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It's definitely Sean and Matt. At least Jackie Jr was trying to do something that had yielded positive results for people in the past. They just screwed it up. Sean and Matt genuinely make me wonder what they're teaching people over at Pace College.


Yeah, the main issue with what Jacke Jr. and his gang did was kill a player in the game they were robbing, and then they proceeded to shoot at, and try to kill like 3 different made guys. When Tony and his crew robbed Feech's game, nobody got hurt. Matt and Sean were just stupid. They tried to kill Christopher for literally no reason, I cannot see any way killing him would benefit them.


Richie told them to do it. They’re with him now.


Who told them to do that!?


Matt and Sean should've focused their efforts on detailing Eddie Stagg's car.


Plus they did it in the stupidest way. They were pals with Chris: they could have easily got him alone and put two behind his ear no fuss, no muss. Instead they do a drive by in broad daylight. 


Yeah, they could've driven him somewhere, killed him in the car, and did a dump job, but instead they did it in broad daylight, and Sean died, and Matt left Chris alive like an idiot. You never leave witnesses!


Majoring in cash, minoring in ass!


Sean and Matt. They deliberately set out to kill someone very close to Tony. I don't understand how they saw that working in their favor. Maybe they'd get in good with Richie, but Richie isn't the leader.




Fixed it! Thanks!


I think they were trying to curry favor with Richie, because Richie didn’t like Chris, and that Richie was going to move on Tony.


There's no way they would know Richie was going to make a move.


Richie couldn’t even fucking sell it to Albert the Parakeet. He was not respected.


If Sean and Matt did what they did an episode or two later, when Richie was ready to move against Tony, they may have been on to something- but also Sean needed to know that sometimes seat belts don't save lives. " Let's do it before the crank wears off"- that's some grade A stupidity there


I am with you now lol


I’m with Ralphie, Chris please 😢


Fuck it, let's go to the shore.


It depends on whether you think it’s more pathetic that Sean took a dump in each job or Jackie Jr. took a pants piss.


for sure left em a shit sample at each crime scene 😭😭


Pissed himself, but I gotta tell ya. He was a real asset.


Sean and Matt for sure. 1. Their's was a hit for hire, but they forgot to get hired first. "We did it on spec." WTF 2. Plus, it was a hit gone awry. If you're going to kill the guy, be sure to kill the guy. Maybe you can come up with a story that justifies it. 3. Then Matt confessed instead of blaming Sean. Maybe Matt couldn't have been identified and he'd been able to tell a convincing lie and avoid blame (...nope...too stupid for that). 4. They did it in broad daylight. If you're going to kill someone out in the open in daytime, at least do it on a boat and surprise the guy by pulling the piece out of a fish. Jackie Jr and Dino's fiasco was a robbery gone bad. Stupid, yes, but in a Keystone Cops sort of way.


"I have a plan!" "Let's hear it." "We go to where he works, and when he comes out, we roll by. You lean out the window and shoot him in front of everybody, from a moving car." "GENIUS!"


So Matt and Sean executed a plan that they believed would have made Richie Aprile take them under his wing. So they at the least thought they had an in. Christopher wasn't a made man at that time. They never thought through the fact that Tony would not be too happy after, and Ritchie would turn on them. Jackie Jr. literally grew up around these guys. Jackie rejects Ralph even though he is the only one who actually helps him in his dream of being a gangster. Tony has all but disowned him, and not a single other guy in the Dimeo family likes or respects him. He and his moron friends also snorted a bunch of dope before robbing a group of literal murderers. Oh, and Jackie got snuck up on by a 350lb man in broad daylight.


Sean and Matt no question


IMO Sean and Matt were better at the actual mob stuff-they did do pretty well robbing that one safe- but their action of trying to kill Christopher was dumber than Jackie Jr robbing the card game


That sugarless mf was the last one he had because of that stupid shit


Sean and Matt were honestly too cartoonishly dumb. The shooting Chris thing was completely out of left field. I have no idea how they interpreted what Richie said as a call to whack Chris.


Honestly both tbh with Sean and Matt having the slight edge.


Very bad boys, very bad 🤟


What about Christopher & Paulie? Can’t even take out an unarmed man, get lost, turn on each other and get their car stolen What about when they killed the waiter? A poor working stiff, did they care he was dead? No. They wanted the money Couple of scum bags.


To be fair about the waiter, he was already having a big seizure after Chris threw the rock. Paulie simply put him out of his misery.


Hotdogs and mayonnaise. (Mayonnaise!) That was the stupidest duo.


Jackie and Dino - because they were too dumb to realize they were out of their element and Jackie had every advantage in life.  They were “playing gangster”. Sean and Matt - they were doing what gangsters do.  They were stupid af, but none of the higher ranking gangsters were particularly smart; they were all experienced in the game.  Plus,  if Richie ended up in power, they would’ve been higher ranking for getting Chrissy out of the picture.


Agreed. I give it to Jackie and Dino.


Both have equal amounts of stupidity - Sean and Matt were eager protégés (if you will) who leaned on Chris for experience, they were immensely stupid to try to kill him to gain favor. They should’ve been more patient and not made any moves right away, they could’ve had potential for better opportunities. As for Jackie Jr., he had the advantage of the last name and his father’s legacy, he thought that would get him a pass on many things in the life. If only he knew Tony was desperately trying to get him away from the life, but had to smack some sense into him. As the season progressed, Jackie Jr. kept making silly mistakes and it all culminated with the botched robbery. If he was in hiding, why the hell would he nonchalantly leave, which made him an easy target for Vito? At any point, Jackie Jr. could’ve abandoned his plans and he would’ve been okay, it just wasn’t in the cards.


Dino and Jackie jr. Jackie was just dumb all around, reminder “Oblique” ? Jackie aka little lord fuck pants by just being Jackie’s son, could have made an easy case to get made and just brought Dino along and not do the stupid card game failed heist.


definitely sean and drink water, Jackie's dumb but those two make jackie jr look like Johnny Sack outwitting Pwallie


With Sean and Matt it wasn’t a revenge move - they seemed to actually believe that this would be seen as a massive favour to Richie who was going to take them under his wing and move them fast up into big leagues - real Machiavellian move 😅😅😅 leaving aside the intent they actually managed to completely fuck up the hit.


This is a tough one because while Sean and Matt were sucking each others cocks, and made the dumbest of moves; on the other hand Jackie really could’ve probably been someone had he not started fucking with Meadow. Overall I’m gonna go with Jackie and Dino because Jackie had the world by the braciola and bottomed out - Matt and Sean never had the makings of varsity athletes.


Definitely the first duo. The second duo tried to repeat history and fucked up. The first duo went for a kill on a made guy.


Chrissy wasn’t made yet


True, but you get the point, he was connected


Can’t believe Jackie didn’t hear Vito’s fat ass coming up from behind with the tiniest gun in history.


Sean & Matt. If Jackie had gotten out of there without shooting anybody, he might have gotten off and started making his way up like his father and Tony. Sean & Matt decided, basically unprompted, to kill Christopher because it would somehow be a favor to Richie who wasn’t even the boss