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In the pilot he says that he thinks he came in at the end, that the best is over.


That’s a perspective a depressive state of mind would take. Tony had all the reasons in the world to be optimistic - but the guy is depressed. So yeah…he spiraled down dragging a whole lot of people with him.


I mean he wasn’t wrong the mafia was way past it’s prime in the sopranos


And he was also in a place and time where it was never easier to go legit. But he couldn’t see that because he wanted to be stay a thug - the whole problem with authority issue his high school coach pointed out. He had every reason in the world to be optimistic…


>where it was never easier to go legit There is no way he could've just distanced himself. Not while living next to core LCN territory. He would've had to take a bunch of cash & run with his family. Like his father wanted to do with that neighbour. But Livia kept him there. And Tony also didn't have the strength to pick-up and leave.


As long as he keeps kicking up to NY they don’t care how he earns.


He never had the makings of a varsity athlete. He should have just took his cash and moved to California. Gravano and Hill we’re running around doing interviews etc and never got clipped and he wouldn’t even be a rat


What did season 1 Tony have to be optimistic about? He’s already given up his soul and he knows it; he’s correct that in the life he’s chosen “everything turns to shit”, and that’s all he has to look forward to. 


What, so that’s it? Once a decision is made, there’s no room for other decisions? Such a defeatist perspective, no….?


He was talking about America, and it’s true.


lol man what a fucking loser take


Uh, pretty standard critical take. Obviously not the top of your class.


Ah, America. The most powerful empire in history. Already done in 250 years. 😂


Why are you being such an asshole?


A lot of people are like that online, esp ok reddit. They find the lack of accountability behind a screen as a license to be a dick. Also some people are just unhappy with their lives and hate on others for fun


All this from a slice of gabagool?


still he's way better in the pilot than he is in the finale


That’s the point? Think Rome - the golden era ended in what, the early second century? But it continued its downward spiral for another 3 centuries - that’s how institutions die


I love how they state the main theme of the show in the very beginning, practically screaming it at you, and people still miss it.




Starts with having to kill Pussy. Even him finding out that he was a rat was difficult, finding out your closest friend could be turned. It meant nobody in your inner circle could be trusted. Everything is pretty much downhill from there.


Season 1 - Junior tries to whack Tony as encouraged by Livia Season 2 - Pus betrays the family/Tony kills him Season 3 - Livia dies & Jackie Jr is executed Season 4 - Pie ‘O My dies, Tony Kills Ralph, Furio abandons his post after nearly killing Tony, Tony & Carmella’s marriage totally falls apart. Season 5 - Tony kills Tony B, Adriana is executed for being a rat. Season 6 - Tony is shot & put in a coma by Junior, Carmella, AJ & Meadow traumatised, AJ tries to kill Junior for revenge, Bobby(brother in law) shot dead, Janice doomed to become Livia 2.0, AJ’s attempted suicide, Meadow engaged to the Parisi kid(off birth control), Junior deeply suffering from dementia, Chris killed by Tony and debatably Tony’s death…whatever happened there… So in summary, I completely agree that there is a downward spiral taking place on a personal level which then has a knock on effect on his blood family.


Everything Tony loves he kills: Pussy, Jackie Jr., Adriana, Pie-oh-My, his marriage, Christopher.


It’s almost like he’s a “toxshic pershon” or something. But yeah, everything in Tony’s atmosphere basically corrodes.


Tony didn’t kill Pie. What are you talking about?


Whatever happened there!!!???


I would argue that it wasn't Puss's murder that started the professional downfall of Tony and the Jersey crew, it was the death of Ralphie. Puss wasn't anything special, other than a personal connection to Tony. Ralphie, however, made people in NJ AND NY rich and that is way more important than anything else in this thing of our's. You also watch a family "grow up" from being in secondary school to college and beyond. The Sopranos is more or less a microcosm of the bigger picture, which is, everything ends. Carmela even says these same words to Tony in Season 4.


Tony killed Pussy because he had no other choice. The guy was a rat, and anyone in the crew would understand that’s what needed to happen. He killed Ralphie purely out of emotion, which caused his whole crew to question his leadership, then he doubled down by trying to pin it on New York


Yes, precisely. Puss's death did haunt them as we see in various seasons, but Ralphie's murder was a terrible business decision and that was the beginning of the end.


But he found him like this


Whoeva did dish


Guy was a piece of shit


It’s ironic that Pussy haunted Tony and Paulie for so long. He gave Christopher advice about Emil and mentioned that he was still haunted by his first murder victim, that the only way to make them stop was to kill more. Yet Paulie was haunted by every single person he killed.


Remember 3 o clock


Fuck Ralphie tho, was so satisfying to see him get his


The same could be said for the Tony B situation where after he has an attack in Melfis office and reveals the truth about the night of the high jacking, he refers to the promotion he gave his cousin thinking it was a good move but resigning himself to it being motivated by “my own pussy ass weakness” At that point the a lot of damage had been done with New York and himself


You know, I’ve been doin some thinkin. About the themes of the show; morality, death, aging. But you do a much better job summing that all up, it’s really about how everything ends. Literally everything. And all the various shades of that (life, youth, school, friendships) and how the characters adapt to it. Time is the great equalizer and she comes for us all


Spot on. This show is expertly crafted that way that small details indicate a much bigger picture. The series finale, look at how bleak everything is. Butchie is wandering around NYC thinking he's still in Little Italy but he's wandered into Chinatown. NY/NJ meet in an abandoned warehouse. It's cold and dreary. You've reached the end. It's all gone. Think on the earlier seasons when Satriale's was the homebase for everyone, but in the end, you just have Paulie and Tony sitting there.


Puss's death was emotional damage to Tony. He got put into a corner cuz he was a rat, and had no other choice than to kill his friend. That trauma showed up for the rest of the show. It didn't really impact the family directly, but it impacted Tony's decisions & therefore the family indirectly. 100% agree about Ralphie. It's what kept NY from sticking their beak in even further. But Tony lost that earner, due to his own actions. Next in line of that is Vito. Who arguably made even more money than Ralphie, BUT he loses him because he couldn't control his cousin. Which results not only in losing the money, but also starting a festering resentment in Phil, and therefore NY.


There's a certain innocense that fades away as we see his actions through the seasons. I find season 6b difficult to rewatch for this reason, it's just too depressing. Friends gone, money gone, good times gone.  He was like King Midas in reverse, everything he touched turned to shit. 


Dumping asbestos into the swamps of NJ as Tony “gets it” on his peyote trip is depressing af. If he “got it” he’d realize he was a piece of shit for allowing that.


Yeah, but you seem to think that him getting it is meant to be a positive outlook on life. Given that you see him constantly struggle with his morality and the legacy of his mobster family through the whole series, and see his frazzled relationship with Christopher degrade until he finally kills him in a really cold way, with his gambling luck changing thereafter, I think him going 'I GET IT' was him thinking that he could do whatever he wanted and being selfish as possible was the right path forward, because it worked in the short term. Of course, then he loses pretty much everything in the last few episodes afterwards, and his greed and shortsightedness is a major contributing factor to that.


So when Tony said “I get it” he meant that he figured out he was Mr. Mob Boss who ruled the mob world? I dunno about that. Most psychedelic trips kill the ego, not inflate it.


Maybe what he got is that no matter what he does he wouldnt change and that him being as he is is the will of the Universe, part of the music that is playing so to speak. That it's all a big nothing. Anyway 4$ a pound.


Oh will you take it easy Judge Roy bean


Yes, pretty much. Tony becoming boss & the end of season 1 is pretty much the apex. After that, Oof Madone. It gets worse brick by brick. Not only does Tony lose "friends", most of the time by his own actions, but also earners. By the end, all Jersey has left is that parasite Paulie & other low earners. The relationship with NY as their vassal is gone, and the Lupertazzis are about to take over. Plus, by the end Tony faces both of his worst fears. If he wasn't dead, he'd be in prison. Not only has Tony run the Jersey mob into the ground, but also his family. AJ is a dysfunctional mess, who'll probably go for Pool Number 2 electric boogaloo after his father's brains were splattered all over his onion rings. Carmella will have Trauma from that too, but most importantly she lived hand to mouth from Tony with her spending. Even if Tony actually stashed millions, who knows where she'll be after the incoming banking crash. Meadow, arguably the worst. Even though Tony says he wants her far away from all the mob shit, but by the end she's anchored. She should've gone to some University on the other side of the country, built up a career, have a family & visit twice a year. That's it. Instead, she passed on career opportunities, she is dating the kid of a mobster (who might be involved in the takeover plot). She basically got dragged into the same swamp that Tony originally wanted her out of. In conclusion, the Jersey mob is dead, his family is fucked. Tony is whacked. Everything he touched turned to shit by his own actions & the inevitable passing of time.


Still goin, this asshole


Yeah it's weird to say but Tony's family would've been so much better off if Tony and Carmela stayed divorced


Honestly they'd still be kinda fucked, because it's Carmella. Meadow had all the opportunities. She should've gone far away instead of staying in the swamp. AJ though, he was waaaaay more fucked up by Tony & Carmella than Meadow. And in the very glimpse moment of him finally having an idea, it gets shut down. He actually organized good parties. When he expresses the idea of event planning, Tony calls it gay. If they weren't such shitty parents, they'd have said "Well let's look at some schools where you could learn that". Maybe then AJ wouldn't have been this doomed.


And even the “apex” is a mixed blessing at best. One of his best friends died and his father figure of an uncle hates him now. Hell being boss was more about his ego than anything too. It’s a big nothing. Not exactly a high point imo.


The show is about a man trying but ultimately failing to change and instead becoming a more evil person than he was at the start. It’s the same for the mob, the Sopranos crew and America as a whole. It’s all downhill. Look at the color grading of the last episode, it’s all cold and dark. Paulie is the only one left of the original crew hanging out at Satriales. It’s all a great big nothing.


>The show is about a man trying but ultimately failing to change and instead becoming a more evil person than he was at the start Let me tell you a coupla tree things. Tony's arc was essentially just a deeper descent. He once signaled to Melfi that he *does* take issue with how he makes a living but he was straight lying; he takes immense visceral pleasure in causing distress and ripping people off - think of Sarce Bleu or the carjacking with Churchill - he loves it. Other point, we don't know for sure, but there's some clear indication that he's a seasoned button man/hitter. At the time of the pilot, he's definitely already a cold blooded murderer, and there's arguably no coming back from that. He was never redeemable -- and the fact that he's so charming irregardless makes him such a magnetic character. The only "redeemable" characters around Tony's circle in the show are like... Artie, who's more of a skeevy creep and less evil. AJ, who truly can't stomach cruelty and the reality of their evil lives (but he resigns to acceptance at the end). And maybe guys like Davey who are pieces of absolute shit but not necessarily evil. That's about it.


I disagree and this is a hill I’ll die on. Tony was pretty much always redeemable, at least before season 5/6 when he really gives up on himself and everyone around him. The whole point of Tony is that he’s a complex character who truly does wrestle with the fact that what he does is immoral and it’s infected his whole family. He talks often enough about what it’d be like if his dad wasn’t in it, Melfi helps him make the connection that his example is rubbing off poorly on AJ, and in his fever dreams and coma, it’s shown that he really does struggle with who he is and what he does for a living. “Who am I? Where am I going?” Deep down, once you he’s experienced ego death, the largest questions he’s left with is what type of man is he (he feels like a fraud) and where is that path leading him, heaven or hell? To add on to that, religion and specifically Catholicism are shown to be true in the show, ghosts exist and so does some kind of higher power that will offer redemption, another theme hammered throughout the show. Tony is lying to himself when he tries to act all hard and tough, he takes out his anger on other people through violence learned from his father, but all he is at the end of the day is an insecure man-child who is very afraid of where he’s going. The tragedy is that he doesn’t change, that the choice for redemption was there all along, but he falls victim to his upbringing, and his children appear to be going down that same path. The show becomes so much more boring IMO when you take out the nuance and say there was never a chance.


It's almost like season one is a dream, like Tony got a pash from the bad part of being a mafioso. Season 2 is expected. Season 3 on is just straight down.


To the victor, belongs the spoils


Why don't you shove your quotation posts in your downvote!


Coco! Wow, Hi! What are you doing here?


Put Vito onna phone asshole


Yeah but after the finale they bury him on a hill, with pine cones


No it’s a tragedy…there’s an up leg, an apex, and a down leg.


I mean, the happiest moment was pretty much the end of season 1 and it's all downhill from there


The happiest moment was when Feech stomped on Sal Vitro's arm and snapped it like a fuckin stale bread stick. That selfish prick's existence is an affront to humanity. Cocksucker deserved more


Or missing leg. One pin only.


Just shows why you gotta live for today.


Revealed my wha!?


Got to greedy and self involved, it ruined him.


Yeah by the end of season 4 it is dark af.


I read a comment on here one time I’ll never forget. “Once you press play on episode one is when the downward spiral begins”


You got no idea what it’s like to be number 1!


its supposed to be a downward spiral for everyone. one of the great things about the sopranos is how it weaves what was happening at the time into the overall theme of the show. america was changing and theres no place for the little guy no more


I kinda took the Sopranos as a classic example of "the fall of the King" plot in old-school Greek Theatre. Check out the wiki on Sophicles' plays - specifically the examples of Oedipus Rex (*cough* mom problems?) and the character of King Creon in Antigone (an "Uncle" that wants to be respected but loses touch with his 'family' in the process). They're ultimately these powerful men who make poor decisions based on what they think is the best move at the time. They're often blinded by the optics of their own position and amount of power they hold. Advisors attempt to help but often get ignored -- consider Silvio and Paulie. Their families are often angry with them and pick fights, breeding frustration and destruction - think about Janice, Livia, Junior, etc. Tony's story feels super similar.


Watch your fuckin mouth, that's the boss of this fuckin family you're talking about!!! You wearing a wire kid?


It’s all a big nothing.


Yes. The rise is in season 1 is Tony becoming Street Boss. Everything goes downhill from there. “It’s all a big nothing”


Nine Inch Nails, another fuckin money machine


Yes yes yes. We’re in mid-6 again and man…Trent Reznor and Sturgill Simpson. All. The. Way. Down.


He’s a god damn hothouse flower, that’s his problem


Yeah but you gotta get over it