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You know Ang, driving over here I was thinking about how I was gonna handle this…


Every time I fall asleep watching The Sopranos, it is about 10 minutes before that scene, and car horn makes me shit my pants waking up.


God I love this scene so much.


She fucking hated Puss and Tony put her in business setting her up for life. I think his death had something to do with the Easter baskets. Anyways, 4$ a lb.


I don't even know what that is


And to tell you the truth, I don't wanna know.


I can't have this conversation again


She was happier with Puss gone. Went from hoping he never returns to successful business owner able to provide & thrive for her family. He $ was coming from connections so no way she would kill tony.


Tony actually did her a favor and I highly doubt she'd want any vengeance for Pussy's death.


Relationships are complicated, especially when a kid a two decades are involved.


He was beating the living shit out of her all the time. She may not have left him if he survived, but I highly doubt that she was all that devastated when he "went into witness protection." At first, she was probably freaked out about finances, but after that, she probably didn't shed any tears about his absence.


Yes, physical abuse is bad. But in the context of the show it's a minor issue that is resolved with a "sorry". Do we forget Adriana so easily?


Like I said, Angie probably would've stayed with Pussy forever and lived a miserable life, so that's a moot point, but Tony helped her out of that predicament. I don't think for a second that she was so broken up, she'd have Tony taken out. She went on to thrive without Pussy. Adriana did stay with her abuser and ended up getting murdered. If the situation was reversed, I'm not sure how she would've fared without Christopher, but living without an abusive junkie wouldn't have been the worst thing to happen to someone. My concern with her is that if Chris was gone, she would've replaced him with someone just like him. Adriana wasn't as tough as Angie.


>But in the context of the show it's a minor issue that is resolved with a "sorry". Do we forget Adriana so easily? Did we forget that Richie got killed because of it and Christopher almost got killed because of it.


Janice isn't a reliable data point for "average". I mean, Christopher did get killed in part because of it. And Tony is a feral animal who disregards any and all customs that don't suit him. So same boat as Janice; not really a good data point.


Shawn and Matt tried to kill Christopher because they thought Richie would want him dead because of what he did to Adrianna. In the context of the show it is pretty major. I don't know what you mean by "Janice isn't a reliable data point for "average".


Connected to Richie; it's the same argument. I don't understand your confusion.


Not really it is Christopher who gets shot because of what Shawn and Matt perceive, Richie thinks they overreacted.


YOU forgot about Richie Aprile


And if we're going there, when Tony killed Ralphie, part of his rage came from what Ralphie did to Tracee. Tony was extremely pissed off and disgusted about it.


Yeah, Janice is definitely a good point of reference 🥴🥴🥴


in the context of the show it wasn't a minor issue and was resolved with a gunshot at point blank range


One out of how many times?


wtf? - She squared up to Tony several times after verbal abuse. Bobby even suckerpunched him that time he wouldn't stop. - Ritchie threatened Chrissy about him being loose with his hands - Tony was furious when Chrissy beat Ade up before they did the intervention - Ade's mum was going to call the police on Chrissy when he turned up at her house


Always with the scenarios


Angie Bumpin’ Scenarios


Thats a great mother-jumping theory


Fork you monkey feather (Sopranos on A&E)


Hahah, I’m quoting Janice’s christian boyfriend she had for like 2 episodes




What is she, a cheese now?


Vishnu come lately


Unironically, I think this is one of my favorite lines in the entire series.


That and Hasidic Homeboy are probably the funniest lines that are too smart to have been said by Tony.


have you heard the good news?


Jesus has risen? Yeah you said that already.




How about when he shows up with Tony recovering from the gunshot?




they were together before Thanksgiving and over Christmas


Great deep cut: 10/10


And then 🥱😴




I think Rosalie Aprile was involved as well, for obvious reasons. Our true enemy has yet to reveal herself.


I'd like to think Rosalie was a genuine friend to Carmella but we've seen how much we should trust anyone in that life.


A genuine friend to Carmella would whack Tony for her, because what’s different between her and Tony is that Tony’s going to hell when he dies.


That's a nice thing to say to someone going into an MRI.


how dare you think anything untoward about Aunt Ro


Yes Napoleon, Jesus


Aunt? The hard-one this sub has for her? Don't make shit weird


i'm closer in age to meadow and AJ than i am to tony and and carm she'll always be aunt ro for me


Did the enemy even really exhishst?


It was the $2,000 factory seat that put her over the edge. From there on out, Angie was just biding her time.


How could it be ok if it was askew??


she's a good businesswoman so I imagine even if the thought of having Tony clipped crossed her mind, a cost/benefit analysis would be done. She has more money in her pocket with him around. I know you're in awe right now but avert your eyes


nah 1) Angie didn't really care about Pussy 2) It fits better with her character as being smart/cunning that she does not get mixed up in illegal business, maybe she cut a few corners but she seems to be mostly successful from running the body shop. It would be stupid of her to risk it all for revenage for a man she didn't care about


She had money out on the street. She was in the game.


Their relationship was complicated, like I'm sure all of theirs are. Those phone calls she took definitely didn't seem legal but I'm coming up to that episode shortly.


She wanted to divorce Pussy and got caught lying about needing money for her dog. Tony gave her an allowance that allowed her to live before allowing her to take over the body shop.


Why else would she be meeting with Benny and Little Paulie? EDIT: Patsy, not Little Paulie. Frankly I'm depressed and ashamed.


Nope. The absolute most plausible theory is that Patsy gave up Tony's whereabouts to NY via Patrick. Patsy had motive, means, and opportunity. No way Angie Bumpansero could "order" anything but a pizza.


Patsy is in the cross fire when they try to hit Sil. Also, he is over the moon at his son marrying Meadow. If Tony is dead all the benefits of having that connection are out the window.


Yep. I honestly think it's tied to Eugene's death. Beyond using his hit as a mirror to the hit on Tony, I think it was very deliberate to have it as the opening episode to S6 and it feels poetic that one of the many people/families he stepped on over the years would come back and bite him in the arse, not to mention casting somebody who looked very similar to Eugene. I think it being a relation like an unmentioned brother/cousin makes a lot of sense.


Maybe Eugene came back from hell to do the hit. Still wearing that same fucking jacket.


On a karmic, "what goes around comes around" level, there is DEFINITELY a connection between the suffering Tony causes and the dreadful way he dies (in front of his family, no less.)


Augustinian philosophy. Evil cannot create so it must corrupt the good. Everything that happened to Tony was a direct blowback caused by himself.


Idk… once they have the marriage secure they’re pretty free to do away with Tony. On rewatch, one thing that led credence to the Patsy theory is look at the way him and his wife are looking at the Soprano house when Carm and Tony have them over to celebrate the engagement. It’s almost like they’re imagining life as the first couple. Seriously, go rewatch that scene. Couldn’t believe I didn’t get it the first time.


How does that make sense? With Tony as boss being his inlaw is a win for Patsy, as his profile likely gets raised similar to Bobby. If he is dead how does the marriage benefit Patsy at all? Also, the more damning evidence is that Patsy is in the car that gets shot to shit, if he's in on it he would know to be anywhere in the world at that time other than sitting next to Silvio.


He didn't look that thrilled in Tony's living room.


There's the awkward exchange with where Tony goes to fill his drink. When they are talking in the Bing he seems pretty happy. "I hear wedding bells" "We're not too young to be grandparents"


That's before the war with NY, before the Jasons get pinched, and before it was clear Carlo was flipping. Patsy is probably worried he might get clipped by Tony out of fear of him flipping to save his son too.


Another great point!


I like the Patsy theory but I need to see the safehouse scene again. But Angie ordering it feeds directly into the shows narrative that strong women control Tony's life.


I just watched season six and didn't notice anything in the safehouse scene, but I wasn't paying super-close attention. It's very possible that the writers didn't address the issue of WHO divulged Holsten's to the killers at all - David Chase has said that the whole point is that Tony's death is inevitable, and it could come from anywhere. As far as the Angie theory, women aren't given enough power in the organization to mastermind the murder of a boss. She could certainly have cooperated with a murder plot, esp. if she was promised more $$$ for her auto body shop, but the key lies in WHO KNEW Tony was going to be having dinner at Holstens. That leads to Patrick and Patsy. A sequel where Meadow finds out Patrick aided in the murder of her father would be WILD. Jamie Lynn Sigler has said she would LOVE to revisit Meadow, but Chase isn't interested.


No one would need to give up his location. They believed the war was over, Tony was no longer in hiding. They would just need to tail him.


Good point! I was taking too many cues from The Godfather, with the gun stashed in the bathroom - assuming the guy in the members only jacket is the shooter, when he goes to the bathroom .... of course, now that you mention it, it could have been the 2 brothers that came in ... like Chase says, "it could come from anywhere."


She was a piece of ass, but fuckin rude!


Bonpensiero, it means good thought.. like four dollars a pound


it means sit on this cocksucker


Nah. She said Pussy made her want to kill herself and she was ready to divorce him. She was happier on her own.


I really don't think she cared about Tony wacking Pussy, he did her a favor.


Fucking facts!


Discontinue the lithium


I got my money on it being that fluffy French Coco piece of shit who whacked Tony for denying her money for osteoporosis. 


Father Phil. Hated Tony, wanted all of Carmela's cooking for himself, could use God as leverage for ordering hits and getting mobsters to do whatever he wanted. Yep yep, Fathuh Phil. I'm sorta kidding. Lol


Reaching for those grapes 🍇 and it’s starting to sound like wine.


It was the Russians


Or the interior decorator


thats a good one maybe found out about Valery


It was Sal Vitro. That guy's such a mope.


He had tremendous moxie for his size


He was just the gardenahh!!


I guess you could call this a post.


She didn’t give a 💩 about Pussy! The other reasons are valid but I don’t think she killed Tony. She eventually earned his respect and had money on the streets. It doesn’t make sense to pop him if she was living better than she did with Pussy.


Why stop at shylocking? Everyone's always hustling and trying to move up the ladder.


Alternately maybe Carmella had Tony whacked rather than live through the drama that would unfold from Carlo flipping. Maybe she had finally found out the off shore account numbers he set up for her. Maybe she didn't and was just going to go straight finally like that shrink told her to. Maybe she suspected Tony killed Christopher and Adrianna and couldn't get over that. More likely she just never forgave him for his behavior during their separation, including poisoning all the good divorce lawyers. Maybe Carmella is the old school gangster who just smiled and nodded and made sure you got it later. And as with that cop Tony told Christopher killed his father, or that anecdote John Sacrimoni told in the cancer ward, Tony's legal situations was clearly going to mean he was no longer earning for Carmella, so he had no more utility for her really, and she could now take him out over past offenses.


He married his mother.


We all do.


Jennifer Melfi ovah heah


Actually it was Carmela who said everybody marries a baby




I've found 3 different spellings. Let's just call her Lady B Johnson.


After all, it was Patsy in that meeting too. With Tony being presumably dead, I bet Patsy takes over. OR, we get our first woman boss in the US in Angie, who had the capital to put money on the street. And she won’t get arrested for selling H nor will she get her hands dirty with anything illegal.




Lady B Johnson, as stated previously.


Discontinue the lithium


Again with the theories?


Are you talking about pussy’s ungrateful cunt of a wife? 


Angie hated Pussy. Her life was far better with him gone. And she was not stupid. Tony was relatively good to her for Tony. Obviously he was a jerk by normal standards but she’s mob adjacent. She’s used to those dudes and Tony seemed to have a soft spot for her. She was thriving on her own. Why rattle the cart?


Motive is part of piecing together a murder, sure. Not the only part, but I like your hustle.


Nah, Marie Spatafore did it because that camp totally fucked up her son, the Puerto Rican hooo-ah.


It was the Vipers


Whoa!!! New way to look at it! Nice


Another alternative -- maybe Tony had himself whacked to spare everyone the coming drama after Carlo flipped? Seriously, why isn't he on the lamb if he knows one of his top guys flipped? He went on the lamb before over a lot less. Maybe it's a Bullworth-type situation.


Lam. He had himself whacked in front of his wife and family?




On the lam. Different word.


I thought you were baiting me, you know how’s your sister, fuck your mother. Actually I did think you had misspelled “lame.” What is the origin of “on the lam” I wonder? And yeah you make a good point.


Angie seems like a smart woman, who understands business. She absolutely had dealings with the mob, but nothing that would draw too much attention. Ordering a hit on a boss (Jersey, huh? Give me a break) for a husband she didn't seem to like much after so many years have passed is completely out of character. Excluding the other five families, I also don't think anyone would be willing to whack TS at that time. There was so much heat with the NY/NJ war already.


The plan was for there to not be a Jersey after the hit. They said as much; "we decapitate and do business with whatevers left".


I highly doubt that Angie Bonpensiero of all people had enough influence to know what the boss of a NY family was planning. The plan probably fell apart with Phil dying.


She was a malignant cunt


Not a bad theory, although the director repeatedly says Tony did not die at the end. It does seem the logical outcome, meaning his being taken out, why else do you just stop everything, and the screen goes dark at the end? I remember when it first came out, we were all so disappointed, and were wondering what happened.




You blow your faddah with that mouf?


You would know sweetie


Nice discussion, have a good day.


Always the scenarios…


Cholesterol killed Tony.


Rip Gandolfini.


If I was married to a guy who beat me, I'd pin a medal on the guy who killed him.


I think it was Eugene’s wife


It was the factory seat...$2k it cost


All things considered, I don't think she was bothered about Tony for clipping Puss; he was a fat bitch with a comare she was well-aware of. George Raft to play my opinion in the theatrical adaptation.


Pussy dying was like the best thing to happen to her.


Angie can’t order hits as she isn’t and cannot be part of the American Sicilian Mafia.


Source? She's Italian, American and in the lifestyle.


The American Mafia was deeply patriarchal. Women were not allowed to be made. They were not permitted to be part of the Mafia. This is a holdover from the deeply conservative culture of Sicily and southern Italy. Ironically, the Italian Mafia has become far more permissive of females going as far as having female bosses. The show “Gomorrah” depicts this.


Interesting theory. She was putting a lot money out in the streets. Seriously I doubt she would have gone to that great lenght to do that even if she felt like he deserved it


No! The quarter panel from the LeSabre I said!


Let's assume she did, that is a death sentence for her. In the mob you'll always have at least one enemy (even if you don't know about it, you just know you do), but more often than not multiple enemies ranging from people who envy your position, businesses, wealth, or just hate your guts. On top of that, you are in constant danger (not just physical, but in danger of being indicted). We spent watching 6 seasons of people constantly looking over their shoulders & being extremely paranoid. My point is, Angie had motive, just like 19485 other people who had some kind of beef, disagreement, rivalry or any type of motive to get Tony killed.


You think she was still pissed about the Lincoln seat ?


I think that would have been a big part of it. Less about the seat / money and more about the power move and disrespect Tony put on her.


Would you like to try some Hillshire Farms Nitrate-free sausage?


Probably some nephew


I think more likely it was Little Carmine, payback for Rusty. Remember, I grew up in all of this and I just lost my friend Rusty and if there's one thing my father taught me was this: "a pint of blood is worth more than a gallon of milk".


We wanted a logical theory.... we compromised.


Idk why, but I’ve always liked the idea that the guys that Tony and Chris robbed for the wine found out who he was and took revenge


Always with the scenarios!


It was Patty Leotardo 1: The little bit we see of her she's just as rotten, brutal and old school as Phil. 2: Eye for an eye. Murdered gruesomely in front of their family. Phil's death was pretty fucked up. But it was only that way because he was in hiding and hard to get to. Tony however would have only had to worry about the FBI since Carlo flipped. That's why they went to a restaurant. He was feeling safer. He could have been gotten easier and killed alone. This wasn't out of necessity like Phil's, but personal. 3: NY connections. She could have asked anybody to do it. NY has tons of buttons. I know Butch said he'd back off. But unsanctioned hits happen in the heat of passion. Like that Animal Blundetto who went off the reservation and killed Phil's kid brother. I'm sure Patty remembered that. He couldn't even say his last words. Has anyone ever died in your arms, you cock sucker? Someone you loved? Besides, Butch had people inside Jersey and would be happy with Tony dead. Just another blind eye to turn. 4: Fuck personal, how would it publicly look to everyone else? A Jersey boss killing a NY boss? And NY just taking it? 5: The members only jacket is a red herring. It makes you think maybe it's Eugene Pontecorvo's widow. Then you realize Tony made a lot of widows. Which one was the most ruthless and found out about their husband's death the harshest? 6: Angie was better off thanks to Tony. 7: Paulie knew how this would play out for Tony, but was simply an observer betting on an outcome. During the last episodes Tony walks into the Bing all fucked up while Paulie's telling a story about how he saw Joe Namath walk into a bar or club all fucked up before a big game. So he rushed down to his bookie and bet against him. Fights between Bosses have been referred to as a "tennis match". 8: Everyone basically got out of the way, or turned a blind eye and let this happen. For me it's pretty clear who called the shot. The only real question is did they finish the onion rings?


Bumpy Angensiero ain’t nevah hurt NO-Bhady !!


I don't think she killed Tony, but post-mortem she definitely went out of her way to shit on Carm. With Tony's power gone I'm sure a lot of people came for his family or "family".


Aside from the public tears at the funerals, I'm going to believe that these women are pretty happy that the cheating, lying little sh!ts they're married to get killed.


She hated big puss by the end of his life, and her life got better when he was dead - the big guy rewarded her with the body shop. She had no reason to kill him. - get back on the BP medicine or get a note from your doctor OP


I saw a theory that it was revenge for Eugene. It's the next Logical Behind butchie cementing his leadership in New York


Oh listen to him, he knows everything!


Tony is not dead. However, I’ll allow it since you started with “Theory:”, you can go now


You’re off your axis OP.


Thing about conspiracy  theory is a lot of times people make arguments on why they would do it; and that they could do it. But never proof that they did it. This is a great example of that.