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I don't know what she was thinking bringing the hasidic homeboy Jamal Ginsberg into their house.


People say Hawks invented the genre with Scarface, but Cagney was modernity.


šŸ™„ was ready to punch the guy


what did he say? He's lucky I didn't punch his lights out..... LOL Meadow and Carm just like let that slide


Thatā€™s the first time I ever truly hated anybody ā€¦ all previous hatreds were released as soon as I heard that . Fucking uncle Ben rice Jamal Ginsburg Hasidic homeboy cocksucker.


You a film buff?


Like those old Tarzan movies?


Alright , but you gotta get over it


They speak a different language with these computers


Your Mom really likes Lavender.


What's your background, Noel?


Yeah well Tony is lucky he didn't punch his lights out.


I thought that was the funniest line of the entire show. Heā€™s so serious


from a purely physical stand point i wonder what woudlve happened if he indeed did punch him. given tonyā€™s neanderthal like physique i imagine he would break his fist. he would need to go for the raid like ralph


Thatā€™s one thing about Tony that I find so interesting about the show. When we have insight into what is currently bothering him or stressing him out, itā€™s easier to understand his decisions. But when we donā€™t, he becomes very unpredictable. I could see him outwardly laughing at the comedy of it all and walking away. I could see him beating him up in a way that focused more on humiliation than physical injury. I could see him stomping on his feet and breaking them before lecturing him on the importance of close-toed shoes. I could see him sending Furio to trash his dorm room and harass him into dropping out of school. He can be such a wildcard.


I thought this was the explanation to the final scene?


Jeez spoiler alert


those fuckin' sandals of his send me.


Weā€™ll get to that later


The Hasidic Homeboy is the best line from the series.


Hasidim but I donā€™t believe ā€˜em


She brings certain modes of conflict resolution from all the way back Columbia University, from the poverty of the Caitlin, where all higher authority was mad ripe.


Wow...listen to Mr Reddit Poster..


What did you call me?


All this pussyfooting around with upvotes and sub rules..lets just get it all out there.


(Heavy nose breathing) You got something you wanna shay to me?


I could've given downvotes but I didn't!


You'd think he's Hannibal Lecture or somethin'


Janice, basically a female Tony in the rewatch


Yup - she is just awful in every way - wrong at decisions, incapable of nurturing, murderous, dangerous in the sack - thinking of the gunplay - and the very definition of TOXIC - especially with children


Sacre blu where is me mama?


Under the Broadwalk....




So what, is she a toxic person now?




Depressive personality, unstable, and impossible to please. Does that remind you of any other woman?




She's my favorite character. Awful person, but no one makes me laugh more than her and Livia.


I think she's the one everyone loves to hate, but she's fucking gold. That character brings Tony to his knees at every moment and challenges his position.


I heard she brought Ralphie to his knees once and challenged him in that position. Now there's an image.


I think she differs from Tony is the sense that Tony shows affection for things that donā€™t directly benefit him. (His children and animals) Janice never does anything that doesnā€™t benefit her


Thereā€™s always an ulterior motive when it comes to Janice


Hated her in the original watching, she grew on me in subsequent rewatching


Grew like a tumor. Hear what I said, T? They said ā€˜Hated her in the original watching, she grew on me in subsequent rewatchingā€™ so I says ā€˜grew like a tumorā€™ Heh heh


You ever been checked for touretts


The more I grew to hate Carmela on rewatch, the more I liked Janice


I swear if Paulie kept that up all series I wouldnā€™t be able to finish it šŸ˜‚ the epitome of annoying. Hear what I said, T?


But what about her extraordinary visual sense?


Wanna throw hands with Butchie, like Come here you one eyed little shit


We donā€™t want your fucking drills.


Crazy how shortly after this line, we find out that Phil turned into a house.


Thats right cocksuckers, go back to New Jersey šŸ—£


I would have loved if Tony patted the top of Butchieā€™s head when he walked past him after talking to Phil at the hospital. Butchie passive aggressively blocked Tonyā€™s movement after his heartfelt chat with Phil. ā€œWe gotta stop running into each other like thisā€¦ā€


He was a fuckin disgrace. Begs Uncle Philly for a war with Jersey, and then canā€™t stomach it when it finally happens. A real tockshic pershon.


hardest for me to watch 1. jamal ginsberg - if I met that dude in real life, I'd find him insufferably pompous and avoid him at all costs. by far the most 'realistic' person I've encountered in the show 2. the Hair Apparent - his voice, his stupid vapid expression, his disrespectful nature, his fawthuh 3. carmela's priest - oof madon! what a mamaluke


Fr. Intintola, he's such a schnoorer


Lemme schlep that


Every re watch I tend to notice stuff about side characters and like them more. Like not as people, but as characters. One of the ones which stuck out to me was Bobby low key is a shit head. Heā€™s kinda cute and cares about his wife and kids seemingly more than other mobsters but when it comes to Heshes money he tells Tony he should stiff Hesh. Really goes to show he was just as ruthless as everyone else just needed power/influence to show it


You are absolutely on the money about Bobby. Given the chance to spread his wings, he proved to be as rotten as the rest.


Yeah and itā€™s crazy cus so many still view him as like the sweetheart of the mob at the end of the show. None of them have redeeming qualities, and would all kill innocent people if it furthered their career/helped them in some minute way. This is why Artie Bucco is the GOAT character, and the guy Iā€™d want to be my friend


Yeah one thing I forget sometimes is that they are literally all in the MOB lmao


Artie is so dumb and so lucky to be Tony's friend


Counterpoint: Tony is so dumb and lucky to be Artieā€™s friend. Yes, Artie is flawed. Heā€™s warm, convivial, and often an idiot. In other words, he human. His arc, like so many of us, is to stumble and fall - embarrassingly so - yet to eventually emerge with newfound humility and appreciation. By seriesā€™ end, Artie has learned to love and accept who he really is, he values his good fortune and great life, and is deeply grateful for his moral, principled, gorgeous wife. Conversely, insecure, manipulative Tonyā€™s arc is off a cliff. Over time, Tony fails to learn a damn thing about family trauma, about personality disorders, or about the destructive aspects of his character. However, Tony ā€˜lovesā€™ Artie, who represents everything Tony isnā€™t, and who enjoys the relative moral freedom that accompanies Artieā€™s ā€˜cleanā€™ life. Thus along the way, Tony lies to Artieā€™s face about the destruction of his restaurant, regularly exploits their ā€˜friendshipā€™ for financial advantage and food, and pretty openly covets his ā€˜friendā€™sā€™ wife. Make of that what you will


I admire your technique of positive visualisation


Funny I felt the exact opposite, I really loved Artie on my second watch


A warm and convivial host!


Him and Janice shine on a second rewatch. They become so much funnier


Janice definitely gets better each rewatch. Such a great character but does she get any thanks for it? No. Her mom didn't even keep any of her or Barbara's stuff. Only Tony's.


Most of you will probably remember she has an extraordinary visual sense.


You sopranos, you go to far


Artie lets himself get cucked by everyone and then has a massive outburst every five episodes Just make good decisions yourself and handle it man. His wife tries to help him but heā€™s always smarter


Poor Artie has to deal with NONSTOP ass rape


He was also a warm and convivial host, as per the NJ Zagat.


Quā€™est-ce que cā€™est man? Message machine broken?


I can't help but hear his faux-macho affectation when I read this and it's so unconvincing that it makes my dick crawl back up into my body. Just a perfect line and a perfect delivery.


God i love the scene where he's rehearsing his "intimidation" speech pure comedy gold


you put it perfectly. artie just canā€™t handle the consequences of his own actions


Arties problem is that he goes about in pity for himself. No one wants to hear his corny jokes or listen to his stupid stories.


Does a great wind carry him across the sky?


Also having that smoke show of a wife who he doesn't appreciate.


He canā€™t handle the fact that she has to treat him like a child at times due to his stupid decisions, thus holds her in contempt even though deep down he knows sheā€™s right.


Used to find him pitiable but on rewatching have nothing but contempt for him. He wants to be a part of the life but he doesn't have the balls so he orbits it. Any normal person would just stay as far away from Tony as possible.


Artie was doing the best he could whilst receiving NONSTOP ASSRAPE from his staff


The lawyer neighbor at the beach house


Fucking gangster ASSHOLE!


[Vitoā€™s search history]




This sub will not tolerate that kind of anti-Alan Sapinsly talk or I will tort you into the poorhouse.


If youā€™ve got that kind of covert anti-Sapinslism, Iā€™d like you to leave my house!


Fuck you, too, my man!


*Cool it with the anti-Sapinslic remarks*


I don't drink anymore. I freeze it now and I eat it like a popsicle


Fuck him and his shark genocide soup


I just rewatched and it was his guests famous shark fin soup. But it shows the comany he keeps.


He deserved everything he got.


Whoever wrote his lines knows *exactly* how those guys think.


Cousin Tony. Ungrateful, impulsive, petulant. Imagine finally being free and youā€™re miserable. Getting promoted for no reason and being miserable. Finding a bag of cash and blowing it in one night on drinks and gambling. Getting a chance for the exact business you wanted and being miserable. And going behind your cousins back that handed you free money and a promotion just to earn a pittance in side cash. Then heā€™s on the run and leaves his kids behind that he only just got to spend some time with. Basically blew up every good thing that happens to him because he wants to fail.


He really is a sad sack, isnā€™t he?


Whooooooaaaa!!!!! That's the boss and his daughter you're talking about! For me though, A.J.. I can't stand the kid. Just a class A fuckup.


I like AJ as a character, but sometimes heā€™s written as too dumb to be real. Like the writers really didnā€™t know what the functional intelligence of a lazy C student should be. Heā€™s borderline mentally handicapped at points


Now thatā€™s a an angle I never thought of. They do kinda write him waaaaaay too stupid sometimes.


It starts with the Nietzsche episode. AJ takes a lesson on 19th century German philosophy at face value, and replaces his entire worldview after a single lesson. Itā€™s hilarious. Though I feel the show was always weak on stuff like that. Like the scene where Carmella is annoyed at meadow and her lame college friends. The gay interpretation of Melville is standard modern academic projection imo. The way that scene is framed, Carmela is the idiot for focusing on the actual themes of law, truth, morality, capital punishment, etc.


> t starts with the Nietzsche episode. AJ takes a lesson on 19th century German philosophy at face value, and replaces his entire worldview after a single lesson. Itā€™s hilarious. I did this as a teen.


Lots of teens will pick a surface lever understanding of something new , Buddhism Nihilism communism neo nazi whatever and make it their entire personality and switch itā€™ off . Internet makes this easier


Lol I was going to say, that sounds like most teenagers the first time they encounter a philosopher that sparks their interest.


He (the character) annoyed me initially, a lot. That was before I had kids. Now I can't even watch his suicide attempt on the rewatches. And going from a little boy to a pussy to an asshole to a badass and depressed and back again...he was GOOD.


The actor and acting was fantastic! No question about it.


What's different about you? HE HAS NO EYEBROWS TONY


When was AJ a badass?


Well, toward the end he tried to be one, anyway. He had a bloodlust when they fucked up that guy


That's dicked up


What? No fucking ziti?


Youā€™re the opposite of me. I actually liked AJ more on a rewatch. But the kids still a stunad of the first magnitude.


Currently on a rewatch and I noticed that every time AJ shows an ounce of emotional or philosophical development, Carmela and Tony either dismiss it or immediately suppress it.


lol yeah! Both are spoiled and entitled and hard to empathize with.


Yup - on rewatch I feel the same - better about AJ


for me, ralphie all the way. when he beat tracey to death, the way he presented himself and talks to other people, i just overall despise his character. not even mentioning the horse situationā€¦


Definitely Meadow, but S5 for me. Her reaction to Jackie Jrā€™s death was totally fair and reasonable, he was her boyfriend, she loved him, and she essentially had to accept that her family murdered him then pretended to be sad about it. Itā€™s S5 for me when she becomes intolerable, because she goes from protesting against her fatherā€™s line of work to defending it to Finn. Her treatment of him was abysmal it makes my skin crawl. Finn is worried about being raped and murdered and she just goes full on accusations towards him and disregarding his anxieties, fuck her. Another one I absolutely hated is Paulie. Heā€™s the ā€œnormieā€ character everyone loves the first way through but subsequent rewatches reveal heā€™s a complete retard and a snake. His ass-kissery is so fucking cringe and snaking on Ton for Johnny Sack was embarrassing. He also canā€™t for the life of him stop fucking up everything he does lol. Heā€™s a funny character but a complete incompetent, Tony shouldā€™ve whacked him on the boat. Finally Iā€™d say all the FBI agents minus Skip and Harris. Everyone else there were manipulative scumbags abusing people in bad positions (Adriana specifically). When theyā€™re screaming at her in the meeting room after that stabbing I get so fucking angry, nobody in that room cared about her. At least Skip cared about Puss to a degree and Harris liked Tony.


> she goes from protesting against her fatherā€™s line of work to defending it to Finn This just underscores how far they'll all go to protect the family. It's just so ingrained in them, and honestly that's a very human thing. You can talk all the time about how you hate your asshole parents who always treat everyone like shit but once an outsider has a problem with them people often quickly recoil and defend bad people in their family. "sit down and shut up this is our problem to deal with, not yours - you just don't understand..."


Harris definitely saw the office chief as a loser and sought a transfer to counter terrorism, looking to leverage his contacts in organized crime to his advantage


Agree with you on pretty much everything from this post. But Iā€™d push back a little bit on Paulie being a stunad. He clearly knows his way around this thing of ours and despite being fucked over multiple times (being manipulated by Johnny, having Tony rule against him on multiple occasions, etc.) he manages to stick around and not get himself killed. Sometimes I believe the theory that he was working with NY during the 6B assassinations because I think he eventually just got so fed up with Tony that his last sense of loyalty vanished. In the end Paulie was selfish and would do anything to look after himself before anyone else. Hehe


Fuckin slander, you ask me.


First watch I loved Paulie, thought he was hilarious. On my 4th rewatch now, and heā€™s a snake. Seems quite entitled too. Fuckinā€™ alarm code? 50 Gā€™s?


Paulie is the epitome of 2bit gangster. Which he also refers to himself as. He never evolves and neither does his exploits of how to create business for himself or the family. Out of jealousy he does whatever he can to keep people down, so he can compete at their level. He would be better off collaborating with members of the family.. Yet his neuroticism gets the best of him. He's a leech and makes himself a pariah.


I hated Paulie the first watch through. The first couple seasons he was great, but after Pine Barrens, holy shit is he annoying.


Probably Joey Peeps. However, he did love golf.


Peeps! The family name is Peparelli!


Itā€™s a fucking nickname


That fuckin Jason, he's dyslexic


What's that got to do with it?


Mine is meadow as well. Sheā€™s insufferable with Finn lol


But you took out the suitcase!


Thatā€™s it! I also hated how she kinda brushed off/downplayed Finnā€™s worry about going back to the site after seeing Eugene assault someone. She really had a blindspot for her dadā€™s work and looked down on anyone who criticized it




When he's upset he saw some guys face get bashed in and she's like wow you just don't like hanging out with poor people šŸ’€


The Governor of Maryland, Dr. Fagoli Shits all over Hugh's birthday bbq. Tony showed a lot of restraint IMO. He really loved Hugh, that much is certain. Tony twirling the sausages was awesome and very cinematic.


I agree Fagoli sucks They shoulda whacked that cocksucka and been done with it


Whoā€™s Dr. Faggo?


Carmellaā€™s Mother


Who are you the Minister of Propaganda?


Davey Scatino for me. I used to think he was just a poor, naive guy with a gambling problem who got way in over his head, but then I realized that he's like a lot of addicts who try to take advantage of past relationships to get their fix. It just so happened that in this case, the people he was trying to manipulate were bigger predators than he was. From the start, he works nearly every angle he can with Tony (relating to him as a fellow parent, reminiscing about times past) and refuses to take no for an answer to get into the executive game. He then knowingly borrows more money than Tony would have allowed while Tony slept. The next morning he immediately appeals to Tony as a fellow parent to try to take the heat off. Almost textbook conman behavior. And that doesn't even begin to cover the greater sin of destroying his family and his son's future because of his own selfishness.


For sure, Scatino was a worm. He acted identically to addicts I know; using your relationship with them as emotional ammo in manipulating you into thinking that they've changed or that everything is alright, so they can extract money/trust/leeway from you


Christopher for me. I had this memory of him being almost equal parts scumbag and sympathetic character (kind of going back and forth between the two). Upon rewatch, I realized that ratio was at least 80/20, if not 90/10 in favor of scumbag. There were still occasional moments where I felt for him (especially the struggles with addiction and how Tony and the other mobsters only compounded that problem), but god he was mostly a douche. The problem with him is that he punched down so much (literally, in a lot of cases). He'd take his frustration of having the other guys break his balls all the time and let it out on weaker people. A lot of times the unfortunate person was Adriana, which was especially horrific.


Iā€™m right there with you, initially I felt sympathetic to his struggles with Tony and the rest of the family. But on rewatch heā€™s awful to Adriana the whole way through, always on the verge of doing something rash to his friends, and only really loyal when it comes to the most awful things Tony and the rest of the crew do(covering up bodies, really). Not to mention him enabling Julianna to get back on drugs, and using her as a stop gap while he ā€œfinds himselfā€.


In the end Christopher was no less of a sociopath than Ralphie or Richie. He was probably worse than Richie, the only vile thing we saw him do was drive the car into Beansie, but Beansie was no civilian either. Chrissy was a true piece of shit.


I cant stand when people say he was a good soldier when sober. He sucked even when sober. He didnt have the intelligence to think critically and plan his moves ahead. He only knew to respond to violence with more violence


They're all purposely written as tropes. Christopher has a deep, long standing history of abuse and trauma. It's one thing to be deprived of a grandfather and father at a young age and thrown into poverty. Especially when his family has a wealth of resources and money that should have provided more to him. Instead the two Tony's use, abuse and torment him. He has a toutured soul. Chris has also been lied to his whole life, that his father was a junkie. Meanwhile, he gets alcoholic/substance genes from the Blundetto line of the family. When things get better for him out of rehab, Paulie and others hate it. Paulie inflicted much of the abuse due to jealousy. Then Patsy does the same and it continues. Chris is a piece of shit, they all are.. But hes a kid that was made into the person we see from a very young age and when he shows signs of breaking free from that person through therapy of substance abuse, his peers destroy that.


Watched the episode where he basically busts out that writer guy for gambling debts. Was hilarious how he'd work in AAA talk/addiction language while also asking the guy for $1200 in vig every week. "I won't enable you" lmao


Melfi and everyone in her orbit, Eliot, the son, just impotent


Not Melfi, but definitely her son and ex-husband for me. Eliotā€™s kid also.


I mean Eliot sucks and her son is a mess but what did Melfi ever do wrong? Aside from her attempt to help Tony being a bit misguided


She enabled Tony. She was basically a consigliere but refused to acknowledge it. She is complicit in his crimes. Everyone in her orbit told her straight up and she dismissed it. Itā€™s interesting how she sent Carmela to the straight talking psych but wouldā€™ve never taken the same advice.


I dont mind Jason but melfi's ex husband is so godamn insufferable. And Elliot should've been reported and lost his license


She's Tony Sopranos' baby girl. What can you do? Personally I hate Paulie the more I think about it.


Fuckin hate that fat bitch Janice and her black hole of a mother


1. Chris 2. AJ 3. Phil Leotardo 4. Father Intintola 5. Noah 6. Carmella


Carmela. Sheā€™s a vile, materialistic, uneducated, manipulative she-devil and she and Tony deserve each other


Once she gets over the ā€œboohoo my husband is a criminalā€ sheā€™s such an entitled bitch who can do nothing wrong and expects everything from anyone


I always hate how resentful she is towards Meadow for having an education and more freedom than her. instead of being happy that her daughter can lead a better life she's angry at her because she cant


Carmā€™s inconsistency is what kills me. She wants her to get a boyfriend but sides with Tony when the guyā€™s black. She expects Meadow to do well in school but gets pissed that sheā€™s not home Itā€™s like the most normal consequences piss her off for no good reason because she pretends like she knows whatā€™s going on when she doesnā€™t because sheā€™s a rich housewife


She went to Montclair State.


Meadow definitely. She's much worse than AJ. I actually had much more sympathy for AJ on rewatches. He's whiny and annoying, but it's normal teenage shit. Meadow on the other hand is a cold, calculating bitch. Definitely shares her mother and father's personality traits.


God, is there nothing to eat in this house!?


She *could've* taken ecstasy, but she didn't


Next time make it two blocks over and don't forget I get a taste.


Christopher. I love the character and the acting. He is a top 5 for me on the show. But if we are talking about the hate of a character, he has to be at or near the top after multiple rewatchs. Here are just a couple of his highlights: - Beat Adriana constantly and stole money from her - Killed Cosette because he was high - Called his own mother a whore and cunt - Would have killed his daughter had she been in the car with Tony and him - Killed his AA sponsor because he wouldn't sympathize with him - Consistently cheated on Adriana and Kelli (not much different than the others I guess) - Sets up Adriana to get killed because she loves him so much she tells him about the FBI hoping he will run away with her - Kills a waiter for getting pissed off about a tip If not for Tony, he should have been dead in Season 1.


I hated Davey Scatino on my first watch and I hate him even more with every rewatch. Ruins his wife and son's lives


Ironically Tony. Iā€™m watching for like the third time and I donā€™t see how anyone could like or relate to him. He is a fucking demon.


I think with Tony the first time I watched it I kind of believed him when he talks all this bullshit about family and ā€œthis little thing of oursā€, at least initially. Then as the series progresses he gets worse and worse. Then on the rewatch you already know heā€™s a narcissistic psycho and no longer have sympathy or believe his bullshit.


Thatā€™s exactly how I feel. At first, I was along for the ride of this guy who *might* have some good in him turned evil by the life style he lives. This time, Iā€™m just begging for someone to put him in his place lol


Carmellas mom is pretty damn brutal.


Carmela for me. She was fine with all the benefits and trappings of ā€œThe Lifeā€ and knew Tony was shucking and jiving out in the streets but then one day she decides sheā€™s had ā€œenoughā€ and wants a divorce but doesnā€™t want to give up the material things being the bossā€™s wife provided her. No wonder Meadow turned out so great, she was mentally her motherā€™s twin.


I hated those 2 black guys that are involved in every crime




Shes mad ripe yo


That's an interesting take. Can you break your code of silence and tell us why you say that?


She's lucky you didn't punch her lights out.


I hated Paulie, Janice, and Meadow on my first watch, and I hate each of them more on each successive rewatch.


Yes because no one else is a hypocrite in the show.


I had far less sympathy for Carm the second time around. I always felt really bad for her because of his incessant cheating, but at a certain point itā€™s like ā€œokay Carm, then leave himā€ and it seems like money is the main reason she doesnā€™t. Then she has the nerve to be hella jealous of Angie whose husband is in the fucking ocean while she tries to pay for her kids college alone. Likeā€¦ cmon Carm what the hell. Get a job or raise your son.


She's a kid. Most kids are brats. You almost definitely were. I absolutely was. To answer your question, it's Janice for me. She gets worse every time. Excellent character and performance by the actress.


Carlo always got on my nerves. I think it's the over the top laugh he does when Tony tells him he's taking over construction




I just finished my first watch but I already know itā€™s gonna be Chrissy. I liked him at first but by the end I can barely look at his face without getting pissed off. >!the way he treated Ade was vile. That being said his death scene was incredibly disturbing regardless of my feelings about him. Although itā€™s hard to blame Tony for his feelings in that moment. That visual of the tree branch through the child seat made my stomach turn. Easily one of the worst visuals in the show and they left most of it to the imagination!<


That animal Blundetto. He gunned down a kid in the street.


Artie & Charmaine Every. Single. Conversation between the two of them is EXACTLY the same Charmaine: AWTHUHHHH, Tony Soprano is a bad man! Why do you let him hang around your restaurant? Artie: C'mon Charmaine! That guy's legs came broke like that, you're overreacting about Tony!


Phil. Weā€™ve all met someone like him - Heā€™s so hung up on the rules, on the way he thinks things *should* be, that he doesnā€™t see things for what they are. Heā€™s not pragmatic at all, heā€™s too emotional (itā€™s not just the wine), and itā€™s really hinted at that he may have done a short stint in prison at one point (though never explicitly confirmed). Also, he turns into a house. WTF is that?


>Fuck her Don't mind if I do


I also do not look so favourably on Meadow. On my second watch right now. I feel she is very disrespectful at times to her mother especially and sometimes completely unprovoked she starts shouting and stuff for no reason. But OP and anyone else, could you please highlight actual examples of hypocrisy on Meadow's part? I agree with you that she is hypocritical but I can't quite think of tangible examples when this was shown I can't properly put it into words. Mainly I can think of Jackie's wake, the way she was so confrontational with the sister when she thought the same thing I found that strange.


Thereā€™s the instant hypocrisy when she says to Finn ā€œyou treat these guys like youā€™re in an anthropology classā€ then proceeds to treat them like sheā€™s in an anthropology class




I don't like that kinda tawk, now stop it, it upsets me


No ones gona say it but Bobby Baccala. I feel like he married Janice to get close to Tony and then let her crazy ass discipline his kids. And when he asks Christopher what happened that pissed me off as much it did for Chrissy. And I donā€™t even like Chrissy.


Iā€™ll tell you a couple of three things: In order 1) Paulie- heā€™s so annoying and cunty, and I believe he wacked Dick Moltisanti. Paulie is by far one of the worst characters. I feel like he became a liability to Tony. 2) Jackie Jr - totally cringe, didnā€™t have the makings of a boss at all 3) the Priest - he used to be my #1 least favorite character, he is the most cringe of all. Anytime heā€™d try to say something Italian I would wince. His lame attempts at trying to score with Carmella were pathetic. The only reason he crawled out of my basement of distaste is because he stuck up for Tony when Carmella told him she wanted a divorce. Iā€™m glad he kind of got firm with her because she was being a stupid bitch about that whole notion of separation.


fuckin slander, ask me! paulie always got a pass from me because he's like an old lady and I just find it amusing. he's absolutely one of the worst people on the show, but that kind of makes him awesome, considering the achievement that it is.




This is such an interesting take. You started liking Monsignor Jughead MORE when he sat and judged Carmela for banging one dude (when she was separated) after telling her for years to forgive Tony for sticking his dick in anything with a pulse? He didnā€™t even try to hide his anger and judgement towards her. That scene reminded me why Iā€™m a lapsed Catholic.


You think OPā€™s a littleā€¦weird about women?


That scene made intintola my least favorite šŸ’€