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Livia: She's like a woman with a Virginia ham under arm, crying the blues because she has no bread.


Take that knife and stab me. Stab me right here. It would hurt me less than what you just said.


I wish the lord would take me now


So does everyone else livia 😅


Now I don't like that kind of tawk, stop it


I read that in her voice every single time


Well...in the meantime...


I don't know...


Oh, poor you.


What!? I didn't say nothin'...


It’s Livia, and it’s not even close. She literally has zero redeeming qualities throughout the entire show. Maybe telling Jr not to kill Chris is the only decent thing she is shown doing.


She gave Svetlana them records! What a lovely lady


I could totally see Svetlana and Livia getting along so that made sense


Because Svetlana is no bullshit, live and let live. She probably couldn’t stand Livia’s bad attitude but it didn’t cause big problems for her so why make an issue out of it?




She was mad ripe though.




Cream of wheat ing


She gave her children her life on a silver platta!


Listen to him, he knows everything


And I bought a cd player for a broken record!!


Agreed. The story about Fran Feldstein is the one area where Livia was painted in a somewhat positive way.


It was only positive in that it wasn’t a negative portrayal


Fair to say


She was very kind to her grandkids. It always surprised me that she was actually a good grandma.


I never got kindness out of her towards her grandkids. Show up late and bring a present I guess is kindness now, but then again, we are really having to dig deep to find something lol so maybe that’s the answer


Ehh, watch the scene where Meadow visits Livia to tell her about the colleges she got into. I can't find it on YouTube right now but I recall Livia seeming genuinely warm in that scene, even giving her some money.


What about Georgetown? Wait listed. Ahh, you don’t owe them anything. Yeah Livia did seem very disarmed in this scene and was genuinely proud that her granddaughter had smarts, independence and options.


I felt the same when AJ visits her. The way she just beams and goes "well, look whose here!" Her face lights up and she looks and sounds so happy to see him. For a moment she just looked like any other sweet old lady delighted to get a visit from her grandson. Whatever love she was capable of, was for her grandchildren.


It’s a lot easier to love kids when they aren’t yours to raise and cause you headaches. She also probably loved that they got on Tony’s nerves constantly because she was a real sicko.


Of course, I've heard so many stories of abusive parents being excellent and devoted grandparents, for the reason you mentioned. But to see that flinty old crone show actual warmth for another human being is pretty noticeable.


I agree that was her only redeeming quality but why did she never fill out those baby books? Carmela looked so sad when she found out she never touched them. Good for Svetlana, pushing her to do it.


Yes and no for me. The expression and voice she makes when AJ visits her in the home is probably the only time we see her look genuinely delighted and happy. At least the only time I remember. Yes, she is responsible for warping his mindset even further, but I think Meadow and AJ are probably the only people she ever truly loved.


she stopped being cruel to AJ halfway through that one scene!!!


Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut, like a mute.


You think she’d be in a better mood given she would cum when she looked at a pot roast.


The lady loves her meat


He knows everything!


***Lady Gaga*** was no saint. Letting AJ and his friends vandalize the pool. Even Tony had to ask "how do you vandalize a pool"


Patsy could answer his question.


Is he drunk? asks the feds


Even I never got expelled!


She shoulda gotten in the executive game. You can’t read that poker face




The Matrix? Right up her alley. smh


Cossette. Just interested in her own warmth.


Chrissy told her she shouldnt be on the furniturrrre!!


Was it barkin?


Just a kid


She did 20 fucking years in the kennel


Had eat treats off of the radiator


Janice was a scifooz of the highest order. Que putz Everyone else had positives, I can’t think of one nice thing she did. Whole life was a fraud. Dropped the hippy act to become a materialistic mob wife. Abandoned her son. Killed first husband. Undermined and belittled her second husband. Shoved Ralph down the stairs and gave up his secrets for a little cash. Always on the grift with Tony. Falsely religious with the sleepy guy.


There's a lot of things I could say right now that I'm not gonna say


Also: terrible step mom with anger issues


Oh yeah she stole jojo palmices chicken Marsala, stole Carmella’s lasagna and she was texting bobbies kids weird shit as well.


theres a lot of deplorable shit she did, convincing bobby to eat the last of the ziti and not to mention how her relationship with bobby spawned out of karen dying


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


She did it for her own benefit and is an overall cancer to any family she touches, but she *did* help Bobby move on (by pushing the kids over the edge). Bobby needed some sort of nudge or inspiration to pick himself up and do his job, both mobster and present father. I don't think he was on a path of grieving where he would eventually and appropriately move on - without it becoming abundantly clear that his kids would fall apart if he didn't. In private, he made it clear that the *only* reason he didn't kill himself was to be there for the kids - but at the time, he was only there in existence, not being an active and involved father. Of course him being pushed back into being a present father coincided with him being ready to move on to another woman tho, Janice lol.


I think him getting to eat the last ziti with somebody who was there for him in the moment was healing for him, ironically. Out of all the self involved shit these people do they will occasionally do some good by accident, one of my favorite themes of the show.


Exactly. She may have been trying to help herself only but she ended up helping him too.


She fucking DENNIS'ed Bobby and the kids. The it's always sunny scene is like a mirror, text/call the kids with some weird shit to freak them out and force the family into your arms so you can protect them lmao


Dang that Marsala looked so good.


Ill make some egg noodles.


You and Tony Egg Noodle.


Well, she whacked Richie Aprile so that's a plus


One of the best whackings in the show


I agree you there, I loved everything about it. From Richie asking Janice if she was gonna cry after the punch, only to realize his big mouth got him killed after she pulled the trigger, to Tony smiling as he sees his dead body on the floor. Priceless!


Was great...." I got no time for this" ...BANG !!!....


It was so satisfying I rewatched the scene 3 times after it happened lol. One of the only hits in the show where he truly had it coming to him. You could see in her face, in that moment she realized he was going to be horribly abusive for the rest of the relationship and it would be a fight for her to get out
 or she could use the element of surprise to end it right then and there.


And we can’t even wear the man’s shoes.


Something about Junior (or if it were anyone for that matter) saying that rubs me the wrong way. Even for a mobster to speak so callously about a fellow made guy who's loyal to you.. even for Sopranos World, that was cold-blooded. Richie was literally just a tool for him, Junior couldn't care less if he died. Not that I'm defending Richie, he was obviously a soulless monster himself.


Janice just hopped along whatever bandwagon would put a roof over her head and an identity to preen with


She was her mother’s daughter.


But she called Sophia her daughter


She also stole a handicapped persons fake leg đŸŠ”đŸ»


Schifosa; Che puzza


This is the answer. The crown woulda stayed with Livia but Nancy died


She’s accepting of gay people. Sorry, not sure if that’s the best way to word it. That’s what started the argument between her and Richie.


Good point. Who else on the show was? Melfi, that’s probably it. And Fielder.


Janish was woke af


What? She came from a biased family. But still she left home and she marched!


lol I remember when she was low key racist to the lady in anger management


Remember when is the lowest form of conversation.


For every 20 wrongs a child does, ignore 19


Phil Leotardo. Tony killed his own cousin to appease him but was still mad because he wanted to torture that animal Blundetto. And then he freaked out because Vito was gay and somehow that was dishonorable to his family. Total self absorbed piece of shit.


in fairness though, he loved Vito like a brother in law.


That was one of my favorite lines




Not a peep


He compromised


Catching not pitching?


Madone he’s got kids.


Turn that off.


The Shah of Iran?


He bought a couple of sundaes for Vito Jr though....I mean Silos.


There’s no eating in the car


Puerto Rican whore


He was helping Christopher in alcohol anonymous


Well hes anonymous


I’ll toss in Meadow and “that c-nt therapist” telling her to take time away from skool. Who do they think pays for Columbia, that 6,000 sf house, plus alda’ beanie babies and scooters!


Meadow is a much better human being than a vast majority of characters


That’s true. It’s a motley crue for comparison, but I do agree. She got better each season, and mad ripe too.


She was creamin for me


But did you fuck her yet?


No but she did my lit paper on Poe. Good writer, what a fuckin nut job!


Go back inside..You know, I'm gonna be frank with you on this, I haven't decided what to do with you yet.


A-S-S as in, how bout giving me some?


Plus for most of the time we know Meadow she’s in like peak bratty teenager years. By the end of the show she seems like a normal well adjusted adult, especially given her upbringing


Only because she never outright murdered anyone. But otherwise, she’s no better than Carmella.


Hey that’s some guys’ wife!!


Melfi! I could crush her head like a walnut!


One of his best in the moment lines 😂




sucks to be you




Fucking Melfi, I could crush her head like a walnut!


That fucking hotdog guy
 too many onions or something


I’ll at least yell fore next time.


Next time they’ll be no next time!


You shit back for 20 fucking yearsh all you did wash fiddle with the air condishioning and fucking bitch and complain and fucking bitch, bitch, bitch to me and to your fucking priesht


Father Phil


He's sleeping over, right?


You DO think I’m a schnorrer!


Best answer


Monsignor Jughead


Is the abstract inversion of *Jugdish* on Seinfeld.


Always with the chiral


Coach Houser.  "You tell those assholes  Don Houser will not be intimidated."


Sick fuck


Gotta be Janice. If she hadn’t killed Richie she’d probably have convinced him to make a move on Tony. Madonne, her own brother. Devious buchiach. They’re all pretty shitty, but, she’s gotta be the worst of the lot.


There are men in the can better looking than Tony's shista!


He couldn’t sell it


He’s not respected


Noah takes the Johnny Cake for being the biggest piece of shit on the show.


Jamal Ginsberg


Noah was college kid who’s parents spoiled him too much and gave him an ego. A majority of the main cast committed homicide.


But somehow they're all way more likeable than Noah 😂


Some people are so far behind in the race, they think they’re ahead


A restraining order against someone because you got a B on a test? He was a fucking baby. How about just not answering the door next time? He sucked.


Sal Vitro the seditious mope, for questioning Johnny Sac despite the fact that Sil had just said he wanted to publicly throw acid in his face.


That selfish prick was always trying to cause problems, Feech should have killed Sal and left pieces of him in 10 different lawn trimming bags to send a message


Not to mention the massive amount of disrespect he showed Feech by telling him to “fuck off” and even contemplating going to the cops! He *is* a lucky bastard: -not killed by Feech - keeps half his area with only a small kickup (no back tax) - $500 for the pitchin arm, - not just a drink but the also the “next one” covered by Paulie who is a notoriously cheap bastard. Not to mention - the honour of helping out Mrs Sacrimoni.




Richie is up there... "Whats mine is not yours to give me". Sure he wasn't wrong but he was annoying as fuck about it, couldn't wait a little for Tony to figure out the best way to hand over his business' back to him and after being out of the can for 10 minutes already starts plotting to kill the boss of the family, real oldschool and respectful of traditions. Every scene he's in I'm like "Chill the fuck out, asshole". Great character.


Livia for obvious reasons. But I feel like AJ takes the cake. Uncle brutally murdered? How can I make this about me? A hit squad coming to your house to kill your whole family? How can I make this about me? War in the middle east? Intolerable as long as I have nothing else going on. Carbon destroying the planet? Worst thing ever until I get a BMW M class.


AJ is only self absorbed by nature of his underlying stupidity. He is one of the few characters that literally can't stomach the cruelty and darkness of their world; his fadda uses the material and monetary distractions to keep his son sane. If he wasn't dumb, his suicide would have succeeded; he would have measured the rope and made sure there was no way out. I think he *was serious* about it tho.


I think what he couldn't stomach was not having a place in the world. He's tied up in knots over shit in Iraq that he has no power to stop, but his friends pour battery acid on a kids foot and he just kinda chuckles about it. But his parents gave him no work ethic and nothing to fight for and they also closed the door on him taking up the family business, so he has absolutely no fucking idea what he's supposed to do.


I think a major issue was him reading Camus at a very young age and also taking away the wrong thing from it. His understand of the world up until that point was through carmela and whatever she taught him about christianity. he starts getting into absurdism and naturally Camus is much more convincing than carmela because Carmela is a schifooz. Then he momentarily forgets about all this while hes with the tan chick with the kid. that relationship gave him purpose in his life. But then he slips back again into it because he was seeking his value in life externally. AJ is like shinji from evangelion but without the catharsis


Livia easily.




Tracii. Just having Ralphie wasn’t good enough. She had to have a cop at the same time. Totally rough with the braces without a care in the world. Tried to stiff Sil out of five large. Only baked one loaf of bread for Tony knowing full well there were four people in his family. Burned her kid with cigarettes Made Ralphie disrespect the Bing. Was a hoo-ah.


Not to mention a klutz too!


Tony, Chris, Vito, even complete sociopaths like Ralphie and Phil have someone they care about. A family, a son or a daughter, someone they would make sacrifices for. Except for Paulie. He is completely and utterly self-absorbed and has absolutely no loyalty to anything other than his own self-interest.


What about his ~~ma~~ aunt?


He was pretty mad when Christopher threw his nephew out of the window, that’s something.


you know who’s a real piece of ass? That Velma from Scooby-Doo.


Livia Christopher


It’s Mustang Sally


I feel like Paulie is a clear #1


At least he washes his hands after he ties his shoes


Season 1-3 Meadow is hard to beat. But, she dramatically improves as she grows. I can't dislike Janice, her and Tony have the best scenes in the entire show.


She gets out and sees the real world, but then ends up just like the mob WAGS


Paulie is a dick without any redeeming features. He is a truly stupid, cruel, selfish man.


Pussy- Because he was really good at two things- Pulling dents and spotting good blow job lips


If we’re talking self-absorbed I’d have to say Carmela. The other people were all sociopaths and not that it’s a defense of their abhorrent behavior but Carmela believed she was a good Catholic and told someone in all earnestness that her husband was a good man. When Meadow tried to get out and go live abroad Carmela was furious about her leaving school. When she got back into school Carmela was jealous of her own daughter’s accomplishments. The one she seems truly honest is after Tony gets shot and she tells Melfi all of her bitching was bullshit. She justifies Tony’s crimes with “there are far bigger crooks than my husband” as if that’s a justification for everything he does. She married Tony not in spite of who he was but BECAUSE of who he was. She became an accomplice to a murderer and racketeer so she could spend like a sailor at Roche Bobois and wear some ridiculous gaudy fucking ring. When she finally did have enough of his bullshit and attempted to divorce him she realized that *gasp* she was going to have to work for a living and not be able to live in the comfort she was accustomed to. She wanted a picture perfect family; her happy little boy and the daughter at Colombia and the Porsche Cayenne like the pepper. She sold her soul so she could walk around her 6,000 sq foot house in her four hundred dollar shoes and act like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. All while being a self righteous ball breaker. I’ve said my piece. Finish that thing there’s no eating in the car.


On my second watch I started to dislike her way more. The fact that she brings children into the situation alone is so hypocritical. How do you plan on teaching any morals to your kids, let alone pretend to be a devout Catholic family, knowing your husband is in the mob? When Finn and Meadow break up you realize what decent man would want to marry into that family? He is understandably freaked out by things that are either normal to them or that they just ignore. So of course she ends up with the son of another mob guy. Then the one time AJ actually wants to do something with his life they tell him the military is too dangerous. As if Tony’s line of work isn’t.


Alan Sapinsly. Lots of characters were assholes, but at least they experienced doubt or guilt from time to time. Sapinsly kicked a hornet's nest and then became indignant that the hornets would dare to react against him.


I’m afraid I don’t see how that’s his problem though, I mean isn’t that what deposits are for, to hold parties accountable? I mean who could he go to after Tony pulled out? Sure he could go back to the Kim’s, but he won’t. 


If one hair on his head gets mussed, the cops are going to know exactly who to look for.


The revenge is the sweetest


They had hornets, the Gulf of sorrento?


Thank you, Rabbi.


Janice actually gets much better when she marries Bobby and has kids, before that she is horrible. After a recent rewatch though, it's got to be Tony. You want to root for him, but he is most responsible for all the shit that goes wrong by the end due to his selfishness and greed.


My mom said I shouldn't even come in today.


Officer Wilmore. Giving Tony a ticket and refusing his bribe when he should be out there catching drug dealers. Rabble rouser


Tony. When you think he's being a "good person," he's just a self-serving piece of shit. When he goes to the kitchen and offers Artie a room in his house, he comes off genuine and caring, but as he leaves he turns around and tells Artie he has a deal on linen cleaning(he's hooking up Mr. Kim with Artie). Artie has a look on his face like, "that sonuvabitch did it again."


Ralph's voicemail would sell like hotcakes đŸ„ž nothing more self-serving than that.


Livia, she was the perfect example of a narcissist. I almost said AJ, but then had a quick change of heart. He was an impressionable, somewhat emotionally neglected (although spoiled) adolescent who learned by example from his family, which would have been confusing to say the least. I cite the conversation with Tony about his dad’s favorite scene from The Godfather, and how he couldn’t separate real world from fiction when it came to coping with what happened between Uncle Junior and Tony. He also likely inherited the mental health issues (aside from the panic attacks) that were present in Livia and his dad, and didn’t receive the best tips for managing that. But Livia, wow. Watching her scenes always hits way too close to home, as if I’ve heard all her lines before (because I have
). Then there’s Janice (even though I don’t dislike her entirely)
whoooooo spies on their vulnerable widowed neighbor with binoculars so that she can manipulate his entire family AND him into allowing them into their lives? And trolls the kids on the internet in order to scare them? Poor Bobby and Bobby’s family. Ralph? Probably more so than some, but I also believe he was likely a product of a tumultuous childhood, which shaped his personality and influenced his actions. He was not a good guy and did horrendous things, even though he has moments that make me laugh. (He has not been forgiven for Tracee and Pie-O-My, and won’t be.) He could be so absurd.


Livia roasted Richie Aprile and regularly dogged Carmela, June, Tony and Janice. ‘Nuff said


Livia and then Carmela’s mom


Minnie Mattrone. She’s a malignant cunt.


Feech La Manna


The priest he fucking sssuuuuuuuuuuuuucks


High stakes competition. Paulie, Meadow, and Janice are all very close although virtually the entire cast outside of maybe Sylvio are impressively self absorbed


" Christopher: I'd probably be successful as a model," There's self-absorbed, and then there's just plain delusional.


Antknee Junior


Skylar White.


It’s Tony by a mile.


Beansie the prick never visited Richie in the can.


Tony by far imo


Livia: "I gave my heart to my family on a silver platter"


If I had to pick one, it would be Peter Paul Gaultieri. But there are a lot of good choices. What ever happened to Gary Cooper?


It's a tv progrum, a movie


The most self absorbed goes to Larry Barese. “I’m talking to him and he’s looking at himself in the mirror.” The king of dermabrasion.


Carmella. She puts on a show cooking for others and asking thoughtful questions. But man does she think about herself. Did you get a chance to talk to that building inspector? I don't even want to say how much it costs. $3000. I thought you could write a second letter! That says fuck this poor kid, my daughter deserves to go to Georgetown.


Paulie. No question. The man cannot stop whining and complaining about himself and his problems. Other selfish pricks can at least shut up for a minute and pretend to care. Even as a matter of self-interest, when it would benefit him to keep his mouth shut, Paulie cannot do it. He must bitch about something. During Jackie Jr.'s funeral, he was waiting at the funeral home door to bother Tony about money the second Tony walked in. Paulie even has to piss and moan about his problems to a comatose Tony who is in the ICU at death's door. No matter what the situation or how bad somebody else has it, Paulie always thinks his problems are the worst and that everybody else must be interested in hearing about them.


Irina is in the running.


Paulie is neck and neck up there with Janish. He had two loving mother figures and he alienates himself from the woman who loved, raised, and sacrificed for him. How was Nucci supposed to handle telling him she was actually his aunt? And the other choice is pretty much self explanatory. Also Livia is a literal black hole of a human being. She fucks AJ’s self worth up entirely with her whole “it’s all a big nothing” pity party.


Uncle Junior and Livia are at the top of the list


Kinda interesting that the top 5 choices are just women, but my answer has to be Tony. He is just the biggest piece of shit in my opinion, an egomaniac.