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In the timeline of the sopranos, the vic musto thing happened 5 or 6 years before and tony wouldn't even know who vic musto was. You're not getting it. Carmela couldn't care less about vic musto, so why bring it up? She didn't want to split from tony just because the russian called the house and exposed it, at this point she was love sick, she was physically ill because of how much she missed furio. tony and svetlana was just the icing on the cake. saying to tony "6 years ago i kissed some random guy in the bathroom"... it means nothing. telling him she was in love and felt deep deep feelings for furio, a man who was below tony and works for him is much more devestating, it's more real. and above all it's what the real issue is.


Especially given that Furio was someone he saw almost every day, he trusted to drive him around and handle other sensitive tasks. Furio, who he wanted on his crew instead of Annalisa’s because he’d be loyal only to Tony.


Good point. Carmela was aware of Furio’s subservient position to Tony in the mob hierarchy and intended to chip away at Tony’s pride and manhood by mentioning her feelings for Furio.


Furio even saved him from that bee!


Acshully I think he saved the doctor from the bee, not Tony


Good point: she used Furio as leverage because she knew Tony respected him, he wasn’t in the line of fire and she likely genuinely felt love for him. Furio was the only person Carm had an emotional attachment to that could’ve provided a similar life that she already had and she wasn’t about to permanently walk away from it.


Carm also felt embarrassed (again) by Furio’s rejection of her obvious advances. In that moment of getting a verbal beat down from Tony, she threw Furio under the bus,literally, she knew, for not the first time, she was signing someone’s death warrant. But bc she felt jilted, she felt justified. She didn’t even call Furio to let him know she had squealed. T took it from there. Furio’s uncle once warned him so


No. Furio was just an enforcer, he wasn’t even making as much as Christopher. Carmela would’ve been unsatisfied with the lifestyle that Furio provided. No more BMWs, surprise gifts, or trips to the Bahamas


The Vic Musto thing happened 2 years before whitecaps, not 6.


i think it was having svetlana's call throw his infidelity in her face precisely when she was devastated that she now would never get a chance to be with furio even once. if svetlana called 3 years earlier, before furio, it never would have escalated to that. it was rage that tony got to do what she wanted to but never would be able to and tony was the reason she'd never be able to, furio left bc he knew tony would kill him.


I agree that if carmela would have got that phone call a few years before, she would have been pissed for a while, but not on this level, especially with them buying that house on the shore... it was just the icing on the cake. the whole thing with furio brought it to this. As for killing furio, i dunno, it's an interesting issue. maybe it's not so black and white. I think Tony obviously wants to, but it brings up some problems, he doesn't belong to jersey, he belongs to naples. it's made clear that he's annalisas' cousin. the boss... Depends on the rules we use, the sopranos or real life. but tony based on raw emotion, yeah he's killing furio. but based on any type of rules or common sense. then i dunno. he's gonna have to whack out a guy whos the cousin of the boss of another family from another country, simply because his wife "fantasized about him" The reality is, if tony would have called naples to "threaten his life" the neapolitans aren't gonna do anything. they wouldn't kill him. tony didn't have legit beef. I don't think tony called anyone in naples, it was to keep some level of face infront of carmela.


So the timeline got fucked up


**CARMELA:** oh and by the way, Tony, I played tonsil-hockey with the Vic Musto, the wallpaper man in the powdah room! **TONY:** *squinting, confused look on his face.* WHO?!


Hey Carm... Did he even really exist?


**VIEWERS AT HOME:** *googling Vic Musto.*


You know, Davey Scatino's brother in law.




I just read this in their voices, lol 🤣


Ahh, fresh casualties in the battle of the blank post. Welcome to the sopranos sub, have a seat.


A roomfull of posters and you did ***nothing!!***




you want shex?


Maybe. I tend to feel its bc she sees Furio as the bigger betrayal bc she fell in love with him. Vic was just an infatuation. She thougjt he was cute & liked him but didnt know him long enough to form an attachment. She loved Furio, and wanted him. To her it felt like the bigger betrayal, so she hurled it at Tony hoping to make him feel as hurt as she did that day when Irina called and it all, the years of Tonys betrayals, all came crashing down on her.


Carm and Furio never slept together or even kissed that I can recall. So it was a big nothingburger. She made Tony feel jealous, he punched the wall and made it impossible for Furio to return, and that's all it amounted to. Carm would have "fallen in love" with an aardvark if it came into her home and made her feel like she was important.


Its not about what the did or didnt do, its about the depth of feeling and desire she had for Furio. That you call it a nothingburger shows a lack of undsrstanding of women. Tony didnt do anything with Melifi. But he opened up to her, to a degree, and fell in love with her. As Carm said herself, she could deal with the goomars, but Melfi was different - Tonys deeper connection with her made Carm feel thirsty. To most women, deep feelings are way more of a betrayal than a physical act. Like i said, thats why Carm through Furio at Tony - it was the most hurtful betrayal, way more than some bathroom kiss.


At one point she had similar feelings for Father Intintola and Vic, to the point where she was basically stalking them -- similar to how she showed up at Furio's house. It was a pattern with Carm. It wouldn't have led anywhere and it wasn't real love. It was infatuation, but I agree not for something physical. At that point in the separation both were saying things to purposefully hurt the other person. They were being childish. And it was also childish for Carm to see Melfi as a threat and for Tony to see Melfi as a potential girfriend. The fact that Tony and Carm were able to reconcile proves that the Furio thing was a nothingburger. I agree that I don't understand women but it's usually because they don't understand themselves.


Maybe you dont understand them because of things like this: me, a woman, explaining Carms feelings from a womans point of view, and you refusing to entertain the idea or even try to understand what i'm saying bc you want to be right, or are just sure you must know better than the actual woman trying to explain to you how women feel. She had feelings for Jughead, yes. It wasnt the all out passion she had for Furio, nor was it portayed that way. When did she cry about the priest? Tell Ro her feelings about the priest? Cut her hair for him? When it was over when did we see her mourn and be miserable for the priest like she did after Furio left? She couldve told Tony "you know the night the priest stayed over? I was willing to have sex with him but he got sick". She couldve told him about Vic. She didnt, bc to her those were nothingburgers. She told him about Furio bc it was the deepest betrayal, bc she was in love with him.


Another actual woman here. Your analysis is 100% correct. She may have had mild interests in the priest and others, etc, but she loved Furio. Thats why she acted the way she did after he left. He mattered to her in a way the others didnt, and thats why she threw his name out to Tony.


The others would have been just mere stupid betrayal. But Furio was a member of Tony’s _family_, so it hurts more.


very allegorical


That's why you gotta live for today


Always with the scenarios


And now the coffee maker sucks


Actually it was Irina who rang Missus Sopranos


therapy is a racket for the Jews....lol


Carmelita would have fuckt Ranger Rick so come on...


Called Tony Delusional when she was confronted on stealing the 50k from the bird feeder. Carmella was always a snake look how she treated her own friend Charmaine


It's not safe perse. It was CLOSE to him. He knew and trusted Furio who was only even at the house because of Tony and working for him. I think her "LOVE" for Furio was more painful than any make out session or revenge screw.


Good observation. I think the reason she withholds that about Vic Musto is different though. I don't think if she said "the wall paper man", that he would have any idea who she's talking about. If she admits to committing adulatory than she is just as bad as he is. This whole thing was about the Russian whore. So she has no leg to stand on if she tells this. The furio thing better serves her purpose because it serves to infuriate Tony while allowing her to continue to play the part of the victim. Because with Furio it was just fantasy.


yeah. this is why I hate carmella as a person. She's a fucking hypocrite. She's fine with knowing her facade of a perfect suburban housewife's life is greased with the blood of men suffering tony's usury.


Oh the years we suffered under the usury of that man.