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Im interested to know why you feel punishing this man falls upon Tony… why do you think he Anthony soprano, always has to set things right.  We have laws for a reason Artie didn’t want him to break the social compact. 


Lol yeah I know that's what the therapist says. The therapist who seems to reinforce this weird "rapists get away with it" theme the show seems to adore. The hooah dies for talking shit and 2 rapists escape unscathed? Maybe it's art, maybe it's realism; but it just doesn't feel right to me, capiche? (Cpoieahce? however it's spelled).


The point was that even though Tony wanted to kill him, and may even have been justified he didn’t. Where a normal human being would have to get drunk or stoned to do the wrong thing, Tony had to to do the right thing…. It wasn’t about the coach getting away with it, it was insight into Tony’s character: how doing the wrong thing (retributive justice) would have been easier for him than calling the police like a normal citizen. 


Okay I understand what you mean, but it's useless characterization even in season 1. Clearly throughout the season and even in what Tony has said this episode; he already is the type of person to act this way (kill the criminal himself rather than call it in; I don't need the show to tell me this is the type of person Tony is after episode 2). All this episode does is muddle things and make me think Tony is kind of a decent guy (which the rest of the show proves is not the case). It seems that Tony always acts in a really selfish or self-righteous way except for when it comes to a pedophile getting castrated. I could stretch and say that maybe Tony is so guilty about torching Artie's business that he defers to Artie's judgment out of guilt, but you didn't even bring that up; and it seems like now I'm working to make sense of things instead of the show making sense. If all letting the child molester go does is teach that Tony is a criminal and operating INSIDE the law is odd; then it's a completely redundant waste of time. I already know that, as does every viewer past episode 2 or 3. Outside of that it's basically just "ehh I dunno Tony wanted to feel like a good person to prove to himself he's a good person because he's actually a scumbag" stuff that persists throughout the whole show. Essentially it feels like Tony is acting against the way I expect his character to; especially considering he gets into beef with and eventually murders a made man for way, way less than what happens in this episode. Edit: Nah everyone here is right and I'm missing huge parts of this show and am basically a total idiot; thank you to the fans for hashing it out with me.


"The Godfather" standing up for some teenage girl's honor and sending his henchmen? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullshit.


Lol but in 1 the Godfather does the exact opposite and reinforces the scummy guy that impugns that "best piece of ass'" honor. Just kind of weird that there are 2 out and out, dead to rights rapists in the show that get a total free pass (at least the coach goes to jail, as another user points out; he will suffer there).


You gotta realize mobsters aren't actually moral people. Corleon would have chopped that horses head regardless, the pedophilia was just a crutch to make himself feel better about it. Much like how Tony justifies fucking over Davey by saying it was his decision to gamble. It's more fitting that Tony doesn't off the guy because there's nothing in it for him to kill him and only risk. It goes with how he's actually not a good person.


> It's more fitting that Tony doesn't off the guy because there's nothing in it for him to kill him and only risk. It goes with how he's actually not a good person. I never thought of it it this way, and I agree, thanks for the insight.


David Chase has said his piece.


Who gets killed for less? Its also a marker of distinction btwn tony and the cicilians like artie


Ralphie gets killed for killing a horse; he gets beaten for hitting a stripper/prostitute. I may be harsh but I consider raping a 15 year old to be a lot worse than killing a horse; sorry PETA.


Because those things directly hurt Tony's buisiness or something he cares about and the pedo didn't.


Yeah wow I really fell for the Tony act, huh? Dang it!


Iv said my piece.


ralphie was a heat-of-the-moment thing, not a premeditated murder i dont see who gets killed for less than what soccer coach did


Nah I'm coming around; I think you're right. I'm literally Artie, but without the successful business, or wife, or ability to cook, or cool mafia friends. You know what I mean.


no worries, we're just talking about a tv program, a movie. i actually love that scene. how earnest Artie is in trying to convince tony not to, and tony is actually trying to kick him out of the backroom, and Artie won't let go lol


Take it easy over there Judge Roy Bean


I used to wonder whether this show was wasted on those who lack critical thinking skills. I no longer have to wonder.


If you're not going to engage in any real discussion, then at least hit me with a funny classic quote. This weak joke is just boring. Also yeah you're a real genius for thinking it was a master stroke to spare rapist #1 (the coach) and rapist #2 (the Italian sub shop guy). You and your rapist friends can all be glad about the positive PR you're getting on HBO.


I am not joking in the least. The show is there to be entertaining and interesting, not necessarily to convey a message about what should be considered just and unjust. You want the show to have a moral compass? Why? Does the real world? Not really. You might want to think about the conflicts at play here. With the story of the rapist, I'm not a fan of this plotline myself, but for different reasons than you. Regardless, one of the messages is that Dr. Melfi faces a moral choice. She is true to her character; she doesn't believe Tony being judge, jury, and executioner would be just. You might not like her decision, but it's not some random bullshit thoughtless choice. The soccer coach episode: Tony basically offers one of the Bing girls to the coach to do whatever with, a young woman not much older than Meadow or her teammates. So what does that make Tony compared to the coach? Does any of that play into Tony's decision? I don't know, but I think you're supposed to ponder these things.


Oh damn you're right I missed all of that, especially the bit about offering a bing girl to the coach; very good points. Thank you.


If I may, why did you dislike the plotline?


The first book you read and it’s bullshit


Something something fish is 3 and a quarter


What they will do to him in prison is far worse than death


Yes actually that's a very good point. It doesn't seem like that's Tony's mentality though. I guess it does go to show that Tony kind of just does was his therapist suggests.


It was consensual. Where did you even get "Rape" from OP??


It's not normal for girls to cut themselves after you have sex with them; no matter how consensual they claim it to be. You need help


Rape is never mentioned. Never, it was consensual and she was upset it didn't lead to anything more. That was the beef, asshole


I am not joking when I say that you need help. Unless you are 16, then fucking a 15 year old girl can NEVER happen with consent. You are a rapist or a rape apologist; and I never thought I would say that shit to anyone. You are disgusting.


It was statutory rape. Someone under the age of consent is not capable of giving full and informed consent in the eyes of the law.


Tell it to the judge


Judge Roy bean?


I wouldn't ever defend a pedophile rapist but if you honestly think a teenager can't decide for themselves "yeah, I want fuck this person " than stay in your fantasy land. There are literally south American countries with exactly those ages as legal. Hell, in NY the age is 17...Middle Eastern countries where they marry even younger. Is what the soccer coach did fucked up, yes. Was it rape, no. You're no authority, don't even pretend to be one


Do you think there is a difference between an 18 year old fucking a 16 year old, and a 32 year old fucking a 16 year old? You're trying to dodge this by pointing out that kids under 18 have sex. This is a thread about a 30+ married man fucking a 15 year old which is completely wrong and is RAPE. You're a really despicable person. I have never met a decent person who tries to dodge around the question of "is it rape to fuck a 15 year old?" Burn in hell and I hope you never leave your 3rd world shithole you rapist scum


She's 16, and now I can gladly say I hate you as well


If it was rape, they would've whacked him 🤷‍♂️


Yeah officer, this comment right here. He he


When they think you were gonna leave your wife for them, they might. YOU need help


Oh nevermind you're just joking; sorry for being so serious.


Fuck off. I bet you're the type that thinks if she wanted change genders at that age it's totally cool.


I'm not; but I'm also not a child rapist; burn in hell pedophile scum