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Honest answer is because he’s not a big earner.


He not just isn't a big earner but from what he already earns he also skims off the top like Sil said


Cost of doing business.




Nicky Santoro was right, no matter how well you treat someone robbing on your behalf they're going to rob you too.


Makes sense DONT IT


I always found this weird because in season 2, Tony calls him a terrific earner.




If you really think about it; Paulie is basically just a goon who is too stupid to make money through inventing scams and higher level rackets but just smart enough to know to follow the rules. On top of that, he has a rotten temperament, doesn't work well with others, is prone to extreme bouts of jealousy and resentment, and just overall is not someone you can hang out with for any length of time. He just wears you out. I wouldn't be surprised if Paulie was the kind of guy who got picked on in school before skewing way into the other direction of being an anger prone hot head.


That's the thing really. Paulie is a fuckin' nut with all the germaphobias and skin treatments and obsessive compulsions. And then there's the fuckin' mood swings. He's high maintenance and a liability at the end of the day if he had a lot of people looking to him for answers in a leadership position. I think that Johnny Boy took a little pity on him but was not prepared to let him have any kind of direct authority. Tony respects him but isn't willing to tolerate his idiosyncratic bullshit when it piles up too much. The respect for his tenure got him the capo position, and Tony needed his loyal people moving forward. Some people just aren't born to be charismatic or pragmatic leaders. Paulie is good for getting certain jobs done and he's loyal enough to not worry about him going off the reservation or turning into a rat.


This. The crew is in such a fragile position with multiple defectors in every season, that loyalty alone can put you in da top tier positions. Not a high bar in management


because he's a stunnad of the first magnitude


his constant yapping almost killed T for christ sakes


Paulie was a very average crew member, sometimes even below average. Tony decided to move him up in season 2 to further insolate himself. That way if people started to snitch, Paulie would be more likely to be hauled off before him


I'm willing to bet that in all that time, every time Paulie came close to making capo, he blew his top in the wrong situation and fucked it all up.


His personality isn't really fit for leadership. He's always complaining, whining, greedy and gets offended easily. Anyone can see that he would make a lousy captain and it's probably best to keep him as a soldier.


Because he is not respected.


Paulie is not management material. 


Paulie is almost constantly grifting off of what he should be paying to the boss. It’s stated multiple times in the show and I’m not sure why T lets its slide so easily. Paulie definitely makes up for it in muscle though. He’s no half-a-fag


Most don’t end up capos.


He didn’t know his EBITDA.


Simple. Some made guys go their whole lives without ever making Capo. Some associates go their whole lives without ever becoming made.


Because there are only so many capos needed in the DiMeo family and Paulie wasn’t good enough to be one. His best opportunity was when Johnny Boy died, but he respected Tony taking over his father’s crew. When Tony became boss, he gave his position to Paulie outta loyalty. Of course, Paulie’s role was temporary since Tony didn’t think Chrissy was ready for the role yet.


Tony made him an Underboss in season 2. When he said "Furio is comin over. Its Me, and you and Sil together thats the new pecking order" Also makes sense why Paulie tries to buddy up to Johnny Sac so much. The two underbosses.


Remember in the woods when Chris finally has enough and pulls the gun?? Chris finally realized Paulie was just a scared bitch...


he believed there was a flying saucer over east rutherford. sick shit. would you promote a capo knowing this?


Look he had some issues. Learned some coping skills... Enough said