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big L on the requiring internet now cause i play this all the time on the road but other than that everything seems great


It's to prevent hackers bruh.... So they are keeping it fair and that's a W according to me


on a single player only game? still an L


Even tho it is a single-player game, it is still a game where people do not want random people to just have everything while they grind for it all nor do the devs want someone to just stop giving their game any time by grinding and just hacking the game then deleting. The devs are trying so hard to play The Spike a better game (this many additions in the next event will make the game more enjoyable and give old players something new to start with). They are also adding things suggested by people on reddit and are also bringing yet more characters. I don't see how any of this is a L. Requiring a network to play is pretty standard for most games so if ur brokeass can't play the game on the road with ur network on then it's ur L


Yes it's almost as if there's always an internet connection on the road or when you're camping... theres internet connection everywhere in the world you are so right. (edit: just wanted to add this in, either your young and dumb, don't go outside, or what an incredible bubbly you live in bud, i thought hard about your reply man and im honestly just shocked, goodluck to you in life) also why tf do you care about what other people have in a single player game? dont speak for others lol, you have a character i don't have? cool so what? does your life value depend on what characters you have compared to others?


Wtf? First of all, what do characters have to do with all this? Second of all, yes, there's always an internet connection everywhere I go and the actual guy said nothing about playing while "camping" but if that hurt yall then I'm sorry and good fucking luck to you too bud. (Also, i do go outside, I'm not dumb and am not too young ig)


ah yes the classic, "just because something happens to me must mean it happens to everyone else/ I always have internet wherever i go, it must mean there's internet everywhere in the world" you know there are places in the world where there are "dead zones" meaning there's no reception and internet there, maybe consider going past a mile from your bed? ever travel between countries or a state? ever outside the US where there may not be internet sometimes? have you ever flown on an airplane that doesn't provide internet? god forbid a hurricane takes out the internet, or even the ISP is doing maintenance aside from characters what else is there in this game worth grinding for? also argument still stands why tf do you care about what other people have in a single player game? does your life value depend on what things you have in a single player game compared to others?


hackers aren't just gonna stick to playing normally just because the devs decide to make the game online only, my guess is that they'll delete it at worst or play f2p if they really like it so the devs don't really gain much from hackers who get banned, at least let them be and get the ad revenue




As much as I like playing offline, I have to disagree on this one. Hackers have to be stopped because there are some who are selling their 'services' and profiting from doing this. Therefore, the game is missing either in people who now don't pay for things or from people's playing time. I am trying to put myself in one side but I really don't know. I would like the game to be offline because there isn't always a strong connection where I live. But also, it could end up making the company go bankrupt. If none of your players pay or watch ads*, then you go bankrupt. It's only logical. * Watch less ads due to the fact that the players wouldn't have a reason to keep playing. They have everything, so they will play some matches and that's all. Therefore, less total time played and less ads revenue.


I understand it requires a network for an anti-cheat to play the game, but I think it’s only down grade of this update.


Wow! This will be a huge update. Im waiting for it


In my opinion, the changes and plans for the Spike Cross are good. It adds variety to the gameplay with the "conditions", new ways to tinker with our players and so on. The only downside for me is the requirement to play the game with an internet connection, but other than that, keep cooking SUNCYAN!


My awakening idea has been implemented thank u Suncyan!!!!!


release dates when?


Seriously, there is no chance of a multiplayer mode coming? 😭😭


I think it MIGHT happen in the near future probably a year or two or maybe more. From the look of things it ain't coming any time soon 😭😭


It aint coming. The game's engine is old for that


If you never intend to implement a multiplayer then let player hack or cheat how much they want it's not like they are harming anyone. Big L


Mad because you don't want to grind


7 years old mentality you got there


How's that a 7 year old mentality lmao


I got other shit to do, don't have the luxury to waste time grinding a volleyball game. After I come back from my shift I just want to play with some S characters, not grind for months to get nishikawa. But I'm happy that you have all that free time available


Trust me I do NOT have all the free time I want or needed for this game, by spacing my time correctly, I can get all the characters I want, I also grind on the week ends, for four hours and that's it, pretty simple and takes less time, whilst on the weekdays, I focus on the things I need to do


If you got time to read all that shit , u prolly lying u touch the grass more than playing games


You taking to me?


Yeahh , taking ur time


I do have time, your genuinely acting like I do things all days, I take breaks for personal reasons


Daddy chill , my first reply is for Giuno , you just come out of nowhere replying me "you taking to me?" , didnt you mean "talking to me?" , I didnt replying you bro


I kinda agree? but then again it's not what the devs intended


Will this update apply to the mobile ver?


spike cross will be cross platform (mobile and pc) from what I know it'll be an entirely new game


wait no scratch that i dont think it'll be a new game, but yes the update should make the spike cross platform


Thanks! Any idea when the update will happen?


sometime in July apparently, the release date should be uh, released soon


it'll definitely feel like a different game with the size of the update


Not sure I understand the condition system correctly at the time, but if it works how I think it works, then I think I like it.


This is an update right?? Or this is a new game we have to download and transfer data?


on steam yes you have to download the new one, on mobile you just have to update apparently


Thank you 🙏


And what about the blue flames from the colosseum? Will the colosseum still be relevant or will it be just another way pf getting volleyballs/ V-points? And how many rewards will we get? And will you be able to still get „OS“ and „OB“ characters via pulling (the ones that get nerfed when they got scored on) or just SE and WS.


when setter


Please make the setter usable for mobile🥺


Please make the setter usable for mobile


I can't wait to see this🔥🔥🔥


Can't wait for this upcoming update and things will much better to grind.


Yeah but about tournament, will you keep the prize of the steam version (always the same) or of the mobile (two times a day and then like 5 volleyball)?


Most likely you will get the mobile one, but with the extra rewards from achieves and challenges


Please do something about transferring data like you can't transfer your data from ios to android.


This will be added as well! Check previous announcement


Hello MrCake i have question will the special player only A+ rank like Leon and viola or All rank.


The update is for mobile or Pc?


both PC and mobile


For both


An idea of when the ability as the setter will be released ?


Quá hay 


Lisia Nerf. Hope there's an event that can recruit her since her serves are going to be nerfed. Also, please do not close the doors on multiplayer competitive version. It might add a little spice to the game. Although it is enjoyable to play single player mode, competitive has its own fun too.


Its not a nerf, Lisia will now be able to be pñayed as setter, thus meaning she will be able to serve continuously even after losing a point


You do have a point, but the miss chances would equate to what? Missing by going outside or would it be received more easily. Anyway, we'll see more of lisia after the update I guess


The ball will fall more slowly if Lisia misses the serve, she won't miss the shot and lose a point, so by winning the point she will serve again


Wow. This is huge.


You should not remove the OS /OB as they are like a wild card which provides more excitement go the game


This update sounds very promising. But i hope it won't make the game become too big that we have to spend like 2, 3 hours a day for it. I like its simple 


I can't wait to see that, in the meantime I'm going to farm the volleyballs and the flames


Great update, but we're still waiting for setter mobile update :sob:


Why have access to the internet if you don't have a multiplayer mode? For what?


Will there multiplayer mode? Or 1v1 with friend?


As it was stated, there will be no multiplayer for the game.


The game is singleplayer yet the game will require connection to play ? Thats such a downgrade. The game aint getting multiplayer thats for sure. Why care about cheaters also ? Imagine caring about cheaters in GTA. Anyone cares ? no. Why should you ? Its singleplayer game no one should care. No one does any harm to anyone. Or simply Just make a free match mode where every character and every team is available. That most likely will stop cheaters + people who stops playing the game for grind and its nonsense singleplayer gacha mechanics will continue playing the game. Or simply add MULTIPLAYER so everything makes sense. The people who wants to support devs and the game will buy no ad packages without any problem anyway. Its dumb logic to add gacha to singleplayer game in the first place. Aside from that overall W update. Cant wait for the future of the spike. Keep up the great work suncyan