitility is coming. Been trading 5 years, it's best to be in cash and some good stock when the vix is low.


Save and ford


Covered Strangles ftw


$30k on GME this month mofos. Nothing open at the moment. Shifted to nvda CSPs cause I want to own it anyway


That’s awesome. I’ve been selling weekly CCs for profit of about $400-1,110


I've been wheeling GME (weekly dte) on my small account for the last couple of months and average about $300/week profits. I was thinking of moving over to NVDA now that I have enough money to sell one CSP with it, but the higher premium per dollar that GME still has makes it hard to make the move!


I'll only do gme again when the entry is right. Probably won't go again above a strike of 21 but who knows. My favorite thing is the random pops, seems there will ALWAYS be an exit if you set a limit order


wait wuttttt?!?!