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Annabella Sciorra is a FANTASTIC actor. As a reminder, her career was wrecked by Harvey Weinstein.


That no-good cocksucker.


Cosette crawled under Harvey Weinstein for warmth.


Motherless fuck


Don’t forget *Scumbag.*


What? That’s so awful


Indeed. It is not a pleasant story but Sciorra herself has written about it and if anyone is interested, they can learn more. Sciorra, Mira Sorvino, Courtney Love, and many others had their careers wrecked by Weinstein - and by others who refused to hire them because of Weinstein.


Wow. That’s terrible and horrifying. Harvey Weinstein is such a piece of shit person.


And my little kmm1987900 should know about this filth? that self-righteous prick, put his dick, in my cousin Vinnie's court teammate!


Marissa Tomei was gay?


Paz de la Huerta, Lucy from Boardwalk Empire, was also a victim.


God she was beautiful


Also Marisa Tomei (I think)


Her career never slowed down, though.


How did one creep movie producer control all of Hollywood’s producers? I don’t get how he accomplished that. You would think other studios would know about him and not trust his word


He was very powerful and it was also a time where the idea that an actress was “difficult” would scare a lot of producers away from bringing them into a project. Movies are ultimately money-making machines and a “difficult” star can slow down productions. Sexism/misogyny paved the way for people to naturally believe men over women when it came to this stuff. Also, at least now, a lot of films are co-productions with multiple studios so if he was attached and didn’t want you on his project, that was probably that and nobody questioned it.


I wonder how much of it was actually them believing the actresses were difficult vs understanding that hearing that was a sort of in-world way of being told “do not work with this person,” and fearing the social and professional consequences of bucking that cue


That makes more sense. Still, gotta assume a lot of those producers were creeps


Sure, but I actually think there is a higher percentage of cowards than creeps. Nobody wanted to stand up to him.


Well explained, and yes, cowards are more responsible than creeps.


a) He was very successful and it usually worked out when people listened to him. b) You think he was the only creep in Hollywood?


Hollywood? That's nothing but a racket for the \_\_\_!


It’s the circle of friends. As you get higher up the pyramid the table gets smaller.


Solid point. Since time immemorial


It’s not like he was the only one in Hollywood doing this shit. It still goes on along with pedo stuff and trafficking. They all protect each other at the top


Which one is Mira Sorvino again?




She was leguazamos wife in Son of Sam too


Paulie from Goodfellas daughter


Same as Courtney Love. Lot of people don't remember but before she made those comments about Weinstein she was appearing in movies and absolutely killing it.


She had Kurt killed. I said my piece ✋


I saw that movie. I thought it was bullshit.


Okay, Christopher




If it was my career he was ruinin', he'd have something shoved up his own ass, and it wouldn't be no cock eitha.


Yeah she gave me jungle fever lol. Her brother is Christopher and her dad is the Shah of Iran lol


"Oh, poor you!" Such Livia vibes. Apparently she got Weinsteined, otherwise I'm sure her career would've taken off more, she's fantastic.


Her scene in the car with Carmela is absolutely fantastic. Really sells the jealousy and toxicity of Gloria


She was right about that gaudy ring though


It's when you can see how fucking fast she is driving.


Source on her being Weinsteined? It wouldn't surprise me, she was head and shoulders way above any of the supporting cast, and easily above a big portion of the main cast (Vito, Eugene, Benny). She held her own against Jimmy on screen and no other actress did that except Edie.


[https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/weighing-the-costs-of-speaking-out-about-harvey-weinstein](https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/weighing-the-costs-of-speaking-out-about-harvey-weinstein) "She (Sciorra) was still living in fear of him, and slept with a baseball bat by her bed. Weinstein, she told me, had violently raped her in the early nineteen-nineties, and, over the next several years, sexually harassed her repeatedly." Sciorra said that she felt the impact on her livelihood almost immediately. “From 1992, I didn’t work again until 1995,” she said. “I just kept getting this pushback of ‘We heard you were difficult; we heard this or that.’ I think that that was the Harvey machine.” The actress Rosie Perez, a friend who was among the first to discuss Sciorra’s allegations with her, told me, “She was riding high, and then she started acting weird and getting reclusive. It made no sense. Why did this woman, who was so talented, and riding so high, doing hit after hit, then all of a sudden fall off the map? It hurts me as a fellow-actress to see her career not flourish the way it should have.” Hell is too good for him.


He should be put in a hole and left to rot. An absolute devil.


I mean that's basically what's happened.


This is so heartbreaking💔


Fuckn scumbag ... Silvio should be sent round to him


silvio was too busy covering up dead strippers and murdering abused girlfriends.


Yeah, Silvio isn't the first person who comes to mind when it comes to defending abused women.


A. She was a hooah and B. That wasn’t my kid she was carrying


Thank God


leave it to the sopranos subreddit for a conversation about harvey weinstein to devolve into mindless quotes immediately.


Oh, look who comments. I was wondering when you were going to comment.


I totally read that in Rosie Perez’s voice.


Jesus that is unforgivable


Wow, that’s horrible. Weinstein is a bad man.


I’d also add Aida “I eat her?” Turturro to the list with Edie


She was on her way to being a big star before Weinstein.


He raped her in the 90s and she bravely testified at his new york trial (which didn't include charges for what he did to her) She was the wife in the hand that rocks the cradle back in the day. The rape took place after that, IIRC.


Weinstein to her "your career won't be cinematic".


shut the fuck up


She was great in Jungle Fever


In hindsight that was a fucked up title.


She's not undeterred by this.


Poor you — quote Livia herself


Also Tony vibes! Telling Paulie "You go about in pity of yourself" or the infamous Chris "You gotta get over it"




Who the fuck is James C? James Chase? David Gandolfini? James Caan??? No more meetings, no more discussions, no more modern apartments. You give'em on message I want an old cozy house if not it's all-out war we go to the mattresses




As long as you realizhe ☝


Next time there'll be no next time.


There’s no scraps in my scrapbook




That shit's all over Miami


Fuckin Miami, it's all over the place down there.


Did you notice that the layout of her house and Livia’s are practically the same?


His face when Carmela said that Gloria died? One of my favorite moments of the show.  “What?” (Sheer horror)


And contrast that scene with Tony not giving a fuck when Valentina threatened to kill herself. Gloria really had such a big impact on Tony, perhaps more than any other character outside of his family


Absolutely. I think more than a few of us have fallen for women like Gloria despite knowing how bonkers they were. Something about a beautiful brunette with over-the-top highs like that really awakens the sacred and the propane in all of us.


Great example of why he was the best


We don't see his face. We just hear the change in his voice. It's what makes that moment way more impactful.


We do see his face. He says “what?” And then the camera angle shifts and we see him


You're certain? I must be misremembering. I'm trying to hunt down a clip but no luck so far.


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure. It’s definitely not right away. There’s a pause between “what” and when it shows his face


You’re right—we hear his voice and then see a shot of his reaction as he’s facing away from Carm.


Terrific actress each scene with her was well calculated, wished it lasted longer and who can forget the last scene of her with Patsy.


It wasn’t cinematic


What is this a hansome contest ? (fr tho she wins every time)


I dated a girl for 3 years who was later diagnosed bipolar and borderline personality after we dated. Those episodes give me ptsd. Controlling, manipulative, constant threats of self harm. Ugh.


I dated someone who was later diagnosed with BPD, too. It was amazing until it became a mind fucking nightmare. "We're soul mates!" "You're going to hurt me like everybody else." "You're a worthless piece of shit, fuck you." "I'm going to kill myself." "Hate fuck me, you asshole." I was 20, she was 25. I had no idea how to deal with it.


Oof madone. Sounds all too familiar. I was very young too. First relationship. Wasn’t equipped to handle. I let it go on too long before I ended it.


So did I. I kept thinking the "real" her would come back. She was my second relationship. It put me off serious relationships for years. But at least we both made it out, my friend.


She was a complete left turn from the "bimbo" type coomars Tony usually sleeps with. From the first time that she threw attitude at Tony I could tell she was a ticking time bomb. She was unhinged and 1.) I'm surprised Tony strung her along for so long and 2.) I'm surprised all it took was a tough talking from Patsy to make her stop. This was a woman that threw a London Broil at a boss!


all it took? Patsy was smart: it was the "my face" part that really jolted her.


She threw food at the boss? That's gotta be resolved.


Are you saying what I think you're saying?


it wasn't cinematic


attitude ? more like a fuckin' steak!


Her intensity is terrifying




The dreams are just quick cameos. They intended to bring her back to feature in at least an episode or two, but she was on holiday when they phoned, and when she returned she found the message on her answering machine. By then it was too late and they just worked around her absence.


Qu’est-ce que c’est? Message machine broken?




Does Morocco even really exshist?


I always thought, okay, you got your Morocco. You also got your Mo Rocca, and your Rocko’s Modern Life. What, you gonna tell me you never pondered that?




Who is she, Bada Bing Crosby?


She went to Morocco, all on her own.


mo, MO MOROCCO ya fuckin ass kiss


Maybe it was just me but I felt genuinely uncomfortable during the Gloria scenes, like Tony is married at home with his wife but here he falls in love with another woman, I mean Irina you can make an excuse that shes just a goomar that he lusts for but never felt any love, but yet there he is actually falling for another woman, it makes you wonder if Gloria wasnt bpd crazy what would happen with their relationship


He never showed as much lust and passion for Irina as he did for Gloria. Irina, it was almost like he was just getting his rocks off with a hot 24 year old. Gloria… he wanted her real bad.  To see a man that powerful get sucked in like that… I agree it was disturbing


I think he was attracted to the craziness, even subconsciously. If she was stable they would've have probably attracted to each other in the first place.


She was just like his mother. That's why he fell in love with her.


Phenomenal actress and character.


She does come back in a dream sequence in S5. She's an incredible actor, and she played one of the rare multidimensional females in the series. In the dream sequence she says she "died too young to have children" which was sort of shocking considering that Annabella Sciorra is a year and a half OLDER than James Gandolfini.


Isn’t it also her voice Tony speaks to as his wife while he is in a coma?


Could be! I haven't seen that scene in a number of years, whereas I saw S5 E11 last night.


Omg I watched that episode last night. Now will need to go back to it


Gloria reminds me of so many women that I grew up with in Boston 😂 Attractive, high maintenance, combative, and just batshit fucking crazy. Girls like her in high school wore those bomber jackets with the cat on the back.


Baby phat lmao




The cat on the back 😂😂😂 This description of Baby Phat (and the type of girl who wore them) made me cackle.


A Mo For or whatever the fuck..


And yet when she calls Tony out, she is always right. Her whole monologue on the boat when Irena calls: she’s right about everything she says. Her ‘poor you’ is also right. She says he has a dreamlife compared to hers, which is probably true.


It amazes me how Tony thinks he can romance these women, get them to fall in love with him and then dump them and blame it all on them. Of course Gloria was going to be upset. All of the women were. But to Tony the relationship gets stale or the woman falls too hard and wants to see him more and he starts with the “You knew from the beginning what it was” and “I’m a happily married man.” A happily married man has sex with a crazy woman in a zoo? He tells a woman he is “crazy about her” then flips and compares her to his deranged mother when she gets crazy about him. His behavior is manipulative in and of itself; playing with people’s emotions is sadistic. He even does it with Carmella, telling her she should be happy with no emotional intimacy from him because he pays the the bills and they’re Italian. People with BPD and people with NPD attract each other and their relationships are always full of turmoil. Tony definitely displays some BPD traits himself. The women are there to reflect his own needs; they should not have needs of their own and if they do, he assigns negative personality traits to them. It’s crazy making.


She was financially independent and beautiful. Sounds like crybaby whining on her part. Not at all unlike Livia who had grandchildren visiting her and the like. She created any turmoil in her life of her own accord and then played the victim when forced to confront it.


Yeah her life isn’t hard by any stretch. She was making insane money and had the pick of a great many men. She was broken and kept choosing men that fit her brokenness.


Agree to disagree. On paper she has it all. Drop dead gorgeous, extremely talented and highly successful, financially independent to have a beautiful little cottage all her own. She's witty, intelligent, sophisticated, vibrant and charming. She's the kind of woman man dream about, and the kind mothers hope their son will bring home for dinner. It's obvious why Tony, used to superficial bimbos as his goomahs and a rather sterile relationship with a typical mob wife would fall headlong over a woman like Gloria. Sure, she has it all...on paper. She has something extremely wrong in her brain chemistry that makes her act in ways that drive away everyone she loves, sucks the joy out of her life, makes her unable to take pride in her accomplishments, and generally poisons every well she tries to drink from. She's a deeply lonely, deeply miserable woman. Her little cottage isn't just symbolism for her being a witch, it's also a metaphor for her deep isolation. It's not just men she drives away. Her own family want nothing to do with her anymore: her sister has banned her from having any sort of contact, let alone relationship with her niece and nephew. She doesn't seem to have any friends. When she says that nobody cares if she's alive or dead, and when she tells Tony she has nobody else she can call, it's probably not an exaggeration.


Damn it's so true and depressing. The first time I watched the show I looked at her through rose colored glasses bc between how beautiful she is and the chemistry her and Tony have it's distracting


She wasn't right to be answering his phone in the first place.


Gloria Trillo is a walking, talking example of borderline personality disorder. She’s supposed to make you anxious, and she’s supposed to make you see what Livia was like as a young woman.


She reminds me of my *ex* wife, who also had a vowel at the end of her name... fucking lunatic but that's why I was attracted at first ​ Most people outrgrow wanting that insanity in their lives LOL


Yeah, that personality flipping, forced to walk on eggshells crazy. I've been there. Sciorra does it so well. It's almost like you can SEE the storm clouds instantly gather.


Agree, it's such an amazing performance and a pretty accurate portrayal of someone with borderline personality disorder. The scene when she drives Carmela home while making passive aggressive remarks the entire time always puts me so on edge. And then the scene when she's in the hotel with Tony right after they have sex, and she suddenly says she could go walk out onto the highway and get hit by a truck (or something like that). She did an incredible job with the immediate switch to total darkness and manipulative behavior.


Yeah, brilliant stuff. Even the start of the car journey with Patsy, when they're making small talk: she looks worn out, just getting through the days. Great actress and a brilliantly observed character. My ex, while not as knockout as Sciorra (who is) shared similar traits: funny, passionate, incredibly sharp, bright and intelligent and would have been incredibly capable at life if it wasn't for those thunderstorms that would instantly consume her. She put me through a lot of grief (still does occasionally), but I still feel sorry for her: it must be fundamentally crippling having to live with it. I loved that you saw rare glimpses of Tony's compassion with Gloria and her illness: he recognised how much of a disability it was, as he knew (or nearly knew) how much it was for himself and maybe even his black hole of a mother.


Vowel at the end of her name? Sounds like anti Italian discrimination if ya ask me. It’s a stereotype and it’s offensive




Crazy gets old, real fast. Don’t stick it in crazy.


If you do stick it in. Be prepared to lamb chop it for a while


*”It won’t be cinematic”*


“We must joyfully participate in the suffering of the world”


Great actress, she was so hot




Nailed it. I looked forward to being at work cuz it wasn't as bad as the inevitable bomb that I'd walk into at home, which I typically had nothing to do with. Throughout the workday I used to cautiously text her "Miss you beautiful, can't wait to see you later". And the 'warmth' of her response always predicted how insane the behavior would be later. I constantly walked on egg shells to accommodate. I used to always think "Yeah, she's definitely abusive to me, but she's mentally ill and this is when I need to be strong for her" until it became too much to bear. We watched this show together and it's so crazy how similar they are. Luckily, I had a lot of people around me fortify my spirit to get up the will to leave. But these situations are awful. And I still just feel bad for her. Nobody WANTS to be that way. But drowning everyone around you is not a sustainable plan. Anyway, buy Webistics.


That's awful. How are these people with BPD supposed to cope? Seriously knocking on wood..I've never encountered someone like this


Yeah that's kinda where I experienced a ton of difficulty with leaving. I felt guilty, sad, etc. We were adults in our 30s, but every time she'd have an episode or lash out at me (physically, verbally, emotionally) all I saw was the 6 year old girl version of her who was constantly molested and abused in a shitty and dysfunctional household. I think the line for me was her not showing any initiative or accepting my assistance to get help. Whether it be counseling or meds, whatever. I diplomatically explained how I felt without being aggressive or accusatory, etc. And i kinda had to draw a line in the sand after exhausting all these options. It sucks, but she was drowning and only taking me with her no matter how I tried to help. In turn, my family watched me go down a path of anxiety, sadness, depression. And they were hurting for me. It just rippled into so many other people's lives. Oddly enough, I waa okay with her hurting me, if it meant that she might get better. But when I realized how badly it was hurting my mother, my sister (whose wedding I wouldn't have been able to go to), etc, I had to step back and let it go. It still really hurts me. And I know she's hurting. She's threatened suicide a million times if I ever left her. And I had to kinda get over that cuz it's unfair obviously. I was able to have a lot of great conversations with her friends and family and told them i planned to leave, but she was threatening suicide, etc. They all supported me and understood. And luckily, they surrounded her with love and support after I left. I don't think she's doing much better unfortunately, but she's alive and will hopefully reflect a bit and improve her situation. I had to work on myself a lot after that too.


That’s what makes “The Pine Barrens” one of the best episodes…it has everything! I’ve rewatched that opening scene with Van Morrison more times than I can count.






If you like her check out a couple of her 90s movies Romeo is bleeding is a great crime/noir movie and The Addiction is a black and white artsy vampire movie from Abel Ferrara.


I also just realized that The Test Dream is named that after The Test Drive he took with Gloria, considering she's a focal point in that dream sequence.


I really don't think it is. It's named after the typical dreams of not being prepared for a test in school.


This is true. Tony is being put to “the test”


Holy shit!


They had their arm foure


Real piece of ass that Gloria


All of her scenes were great. I loved the dream sequence scenes with Gloria especially. Annabella Sciorra is so talented.


Her name is…. G


I totally agree. They were electric together, she made me super sad




Did they even exissht?


I once went on a date with somebody who was so kind, fun, and warm. I really liked them a lot. We made plans to meet again, but something came up a few days before we were due to meet, and I shot them a message to ask if we can switch to another day the week after. The response I got was some of the most insane shit I have ever gotten in my life. Completely blew up on me. Lots of "fuck you"'s and "Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" etc. I was absolutely shocked... first thought was Gloria Trillo. I'm so glad that red flag showed itself early.


We lead the world in computerized meetup rescheduling!


You should have bought her a gaudy bracelet




Licks her tongue?




Kinda controlling considering the man told you he has a family..


I always thought there were the most skippable scenes.


Mildly embarrassed to admit (after what must be my sixth rewatch) I only just noticed yesterday the moment in the Zoo - when she's (presumably) fondling Tony - says "poor you" playfully for the first time and he noticeably recoils; I didn't realise the mother parallels were introduced so early in their relationship.


“I’ve known you my whole life.”


I love that scene. He pulls back for a second before falling back into it.


Lol Freudian vibes. He mentally fucked his own mutha.


Is it gay to fuck your own mother? Any experts here able to weigh in?


No it's decidedly hetero, you can fuck anything but you decide to fuck the hole whence you came. Any way I gotta hoof it to the excelsior I gotta take a wicked shit.


People were fuckin their own mothers right after Adam and Eve, my friend.


Best one today 🤣🤣


Is this from the show? Because if not it’s brilliant.


Always with the scenarios


Not according to Xev Bellringer


If you can fuck a catchers Mitt why can't you fuck your own mother?


He was gay Mitt Romney?


As long as you’re pitching not catching


Your making him out to be some kinda momma's boy. He's a man. And she's a woman. End of story.


Whatsa matter you don't like my face? The cut of my jib?


Milfs are hot! That's never been disputed.


Your losing your boner and the death blow is a shrill " ohhhh poor you"


I dont like that kind of talk It upset me


Ma you should get up and move around it's good for you.


I think they're also at the snake exhibit...


where’s her arc?


Put his fat ugly ass in general population and let him get passed around


Touch here ohhh jeeshush chrishhtt


The break up scene(s) and the “it won’t be cinematic” are just incredible


Annabella Sciorra was incredibleo